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So Next Warframe Guy...


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Bit harsh my friend no? Ive enjoyed the likes of Atlas greatly, its hard to make truly unique frames when theres so many but they still are THE most desired content with every update. I think theres so much on the plate its less frames and more a unwinnable community thats stretching them thin...


I haven't personally tried Atlas, but I've heard he's quite fun to play. My main complaint with him is simply that he doesn't add anything to the game as a whole. Think about Warframes like Trinity and Loki... whether you like or dislike them, their existence is really essential to the game as a whole. Atlas, on the other hand.... just sort of exists. He doesn't benefit Warframe.


I do agree that at this late stage, it's quite hard to find new niches to fill with Warframes, and they've probably covered almost all the essentials. But honestly, I think that's fine - our current roster is more than enough. No need to force it and produce redundant Warframes.


Yes, the playerbase is quite divided on their demands. I personally love Archwing, and would love to see it developed more, but there's a very vocal group that complains and rants every time it receives any attention at all because of their dislike for it.



Stopped reading after this, so much salt in this comment


Er... salt? Prime Warframes have the same powers as regular ones... so they're little more than a skin. Therefore Saryn Prime isn't as large of a drain on development resources like a brand new Warframe is. There's 0% salt in that. I guess when you only read one sentence of the post it's hard to glean any kind of context.

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Yeah, DE is consistently focused on what's coming next, only paying a passing glance to things that have come before.

PBR for everyone, acquisition Quests for the old Warframes, more Augments, Deluxe Skins/Helmets for everyone, more regular power balances and revamps - is there anything about this that doesn't sound amazing?

Instead, we get Warframes like Wukong, Atlas, and Nezha. Sure they might be fun, and then they collect dust in your arsenal. Their existence is a continued drain on developer time. They address Warframes cyclically, and that cycle gets longer with each frivolous addition. Any player that was unhappy with Saryn's revamp will have to wait at least a year before it's her turn to be looked at again. They get stretched thinner and their focus is more divided with each addition to the roster.

That's why I want them to just stop making Warframes. Unless they truly are struck with inspiration, and have an idea that will bring something completely new and fresh to the game.

I agree with you 100%

They could definately benefit from less focus on creating new frames, especially given how many we've received recently.

Reworks, tweaks, and polish please!

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But before wukong was atlas no? Making it male-male-female-male for the last four?


Regardless though, DE will eventually balance out the pattern again, it's already been brought to their attention enough by the playerbase to be forgotten.

Personally I think that Atlas-Wukong issue in regards to release pattern is present due to major uproar about chinaframes exclusivity here on forums
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Personally I think that Atlas-Wukong issue in regards to release pattern is present due to major uproar about chinaframes exclusivity here on forums

I find it attributes more to the lack of a female china frame (we got two male) so that causes a little fuss with gender patterns myself, but regardless a chink in the pattern is a chink in the pattern.

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Why is the male/female pattern even an issue? banshee and saryn already destroyed the 'pattern' so why is it an issue now?



And toggleable invisibility without repercussions is op, Duration is completely fine

I think a nice tweak would be the ability to turn invis off. Don't have enough time left to hack that one panel? toggle off and recast and we're good to go. not exactly a toggled ability, but doesn't make it indefinite 

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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Yeah, DE is consistently focused on what's coming next, only paying a passing glance to things that have come before.


PBR for everyone, acquisition Quests for the old Warframes, more Augments, Deluxe Skins/Helmets for everyone, more regular power balances and revamps - is there anything about this that doesn't sound amazing?


Instead, we get Warframes like Wukong, Atlas, and Nezha. Sure they might be fun, and then they collect dust in your arsenal. Their existence is a continued drain on developer time. They address Warframes cyclically, and that cycle gets longer with each frivolous addition. Any player that was unhappy with Saryn's revamp will have to wait at least a year before it's her turn to be looked at again. They get stretched thinner and their focus is more divided with each addition to the roster.


That's why I want them to just stop making Warframes. Unless they truly are struck with inspiration, and have an idea that will bring something completely new and fresh to the game.


