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New earth spy mission epic fail


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Any one having the cant make progress in the new spy mission for earth?

I completed 1 room to move to the next so I have had 24 red to shoot? get to the 2nd room and enter to find 1 control panel and a rift you enter from,(rift a one-way portal) the new room has an orb that once shot (has button labeled on it) moves 15 meters or so to the right a floating wall appears and then there is nothing you can do to advance from here there is no way out, no other button to hit that are active, I have spent over an hour in this one room searching every nook and cranny for the next stage to move forward so the only option to to abort the mission.


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Corpus protect their stuff with laser grids.

Grineer protect their stuff with scanners.

Orokin protect their stuff with an obstacle course ripped off from the tv show American Ninja Warrior.

No wonder the Orokin are gone, they're a race of #%&$ing crackheads.



No, don't laugh. It's not a joke. The set up of the mission is #%&$ing stupid.

Edited by Vulture051
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10 hours ago, Kettunen said:

Latch onto the wall and shoot the orb again. It spawns another wall to jump onto.

I've tried jumping onto every wall including the first floating wall that appears. I've jumped onto the orb itself. I've shot that orb 100 times from every angle. It only moves once then never again.

Could you explain precisely? Latch onto what wall? Shoot which orb? Exactly how do I get past this?


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6 hours ago, EggRogue said:

I've tried jumping onto every wall including the first floating wall that appears. I've jumped onto the orb itself. I've shot that orb 100 times from every angle. It only moves once then never again.

Could you explain precisely? Latch onto what wall? Shoot which orb? Exactly how do I get past this?


 doing that part of the rom solo :

shoot the button

latch to panel

shoot the button

latch to panel 2

shoot the button

latch to panel 3

shoot the button

jump  through the lazers

latch to panel for 4

shoot the button

latch to panel 5


latch to 6



then you get to decide if you want  the ridiculous  second pand jump puzzle, the bugy ziplines or to cheese the second half   with loki

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yeah, the moon spy missions have Microsoft syndrome aka no one in the design team ever considered that trial and error with hidden paths and short timers in huge, fiddly parcour levels is not fun for most people. without a reduced zoom and increased latch time mod I don't even feel like ever trying to go in there again. such a waste. and apparantly there are story bits in there, or something. well, that's what wikis are for, I guess.

oh my, I just thought of how fun some of the parts must be with a game pad. good luck, you console Tenno, make us proud.

Edited by Rawbeard
typo of doom
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I was looking forward to harder spy missions, but really?


I just did the panel mission mentioned above. 




I have literally lost count on this map, actually just TESTING this room, how may times the latch fails. 


Wall latch fails CONSTANTLY and the rules for when WF's engine will and will not let you latch onto a wall seem to be mystical and varied.


You also have very little control over your direction when you jump off something. 


I don't normally have that much of an issue, but this map made me nauseous.. genuinely made me feel physically sick trying to do it (I failed it BTW, the lasers got me while I was trying not to vomit from all the wobbly jumping (blugh)

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I was promised a Spy mission. And I got buggy, poorly designed and timed stupid obstacle courses instead. 0/10 would not recommend.

These are not fun, they are not engaging and they are just a confusing, convoluted mess at the moment.These are borderline unplayable for many of us, including me as I find the latching and parkour in general unreliable and clunky at best.

I for one also get physical discomfort and nausea from the parkour movement because it is far from fluid.

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On 3/5/2016 at 0:47 AM, Vulture051 said:

Corpus protect their stuff with laser grids.

Grineer protect their stuff with scanners.

Orokin protect their stuff with an obstacle course ripped off from the tv show American Ninja Warrior.

No wonder the Orokin are gone, they're a race of #%&$ing crackheads.



No, don't laugh. It's not a joke. The set up of the mission is #%&$ing stupid.

Completely agree. These are awful.

