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Infested noises and Orbiter - NOT U19 [Megathread]


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You kown, all this topic is about, is insulting the Operator, yeah we get it, there are Teens/Kids, big whoop, so who pissed in your cereal today OP?, don't qeastion game logic.


But then agien, PS4, they have a habit of picking on younger kids, or having such a high ego

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8 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

You kown, all this topic is about, is insulting the Operator, yeah we get it, there are Teens/Kids, big whoop, so who pissed in your cereal today OP?, don't qeastion game logic.


But then agien, PS4, they have a habit of picking on younger kids, or having such a high ego

Looks like your cereals contained some "piss" today.

OP got a fair point and wants to discuss it. Feel free to ignore this whenever you want if it doesn't fit your personal flavour.

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I hope they'll put rugs, posters and framed pictures in the marketplace, that we can place over the infested areas to hide them a bit. You know, when you're too lazy to clean up and you just want to ignore it. Like putting a picture on that damp stain on the kitchen wall or placing a rug on the cat's puke stain in the living room. But for the liset. Don't look at me like that.

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On ‎2016‎-‎04‎-‎07 at 5:06 PM, (PS4)Redemption_015 said:

That is just disgusting.


On ‎2016‎-‎04‎-‎07 at 4:34 PM, Phatose said:

Wasn't just Ordis.  What your Warframes do back on the ship while you're using a different Frame on a mission makes "50 Shades of Gray" look like a children's book.

Woah, little too far, we don't want to start a "Hentaiframe" genre and then compare it to Huniepop and then Twilight, so no, maybe if the infested mass around the door would be referencing a certain psychcotic clown with a flaming head then I'd be screaming "shut up and take my money"

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18 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

The Infestation in the Orbiter does not only show up after you complete Second Dream, just in case that hasn't been sorted out yet.


I know this from checking with a person who has only recently started playing the game.

Ive not done 1, 2nd and whatever dream nor sorty and have this. Everyone has this.

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5 hours ago, (XB1)The Exodus Code said:


Woah, little too far, we don't want to start a "Hentaiframe" genre and then compare it to Huniepop and then Twilight, so no, maybe if the infested mass around the door would be referencing a certain psychcotic clown with a flaming head then I'd be screaming "shut up and take my money"

... how would Infested flesh be a Twisted Metal reference?

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5 hours ago, (XB1)The Exodus Code said:


we don't want to start a "Hentaiframe" genre and then compare it to Huniepop and then Twilight

Who are you to say that "we" don't want to do that?

On a less pretentious note, the reason for the infestation might be as simple as us having accidentally brought back bit of infested tissue on the outside of our landing craft, which then ended up moving across the Orbiter hull to find a place to hook into and entered one of the airlocks.

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Uhh. . . Why was my comment and that guys "Ok captain Obvious " post suddenly put into this MEGATHREAD and how did this happen? I don't really understand this @___@

17 hours ago, ToaPhantom said:

The infested growths on the ship are for the Kavats.
Kavats are going to be implemented as new pets we can breed and incubate in our ship.
The Kavats hide in their nests made of Infested tissue and they EAT, that's right EAT Infested tissue and flesh.
The way you find Kavats is using your codex scanner on an infested map, once you find a nest, you can only see them using your codex scanner.

Once you scan them you can put its' genetic DNA into the kubrow egg and after a few days, you have your very own Kavat <3 <3 <3 <3

The segment of the ship is meant to be their quarters when the update hits. I know all of this because i've watched the dev stream discussing it and I can't wait for it to be released
Ordis, the Operator and Lotus aren't being stupid or ignoring it, They're just preparing for it since Inaros came. And DE put it there to get the Kavat fans excited <3
DERebecca showed how excited she was in Devstream (Skip to : 35:12 )





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1 hour ago, (PS4)ArnnFrost said:

I think this is why Ordis was broken from the very beginning, he was infected the whole time!? O.0 Hope there a little kitty inside though

Nah, he isn't The infested thing only came into the ship a few updates ago. That whole back segment of the ship wasn't even there before U18 and yet he's still that way.

