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Coming Soon: Devstream #67!


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Welp, got to this thread obscenely late it looks like, but here goes nothing:


Will you consider making

Focus (do we still need to use these...?)

a system that demands more interaction from the player?


What we have now is basically a universal 5th ability on an unnecessarily long cooldown timer that mostly just gates access to passives. From what I hear Naramon makes melee a lot more viable, but it honestly pains me to think of what is supposed to be an end-game system being used as yet another band-aid for a class of weapons that are falling behind in the current balance scheme of the game. Sitting around waiting for a cooldown to refresh is about as dull as can be, and I think many of us have come to expect a bit more ingenuity from you guys in general. 


Will you consider changing


actives so that they don't overlap with Warframe abilities?


Our little spectral form is cool and all, but the transition from controlling a super-powered suit to just kind of floating around is kind of jarring and a little unwelcome. It'd be nice to keep the pacing at least similar if not the same, and to have triggering an active feel like a legitimate super-mode where the emphasis is what you can get done while it's going rather than what you can get done once it ends. Bonus points for implementing things that help evoke the distinct combat philosophies a little more clearly.

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So, Once upon a time we had the PhysX particles. And then that got removed and replaced by the "Flow system" is there any possible chance that the "new" particles could be a but more "sparkely"? if that make sense.


It's just kind of sad that there is next to no particles in the game anymore, And it would be nice to have an option to turn something "Extra" on if your pc can handle the increase of effects. It would mean the world to get this question answered.

Edited by Xarantur
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Q: what is the current status of DE now that the chinese bought the stocks? What will change? 


Q: What is the future of weapons and multishot?  

Comment: weapon mods and overall weapons need to be rebalanced or reworked. The warframes are amazing and are almost balanced (except for a few details)


Q: Will there be a volt skin?

Comment: As a volt main, i really want it...


Q: Will the Forum Warframe Typhus be coming this year?

Edited by Boydkarrys
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When will we see improvements to stealth? I'm hoping that, sometime in the future, we will have some way of hiding from enemies to wait for a detection phase to pass, which is a staple of stealth mechanics that's really missing here.


Do you think you will remove or overhaul deception missions? They're the most boring mission type in the game.


Also, despite supposedly changing the way that the waypoint works in exterminate missions to fix backtracking, I'm still finding myself backtracking just as much as before. The spawning system is at fault here more than anything.

Edited by BaroqueWolf
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What ever happened with the idea proposed some time ago with Dark Swords and the linked pair. There was concept art shown during a past dev stream.

When can we start planning for a new Prime Access? Will that be 18.5?

What frame is that in the picture advertising this dev stream?

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I have 2 questions:


#1: Umbra Excalibur - The Umbra Excalibur appears to be stronger than Excalibur Prime. Is Excalibur Prime going to receive any upgrades, or will Excalibur Prime eventually become the second best Excalibur? Also Excalibur Umbra: When?


#2: Syndicate Melees - Given the trend, I think many people are expecting Syndicate Melees at this point. Is there any ETA?


Thanks again for the great game!

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1) can adjust the stalker appear chance? Stalker not find me for whole week even I get many warning letter form him. Like after receive letter, stalker will appear within 3day from the letter send?

2) new prime frame will be release on when? Will it have pair item like frost prime pair with reaper prime and latron prime?

3) more archwing mission pls. If can put archwing mission into sortie. Enjoy playing archwing. By the way, please adjust the experice of archwing can get from 1 mission, duo to capacity of archwing mod is high, we need to input forma and need retrain again.

4) about stance vengeful revanant, can add more mob to drop it? It too hard to farm because 1 round only appear 1 or 2.

Hope DE can answer all question Above. Thanks DE.

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Question 1. Will there be more Dojo Decorations Incoming guys?


Question 2. May there be a Possibility that Clan Warlords have a Permission so that they can type some kind of text, with the function of the Red Text, but with a Different Color please? So that it will Automatically pops up the Clan Chat Screen for the Rest of the Clan. Of Course it will not be for every line written. Thanks :)


Thanks guys ;)

Edited by -AT-AnnunakalFrahir
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Here are a few questions i have.  

1  Will there be any option or possibility for syndicate skins as rewards.

2  Will there be an option to purchase the skins for weapons in the bundles separately.  

3  is there a booster to increase mod drop rates for stances and other rare items or is it just the luck of the tenno.  

4  is it possible to address the foundry to allow it to take contributions like the research in the dojo and reducing the need for the amount of items that only drop possibly once during a mission.  

5  can we get reworks on chroma for his last power looking like a butterfly instead of having wings like a demon or dragon.  

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Will you ever make a more reliable way to get energy from enemies?


When multiple complete sets of augments are available for most of the frames, are we still going to have to pick and choose what goes into

the limited space, or will you create separate slots we can acquire or unlock in some way?


I noticed the polearm stances only had one combo.


I'm not sure if Mag is a magnetism frame of a shield frame given what she's good at, is your rework going to better define her role?


Can you quit trying to salvage Nekros current kit and just rebuild him from the ground, making his summons a passive that are always with him?


Stances need to quit being rare mods at the very least; they have become an integral part of a melee weapon.


Status chance update or tweaks?

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Now that Trinity finally has her Deluxe skin will the Design team finally have time to re-look at the older Warframes (Frost/Prime, Volt) who were promised their model update regarding, the most coveted, Cloth Physics?

I feel that I ask this question in various forms every time this particular thread emerges and I never seem to get an answer. I understand that I'm a single voice in a sea of millions but this particular issue was brought up early in 2015 stating that Trinity, Frost, and Volt would be looked at for model updates. So far Trinity has been the only one to recieve this promise. Can you shed any light on the subject?

And as always thank you for making such an enjoyable and well made experience that is Warframe.

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