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Hotfix 18.5.4


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14 hours ago, DERebecca said:

Hotfix 18.5.4

Enemy Spawning Adjustments (Missed 18.5 Note)

Update 18.5 contained a change made to ensure that enemies will no longer spawn in areas that have been cleared, as long as the level is not on alert.  This change was made to help prevent an exploit that caused enemies to rapidly spawn in the same room only to be instantly killed by stealthed players, and these enemies never scaled.  This was limited mostly to Deception Missions, but was present in Sabotage, Mobile Defense or Spy Missions as well.

Enemies will now spawn in areas not yet seen by players.  This will allow players to clear rooms stealthily, while avoiding enemies spawning behind players and potentially ruining any stealth runs.  ‘Alerted’ enemies will spawn nearby and out of sight, but can also spawn in rooms already seen by players.

These changes will not affect enemy spawning in Exterminate, Excavation, Survival or Defense Missions, but will have a slight impact on enemy spawning on other Mission types. 

sorry if this sounds rude but the problem is the way the spawn is implemented. I do not know if this has been like this prior to current but the spawn should've have been randomized on several location instead of just one or two if it revolves around the location of the player. As of this update, it was bad. Several enemies still spawn in the same room and most of the case, they were just staying in the room in pack as if they have no clue why they were even there and not coming out from the room. Missions like the invasion, first half of the map is empty and where would they be one might asked? all was spawned on the other side of the map in pack... again as if they have no clue.

Edited by ShirakawaNaoya
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U18.5.4 Random UI freeze while changing display setting

It happened to me 5 times today.

I was trying to change bloom on/off, and then the confirm and back buttons doesn't work anymore.

All tabs are frozen, game is not crashed, but I had to alt F4 to quit.

This only happens after U18.5.4


Edited by aerosoul1337
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1 hour ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

guess what, some players are playing the game for years now and the only real motivation they have left (because they farmed everything they want) is the focus system.

Guess what. I got to that point in under a year. Other than MAYBE trying to grind Arcanes, all I have left is... uh, the Sheev and Despair.

And yet, I still don't see what the big deal is. Focus is 90-95% useless anyway, so other than the handful of nodes worth anything, there's no point.

Why not take a break? Play other games? Or just play whatever's fun without thinking about how you "must" have this one specific reward?

As of now, besides those two weapons and the Inaros quest, to me, Warframe is basically just a sandbox (ha, sand) to mess with weird builds and other shenanigans in. If I don't have anything I want to try out - well, maybe I should finish the new nodes and farm Xiphos - I just go to other games. Not like there's any pressing need to have focus Now.

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20 minutes ago, FelisImpurrator said:

Guess what. I got to that point in under a year. Other than MAYBE trying to grind Arcanes, all I have left is... uh, the Sheev and Despair.

And yet, I still don't see what the big deal is. Focus is 90-95% useless anyway, so other than the handful of nodes worth anything, there's no point.

Why not take a break? Play other games? Or just play whatever's fun without thinking about how you "must" have this one specific reward?

As of now, besides those two weapons and the Inaros quest, to me, Warframe is basically just a sandbox (ha, sand) to mess with weird builds and other shenanigans in. If I don't have anything I want to try out - well, maybe I should finish the new nodes and farm Xiphos - I just go to other games. Not like there's any pressing need to have focus Now.

yes thats YOU but you are not the only person on this planet


just take Archwing as an example 

already got abandoned by most players because it just isnt good, same with the whole focus system.

btw. i already took a several months break until 18.5 arrived

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27 minutes ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

yes thats YOU but you are not the only person on this planet


just take Archwing as an example 

already got abandoned by most players because it just isnt good, same with the whole focus system.

btw. i already took a several months break until 18.5 arrived

His point being, since Focus is not something you NEED, (and can't be rushed to unlock all the stuff you want either) ya mind as well take it slow, or play some other games, Don't need to squeeze everything there is on Warframe. 

