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Worst Corpus enemy : Bursa


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3 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

Seriosuly the worst and most annoying enemy is the Bursa.. you just about survive and get rid of one, another one comes and wipes out squad, failing mission... especially in sortie.

Their mechanics in the event they were originally in were meant to make them annoying and hard.

Be thankful that now they don't spawn excessively high level mobs. Other than that, bursas are a matter of thinking your next move. First off, front assaults are useless due to riot shield, so you have to attack from the back. This is the hard way. You could also hack them.

I know, while you try to hack you get exposed to other bursas/enemies, but also have in mind that CC is a bursa's weakness. Thus, as an example, let's say, Excalibur's radial blind. Hacking a bursa becomes easier because the CC not only makes the bursa hackable, also incapacitates other enemies enough for hacking.

A full squad should not have problems as long as the rest of the squad focus fire on hacked bursas, and CC on non-hacked bursas. A hacked bursa, taking heavy fire while immobilized will most likely die.

So bursas are indeed annoying, but not necessarily a threat to the whole squad and mission.

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2 minutes ago, ElGuirrix said:

Their mechanics in the event they were originally in were meant to make them annoying and hard.

Be thankful that now they don't spawn excessively high level mobs. Other than that, bursas are a matter of thinking your next move. First off, front assaults are useless due to riot shield, so you have to attack from the back. This is the hard way. You could also hack them.

I know, while you try to hack you get exposed to other bursas/enemies, but also have in mind that CC is a bursa's weakness. Thus, as an example, let's say, Excalibur's radial blind. Hacking a bursa becomes easier because the CC not only makes the bursa hackable, also incapacitates other enemies enough for hacking.

A full squad should not have problems as long as the rest of the squad focus fire on hacked bursas, and CC on non-hacked bursas. A hacked bursa, taking heavy fire while immobilized will most likely die.

So bursas are indeed annoying, but not necessarily a threat to the whole squad and mission.

Well I agree its best they don't spawn in mobs, but in some cases one would have to deal with two or three in a room, with mobs of snapping osprey and nullies. The nullies make it hard to revive squad members while the bursa is going crazy with its projectiles and beams with  a dozen snapping ospreys around it. Well thanks to the bursa my mission fail stats have increased. 

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1 minute ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

Well I agree its best they don't spawn in mobs, but in some cases one would have to deal with two or three in a room, with mobs of snapping osprey and nullies. The nullies make it hard to revive squad members while the bursa is going crazy with its projectiles and beams with  a dozen snapping ospreys around it. Well thanks to the bursa my mission fail stats have increased. 

Well, if it's a sortie, many people would prefer playing with others they know and plan a strategy (frames, weapons, etc). It's very common, yes, but a Mag as of now can deal with the Ospreys, or an avalanche Frost, or Excalibur as I mentioned.

Nullies are always the problem. I'd rather recommend to have one group member always leaving whatever they're doing and target those pesky nullifiers, to at least make things easier for the CC frames. Or call in the old good Tonkor.

If it's a normal mission however, best you can do is run and ignore them. And if it's exterminate, shoot and run.

Yes, in the end it adds pain. But hey, what is a game without a little extra difficulty?

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They are aggressive and can create quite the chaos.

Try spawning 20 level 1 bursas, you might find that the challange is still quite large. The spawn rate needs to be reduced a lot and have the strength of the tenno party in mind.

Edited by Noabettiet
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37 minutes ago, ElGuirrix said:

A full squad should not have problems as long as the rest of the squad focus fire on hacked bursas, and CC on non-hacked bursas. A hacked bursa, taking heavy fire while immobilized will most likely die.

Why would you fire on a hacked Bursa?  In my experience they will fight on your side for a while and then die after a given period of time or when they have taken enough damage, whichever comes first.  Firing upon them is a waste of ammo that could be used on other enemies.  The issue I have is getting them hacked in the first place but that probably isn't so difficult if you don't normally play solo or with just one team mate.

