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Where is Ordis?


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Oh good I'm not the only to have noticed he's gotten pretty quiet lately... maybe its got something to do with that door in the Orbiter hmm? You know the one I mean, it leads to the bathroom the one you've not cleaned in awhile and has gotten so funky its startin' to leak out.


In all seriousness yeah's he's gotten quiet but he'll still hit on you when you go to change colours on stuff and let you know when things are done cookin' in the kitchen, but other than that its silence.....or maybe he's just jealous of the "NO DATA AVAILABLE" you got down there.

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i've got ordis' sound turned down because of how repititious his comments are... 20 less comments about if i'm visualizing a bloody battle would be welcome. 

seriously, interacting with ordis should be like interacting with our kubrows... we choose where and when to initiate it

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2 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

The irony how this thread. Has anyone notice he looks a bit different as well, or is it just me?

Will have to watch for that then I don't hear him yammer at all when idle in the ship he only seems to yammer when I use stuff in the armoury, foundry, and mods...counter...thingy or whatever its called again. 

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well, its true, he dont speak too much now, and even if you done the second dream, now he back to use the phrase of "are you confortable, operator?", when its suposed he wont do it again if you finished the quest....

something have happened to our ordis

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18 minutes ago, WhiteDagger said:
1 hour ago, Ibro156 said:

The irony of this thread. Has anyone notice he looks a bit different as well, or is it just me?

Yeah maybe its just me but somehow he looks a bit sinister now.

Well, I haven't been able to hear him recently, So I can't really tell.

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1 hour ago, ShikiRen said:

Do you have a quest set as active? That apparently disables his blabbermouth.

Oh, That may explain it. I left Limbo's quest active and Forgot to finish it. I will try that later and see what happens.


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1 hour ago, Zaitsiev said:

Well, After finishing the quest, He's back to talking normally. I guess it was a false alarm.


Yeah this is a weird bug with quests. Because quests have their own dialogue, as long as you have one active, it goes to look for the quest dialogue (if there is any) and doesn't even seem to be calling the files that bring up normal Ordis at all. I've been keeping the Limbo quest active partway through (I already had Limbo from helping others long ago) as a way to keep Ordis trap shut for ages now. I really hope they don't fix the glitch. 

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