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1 hour ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

already got abandoned by most players because it just isnt good


1 hour ago, RAZORLIGHT said:

yes thats YOU but you are not the only person on this planet

You dropped something. Here, I'll return it to you.

I'm fine with archwing. I just think it needs more content, and faster XP gain. But, your opinion that it "just isn't good" isn't a fact for everyone.

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59 minutes ago, FelisImpurrator said:


You dropped something. Here, I'll return it to you.

I'm fine with archwing. I just think it needs more content, and faster XP gain. But, your opinion that it "just isn't good" isn't a fact for everyone.

Player numbers are speaking for itself ;)

and they arent even adding content for Archwing in the past


just watch the forum, there is barely anybody who is happy with the focus system and yet they make it even worse with every change they make

but the most important thing is.... i am in a pretty big clan and there arent many active players left 

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16 hours ago, DERebecca said:

Hotfix 18.5.4


•    Fixed an issue with various level holes. 
•    Fixed issues with the Draco elevator, we now teleport players to the top of the elevator in the event they fall through. 

How many holes did you add to draco? I went there today helping a clan mate map, just doing 1 wave fell through the map 7 times with bladestorm. What in your recent additions (seems since 18.2 ish) has made bladestorm cause me and others I know to end up using /unstuck so much.

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11 hours ago, McDuffMan said:

if you want to kill things then why are you playing spy, sabotage and deception? those are objective game modes where the sole point of them is to complete objectives first and kill things second... play defense, survival, or excavation then if you want to mindlessly kill things.

Did you miss the point that literally nothing spawns once you enter a tile?  You kill the tile and nothing will come onto it again, except from side tiles that you have not entered.  I don't understand why people are even arguing against this.  Everyone loses, I said this.  Min-maxers lose loot, people who play for fun have nothing to do except play a mediocre platformer as they look for sabotage caches or a dumb minigame.  "Objective" game modes are mediums for killing.

Warframe is about killing things at the very core.  If I have nothing to shoot, my warframe and all my weapons are totally useless.  And it's not fun.  

Edit: TO REITERATE.  Why would you change the rest of the game to compensate for one imbalanced background system?  It blows my mind anyone would argue against this.  Objectives are more fun than they were before, yes, but they're not the main focus of the game.  Killing things is.  Remove killing things, why even do objectives?  Or heck, I don't want to mindlessly babysit a defense node or 4 defense nodes or escort a useless NPC.  Instead of hurting everybody for this one system, why not just CHANGE THAT SYSTEM.  Nerf stealth multipliers or make them harder to get (25% stacks to 250% instead of 100% stacks to 500%) while reverting spawning back to a mostly original state, or have spawns only spawn when you're NOT on a tileset and undetected/stealthed.  

This A: reduces broken focus farming.  B: rewards players still for stealth.  C: doesn't hurt regular players as much.  D: everyone still has fun.  

Or just set spawns to zero because that's fun right guys?

Edited by Medane
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1 hour ago, FelisImpurrator said:




52 minutes ago, RAZORLIGHT said:


Was lurking you're guy's debate. Im curious if you have some common grounds pertaining Focus to agree on?

Example, the focus gain system shouldnt be double headed with limits, they implemented a daily cap in addition to "fixing" affinity/mob farming tactics in certain missions to *speculation* address focus gain at the same time. Then lowering the focus gain some more (also implementation of focus booster/teamshare seems to be a lower net gain in optimal but natural situations than previous, i did not forget) while increasing the focus daily cap because *speculation intensifies* people were hitting the daily cap way too often/quickly.

Having a Daily cap still gives us the time sink, lowering gains is also a time sink, but putting them together ends up severely limiting a player that cares about the focus system advancement and interferes with normal gameplay.