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1 minute ago, Katinka said:

Why would you fire on a hacked Bursa?  In my experience they will fight on your side for a while and then die after a given period of time or when they have taken enough damage, whichever comes first.  Firing upon them is a waste of ammo that could be used on other enemies.  The issue I have is getting them hacked in the first place but that probably isn't so difficult if you don't normally play solo or with just one team mate.

Not very sure if it changed but had them more erratic than supporting. Either way not taking any chances. Melee suffices.

Solo hacking is best with CC over high concentrations of enemies since then not many more will appear.

But must be me that I got very used to Corpus ciphers after a lot of spies that I find it easy even while solo.

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Corpus Spy missions are my go to for getting a new weapon off the ground so I certainly have enough practice on Corpus hacks.  Unfortunately that doesn't help against enemies that can one shot me through 2310 shields.  If I see a Bursa in the third mission of a Sortie I'm pretty much resigned to having to use multiple Team Restores for energy and health while I soften it up and a New Loka Ancient Healer Spectre to both increase my survivability and distract it so I can get behind.  At the end of the day, I don't feel they improve the game.  They don't make the gameplay more intriguing or engaging but instead implement a gear check and resource sink that feels like a chore to get past.  At least with Napalms I get a sense of satisfaction when I manage to kill them before they cover the map in fire.  As soon as Bursas appear I know I'm in for a long slog before I can move on.  They are only challenged by the Juggernaut in levels of frustration and tedium.

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1 hour ago, ElGuirrix said:

Their mechanics in the event they were originally in were meant to make them annoying and hard.

Be thankful that now they don't spawn excessively high level mobs. Other than that, bursas are a matter of thinking your next move. First off, front assaults are useless due to riot shield, so you have to attack from the back. This is the hard way. You could also hack them.

I know, while you try to hack you get exposed to other bursas/enemies, but also have in mind that CC is a bursa's weakness. Thus, as an example, let's say, Excalibur's radial blind. Hacking a bursa becomes easier because the CC not only makes the bursa hackable, also incapacitates other enemies enough for hacking.

A full squad should not have problems as long as the rest of the squad focus fire on hacked bursas, and CC on non-hacked bursas. A hacked bursa, taking heavy fire while immobilized will most likely die.

So bursas are indeed annoying, but not necessarily a threat to the whole squad and mission.

Yes, CC is important. For attacking and hacking bursas. As a rhino prime player, I use big loud and badass weapons. For CC, I use the kulstar [market >> weapons >> secondary] which has amazing CC while doing insane amounts of damage. But beware Tenno! Self damage is a pain in the &#!, which is why I use rhino prime. Shoot about 6 bullets at the thing and its disabled and all the enemies around it are dead, before more enemies spawn throw on iron skin [mainly to stop any pellet damage for the 3 second invincibility] and hack the bursa.

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Bursa's have a load of problems including straight up ignoring warframe powers like Rhino's Iron Skin making you immune to knock down. Bursa knocks you down anyway. 


But probably the worst thing about them is they don't spawn the same level as the mission you are on. I've seen level 30+ bursa's on a mission where the level of the rest of the enemies is 10. This is a huge problem if you are taking weapons you are leveling into that mission and especially for new players who may not have the necessary gear to take down a level 30 enemy without trouble, let alone a busted bursa

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16 minutes ago, Katinka said:

Corpus Spy missions are my go to for getting a new weapon off the ground so I certainly have enough practice on Corpus hacks.  Unfortunately that doesn't help against enemies that can one shot me through 2310 shields.  If I see a Bursa in the third mission of a Sortie I'm pretty much resigned to having to use multiple Team Restores for energy and health while I soften it up and a New Loka Ancient Healer Spectre to both increase my survivability and distract it so I can get behind.  At the end of the day, I don't feel they improve the game.  They don't make the gameplay more intriguing or engaging but instead implement a gear check and resource sink that feels like a chore to get past.  At least with Napalms I get a sense of satisfaction when I manage to kill them before they cover the map in fire.  As soon as Bursas appear I know I'm in for a long slog before I can move on.  They are only challenged by the Juggernaut in levels of frustration and tedium.