20 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

yeah, the moon spy missions have Microsoft syndrome aka no one in the design team ever considered that trial and error with hidden paths and short timers in huge, fiddly parcour levels is not fun for most people. without a reduced zoom and increased latch time mod I don't even feel like ever trying to go in there again. such a waste. and apparantly there are story bits in there, or something. well, that's what wikis are for, I guess.

oh my, I just thought of how fun some of the parts must be with a game pad. good luck, you console Tenno, make us proud.

Tried it with a game pad despite playing on PC, because I cannot play for any time at all on kb/m (past injuries; watcha gonna do). And trust me, it sucks. I mean it is awful. Which is pretty much the going theme for everything moon base related, from the terrible, obscure puzzle rooms to the bullet sponge, adaptive enemies, to the awful spy missions, to the forced Corpus encounters. 

3 hours ago, SoanoS said:

I was promised a Spy mission. And I got buggy, poorly designed and timed stupid obstacle courses instead. 0/10 would not recommend.

These are not fun, they are not engaging and they are just a confusing, convoluted mess at the moment.These are borderline unplayable for many of us, including me as I find the latching and parkour in general unreliable and clunky at best.

I for one also get physical discomfort and nausea from the parkour movement because it is far from fluid.

Yep. You nailed it.

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If, IF wall latch wasn't so terribly clunky, I might enjoy this.

With practice and time, I was able to work my way though it. I do find wall latch to be the hardest of the parkour 2.0 moves to use though.

Edited by Caelward
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4 hours ago, Verouzer said:

I totally agree. I thought I'm the only one who felt that this is irritating. Hope DE will make few adjustments for the mission. 

It's gonna take more than "a few adjustments" to fix these. I think the vaults should be completely redesigned. So many people wanted a challenge, and now I get to say to them to be careful what they wish for. I sure hope they have fun, because they're gonna be having it without us.

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6 hours ago, NeoRetro10K said:

It's gonna take more than "a few adjustments" to fix these. I think the vaults should be completely redesigned. So many people wanted a challenge, and now I get to say to them to be careful what they wish for. I sure hope they have fun, because they're gonna be having it without us.

Well, there is challenge, and then there is absolutely ridiculous. Currently I have a feeling I have to log on to Asian Region Chat and try to recruit some Korean to do these things for me. I can't do these with my aching joints...

When I wished for more challenging spy missions, I didn't want this sort of artificial confusion. The original Grineer and Corpus spy vaults in general have a modular, but still interesting design because they could be worked around and completed in multiple ways with some lateral thinking, which made them enjoyable. I guess you sould say I wanted a puzzle to exercise my brain with. These new Moon spy things are the complete opposite to what I wanted. These do not reward a stealthy, cunning and patient player in any way. There needs to be a reliable but still challenging way to complete them with multiple different playing styles.

As I said earlier, these rely purely on acrobatics, most of which can not be reliably performed without stupid amount of luck due to (still) clunky parkour.

So I guess one could argue we got challenge. But sadly it is all wrong kind of challenge.

DE, we can has brain teaser?

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You can shoot the portal to activate again, every spy vault have an alternative way to finish, and the shooting orb and wall latch one is not the best way to do. 

I enjoy the moon spy mission(not the wall latch part of course).

Edited by LotusBF
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You don't have to use the wall-latch-orb-shoot thing to do that vault. I didn't figure out the wall latch thing until I watched the Devstream where Rebecca did it. I just went through in current time and dodged all the lasers, easy peasy. As for escaping that vault, just go back to the rift where you entered and shoot it to re-open it. 

Wow, I never even considered doing it with Ivara. Man, she'd make these vaults ez-moad.

Edited by motorfirebox
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On 2016-03-05 at 0:47 AM, Vulture051 said:

Corpus protect their stuff with laser grids.

Grineer protect their stuff with scanners.

Orokin protect their stuff with an obstacle course ripped off from the tv show American Ninja Warrior.

No wonder the Orokin are gone, they're a race of #%&$ing crackheads.



No, don't laugh. It's not a joke. The set up of the mission is #%&$ing stupid.