A daily cap (whatever number with say even 10% affinity conversion cause its a daily cap, like per day ya know, every 24 hours) will allow somebody to put time in, to hammer out their focus daily, complete the daily missions (syndicates/simaris/conclave/sorties/tradechat/ect..), and have time afterwards to just play the game for pure enjoyment(sitting in a void survival for 40m to ultimately farm :poop: parts /s) during an average session.

Having just a lower affinity to focus conversion (much lower) say even 1% with greater lens and without a cap would still allow focus farmers to hardcore flash advance (in comparison to average gameplay) focus trees, while allowing an average player to still play the game the way they used to and have focus be an actual afterthought instead of a main goal when introduced to it.

A Daily cap eliminates its from being a side objective, since having it actually be capped per day then not reaching said cap, has a subconscious effect of unfulfillment at the end of a session, each and every time you log out.

I know there are other points I had in mind to make but i cant be bursa to remember at the moment, also i just found out you can use Emoji on the forums, this will make many things more the interesting to read.

Side note, does anybody know why we still cant put a lens on sentinels/cutebros? affinity still gets split from group onto them i believe. So I guess my carrier is eating up my potential gains, all the potential gains.

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Still not fixed:



I know it's not easy to fix all the bugs, I really understand that. But the thing is, this problem make game almost unplayable. This alone holds me more to finish the quest than other quest-related bugs. 

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Fixed an issue causing players to be automatically logged out during the End of Mission screen, causing them to lose their Mission’s inventory.

Now if only you can fix the random log outs that happen when you try to exit the Arsenal, Mods or try to create a session that would be great. 

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19 hours ago, DERebecca said:

Hotfix 18.5.4

Enemy Spawning Adjustments (Missed 18.5 Note)

Update 18.5 contained a change made to ensure that enemies will no longer spawn in areas that have been cleared, as long as the level is not on alert.  This change was made to help prevent an exploit that caused enemies to rapidly spawn in the same room only to be instantly killed by stealthed players, and these enemies never scaled.  This was limited mostly to Deception Missions, but was present in Sabotage, Mobile Defense or Spy Missions as well.

Enemies will now spawn in areas not yet seen by players.  This will allow players to clear rooms stealthily, while avoiding enemies spawning behind players and potentially ruining any stealth runs.  ‘Alerted’ enemies will spawn nearby and out of sight, but can also spawn in rooms already seen by players.

These changes will not affect enemy spawning in Exterminate, Excavation, Survival or Defense Missions, but will have a slight impact on enemy spawning on other Mission types.

The problem is that once i go through a deception mission solo there is exactly Zero rooms where i have not been. So the spawn is therefor exactly Zero.

If i go though a deception or sabotage in stealth or invisiable as loki prime solo the only reason there will EVER be alerted enemies is because i #*($%%@ Up.

So unless i F*** up the mission nothing will ever spawn more then once.

Nice you turned every single deception and sabotage into glorified exterminate missions.

The only missions except spy that i enjoyed in the game. 

I guess that is all that is left then.

Perhaps its time to rebuild my frames without any focus lenses and scrap the old ones so that i stop being annoyed by that loud annoying strobe light you put into the game.

Who knows perhaps then i dont have to be reminded of your "Evangelion light" all the time.



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 DE screws focus gain by reducing the effectiveness of lens', DE does nothing to reduce the grind and instead increases it, they screw focus farming with stealth runs on deception/spy/sab, they add bursas to regular missions en-masse, they refuse to balance bursa's to "fit" better in their actions with how they look,  they "fixed" shock eximus even though their aura was removed from player backlash about it years ago, they refuse to balance nullifiers and their bubbles with slow firing weapons...


I'd keep this post going with more opinion and feedback, but I feel DE will just ignore it, so instead I'll make my opinion known with my wallet.

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And when i did the sortie solo tonight in the exterminate i had to back track probably 10 times because of enemies spawning in places i just cleared :( Or next to me or just in front of me almost breaking stealth.

