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I Really Do Suck At This Game And Don't Deserve My Mr


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I almost did the survival thing recently. 


I was testing a Volt melee build and was a doing a void endurance run solo on T4 Survival. 


Was doing fine going along great and a couple minutes away from 40. I had only lost one revive due to a silly mistake, and was planning to see just how far I could go. Probably could have made it to 60 no problem. 


So I'm just smashing away with my Jat + Shocking Speed and owning mobs left and right, and next thing I know, my life support has gone to zero and I have to race to extraction. Sure I made it in time barely, but I felt so embarrassed missing out on even reaching 40 and failing my endurance test because I was too busy killing mobs to remember to pop a LS capsule. 



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When I am in a sortie spy mission beware if I am in it as there is a good chance I will screwup somewhere along the way and fail the mission. Yet when I do them alone I beat the in record completely flawlessly. I just can't put a finger on why this happens to me....

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I'm the guy...



1 can French Onion Soup

1 can Cream of Mushroom

1 can Cream of Chicken

1 can vegetable soup

1 heaping tablespoon garlic

1 whole chicken.


Put everything in slow-cooker on low, and come back 8 hours later.  Flip the chicken over every hour or so if the fluid doesn't cover it all.






Thank you!¨

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As your Warlord, I approve. Slow cooked chicken is far more important than unnecessary airtanks for your warframe/drone that doesn't breathe. 


There's always another T4 key.


I still prefer beer-can chicken. Just remember Tenno, use your Ignis, not your Nukor. Microwaves and metal do not mix well.


Next time on Ars Tenno moments, getting that Rad proc while using the Kulstar and taking out the whole cell.


Good times.

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I'm the guy...



1 can French Onion Soup

1 can Cream of Mushroom

1 can Cream of Chicken

1 can vegetable soup

1 heaping tablespoon garlic

1 whole chicken.


Put everything in slow-cooker on low, and come back 8 hours later.  Flip the chicken over every hour or so if the fluid doesn't cover it all.

Probably the most useful bit of information I've ever gotten from these forums. 10/10

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I'm the guy...



1 can French Onion Soup

1 can Cream of Mushroom

1 can Cream of Chicken

1 can vegetable soup

1 heaping tablespoon garlic

1 whole chicken.


Put everything in slow-cooker on low, and come back 8 hours later.  Flip the chicken over every hour or so if the fluid doesn't cover it all.


Tyvm I might give it a try :v


Honestly Sortie can get boring at times so it happens OP


Derp the herp.


Edit: darn double post. sorry about that ^-^;


Mod can ye merge this post atop? Thnks.

Edited by Fionntan
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I'm the guy...



1 can French Onion Soup

1 can Cream of Mushroom

1 can Cream of Chicken

1 can vegetable soup

1 heaping tablespoon garlic

1 whole chicken.


Put everything in slow-cooker on low, and come back 8 hours later.  Flip the chicken over every hour or so if the fluid doesn't cover it all.

My mouth just started watering.


I haven't failed a mission in Warframe due to food pr0n, but it has happened in other games.  XD

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Thinking back the other day of how unbelievably stupid I've been in playing this game some days...


For example there was the time my clan and I were on a T4DT4Survival, we saw the timer was ticking down to 20 mins... at 19 minutes we started heading towards the exit... We all stood on the exit tile at 19:55 >.<


But this one takes the cake, you know over the weekend there was the Corpus sortie survival? It was tough but not hard, we're all MR20 and 21. We've decided on the best team composition, we're all running good end game weapons. The clan has its own teamspeak server too so we're all completely in sync and communicate with each other well. We're literally killing the corpus by the boat load. Mag is polarizing the S#&$ out of them, Trinity is energy vampiring and ablating the link so we're never short of energy or shields, Nova is molecular priming them all so the explosions from polarize all around could blow the whole station apart if the physics engine allowed it and finally we're all sitting in the frosts stupidly strong bubble. We're set beyond belief.


Then one of the guys mentions his slow cooker chicken. Oh man we all start talking about how amazing slow cooking is.What recipe did he use, how the meat just fell off the bones of the chicken and how much more meat he got from cooking the chicken that way. We start trading recipes as we kill everything, we start playing the game even more on autopilot. I mean I'm not saying the challenge doesn't exist in the new sorties, but if you're careful with the team composition then you're set. At this point we're all shooting, polarizing, priming, ev'ing and bubbling, you know... making a complete mess of the corpus. We're not even really trying as long as we're careful. We're far more interested in talking about slow cooker recipes and how easy it is to grow herbs in a window planter in the kitchen so you always have fresh herbs to hand...


Next thing we know MISSION FAILED WHAT? Oh... we forgot to pop tanks. I really don't deserve to be a Grandmaster Founder at MR21 we really are idiots in my clan some days... sigh. >.<

Ask an admin if he/she can derank you. Allowing you to re-do the test in like after 2 weeks. In that meantime...better learn how to properly pop tanks dude ;P

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Lemme join your clan.

I'm not even kidding. Endgame content, tactical play, a voice client, AND food porn? I am ten types of down, and I have a killer pasta slowcooker meal that literally only requires a slowcooker and a cutting board for prep.

Yeah, take me.


I'll make MLG Nachos....

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Lemme join your clan.

I'm not even kidding. Endgame content, tactical play, a voice client, AND food porn? I am ten types of down, and I have a killer pasta slowcooker meal that literally only requires a slowcooker and a cutting board for prep.


Yeah, take me.


I'll make MLG Nachos....


Me too o/


I uh... can share some rice mixtures :v


(Although don't wanna leave my current clan, maybe an alliance option?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lemme join your clan.

I'm not even kidding. Endgame content, tactical play, a voice client, AND food porn? I am ten types of down, and I have a killer pasta slowcooker meal that literally only requires a slowcooker and a cutting board for prep.

Only requirement is that you post on the Ars Technica forums. 

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While at work, I check out the forums every now and then in my downtime.


Now I'm looking at slow-cooker chicken recipes in my uptime. So delicious and tender, and you get so much more food by slow cooking, like you said.

I'm going to go to the grocery store when I get off and prep one to toss in the slow cooker when I wake up.


Man, by 5 o clock tomorrow, I'll be in heaven.


Great thread. 10/10

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