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Coming Soon: Devstream #68


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Since the Strun Wraith was buffed, could the Boar Prime have the nerfs reversed back when the shotgun buffs went live, or at least get other buffs too? I'd love to have the Boar Prime be on par with the other shotties as the high RoF, status inducing shotty.

Edited by Kisuno
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With paid revives gone and tons more cosmetics than there were when open beta started, are there any plans to visit other old paid mechanics like inventory slots? I'm not against spending platinum, but it feels better when the thing I'm buying is an actual reward (a new item, cosmetic or otherwise) rather than the (temporary) removal of an existing restriction.


Are there any plans to expand syndicates? New weapon mods, melee weapons, cosmetics (syndicate armor?), maybe even some quests or Clem-style weekly missions? They have the potential to be a really interesting facet of the Warframe universe, and I'd love to see it realized.


Ditto all that for Archwings. I'd love to see Archwing missions in the Void.


Any plans for more Corpus weapons in categories where they don't have a lot? In particular we have no real Corpus shotguns (sorry Convectrix) and, while I'm being selfish, I'd love to see a Corpus katana--maybe a plasma/laser blade, or something in the vein of Metal Gear Rising's high-frequency blades. A sword-and-board combo to match the Dendra armor set could also be a cool idea.


Also, can Chroma get a third augment mod? He's kind of the odd man out right now.

Edited by NinthAria
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With the parkour 2.0 system out since u17, will we see the comeback of some old tiles removed from the game time ago (navigation problems maybe?)?


Here is two examples i remember:


Grineer asteroid: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/b/b6/2013-07-06_00037.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130706151207


Void: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/3/35/2013-05-24_00015.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130523232313


         http://i.ytimg.com/vi/C8RRp-oI2rc/maxresdefault.jpg (this one was the raid tile, it would be nice if it will be readded as a normal tile)

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not much but a few things ive been wanting to ask

1) focus 'temples' in relays where we could do a themed daily challenge to gain focus or meditate there for a focus and something else buff

madurai, 10% focus buff and a 3 second burn for x%weapon damage

zenurik ""                     "" and a 5 percent efficiency buff etc,etc.... 

2) support weapon love?

3)healing gun?

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Focus resets when? I have over a million focus in that terrible unairu focus tree that would gratly appreciate being able to use somewhere else.

Also while we are on the topic of focus, how expansive are these trees going to be? There is deffinately more "perks" to come right?

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What is the status of the Chesa Kubrow Retrieve function fix as well as the fix of all kubrow problems in general? It has been over 6 months since the Chesa was introduced and it still doesn't work correctly. Please see the following thread for discussion and history thus far. The thread currently has 34,878 views so the topic is clearly important to players.




I just want the viable alternative to King Carrier that was promised so I can finally have some variety with equipped companions without feeling like I am going to miss drops.

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Will there be QoL improvements provided to older melee weapons (and their stances) in the future? (Stances, especially, since many of the older melee weapon stances aren't as fun to use compared to the newer ones due to poor quality animations and a lack of distinct combos.)

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-Syndicate melees?


-Next tileset? Hint?


-Next Warframe sneakpeak?


-Next deluxe skin sneakpeak?


-Banshee deluxe?


-Edit: Will we ever get a rainforest/forest tileset, or perhaps a volcanic wasteland (Sort of like Mustafar in Star Wars III)


-Scythe rework, pretty please?





In case you don't know what I'm talking about as of the "lava" tileset, here is a pic I found on the internet.



Edited by _Kazun_
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I hope you guys are going to give some hints about the next tileset, I'm super curious about what's coming next.


And also... any plans to rework/expand the Dojo? Architect UI? New rooms? Regular props from common tilesets as Dojo decorations?

Fixing the stupid loki trophy in dojo

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1.What is progres on Void 2.0?

2.When is Void 2.0 going to happen?

3.Did Stalker slau.... ahem kil... AHEM.... "met" with Baro Ki'Tier while we were fighting Acolytes?


P.S. DON'T make me (us 10o) go save Baro, or atleast give us oportunity to KILL HIM if Stalker didn't do it.



Edited by HawkBlade94
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What is the next tileset in the works?  Will it include Archwing integration like Uranus' tileset?


Are there plans to integrate archwing into existing tilesets, like Archwing down the red canyons of Phobos/Mars or under the canopies of Earth's Orokin jungles?


When will enemies getting PBRed?


For that matter, when is Excalibur Prime getting PBRed?

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Will you ever revisit the problem with the sniper ammo pool? I really want to use both my Kulstar and Rakta Cernos but the sniper ammo split just ruins it and doesn't make sense to not replace the pistol ammo with sniper ammo when we aren't using a pistol.

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