Addendum. Just got off my 10th attempt at the Uranus Spy Sortie. Getting the distinct impression at some point earlier in the year DE just decided to start being a-holes. Like the Orokin Spy vaults Uranus is much newer than the others and just like the Orokin Spy vaults they're stupid. Randomly firing water jets in pipes filled with scanners, yeah those existing makes sense.

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I tried, I aborted the mission... Finding the way for this vault is not natural.

I bet this type of room was designed to put Parkour 2.0 in the spotlight or sort of, but instead shows its limits. Kind of backfire...

Edited by Arkhenbarn
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On ‎7‎-‎3‎-‎2016 at 6:01 AM, NeoRetro10K said:

It's gonna take more than "a few adjustments" to fix these. I think the vaults should be completely redesigned. So many people wanted a challenge, and now I get to say to them to be careful what they wish for. I sure hope they have fun, because they're gonna be having it without us.

They're actually doable, but you need to find the easiest way through.

The wall latch vault is actually easily done with high mobility warframes IF you stick to the current timezone, rather than the past vault one. Just head into the past to open the gate, then head back to current time and the gate will open, allowing you to traverse it with only Spectators as your obstacles.

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Tried the new moon spy mission.  Friends tried it, too.

If the parkour system wasn't so clunky and janky, maybe it would be enjoyable.  Maybe.

If the scripted events would occur smoothly and consistently trigger as they should, maybe it would be enjoyable.  Maybe.

Managed to complete a few of the jumping puzzles.  Frustrating because until you figure out what you're supposed to do, there's little to no indication of how to progress on any route, what sets off alarms, what doesn't, what's safe to touch and what sets off the failure countdown.

I explored, and tried to find alternate routes.  Which I did.  But those too, have frustrating problems.

Especially frustrating was that it appeared that some event failed to trigger properly in a script, so several times, I'd get sealed in a room with no way out.  No button to shoot, no void rift to hop through.  Sucks getting most of the way through a platform hell jumping puzzle, only to get thwarted due to a scripted event that fails to trigger.

Standing right next to a ledge where there's a spinning cluster of lasers, I have no idea if when I attempt to jump up, I'll just jump up as I want to, or if I'll grab the ledge and mantle up, or if I'll grab the ledge and mantle up while doing an awkward time consuming flip animation that more often than not triggers a langinr or hard landing animation which gets me hit by the laser, hop up and then parkour backflip away from the ledge in the opposite direction that I wanted to go in, OR I'll freaking bounce off the protruding lip of the ledge and uncontrollably launch myself up into the air in a random direction.

Just did the wall latching and shooting orb puzzle.  Seems like after a certain point, the spawned walls don't register wall latches, or don't allow you to latch onto them.  Instead you just gliiiiiide slidly against them.  And then you have to start over from the beginning.  That's just mean.  :<  After a few dozen attempts, I just opted to jump into a laser and trigger the fail state.

Got the puzzle where there are six urns that light up according to tones/notes.  Shot the button to start the puzzle... nothing happened.  Decided to just trigger a laser and get the fail state, hoping that the doors would actually open this time like they're supposed to, and not lock me in.

I got lucky this time.

If the orokin were all into putting the tenno through this sort of stuff, no wonder the Tenno were so quick to slaughter them!

I have hands which have peripheral nerve damage, so regular parkour is barely tolerable.

Doing precision jumping puzzles with a twitchy, finicky movement system is hell, at best.

Doing precision jumping puzzles with a twitchy, finicky movement system and a scripting system that S#&amp;&#036;s the bed is just anti-fun.

Please, focus on getting the UI and scripting elements working in a stable manner.  They're a core piece of functionality, and they're malfunctioning.

I wanted to like the moon spy missions.  I really did.  Instead I got a malfunctioning obstacle course.  Or maybe the parkour system needs to be finer tuned?  Too much of a pain for too little reward in its current form.

It's really a shame, because it looks like a lot of effort went into that.  :(

Edited by DeMeritus
Just tried once more time. Unlocked Pavlov.
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