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Ok this may be a bit of a longshot with my theory that Ordis is responsible for the origins of the infested. Yep, our lovable Ceph was responsible for the creation of the undead scourge we call infested. Here are some clues from previous content that may prove this theory is correct:

1. Ordis mood swings are very similiar to Ceph Jordas eventual degradation in the Jordas Precept add-on. Although it has been confirmed Alad V was responsible for the evolved technocyte virus it is highly probable he hacked into Ordis files and found the data he needed to create it. Why? To cure to his own infestation plus it seems strange that after the Mutalist event he would help the Lotus in the first place. Perhaps he found something more than just the cure for the infestation.

2. Cephalon Samaris tried to get Ordis back into his mainframe because he knew Ordis posed a great threat to the galaxy since he has all but forgotten "his true purpose". Also Samaris is similiar to the CDC in the fact that the simulacron is meant to be a quarantine/test lab for any scanned into his synthesis.

3. Ordis is old. Very old. He even states he remembers other Cephs but cant remember their voices. Why? Because he was one of the first prototypes that gave more modern Cephs like Suda their existence/purpose. Or maybe he was part of a collective intelligence that gained self-awareness over time and the Orokin tried to silence them from taking over. Sounds familiar to the infested, no?

Thats all I have for now hope this theory gains some credence in the upcoming dlc. Soooo excited!

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1 hour ago, (XB1)DerangedMime00 said:


Sorry... But no, its been stated that the infestation was created by the orokin to fight the sentients, the Mutalist strain was engineered by only Alad, and he help us because he knows of the threat Sentients pose... And because then we are in debt with him.

And Tubemen Of Regor explained that Alad cured himself by using files from the Tubeman Project.

And no, if Cephalons were trying to silence them because they wanted to take over, Lotus would have never think to let Ordis "live" on the liset on the first place.

Edited by vodkacrepper
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@vodkacrepper @(XB1)DerangedMime00

Let me help end this. This is from my previous thread I made a while back:


Okay, okay. I know 90% of the community pretty much knows that Ordis is hiding something big and he knows why, but doesn't know. If that make sense? But for those who don't, I'll do a quick run down. Cephalons are AI software created by the Orokin, but specifically who created them, we don't know. The Cephalons are designed for range of different purposes. We have Cephalon Ordis and Jordas as ship Cephalons and maintaining the ships functionality. Then we have Cephalon Simaris and Suda having their own purpose which was given to them. Again, we don't who gave them the orders. Finally, we have Conclave Cephalons - which tease the Tenno during matches. This could be just a distraction, like a test for them to make them better in real combat situations. Anyway, the Operator that lives with Cephalon Ordis. Ordis' controls the Orbiter conditions, so the Operator will be to inhabit on ship - as well mean't to keep the ship functionality to 100%

This is the Orbitor:



Ordis was there when the Orokin had fallen and when Tenno where put to sleep. But more importantly he remembers what happened during the Old War with the Sentients and possibly why. This can be seen with these two quotes:

"Do you remember the Old War, Operator? Ordis seems to have... misplaced those memories." - Ordis, Says It When Player Is Idle.

"The Moon... Somehow, Ordis actually remembers the last time I was here. Concern for the Operator is at critical levels." - Ordis, Second Dream Quest

These two quotes go conjunction together. Its more then likely he knows everything during the Old War and present day. Its unlikely Ordis blocked his own memory, by his own will. Cephalons are known to only take orders by certain people. This can be seen in the Guardsman synthesis lore:

"I'm Sectarus class, this ship's Cephalon listens to me exclusively" - Guardsman, Synthesis Lore

Now we know that Cephalons only listen to only a few. By the process of eliminations, it would probably the Lotus and the Operator - Ordis listens to. The Lotus has been able to give Ordis orders before. This can be seen during the Archwing Quest:

Watch it at 0:08 till 0:22


If you watched where I told you too. You should see Ordis immediately does what Lotus demands him to do. Their might be others who are able to give him orders as well. Now we know Ordis is able to be given Orders by Lotus. She might have given Ordis a order to forgot about the Moon, so the Lotus would keep the secret from the Operator. So if Ordis gets captured, he won't be able to tell them about the Moon being in the Void or what Tenno are. Moving on.