High level gameplay (100+lvl) seem to be more restricting than anything, limiting effectiveness depending your frame and gear, that is very botherful because you might want to play your style and you can't.

"Endgame", in many games replaces fun for need. You want to have fun playing X way, but you need to play Y way to get past it.

Warframe yet isn't so much into that point but sorties punishes solo unless a very specific set of missions appear, most likely avoiding Corpus endless. Resource burn is also a think in solo, Team Restores are, for most frames, a must on soloing sorties, and ciphers too to avoid time wasting and exposure.

I think Corpus' annoyance level is beyond any faction. And that certainly does not help

8 minutes ago, Lstar said:

Yes, CC is important. For attacking and hacking bursas. As a rhino prime player, I use big loud and badass weapons. For CC, I use the kulstar [market >> weapons >> secondary] which has amazing CC while doing insane amounts of damage. But beware Tenno! Self damage is a pain in the &#!, which is why I use rhino prime. Shoot about 6 bullets at the thing and its disabled and all the enemies around it are dead, before more enemies spawn throw on iron skin [mainly to stop any pellet damage for the 3 second invincibility] and hack the bursa.

I'm mainly an Excal user, but don't really use skills much. I just use my panic button *radial blind* when really I'm in a pinch, or a teammate is. Also good EB to take down blind bursas and heavies. Otherwise just rely on weapons.

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I made the mistake of trying to solo a Corpus Exterminate mission yesterday (it was for Cephalon Suda, and I didn't want to deal with teammates who insist on running for the exit as soon as everything's down rather than taking a moment to find the data).  I was playing as my Limbo, trying to get its level up, and it usually does well for these runs, especially since my preferred tactics for Exterminate (when not needing to run-and-gun to keep up with teammates) is to perform stealth-kills whenever possible, and quick room-clearings when full stealth isn't an option, followed by shutting off alarms and collecting resources as needed, then moving on to the next area.  The mission started off going well, with no alarms being set off.  When the first Isolator Bursa spawned in, this brought the enemy total up from 88 to 89, and sent me scrambling to get away from it while I tried to figure out how I was going to solo a bursa without being able to use any of my abilities.  And then more Bursa started spawning in.  The alarms still never went off, but the Bursa kept coming.  I was able to take a couple of them out - as well as quite a few more of the other Corpus in the area - but eventually, the Bursa managed to bring me down.  By the time I ran out of revives, the total count among the enemies was up to 110.

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I dunno, manics are one of the few things a hysterical Valkyr has any trouble with against Grineer.  They run away from your slide attack and can even disable hysteria with their Left4Dead Hunter impersonation.  Wish Bursas you just warcry them then run around behind and spin it to win it.

Edited by Shoelip
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10 hours ago, ElGuirrix said:

Well, if it's a sortie, many people would prefer playing with others they know and plan a strategy (frames, weapons, etc). It's very common, yes, but a Mag as of now can deal with the Ospreys, or an avalanche Frost, or Excalibur as I mentioned.

Nullies are always the problem. I'd rather recommend to have one group member always leaving whatever they're doing and target those pesky nullifiers, to at least make things easier for the CC frames. Or call in the old good Tonkor.

If it's a normal mission however, best you can do is run and ignore them. And if it's exterminate, shoot and run.

Yes, in the end it adds pain. But hey, what is a game without a little extra difficulty?

I honestly like the Bursa addition, but I admit that yesterday I quite paniced during Sortie 3, as one guy left after 5 minutes, the friend I was playing with(connected with Skype too)ended the revives at minute 8 and the other PUG was a Mag which really did a good job but finished the revives at 4 minutes left.

I found myself alone with Ash, dealing with all those bubbles preventing me to use BS and Ospreys everywhere: I did just fine until Bursa started to spawn and boy, the field became really a bloody mess.

I managed to complete the mission but it was really on the edge between intense fun and frustration, luckily on the fun side for a few millimeters...

Edited by siralextraffo
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