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Conclave Dead?


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I've spent the last few days logging into conclave from different relays and from different regions and I haven't seen a single player in any of the game modes. Am I doing something wrong or is this just how it is?


Edited by Voidforged
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Yeah, my matchmaking ping limit is set to 'no limit.' Even if I managed to find one lobby I'd be happy, I haven't even been able to experience it yet. 

I know Warframe itself is doing quite well, so to see one part of it so utterly barren is pretty upsetting. :( 

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I don't really care much for PVP either, but I'd like to get the skins, and mainly the Syndana, if it's usable in PVE. 

Cos I've recently been getting arcanes, and I loath the appearance of every other Syndana currently ingame, was hoping for some light at the end of the tunnel. I'm missing out on all the arcane goodness because I won't play a character I deem to be ugly.

I only have a few friends and none of them are into PVP. :P 

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The problem is that conclave is kinda pointless no matter how many cosmetics DE puts in the Vendor. 

Warframe was always about CO-OP and most of the player base is focused in this aspect of it, what I personaly think that DE should do is scracth all those matches in conclave, stick with team based matches and turn it into a MOBA similar to Smite's, I realy think people would like it more specialy considering that we already have a system like this (or used to, not sure anymore) in the Solar Rail Conflicts. 

They can of course keep the mods and cosmetics we have in the conclaves and set them to be used in those MOBAs  and progressivly unlock em as our mods do (or did) in the Solar Rail ones, I think at the very least its worth a try so the community can decide wherever or not this should be the course of action to be take in the future.

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4 minutes ago, Arkstorm said:

Dead? For me, as I hit a PvP game mode, within less than 6 seconds... I can find a game with lots of players in it. Maybe its just your region bro~

Hahaha I liked the sarcarsm ! upvoted 

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Just now, Henji said:

The problem is that conclave is kinda pointless no matter how many cosmetics DE puts in the Vendor. 

Warframe was always about CO-OP and most of the player base is focused in this aspect of it, what I personaly think that DE should do is scracth all those matches in conclave, stick with team based matches and turn it into a MOBA similar to Smite's, I realy think people would like it more specialy considering that we already have a system like this (or used to, not sure anymore) in the Solar Rail Conflicts. 

They can of course keep the mods and cosmetics we have in the conclaves and set them to be used in those MOBAs  and progressivly unlock em as our mods do (or did) in the Solar Rail ones, I think at the very least its worth a try so the community can decide wherever or not this should be the course of action to be take in the future.

Agreed. This would be a much better system.


Just now, Arkstorm said:

Dead? For me, as I hit a PvP game mode, within less than 6 seconds... I can find a game with lots of players in it. Maybe its just your region bro~

What region? I've tried most of them and it's the same everywhere.

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59 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

I've noticed that if you allow yourself to have higher lag in the settings, That you can find more games. You'll have a tougher time in conclave cause of the lag, but there are usually a few people playing annihilation.

Its a loss-loss situation: lower ping settings, you find less matches, almost none. Higher ping settings enemies will teleport around the map and take 2 clips of Gorgon to kill and they kill you throught the wall.

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A tiny subsect of players enjoy conclave, if refined it could be fun, but its way to twitchy to play as is, in my opinion, and geels off in a 3rd person action game, I dont know what it is but it just feels off.

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Something can't be dead if it was never alive to begin with.

Conclave has no hope of ever being played by anything more than a tiny section of the playerbase that can put up with the rage inducing bs that is host lag which can even be intentionally caused to give themselves an advantage unless DE actually gives conclave dedicated servers. I want those conclave skins but GOD **** it is not worth it. Every single game I go into is either some guy who knows where with absolutely horrendous internet hosting (probably due to the low amount of people who even try to give it a shot) or is lag switching so they can win the round with ease.

DE, why on earth would you lock nice cosmetic skins behind something that is literally unplayable. 1-3 second lag between me doing something and it actually happening for the other person in EVERY game is not acceptable. Unless you give in and give it dedicated servers to stop this- conclave should just be pulled out of the game- or have anything locked behind it be available elsewhere so your players don't have to force themselves to suffer through something that the MAJORITY of the player base does not care about and accepts is basically a failure at this point.

I'm not trying to bash here. I understand the PvP team puts a lot of effort into balancing the new conclave- and it is LEAGUES better than what we had before. I respect their effort and I try to sympathize with what they are trying to accomplish, but all of their efforts are an entire waste unless you guys give them the resources to make all that effort matter and I just view that as a poor move as a company. Either axe conclave, don't lock anything behind it that is nowhere else, or the BEST solution: give conclave dedicated servers so that it actually has a shot at being successful.

EDIT: Just wanted to put this out there too. I am one of those people that absolutely hates PvP and thinks it does nothing but breed cancer and elitism and conflicts among the player base- and that thinks PvP has no place in a PvE game at all- but I've basically accepted that DE wants it to be a thing, and am willing to give it a chance- but not if you're not even going to show it the respect of actually doing things right and using the necessary tools and resources to do so.


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8 minutes ago, Waffl3madmurder said:

The new conclave skins and syandana is why I play conclave, I would play for fun if I didn't have a constant 20 fps

Wth ? how does that happen to you ?

I mean, does it happen just in the conclave or during normal missions as well ? 

Edited by Henji
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