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What if Disney bought DE and made Warframe canon to Star Wars?


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It would be so cool, the Grineer would ally with the Empire so the bad guys would finally have soldiers who can aim at their targets. The Tennos would join the Republic and the Jedis/Warframes fighting the evil together by combining their powers into an unstoppable force, the Corpus would take advantage of this situation by selling products to both factions and salvaging the dead in order to gain the highest possible profit and the Sentient would see that everything has gone to hell and they would decide to destroy the entire universe.

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No. Just no. Technocyte the everything. may as well just give frost elsa's dress whydontcha and make valkyr future x-23 and add iron man and the other heroes/villains/antiheroes and make it Marvel vs. Star Wars vs Disney...oh wait, i think that's called Disney Infinity

Edited by Cryozar
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there exists allready halo with different locations and actors ... it will be first

creating a warframe movie in "its fully glory" cant be paid those days, a few years have to pass b(u)y =)

or do you wanna look into and onto planets with no civilisation and more anymore, you wanna watch "the pain of grindwalls" against 2 main races and 1 infested race ?

and you wanna see people running around in all this "heroic strong" expression using weapons in the void ? lol .....

then go on, try to make my mind become open for the idea of a movie, i will approve if its functioned

but first i wanna see "flying" "THE SANDS" moved by energy or wind which is spoken at the title of "of inairos" on phobos =))) (sry, cant use a better grammar for pointing smth out) (=

honestly ... then lets talk again about a warframe movie with real actors =)

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Please keep Disney away from my baby! I don't want to see Warframe turned into a musical that is suitable for kids....

Or do I? Now that I think about it, it wouldn't be so b... NO!!! NO NO NO NO! *throws tantrum like a child*

I don't want to see Warframe taken away from DE, and don't you think it would be odd for a multi-billion dollar company that specalizes in movies/tv shows to buy something like Warframe? I know there isn't a full story yet, but come on... I don't want to live long enough to see this happen... I wouldn't be able to live in a world where Disney makes everything in Warframe super cuddly (except for Clem ;D)... we don't need another travesty...

In short, if Disney bought Warframe from DE, it would no longer be called Warframe... it would be called "Star-Frame, and Obi-Wan would be our new Lotus... lol

Did I mention that all gore and viscera would be gone as well? That M rating would plummet right down to a PG-13 or so. If Warframe as it stood now was a movie, it would be rated 'Arrrrrr' *pirate joke* xD

That's where I want it to stay. :( How could you even think of that scenario...?

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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7 minutes ago, (PS4)DontKnowMe said:

You have to get around Star Wars being set "Long ago in galaxy far far away" and Warframe being in this solar system's future plot hole.

Star Wars is futuristic. From the Narrator's PoV it could be long ago, but for us it's in the distant future. Different galaxy? No problem, that's why we have solar rails. 

As for the actual idea, it's not bad. It's interesting. It could be a cool "what-if" or "special event" sort of thing, but not something I'd want permanently in the game. 

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