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11 hours ago, JoramOraka said:

Enemies aren't spawning aside from the initial spawns, and maybe a squad of 10 if you're lucky with an alarm. You clear a tile and that's it. Sabotage cache hunting becomes a glorified where's waldo, while spy becomes an experience as fun as jogging through an abandoned airport as you backtrack through tiles to get to the next objective. Deception, well, I never really bothered with it after unlocking all the nodes but I assume it's pretty empty too. I understand that enemies immediately spawning behind you is silly, but so are completely empty maps. They could put in some sort of timer maybe, anything would be better than one they have now and alleviate my problems. As far as my escapes being more action filled - they only are for about a tile or two and then the same bleak emptiness I've been subject to since 18.5 dropped, that'll teach me for sniffing out those caches.

How it is now, I no longer enjoy Sabotage, Spy, or Deception. I already disliked Defense, Interception, and Exterminate game types. That leaves me with what? Survival and Mobile Defense, and the odd rescue. Literally over half the game might as well be dead to me - all because of a change that as far as I can tell was implemented because of focus. I barely ever bothered to even pick up the focus balls I care so little about that aspect of the game, so maybe it's why I'm so indignant about this. 


6 hours ago, Medane said:

Did you miss the point that literally nothing spawns once you enter a tile?  You kill the tile and nothing will come onto it again, except from side tiles that you have not entered.  I don't understand why people are even arguing against this.  Everyone loses, I said this.  Min-maxers lose loot, people who play for fun have nothing to do except play a mediocre platformer as they look for sabotage caches or a dumb minigame.  "Objective" game modes are mediums for killing.

Warframe is about killing things at the very core.  If I have nothing to shoot, my warframe and all my weapons are totally useless.  And it's not fun.  

Edit: TO REITERATE.  Why would you change the rest of the game to compensate for one imbalanced background system?  It blows my mind anyone would argue against this.  Objectives are more fun than they were before, yes, but they're not the main focus of the game.  Killing things is.  Remove killing things, why even do objectives?  Or heck, I don't want to mindlessly babysit a defense node or 4 defense nodes or escort a useless NPC.  Instead of hurting everybody for this one system, why not just CHANGE THAT SYSTEM.  Nerf stealth multipliers or make them harder to get (25% stacks to 250% instead of 100% stacks to 500%) while reverting spawning back to a mostly original state, or have spawns only spawn when you're NOT on a tileset and undetected/stealthed.  

This A: reduces broken focus farming.  B: rewards players still for stealth.  C: doesn't hurt regular players as much.  D: everyone still has fun.  

Or just set spawns to zero because that's fun right guys?

...seriously? you still get to kill things guys, the map is still filled with enemies just now they aren't unrealistically spawning out of the clear blue. I get it that you want to mindlessly murder over and over again but still why are you playing OBJECTIVE MISSIONS FOR THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!? there are still upwards of 100 enemies on the map to satisfy your murder fetish, they just don't endlessly spawn like they do in survival anymore. I get that killing is the core of the game, I just don't get why you are complaining so hard that enemies aren't spawning as much in OBJECTIVE GAMEMODES. the core of spy is the puzzle rooms, the core of sabotage is destroying S#&$, the core of survival, exterminate, defense, and escort/hijack is to mindlessly kill things, protect things while killing things, and walking around with things while killing things.

I get where you are coming from but still its not like the map is Entirely devoid of all life. there are still plenty of things to kill on the map. they just don't group together and run at you in hoards anymore. (which i think should be changed, bring back combat formation bravo.)

im done ranting but I get that you guys want the status quo to be maintained but im open to change, I get why DE might've wanted to change the spawn mechanics to make sense and I also get that they might've also done it to cut focus farming. but I don't care, on paper these changes make sense to me and in game I barely notice the change until I start scouting out caches. the game is still fun to play. unless you're farming focus, I hate draco..

Edited by McDuffMan
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