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Bursa missions are ridiculous


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1 minute ago, Niliam said:

I will see you still like manics if they are made to prevent you to cast skill, with 3 skills that AOE whole room, an attack that one shot you, and spawns in groups of 5, and never stops spawning.


Ok, wait, did I just described Stalker, Jee, 5 stalker at same time, and guranteed to appear in corpus mission, I will see how fast this game dies.

manics can dispel abilities

manics can one shot players (bad players)

manics can teleport and have temporary invincibility

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19 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

"I'm sure we meant cheesy when we said difficult"

"If it can kill me its cheesy"

Personally,  I enjoyed actually having to think twice about engaging an enemy or running careless through a mission. I wouldnt mind some tweaks (everything can be tweaked) but I welcome the added challenge. 

Edited by Hypernaut1
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1 minute ago, Cidolfus said:

Something's wrong when you have to bring a fully modded multi-forma'd Sancti Tigris to put a dent in a level 30 enemy.


tell that to new players that don't have such an arsenal. Level 30 isn't endgame.

play the missions with friends, play a pub mission, the game was meant for co op anyway

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1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

"If it can kill me its cheesy"

Personally,  I enjoyed actually having to think twice about engaging an enemy of running careless through a mission. I wouldnt mind some tweaks (everything can be tweaked) but I welcome the added risk.

exactly, I'm not saying bursas are perfect, because they're not, by any means; but they take the idea of the magic space ninja blowing through missions with nigh invincibility and insta-kill/one shot weps, and turn it on it's ear

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4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

"If it can kill me its cheesy"

Personally,  I enjoyed actually having to think twice about engaging an enemy or running careless through a mission. I wouldnt mind some tweaks (everything can be tweaked) but I welcome the added challenge. 

Look friend, I enjoy 2 or 4 Bursas in my missions. What I don't enjoy are 5-6 of them continually spawning enemies, stunlocking me through iron skin and one-hit-killing me in my sorties. That's all.

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Bursas themselves aren't bad, I don't have any problem with even having 2 or 3 spawned simultaneously. What's annoying is them continuously spawning new enemies. Having a Sabotage => Exterminate go from 56 enemies to 307 enemies is a bit ridiculous, and there wasn't a panel to deactivate alarms. I was Mirage and kept Sleight of Hand up constantly, so no cameras or security panels should've been allowed access.

Had it down to the very last Bursa (193/194) and right as he was killed after his hacking panel display it jumped up to (194/204) and had to keep fighting them. The Bursas weren't even that difficult in terms of gameplay(and this was Sortie level as well). It was just that more and more enemies would keep appearing.

Edited by Maicael
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2 minutes ago, Etan-gK said:

play the missions with friends, play a pub mission, the game was meant for co op anyway

Yeah and even a group of new players will be destroyed by these Bursas.

They can spam knockdown aoes.

Their missiles are one-hit kills for most warframes.

They can tether players that get too close to them.

They continuously spawn.

They also continuously spawn more enemies, making Exterminate insanely more difficult than it used to be.


DE has always stated that this is a coop game, but they've also catered to solo players. Introducing an enemy that can absolutely decimate veteran players with high level, highly forma'd, highly modded gear at level 30 is broken. That's all there is to it. Try to refute it all you like, it's broken.

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48 minutes ago, Etan-gK said:

They don't need to fix something that isn't broken. Just because you had a bad experience and can't efficiently kill bursas, doesn't mean they're broken or unkillable, by your own admission, you killed two of the three bursas, which means you got impatient or cocky (or both) and couldn't kill the third, then you got mad and made this rage post. Bursas are the counter to press 4 to win gameplay and actually require thought and planning to dispatch.

You gave me cancer, the right thing to do now would be to pay for my chemotherapy.

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2 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

Look friend, I enjoy 2 or 4 Bursas in my missions. What I don't enjoy are 5-6 of them continually spawning enemies, stunlocking me through iron skin and one-hit-killing me in my sorties. That's all.

