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Last Straw With Valkyr Players


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As a frost main, I see more of a problem with the frost you were running with then the 2 valkyrs.  Of course the frost bubble gets instantly shot down, that's because your frost was ignorant of the fact that frost's snowglobes stack damn near infinitely, (everybody forgets this, no matter how far I go, nobody seems to know this), paired with a high armor+high strength build, your frost should have been spamming snowglobes to keep you and himself and the objective alive so the valkyrs can dispatch the enemies . Yes the afker was a bad thing, but if your shotgun can't effectively deal with crowds of sortie enemies, that's a problem with your build, especially since you were a slowva, molecular p should have turned the enemies into tissue paper, and if you couldn't deal with weak+slow enemies, then you're definitely not ready for sorties. 


Also, just because you had a bad sortie, isn't an excuse for unnecessary changes (nerfs).

Although i havent played with many frosts, so your experience seeing this probably has a lot more people in it, but most of the frosts I play with(myself included) spam globe to stack the hp

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Although i havent played with many frosts, so your experience seeing this probably has a lot more people in it, but most of the frosts I play with(myself included) spam globe to stack the hp

It's weird, whenever I run defense or interception missions with somebody using frost, I tell them that snowglobes stack, and the first thing they do is tell me I'm wrong because frost can only cast four snowglobes.

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Or, we can concentrate on frames that are still dated and would actually benefit from reworks. Frames that actually need attention, and mechanics that are still buggy, as mentioned before, something like Stealth, which still suffers from the dreaded "Hive Mind" problem. Maybe even a few more weapons could get some attention. That would be nice, right? I've never once in my time on Warframe seen someone attempt to use the Broncos, aside from myself, and the Lato, even for a starter weapon, is completely worthless, and the Kohm's damage is still neutered hard, even if it's still my favorite weapon.


So, let's try and concentrate on things that actually need reworking, instead of the one ability a tank frame has to be a true tank at high levels, yeah? Might help things move along.

Edited by (PS4)Unonemous
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Or, we can concentrate on frames that are still dated and would actually benefit from reworks. Frames that actually need attention, and mechanics that are still buggy, as mentioned before, something like Stealth, which still suffers from the dreaded "Hive Mind" problem. Maybe even a few more weapons could get some attention. That would be nice, right? I've never once in my time on Warframe seen someone attempt to use the Broncos, aside from myself, and the Lato, even for a starter weapon, is completely worthless, and the Kohm's damage is still neutered hard, even if it's still my favorite weapon.


So, let's try and concentrate on things that actually need reworking, instead of the one ability a tank frame has to be a true tank at high levels, yeah? Might help things move along.

yea the most ive seen people any form of the broncos was when the akbronco prime was released

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Invulnerability is stupid OP. Not being able to use guns is not a downside for such a gamebreaking effect, especially since Hysteria outdamages all guns by a huge amount.

It's a pretty damn big downside. Valkyr sacrifices all range, all AoE, and can only hit one target at a time with her Hysteria active. Her Invulnerability is not OP

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Main problem here is not Hysteria, it's the Grineer units. Try going afk vs Corpus or Infested and you are dead and in general the mission is much harder. As it stands only the Grineer are lacking a Nullifier style unit to combat such tactics, perhaps either bringing in a new unit type or adding the Nullifier drones from NM LoR is the solution.

Also OP, I'm staggered that your AMD couldn't kill anything, I don't think you're charging it right. One blast from my Sancti Tigris causes it to do millions of damage and basically annihilates anything in any Sortie mission save a lvl 100 Juggernaut.

You had bad players as well, I did the Sortie with my Ash Prime and an MR8 Valkyr who dutifully revived the VIP constantly while I bladestormed everything to death. Sounds like you had a bad Frost and a bad Valkyr in your game.

Edited by Zilchy
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so you want a frame to be reworked Again just because you got matched with some bad players? REALLY? you're clearly frustrated, and not thinking clearly at all. it's the AFK players fault, not the frame.


come back when you're less stressed and able to give more constructive feedback, rage threads help nobody.

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I never understand these arguments. This isn't a PvP game guys, screaming for a nerf because some one is able to take on a mission while you die in 3 bullets is kind of dumb. How else are you going to beat that mission if they nerf them, then you won't have people carrying your butt.


Also, why is it only this game. In Diablo 3, if a class is OP every one just plays that class, they don't cry for nerfs.

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It's a way to cheese the game sure, but the game itself is pretty cheesy too.  Ridiculously high scaling forces you to either god-mode or CC the hell out of everything.  Enemies shouldn't be able to down you with 2-3 shots, i've gotten to a point where i've taken off Vitality and Redirection as by the time you actually need them, they're useless anyways.