Now am going to talk about possibility of Ordis going a Jordas on us (sorry, I had to do that). First; we have to look at a quote he says at the beginning of the game, during Vor's Prize - right after escaping:

"Operator, you have returned! I am Ordis, ship's Cephalon, a shadow of my former self. I cannot serve the Operator in such a condition. Order me to self-destruct, I will understand." - Ordis, Vor's Prize Quest

"You used to know Ordis, but you've lost those memories, haven't you?" - Cephalon Simaris, New Strange Quest

This shows Ordis is not working at his best. This can even be seen in the way he is ashamed of what he had become. Additionally, why Ordis' talks in a broken and split personality, when the player is Idle. Next we have to know what type of Cephalon is Ordis. If the Orokin work anything like our technology today. Then they would be improving the softwares and the hardwares. Moving on to the New Strange Quest, quoting:

"What is this? An antique Series-II Cephalon? All I've found were degraded beyond repair, but you're still functional. Your abilities could be of great use in my Sanctuary." - Cephalon Simaris, New Strange Quest

Cephalon Simaris was surprised when he discovered Ordis. As Simaris referred to Ordis as a "antique series-II Cephalon", by which caught my attention. Even further what Simaris had said "all I've found were degraded beyond repair, but your still functional". This made me think; is it because Ordis was dormant? Waiting for his Operator's return, which had slowed down his degrading. Now moving on to Cephalon Cordylon. Cordylon is Lotus' personal Cephalon that helps her out. Looking at one of his quotes, when Cordylon was answering a players question on "how did Jordas become part Infested". Quoting:

"To succumb to Infestation there would need to be several breached security codes, including those dedicated to disinfection, prior to gaining access to my hardware" - Cephalon Cordylon, Ask A Cephalon (Date: 22/03/2016)

This can be seen with Cephalon Jordas, as he had joined with the Infested Hive mind. This can be seen in the way he talks and having a split personality like Ordis. Quoting:

"--Yes-- No! No, please, d-do not. Contacting you was a mistake --this infestation is everywhere--"

by looking at this quote. Jordas is acting in a simailar manner like Ordis. As Ordis would say one thing, but then he would say another in more of a immature manner. I need to show two more quotes:

"Cephalon Jordas will make an excellent friend, don't you think? Ordis remembers many more Cephalon voices, but now it is only silence..." - Cephalon Ordis, Jordas Precept Quest

"I would never abandon a fellow Cephalon, but centuries adrift --have fried his-- have not been kind. I suppose all Cephalons degrade, don't they." - Cephalon Ordis, Jordas Precept Quest

These two quotes shows that there are only few "antique series-II Cephalons" remaining in the present. They would either be; degrading like Ordis, or seize to function anymore, or worse; joining the Infested Hive mind like Jordas. By looking back at Cephalon Cordylon said about requiring a degrading codes and a outdated security to have an Infestation breach, which is happening right now on the Orbiter.


This is possibly due to the fact that we have Infested weaponries and materials need to be contained probably; to a avoid from this happening. Again, as Ordis is outdated and him not being equipped probably to handle this. At this rate; Ordis would either become part Infested like Jordas. Quoting for the last time:

"I could restore them. In time, we could reverse your decline, heal your malfunctions." - Cephalon Simaris, The New Strange Quest

So am guessing that the next quest will be with Simaris, Ordis, Lotus and the Operator. As Simaris has stated during the New Strange Quest - he would "heal your malfunctions", if Ordis joins the Sanctuary. But this is unlikely, as it would be hassle for DE to find a new voice actor for the Operator's Cephalon. So we would probably cut a deal with Simaris.

Edited by Ibro156
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19 minutes ago, vodkacrepper said:

Sorry... But no, its been stated that the infestation was created by the orokin to fight the sentients, the Mutalist strain was engineered by only Alad, and he help us because he knows of the threat Sentients pose... And because then we are in debt with him.

And Tubemen Of Regor explained that Alad cured himself by using files from the Tubeman Project.

And no, if Cephalons were trying to silence them because they wanted to take over, Lotus would have never think to let Ordis "live" on the liset on the first place.

At least, the Mutalist Strain was 'rediscovered' by Alad V; note in the finale of Stolen Dreams that there are two Arcane Boilers that previously were in the darkened Technocyte vines in the floor around the arcane machine. These Arcane Boilers are released when the machine is started but I do not think they had anything to do with Alad V. The current Mutalist strain was made by taking technocyte from our warframes' insides, it stands to reason then that such an infection already existed but perhaps did not survive the time period jump to modern day unlike the infested Dr. Tengus used and spread.