So your issue is with the broken spawn system and not with the Bursas themselves. Seems like that is the OPs issue to. People need to be more careful about differentiating the two, because right now a lot of people are saying "Bursas are broken and OP!!!" when they mean to say "Fix Bursa spawning because it's nuts". The former will result in Bursas getting nerfed hard or outright removed, the latter will actually fix the problem and only the problem.

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2 minutes ago, Cidolfus said:

Yeah and even a group of new players will be destroyed by these Bursas.

They can spam knockdown aoes.

Their missiles are one-hit kills for most warframes.

They can tether players that get too close to them.

They continuously spawn.

They also continuously spawn more enemies, making Exterminate insanely more difficult than it used to be.


DE has always stated that this is a coop game, but they've also catered to solo players. Introducing an enemy that can absolutely decimate veteran players with high level, highly forma'd, highly modded gear at level 30 is broken. That's all there is to it. Try to refute it all you like, it's broken.

I've had no problems killing them; you know why? because I don't blow through missions believing myself unkillable, I sometime run high level mssions solo with no mods, just to create challenge, I learned a long time ago where cameras are and how to avoid being seen, I take out groups of enemies from a distance and deactivate alarms as soon as they go off. adapt or die, learn from your mistakes.

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Just now, Etan-gK said:

I've had no problems killing them; you know why? because I don't blow through missions believing myself unkillable, I sometime run high level mssions solo with no mods, just to create challenge, I learned a long time ago where cameras are and how to avoid being seen, I take out groups of enemies from a distance and deactivate alarms as soon as they go off. adapt or die, learn from your mistakes.

Don't you dare sit there and assume I "blow throw missions thinking I'm unkillable".

I absolutely love playing defensively and like a ninja. I dodge, jump, wallrun, backflip, bullet jump, parkour, and so on when I play solo. I specifically use high damage/low ROF weapons in solo runs just to add more risk v. reward. So when I came up against a Bursa, what did I do? I did all of those things. I know its weak point, and I attacked it. But I wasn't expecting my forma'd Vaykor Hek to take 5 shots to kill the thing, while it's spamming knockdowns, tethering me to itself, shooting missiles that can barely be dodged without hiding behind an obstacle. And by the time I was able to kill it, TWO MORE SPAWNED and thus it became impossible, because while I was trying to kill one, the other would spam me.


Look around you dude. 95% of the people here are stating the same exact thing. Bursas need to be fixed. End of story.

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5 minutes ago, Etan-gK said:

I've had no problems killing them; you know why? because I don't blow through missions believing myself unkillable, I sometime run high level mssions solo with no mods, just to create challenge, I learned a long time ago where cameras are and how to avoid being seen, I take out groups of enemies from a distance and deactivate alarms as soon as they go off. adapt or die, learn from your mistakes.

Even in the Sortie today they weren't difficult to kill. All cameras were destroyed, sleight of hand should've prevented Security panels from being accessed. They kept coming though and there wasn't a security panel for us to hack and turn off alarms. It was getting annoying by our 10-15th Bursa appearing. Bursas as enemies are fine. What needs to be changed is them spawning in new enemies that are added to the Exterminate count. Don't even care if they spawn in extra enemies as support, but they shouldn't increase the exterminate count. I'm even okay with multiple Bursas spawning, but there should be a limit of 1 of each type either per mission or within a period of time(depending on mission type).

Edited by Maicael
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6 minutes ago, Cidolfus said:

DE has always stated that this is a coop game, but they've also catered to solo players. Introducing an enemy that can absolutely decimate veteran players with high level, highly forma'd, highly modded gear at level 30 is broken. That's all there is to it. Try to refute it all you like, it's broken.

You only get decimated if you try to take them on like they are a typical cannon fodder unit. If you use even the most basic tactics and sense, you can kill them easily enough. The problem is that nobody wants to try, they can't be arsed to do anything different or face any kind of legitimate challenge. Anything that slows down the "zip through in 4 minutes while obliterating everything" playstyle is broken, and any enemy that might actually be able to kill the player is OP. Adapt and think, or keep losing and crying. It's your choice.