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I want to add also that while she is invulnerable, she can't kill that fast. Sure she'll cut them down if they're in a clump but if they're spread out there's other frames that will just do it far better. She's great against single targets and for Survival but in that defense mission the Valkyr that accompanied me was scratching away with her claws and my Ash with zero forma managed 93% of the total damage for the mission, with the Valkyr thanking me for the carry. Also with a Nova you should be doing far more damage, it makes me wonder if you charge your AMD as you should be easily tearing apart any target in that mission.

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I never want to witness this again. 


You don't have to witness it if you do not play with pugs. It seems the biggest issue you have. Try playing with friends and Clan mates and you should have a much money enjoyable game time.

Now although i dislike when people do leave, and this is the same reason i usually play solo over randoms. You can never know why someone have to leave, for all intent and purposes that individual leaving may have a very legit reason for doing so. It is annoying and it is being abused by a lot of people. But taking your anger out on a Frame that are in my opinion in a much worse spot than the one you yourself was using "Nova" and the competent other player "Frost" is no correct way of solving a problem.

And your problem are obvious leechers, is it easier to leech with Valky. Yes, but being a frame that is easy to leech with is no reason to "fix" said frame.

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You lose becuz the player is dumb.

Why dont you blame the frost? He bring no CP. Also, do you even know how shield work? It is up for at least 4 second to absorb damage as hp, then hold for another few second. Instantly pop shield, YOU ARE LYING.

also consider this, stand in front of you are three $&*&*#(%&. Are you sincerely want them to use something weak so you have revive them every other second?

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I never understand these arguments. This isn't a PvP game guys, screaming for a nerf because some one is able to take on a mission while you die in 3 bullets is kind of dumb. How else are you going to beat that mission if they nerf them, then you won't have people carrying your butt.


Also, why is it only this game. In Diablo 3, if a class is OP every one just plays that class, they don't cry for nerfs.

trust me its not just warframe, but in diablo 3 its probably one of 3 reasons

1.People like every class, and are refreshed to play the new "OP" class in insert season number here

2.because balance isnt important to those people and they just play whatever is the best

3. or the people like me who play what they want and optimize it as much as possible and still have a ton of fun

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There is also a lot of people not understanding the core of the problem and are instead blaming it on one thing.

Valkyr may be Invincible, but that is almost everything she has. She sports a weak traversal skill with poor damage, a buff that only effects player focused on melee attacks and/or high armored frames, it will debuff enemies decently but it is way to costly to keep up using it often. A weak stun that deals pitiful damage and at best is saved by the low energy cost. And then Hysteria.

A lot of people do not like that she is invincible, neither do i. But i do recognize the problem rather than blaming that she is invincible and being happy with it.

The problem is that a lot of frame offer damage resistance one way or another or Invulnerability.

Chroma has a better kit than Valkyr and he can get 98.66% self damage resistance and a nice damage bonus while taking health damage.

Trinity can offer 99,35% group wide damage resistance if you are self damage.

Nova can offer 75% DPs decrease on hostiles.

So compared to Chroma, how would you balance Valkyr and still give a frame with worse ability's a decent damage resistance in a tool that already offers more limitation than the other one has. Would valkyr be ok @ 99% Damage resistance?

Or where are we to draw the line. The problem is not that a lot of people are not willing for a change, sadly Valkyr has been pushed into a corner where all she has is Invulnerability and high melee damage.

But besides that she has nothing and if you do a direct comparison with Chroma and Valkyr. The only reason to take Valkyr over Chroma would be for that one and only thing, because everything else he does better.

Now i am off course not saying Chromas kit is awesome. But i am saying that his overall kit is hell of a lot better than Valkyr's.

Edited by Hellmaker2004
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Regardless of how Valkyr plays, one reason I choose her for high level missions is you can't rely on your teammates not to be total wankers.


If I need to get something done and it's more than wandering to the exit in a mid-level exterminate, you can't--as in can NOT--rely on teammates in a PuG. You can't count on support. Valk, being relatively self-contained, can carry on no matter what utter stupidity your PuG teammates conjure up.


That's enough reason to play her right there.

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For the love of lotus not this diskussion again. Its sad that they afked, it truly is but seriously valkyr is fine. Do you have any idea how many times ive managed to save a run in the void thanks to playing valkyr? How many times ive manages to rescue my whole team beacuse they all went down? Sure go ahead and whine about her "OPness", most of us valkyr players (or atleast me) uses hysteria for emergency cases. But hey why not complain about frosts globe? Or the fact that you can almost freeze enemies as slow nova?

I understand your frustration, however you should think teice before going nuts on valkyr ( common sense in this forum is rare sadly).

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I've read this twice just to clarify.

1/ Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, sry but had to put it out there.

2/ No. That is the only thing that makes val a tank leave it be

3/ You are playing with randoms, perhaps make a friend or join a clan

4/ afk is the real problem here. Not the power itself and complaining about othere players is a just a fact of life in a co op game. There are no easy answers and resorting to the nerfhammer is not the answer.

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