PBR for everyone, acquisition Quests for the old Warframes, more Augments, Deluxe Skins/Helmets for everyone, more regular power balances and revamps - is there anything about this that doesn't sound amazing?


Except everything you listed is coming


-The next deluxe skin is Trinity

-Atlas and Equinox's augments are being made

-Mag is the next reworked frame along with various frame changes such as Bladestorm and Volt's Overload buff/

-PBR is always being pumped out.



Instead, we get Warframes like Wukong, Atlas, and Nezha. Sure they might be fun, and then they collect dust in your arsenal. Their existence is a continued drain on developer time. They address Warframes cyclically, and that cycle gets longer with each frivolous addition. Any player that was unhappy with Saryn's revamp will have to wait at least a year before it's her turn to be looked at again. They get stretched thinner and their focus is more divided with each addition to the roster.


Now you're just putting words in other''s mouths. If you don't like the frames, that's fine. However to even assert that their existence is draining developer's time is ridiculous. With the introduction of New frames DE raises their creative bar and allows for older frames to be brought up to standard, you're seemingly missing that.


-Ivara opened up a con of worms interms of how abilities can be fitted onto skills.

-Equinox built upon what Chroma started intemrs of energy color then showed how a frame can have 2 different skillsets.

-Atlas introduced the combo counter which has been slotted into 2 other frames at this point, likely more will benefit off it.



That's why I want them to just stop making Warframes. Unless they truly are struck with inspiration, and have an idea that will bring something completely new and fresh to the game.


Warframe stops making Warframes. I'm sorry but that's just a really poor idea, especially from a business stand point. The Major highlight of every update is the warframe introduced with it.


Even so, While Wukong certainly lacks in the creatively side, Nehza introduced a bunch of new toys to work with. So that's very opinionated.

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Except everything you listed is coming


-The next deluxe skin is Trinity

-Atlas and Equinox's augments are being made

-Mag is the next reworked frame along with various frame changes such as Bladestorm and Volt's Overload buff/

-PBR is always being pumped out.


True, but it could doubtlessly be done quicker if development of new Warframes was halted? The rate at which Warframes have received PBR is laughable, and how long did it take for Trinity to get her cloth physics? It seems like updating the old Warframes is more of a pet project on the side, and the new Warframes are at the forefront of all their efforts.



Now you're just putting words in other''s mouths. If you don't like the frames, that's fine. However to even assert that their existence is draining developer's time is ridiculous. With the introduction of New frames DE raises their creative bar and allows for older frames to be brought up to standard, you're seemingly missing that.


Their existence is obviously a drain of developer time. Unlike a weapon that - once released - can be forgotten about, a Warframe is an ongoing effort. Augments have to be made, Alt helmets have to be designed, and more close attention to balance and revamps has to be paid.



Warframe stops making Warframes. I'm sorry but that's just a really poor idea, especially from a business stand point. The Major highlight of every update is the warframe introduced with it.


Even so, While Wukong certainly lacks in the creatively side, Nehza introduced a bunch of new toys to work with. So that's very opinionated.


What's wrong if Warframe stops making Warframes? Obviously the ones that exist will continue to do so, it's not as if they're being removed. From a business standpoint, I feel as though deluxe skins probably make more money, since they can't be obtained in-game without plat. If they were released much more frequently, I doubt they'd be losing much money. It's true that it's often a highlight of an update, but so to is a revamp of an older Warframe. I think people were just as excited - if not moreso - for Excal's revamp than any brand new Warframe. It's not as if hype would die off.


I don't feel as if Nezha introduced anything significant to the game. 

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True, but it could doubtlessly be done quicker if development of new Warframes was halted? The rate at which Warframes have received PBR is laughable, and how long did it take for Trinity to get her cloth physics? It seems like updating the old Warframes is more of a pet project on the side, and the new Warframes are at the forefront of all their efforts.


New things are always going to be the fore front of of developments, because New things is how you attract players to the game. No new player cares that an ability is being buffed or this weapon is being nerfed, but they'll certainly oogle at the shiny new weapon in the sotre.


