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To everyone that has seen Devstream 71 and still oppose genderswap


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8 minutes ago, tnccs215 said:


Now people wont have to deal with their sexist discomfort of playing the other sex, and can stay on their small comfort bubble.

Suppose that's what you get when you treat games solely has a product and a service instead of an art form with an opinion.

Whatever. Done with this subject.

Oh, and OP: Concept Art and discarted models can NOT be used as proof for anything.

And your whole post was childish has hell.

I agree. Games are art, not products. I like the art style of WarFrame. This genderswap will possibly break the lore or ruin the art style of warframe. 

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2 hours ago, RadioLarity said:

That's all I have to say.

Well, you didn't say much did you.

What DE could do is just allow model swaps in Tennogen. If people want gender swaps that badly - something will come out of it, it'll get approval and maybe just maybe DE will let it in. IF it's approved. If not, we just get another source of deluxe skins. Everyone wins. (well, eventually, console players)

I know it's a long shot but it's not entirely out of the question.

Edited by Artarrwen
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2 hours ago, RadioLarity said:

I never got my hopes too high, I'm playing Warframe too long to do that.
Still, it would have been amazing to see that and the biggest argument is that ppl just don't have to swap genders if they don't want to.
And I can't really think of any big lore thing to really stop us from doing that.

well in the quests for certain frames (limbo, mirage, chroma, etc.) they are specifically referred as he/she. so lore wise, yes that would be kinda breaking it. The frames seem to be modeled after something specific (like saryn prime was modeled after a certain someone's favorite flower) so adding gender swaps would ruin it.

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for me personally, im the kind of guy who mostly plays dudes in games, not because im sexist or anything, but its for immersion purposes, im a dude in real life, so i want to be a dude in a game, if the female frames here werent so good, i wouldn't have touched them, but i like their whole thing going, with this genderswap thing, it'll help my immersion with the game, BUT, i'd rather have them be implemented to the game by DE themselves ,which includes the skin and the animation to be of the opposite gender, and not just through tennogen

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Nyx and Excalibur are practically the male and female version of the same frame.  You can almost make the comparison to each frame to some degree. Chroma and Zephyr, Hydroid and Mirage, so forth. It's a stretch, but at times many of the Warframes seem like counterparts to the same theme, like dragons and sea creatures I mentioned in my example. 

I have to agree with the assumption that it will fall on the Tennogen to design such skin options. 

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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I just cant believe there are still people who cant play a fictional charater of the opposite sex because "reasons". If playing "female" warframes breaks someone immersion just cause "boobs" for those people should be so unsettling as much as playing any "male" warframe by the looks of those.

Maybe theyll make them genderswappable or whatever one day, i cant imagine the hilarious Rhino with boobs :D

But seriously tho if theres a problem is not about the game without genderswappable characters, is probably you.

Edited by fatalis92
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Gender swapping, imo, is a waste of developer time and resources. I'd rather see them use that time making new frames instead of rehashing old frames. We already have rehashes in the form of prime variants, and soon umbras.

If the playerbase does it through steam, then go nuts, make some hermaphroditic frames while you're at it. Do some gender bender shenanigans; whatever gets your rocks off, as long as it doesnt take away from DE's development resources.

Edited by Skaleek
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4 minutes ago, fatalis92 said:

I just cant believe there are still people who cant play a fictional charater of the opposite sex because "reasons". If playing "female" warframes breaks someone immersion just cause "boobs"


whats wrong with not wanting to play a frame because its not their gender and it breaks their immersion?

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1 minute ago, Skaleek said:

Gender swapping, imo, is a waste of developer time and resources. I'd rather see them use that time making new frames instead of rehashing old frames. We already have rehashes in the form of prime variants, and soon umbras.

TBH I would agree with you, if not a fact that I have seen so many things that developers used not on making something that is a waste of time that... Well... I just don't see making genderswaps as a waste of time.
Besides look at everything that is now called "FashionFrame".
Don't you think that at this point and rate all the armor sets and syandanas along with skins are waste of time?

BTW DE has different teams all that are meant for different purposes. There is PvP team, cosmetics team, etc. etc.
Maybe DE isn't the biggest developer, but still. It's not like this is an indie game.

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I am against gender swapping simply because it'd just begin to make the game feel completely catered, that DE is stepping away from their passionate design choices for player satisfaction over an unnecessary concern. Ash is Ash, Excalibur is Excalibur. A female version is no more like the original than a Batwoman is like a Batman.

Why not then, at this point, have a frame with a similar theme and call it Smoke? Or what about an Orna?

Ash F and Ash M carry none of the passion or care that brought me into the game.

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5 minutes ago, Varacal said:


whats wrong with not wanting to play a frame because its not their gender and it breaks their immersion?

If you don't want to play like that there is no problem. If you have a problem with impersonating the character of different sex, than the person that is playing it, there is the problem.

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20 minutes ago, Varacal said:


whats wrong with not wanting to play a frame because its not their gender and it breaks their immersion?

" I just cant believe there are still people who cant play a fictional charater of the opposite sex because "reasons". If playing "female" warframes breaks someone immersion just cause "boobs" for those people should be so unsettling as much as playing any "male" warframe by the looks of those."

Thats the whole sentence, it should be clear why just by reading it. What i mean is that if youre a guy/girl who plays characters that are the most "similar" to him/her or he/she can "identify" himself/herself into because breaks your "immersion" if youre not, then if youre a guy should be a problem playing Nezha and Rhino since they are so different that if you identify yourself as one of them you cant possibly do so with the other.