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7 minutes ago, Silvus-Sol said:

So your issue is with the broken spawn system and not with the Bursas themselves. Seems like that is the OPs issue to. People need to be more careful about differentiating the two, because right now a lot of people are saying "Bursas are broken and OP!!!" when they mean to say "Fix Bursa spawning because it's nuts". The former will result in Bursas getting nerfed hard or outright removed, the latter will actually fix the problem and only the problem.

Op titled his post Bursa Missions are ridiculous, I keep saying I cannot handle them in the ridiculous amounts they spawn in-

I'm pretty sure we're differentiating, all right

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2 minutes ago, Silvus-Sol said:

You only get decimated if you try to take them on like they are a typical cannon fodder unit. If you use even the most basic tactics and sense, you can kill them easily enough. The problem is that nobody wants to try, they can't be arsed to do anything different or face any kind of legitimate challenge. Anything that slows down the "zip through in 4 minutes while obliterating everything" playstyle is broken, and any enemy that might actually be able to kill the player is OP. Adapt and think, or keep losing and crying. It's your choice.

thank god, somebody else with more than half a brain

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I think this thing may be a bug that a wide amount of people -- but not everyone -- are experiencing. I have come across Bursa's in several sortie and other missions, not bothered to try to stop alarms or anything, and not experienced this. 

This cannot possibly be intended, and it doesn't sound like it is even affecting every mission. The infinite/almost infinite spawn thing will likely be fixed before long. 

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I had this happen today in the sortie:


Right at the start of the mission, no alarms on, no enemies spotted us. Good ol' mom chimes in "the alarms have triggered a bursa"




No alarms were active, no enemies had seen us, but there it was...


So, whatever, deal with the bursa, move forward OH, still no alarms and another bursa...


K.... Dealt with it... got to the reactor, took it out, 33 enemies. Cool. Alarm is activated, ok, so bursa, alarm shut off while other two deal with bursa


Alarms are now OFF. 37 enemies, wait, 42? 45? More bursa, but no alarms?


End of mission 67 enemies, without further alarms.


The spawns are broken. Exterms are becoming nearly endless, I can see why so many people are saying f'this.

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1 minute ago, Etan-gK said:

thank god, somebody else with more than half a brain

Wow, yeah insult everyone who disagrees with you. Good job, you lost all credibility.


4 minutes ago, Silvus-Sol said:

You only get decimated if you try to take them on like they are a typical cannon fodder unit. If you use even the most basic tactics and sense, you can kill them easily enough. The problem is that nobody wants to try, they can't be arsed to do anything different or face any kind of legitimate challenge. Anything that slows down the "zip through in 4 minutes while obliterating everything" playstyle is broken, and any enemy that might actually be able to kill the player is OP. Adapt and think, or keep losing and crying. It's your choice.

Read my latest post. I didn't treat them like cannon fodder, and again you have to remember there are more than just veterans out there having to fight these things.

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10 minutes ago, Cidolfus said:

Wow, yeah insult everyone who disagrees with you. Good job, you lost all credibility.


Read my latest post. I didn't treat them like cannon fodder, and again you have to remember there are more than just veterans out there having to fight these things.

considering half the thread is people whining about how bursas are op and broken because they don't conform to your press 4 to win/blow through missions while being nigh unkillable playstyle

and the other half is the adapt or die, learn from past experiences crowd

also, you don't exactly have that authority to decide who loses what, or where

just saying


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Design decisions like Bursa's and Battalysts are the natural outcomes of a game that has such a huge difference in power between a veteran and a new player. Bursa's are supposed to be slightly challenging to veterans, but the downside of that is non-veterans just become frustrated. Damage gates like you see on Battalysts and Shadow Stalker are there to try and take away the advantages such huge power variance but just end up constricting build variety and it reeks of lazy design.

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