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9 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

@vodkacrepper @(XB1)DerangedMime00

Let me help end this. For this from my previous thread I made a while back:

  Reveal hidden contents

Okay, okay. I know 90% of the community pretty much knows that Ordis is hiding something big and he knows why, but doesn't know. If that make sense? But for those who don't, I'll do a quick run down. Cephalons are AI software created by the Orokin, but specifically who created them, we don't know. The Cephalons are designed for range of different purposes. We have Cephalon Ordis and Jordas as ship Cephalons and maintaining the ships functionality. Then we have Cephalon Simaris and Suda having their own purpose which was given to them. Again, we don't who gave them the orders. Finally, we have Conclave Cephalons - which tease the Tenno during matches. This could be just a distraction, like a test for them to make them better in real combat situations. Anyway, the Operator that lives with Cephalon Ordis. Ordis' controls the Orbiter conditions, so the Operator will be to inhabit on ship - as well mean't to keep the ship functionality to 100%

This is the Orbitor:



Ordis was there when the Orokin had fallen and when Tenno where put to sleep. But more importantly he remembers what happened during the Old War with the Sentients and possibly why. This can be seen with these two quotes:

"Do you remember the Old War, Operator? Ordis seems to have... misplaced those memories." - Ordis, Says It When Player Is Idle.

"The Moon... Somehow, Ordis actually remembers the last time I was here. Concern for the Operator is at critical levels." - Ordis, Second Dream Quest

These two quotes go conjunction together. Its more then likely he knows everything during the Old War and present day. Its unlikely Ordis blocked his own memory, by his own will. Cephalons are known to only take orders by certain people. This can be seen in the Guardsman synthesis lore:

"I'm Sectarus class, this ship's Cephalon listens to me exclusively" - Guardsman, Synthesis Lore

Now we know that Cephalons only listen to only a few. By the process of eliminations, it would probably the Lotus and the Operator - Ordis listens to. The Lotus has been able to give Ordis orders before. This can be seen during the Archwing Quest:

Watch it at 0:08 till 0:22


If you watched where I told you too. You should see Ordis immediately does what Lotus demands him to do. Their might be others who are able to give him orders as well. Now we know Ordis is able to be given Orders by Lotus. She might have given Ordis a order to forgot about the Moon, so the Lotus would keep the secret from the Operator. So if Ordis gets captured, he won't be able to tell them about the Moon being in the Void or what Tenno are. Moving on.

Now am going to talk about possibility of Ordis going a Jordas on us (sorry, I had to do that). First; we have to look at a quote he says at the beginning of the game, during Vor's Prize - right after escaping:

"Operator, you have returned! I am Ordis, ship's Cephalon, a shadow of my former self. I cannot serve the Operator in such a condition. Order me to self-destruct, I will understand." - Ordis, Vor's Prize Quest

"You used to know Ordis, but you've lost those memories, haven't you?" - Cephalon Simaris, New Strange Quest

This shows Ordis is not working at his best. This can even be seen in the way he is ashamed of what he had become. Additionally, why Ordis' talks in a broken and split personality, when the player is Idle. Next we have to know what type of Cephalon is Ordis. If the Orokin work anything like our technology today. Then they would be improving the softwares and the hardwares. Moving on to the New Strange Quest, quoting:

"What is this? An antique Series-II Cephalon? All I've found were degraded beyond repair, but you're still functional. Your abilities could be of great use in my Sanctuary." - Cephalon Simaris, New Strange Quest

Cephalon Simaris was surprised when he discovered Ordis. As Simaris referred to Ordis as a "antique series-II Cephalon", by which caught my attention. Even further what Simaris had said "all I've found were degraded beyond repair, but your still functional". This made me think; is it because Ordis was dormant? Waiting for his Operator's return, which had slowed down his degrading. Now moving on to Cephalon Cordylon. Cordylon is Lotus' personal Cephalon that helps her out. Looking at one of his quotes, when Cordylon was answering a players question on "how did Jordas become part Infested". Quoting:

"To succumb to Infestation there would need to be several breached security codes, including those dedicated to disinfection, prior to gaining access to my hardware" - Cephalon Cordylon, Ask A Cephalon (Date: 22/03/2016)

This can be seen with Cephalon Jordas, as he had joined with the Infested Hive mind. This can be seen in the way he talks and having a split personality like Ordis. Quoting:

"--Yes-- No! No, please, d-do not. Contacting you was a mistake --this infestation is everywhere--"

by looking at this quote. Jordas is acting in a simailar manner like Ordis. As Ordis would say one thing, but then he would say another in more of a immature manner. I need to show two more quotes:

"Cephalon Jordas will make an excellent friend, don't you think? Ordis remembers many more Cephalon voices, but now it is only silence..." - Cephalon Ordis, Jordas Precept Quest

"I would never abandon a fellow Cephalon, but centuries adrift --have fried his-- have not been kind. I suppose all Cephalons degrade, don't they." - Cephalon Ordis, Jordas Precept Quest

These two quotes shows that there are only few "antique series-II Cephalons" remaining in the present. They would either be; degrading like Ordis, or seize to function anymore, or worse; joining the Infested Hive mind like Jordas. By looking back at Cephalon Cordylon said about requiring a degrading codes and a outdated security to have an Infestation breach, which is happening right now on the Orbiter.


This is possibly due to the fact that we have Infested weaponries and materials need to be contained probably; to a avoid from this happening. Again, as Ordis is outdated and him not being equipped probably to handle this. At this rate; Ordis would either become part Infested like Jordas. Quoting for the last time:

"I could restore them. In time, we could reverse your decline, heal your malfunctions." - Cephalon Simaris, The New Strange Quest

So am guessing that the next quest will be with Simaris, Ordis, Lotus and the Operator. As Simaris has stated during the New Strange Quest - he would "heal your malfunctions", if Ordis joins the Sanctuary. But this is unlikely, as it would be hassle for DE to find a new voice actor for the Operator's Cephalon. So we would probably cut a deal with Simaris.

That's exactly the idea i had in mind, the "Ordis created infestation" theory didn't make any point except suppositions and headcanons.

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23 minutes ago, vodkacrepper said:

That's exactly the idea i had in mind, the "Ordis created infestation" theory didn't make any point except suppositions and headcanons.

Well, we don't know that. He never says nor does anyone points it out. We ligitmentally create Infested Warframe and weapons from mutag mugenets, nano spores and plastics. Which if you read their description, it freaking says it from the Infested

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I said it w as a theory not a statement lol I still believe Ordis has something to do with the infestation although we will have to see in the not-to-distant future. Also I forgot to mention another oddity involving the Stalker in the fact that maybe he isnt after us but is trying to kill Ordis. Stalker could have very well have killed both the Tenno and Lotus in one swing while on the Moon IF he brought his "acolytes" with him. Why didnt he hm? Maybe, just maybe, he was after a bigger fish. The real perpetrator of the fall of the Orokin. Something that was once Orokin but betrayed them to the Tenno in the Old War. Who else knew of the Orokin tech, has control of their ships, and could allow the Tenno to breach their security ensuring the mass genocide of the Orokin. Food for thought. ^-^

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)DerangedMime00 said:


Or the Acolytes arrived after the second dream... As Shadow Debt stated.

"The Stalker has found others as twisted as himself. He calls them his Acolytes and he's sent them after ME?!"

And yeah, if what you said is true, than he had no reason to stop us going into transference on the Orbiter, as he could have just reached for the Cephalon compartments and destroy them.


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Since we haven't had an update on what's going on with that door in about...probably 2 weeks now? (My perception of time is awful.) I thought it could be fun to toss around theories about the door and what it's going to be. Until about a week ago I'd expected something along the lines of Ordis being killed off, since (due to what I think and HOPE was a bug) he was extremely silent for almost a full week.  He seems to be back to his chatty self again, now, though.

Here's mine:


Why? The door is infested. Feral Kavats are found primarily in infested missions. The first feral Kavats we saw in the Inaros questline were infested. We all know that cats are coming soon, so it just makes sense that that's what the door is going to be for. For our new kitty friends.


What do you think is going on with the door? Discuss. I need to talk about this or the wait is going to drive me insane.

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There's a megathread for this, but in general, yeah; I think behind that door is where we store our Warframes, and, ala the Rhino Prime Codex, the infested components of them are beginning to cause an infestation on the ship.  Kavats eat the infestation, so we are going to have to go get a Kavat in order clean/disinfect the Orbiter.

Edited by Gelkor
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