And we talk just about looks since "male" and "female" in a game like warframe is just about looking like it, theres not even the voice.

Edited by fatalis92
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Just now, (PS4)IIIDevoidIII said:

I am against gender swapping simply because it'd just begin to make the game feel completely catered, that DE is stepping away from their passionate design choices for player satisfaction over an unnecessary concern. Ash is Ash, Excalibur is Excalibur. A female version is no more like the original than a Batwoman is like a Batman.

Why not then, at this point, have a frame with a similar theme and call it Smoke? Or what about an Orna?

Ash F and Ash M carry none of the passion or care that brought me into the game.

I mean... If anyone of you played Skyrim for example and imagine that there were only specific genders for every race and the argument was "well, there is other gender in the other race".
Like for example you wanted to play Argonian female (due to the fact they can breathe in water) but there are only Argonian males, BUT you can still play Khajiit females! How wonderful!
Now do you understand it? I can't use World on Fire with my Chroma, or Iron skin with Valkyr. Just like there is no Sound Quake for Inaros.

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I don't really understand what the big deal is about the Warframes' genders. Especially after the Secon Dream.


Our Warframes are golems, meat puppets.

They don't have a gender, they only look like they do. They were probably created that way in an attempt to make them more relatable or visually pleasing.


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11 minutes ago, RadioLarity said:

TBH I would agree with you, if not a fact that I have seen so many things that developers used not on making something that is a waste of time that... Well... I just don't see making genderswaps as a waste of time.
Besides look at everything that is now called "FashionFrame".
Don't you think that at this point and rate all the armor sets and syandanas along with skins are waste of time?

BTW DE has different teams all that are meant for different purposes. There is PvP team, cosmetics team, etc. etc.
Maybe DE isn't the biggest developer, but still. It's not like this is an indie game.

Sorry man, in my opinion, even if they have a specialized warframe design team, Ie Minky and them, i still think their efforts are better served towards new frames rather than variations on old ones.

Edited by Skaleek
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This is the third damn thread on this topic within a couple of days... Honestly can't you people use the search bar? Or just go into General Discussion and SEE the 10 page thread on the same damn thing? 

EDIT: Also how is this in anyway considerable as Feedback?

Edited by reptillicus
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maybe when they do a quest explaining what the warframes realy are u guys stop with that genderswap sht 
and we might get the anwser late this year  cuz in my understanding ballas created the warframes
and i perfer DE too focus in quests  lore bug fixes new end game contet and new user content than genderswap wich completly kill the game too me

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Suppose DE finally caves in to these particular demands and implements genderswap. Hooray, now what?

1) Alot of time and money that could be used to make new awesome content, warframes (to quote Skaleek), quests (as lukshu up there said), weapons, companions, enemies, sentinels, lore or whatnot gets reallocated for an extra cosmetic option that does little to overall contribute to the game.

2) Will there be the need for "male and female" animation stances to go with these genderswapped warframes? In case, for example, female rhino players complain that male rhino's animations are too inappropriate? If so, that's more time and money eaten up!

3) Primed Warframes will also need to be genderswapped! The ones that exist, AND the future upcoming ones! That means even more time and money!

To be honest, when I started off Warframe I thought it'd be nice if such an option existed. But I see all the effort gone to make the game so great and the personality and effort invested into each warframe as a character, a personality of their own, I'm satisfied with how this turned out to be nevertheless.

Also, "because its pwetty" is not a very good or well-researched argument on its own.

Edit: 4) DELUXE SKINS! Totally forgot about deluxe skins. That'll be more time and money, and a few hundred more plat down the drain for unfortunate players who want both!

Edited by RS219
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I don't see any real reason for the Devs to put any time into heping make this gender swap idea become a reality. I wouldn't purchase or use swappable gender skins.


Mount points for weapons, skeletal changes on characters to make movements work right, these are things DE would have to take a dev away from working on something to make happen and work properly. I'd rather see that time went into creating an entirely new frame or reworking an existing frame to be more useful to a team.

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18 minutes ago, VampirePirate said:

Has nothing to do with the community wanting gender swap or not.  DE is simply not doing it.

Yeah as if. If warframe can sell gender skin on the workshop they will. I mean, if you have the choice of making a lot of money off literally no damage at all, what would you do?

Sure some warframes have been told to be "he" or "she" but maybe those were the "original" ones, as much as Hayden was the first Excalibur or whatever. THAT excalibur was the original male, all the other excaliburs are made to look like him, but if you want to personalize yours to look like a loli hell do it. No one gets hurt unless you have problems with genderswapping as a concept, or you hate seeing your beloved frame as a girly girl, because the masculinity of some people is as fragile as a glass of thin prop glass.

The Inaros from the quest, the Mirage, the Limbo, they are all just looking like that because they were based off the first ones created. Not because they have some kind of relevance with the one on the quest! The quest (specially Inaros' one) are kind of a look to the past, you unravel a story, you get a warframe related to it, that's it. Any warframe named on the story was probably the original one, but it has nothing to do with you making changes to the blueprint.

RS219, you missed the point (can't quote, or I will be posting twice).
Literally the point here is that Tennogen makes the skins so the dev team doesn't waste time, and they literally get paid for the skins too, so where is the spent "time and money"?? they just need to make tennogen anything that is community related, so the community can decide to F*** itself up or don't, while they build the core game, it's like making mods, but DE gets paid for each individual thing bought.

Edited by GDSK-NXS
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