Revamping older things is important however depending on the degree of it, it might as well be counted as a new addition to the game (See parkour 2.0 Hype site)



Their existence is obviously a drain of developer time. Unlike a weapon that - once released - can be forgotten about, a Warframe is an ongoing effort. Augments have to be made, Alt helmets have to be designed, and more close attention to balance and revamps has to be paid.



Considering that weapon balance is just as important as warframe balance, "ignoring weapons" is not going to happen as is going to take development time. Weapon can't simply be "forgotten" about as that how you create imbalance.  Also, they can ignore a frame as easily as they can ignore a weapon, see Limbo with over a year has gone by and he has yet to be touched.


Also as said before New Warfrmaes bring possibility of introducing new mechanics which can be applied to older warframes.



What's wrong if Warframe stops making Warframes? Obviously the ones that exist will continue to do so, it's not as if they're being removed. From a business standpoint, I feel as though deluxe skins probably make more money, since they can't be obtained in-game without plat. If they were released much more frequently, I doubt they'd be losing much money. It's true that it's often a highlight of an update, but so to is a revamp of an older Warframe. I think people were just as excited - if not moreso - for Excal's revamp than any brand new Warframe. It's not as if hype would die off.


I don't feel as if Nezha introduced anything significant to the game. 


First skins are just that-skins.


This is not TF2, where players crave more hats. So I highly doubt skins are going to outsell Warframes, considering DE's major money maker is Prime Access which is centered around a prime Warframe.  Also skins add little depth to gameplay than a new warframe. You also already know if you like the skin based off what it's on, If i'm not going to use Rhino, why bother even buy his skin? However Ivara has a cornucopia of interesting things to worth you giving up plat or farming her.

Skins are not going to outsell warframes, Skins are not going to generate large revenues from Prime access, no matter how many you pump out. While some Warframes have very little to them (interms of new mechanics) they add alot more to the game than skins.



Also Warframe updates being made without introduction of a major warframe, from  a marketing standpoint, is going to feel very strange. And ignoring the fact tthat this game is constantly focused on aquring new Warrames, no new warframe is a bad idea.

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Yeah, of course weapons need to be balanced regularly. I suppose all I meant was that it's not quite as pervasive of a problem for them, and usualy just involves tweaking numbers; it's not as much of a timesink as a Warframe revamp usually is. Plus people care in general about Warframe balance and revamps than weapon ones.


Obviously there are still a lot of Prime Warframes left to be made, and I have no problems with them continuing to be produced. Therefore, Prime Access could proceed as normal, it would be unaffected.


Personally, I've never spent money on a Warframe (except Saryn when I was first starting and didn't know better) but I've spent lots of money on skins. I'm sure there are many players like me; spending that ridiculous amount of plat on any Warframe that can be easily farmed has always struck me as insanity. Although recently they seem to be addressing this point by simply making them not so easy to farm... but that's another discussion.


It only feels strange until it happens. Nezha parts being tradable and only available from Sorties feels strange. But that's a thing. Anyway, we've both spoken our minds, I feel. I'm okay with people disagreeing with me.

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Let's see here....

- Typhus gets released.

- They found out it's the same case as Zephyr and Chroma.

- Typhus fanbois beast mode and cry on the forums.

- I'm gonna laugh for hard... yes, it's worth the wait.


inb4 samurai frame.



lol so true...wait wut?


HIo5O71.gif  whats wrong with mah waifu zephyr? -.-
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-space saved-

No problem agreeing to disagree. Glad to have the discussion.


However Nehza being tradable is likely because she drops from sorties and we do them once a day so any eventual duplicates can be theoretically traded for parts you have yet to received.

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I don't know why people complain for a free to play epic game. Like if you've paid attention the last few full updates have evolved them reworking past frames as well as bringing new content frames weapons etc, the second dream was awesome they work hard on thay I'm glad to get more lore they have already said they are going focus on cinematic quests which will be good it sort of gives the game purpose. I'm sure they have a ton of frames in the works

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