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Best Shotgun Scaling Burst Against Level 100+ Enemies



Hello, I have heard many different opinions about which shotgun's burst better scales into higher level enemies; which I assume is because of armor(?). I was wondering if anyone could please clear this up for me.

I have heard the following: 
 Sancti Tigris due to the high damage per single/double shot and damage when mixed with a decent element.
-Hek  due to the exclusive 200% multishot mod and innate Puncture damage.
-Vayktor Hek due to the puncture damage and higher crit chance when using a crit build.

I more often hear people saying that the Sancti Tigris has the best burst regardless of what level enemies your reach, but it seems like the people who use either of the Heks absolutely swear by them.  

Is there any clear answer to which one has the best burst?
Or would that still depend on variables such as the enemy type and/or high high the enemies' levels are?
Is armor the reason that weapons fall off endgame, or is it something else like sheer health?
In terms of sustainable DPS, would it be Vayktor Hek> Hek> Sancti Tigris?

Sorry about all the questions, it's been over a year since I last played and don't really know how things work on a min-maxing scale any more. Thanks for any and all answers and suggestions~


I imagine this isn't an uncommon question, but the search function seems to either show tons of threads with nothing relevant or show no threads at all. Sorry if I did a repost sort of thing.


Edited by NeopetsMaster4432
I did try the search function!
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14 answers to this question

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If you can't do some content with one of those weapons, you can't do that content with any of them. You should get them all anyway and rank them to 30, you should be able to see which mechanics you like the most during that time.

They buffed shotguns to ridiculously high levels. It doesn't matter which one you pick if you're only going to do sorties. By the time you can (/want to) do multihour endless modes you will have enough experience to know what to pick whenever.

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I would suggest using the Hek for its inhuman puncture damage.It does have a slow fire rate , which means less DPS but more damage per shot.Against the Grineer i'd say that Hek is the best.

I've been using the Hek since U8 (I think) and it has never let me down. ( Except for that ONE time , my Hek knows what I mean)

I also got the Vaykor Hek but , I haven't used it that much.

I havent used the Sancti Tigirs yet so I don't know how good that is against armored enemies.

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It really depends on team comp. if you have 3-4 corrosive projections, Sancti's slash crushes. Hek and Vaykor Hek tend to be favorites because they have the ability to keep hitting high numbers, regardless of CP's. (Vaykor) Hek also has a nice health/armor boost proc, giving a bit more EHP than the straight hp boost the sancti proc gives. Anthoer thing is that Vaykor comes with an innate D polarity, popularly filled with tainted shell, which reduces shot spread. This means that it's a bit better at distance, and closer up, your more likely to land more pellets in a well placed headshot, getting a nice headshot crit multiplier. Another thing is that Sancti Tigris has a duplex firing system, meaning you shot on chamber upon pressing down the mouse, and then shoot again when releasing. This can drive some people nuts, leaving them with Vaykor Hek as the only reasonable option in their view. 

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For armored enemies, surprisingly, the BEST shotgun isn't any of those but it's actually the Strun Wraith with a full 100% proc Corrosive, Heat build. Depending on how lucky you are, you can strip the armor off enemies within 3-4 shots and kill them before anything, the higher the level the more the weapon technically damages the enemies.

Sancti Tigris is the best for everything else but it's based on the players actual handling skills, if they can shoot BOTH shots in quick succession (double tap) and quick reload, its raw damage just can't be beat.

Vaykor Hek scales a lot more than the Justice Hek because of how crits and the new event crit mods work in conjunction together. It takes more work on builds (Primed mods, event mod) and actual aim skill, since it's dependent on head/weakpoint shots, barring those (headshot crit proc, aiming), Justice Hek will do much more damage.

Edited by TheLocalHentai
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Vay hek all the way. Have both regular hek and vay hek, and with best builds that i can came up for both vay hek out damage regular hek with aug easily, even if you don't aim for headshots and it have 8 rounds magazine. S tigris is also awesome, but less effective against crowd, due to it's low mag and trigger mechanic, even if you go to full reload speed, but still awesome shotgun. I would recommend s tigris and vay hek

Edited by Hekovashi
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IMO it really comes down to your preferred fire mechanic. Personally I like to use the Sancti Tigris over the Hek.

These are the facts:

The Sancti Tigris will give you the highest Total damage p/shot
The Both Hek types have higher DPS. (with the Vaykor over the regular)
Vaykor Hek has the highest sustained DPS (with the hek and Sancti Tigris about the same)

The DPS is basically decided by the Clip size. With the vaykor hek above all with the highest clip size and the hek and sancti close together because of the damage/clip size ratio's.

But what is My reason for taking Tigris over either Heks? Both have a downside imo and that is the need for specific mods. With the Hek needing scattered Justice and the vaykor hek needing Crit mods. While the Sancti Tigris still has room for more damage or utility. In my case that is Seeking Fury. It slightly increases Sustained DPS and makes it the better choice against large groups making the 2 shot mag less of an issue.

As I said. The Stats on these are close with each having their place.

But it really comes down to preference. And anyone who just shouts "THIS WEAPON HAS HIGHER X SO IT IS BETTER". Does not know what he/she is doing.

So in the end the advantages:

VHek: Great Sustained DPS due to the larger clip. (use 

Hek: A bit behind in damage and sustain over the Vhek but more reliable to deal the same damage every time.

STigris: High base damage and room for utility like punch through.

Edited by Airwolfen
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Personally, De Sanctis Tigris has been my goto weapon for a long time now. I don't care if it's ridiculously OP, I don't care if it's duplex auto. All I care about is SLASH.


But yes all 3 are pretty good, and about 'sniper range' kills, De Sanctis does it pretty well :^)

Oh, and for crowd control - just slot in seeking fury. Crowd control becomes crowd destroy.

Edited by Acreox
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I bounced back and forth between the vhek and the hek for a while, the vhek sustains dps signifcantly better with it's magazine size, but sometime hits lower than the hek due to crits, if you have all the primed shotgun crit mods though maxed or rank 8-9, the vhek slightly edges out the hek, but only barely. As for the s tigris, while the gun is indisputably good (and better than the hek per shot damage wise),  the constant reloads may be offputting to some players.

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Have you considered Strun Wraith with this build:



Seems to kill a lvl 135 Heavy Gunner in 15 shots on the torso and 11 with a headshot. It does lower burst damage on lower lvl enemies compared to the 3 you listed tho.

But then again I did the test on the simulacrum with controlled enemies and haven't actually tried doing it on a run where other mobs are taken into consideration.

Edited by Oranji
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Mmk so tbh I threw out my Hek(Not literally of course) when V Hek came out. V Hek is something I use over S Tigris like 90% of the time. This only being because S Tigris is 2 shot > Reload 2 shot> reload etc. It gets tiring. Only time I d probably use S Tigris is when fighting Infested, maybe sometimes Grineer. S Tigris is HORRIBLE for corpus only because of Nullifiers. So many times Ive brought a S Tigris to corpus only to always have a problem cause of low clip size taking forever to take out a nulls bubble. But if you have a frame that doesnt need to channel and you can just run into the bubble and kill them then go for S Tigris with corpus too.

I use V Hek all the time cause of great sustained damage and the fact it has 8 pretty much insta kill shots it can be spread out over more enemies ie kill a heavy kill a butcher kill 2 more heavies and still have 4 more shots left. The high crits make V Hek great for doing headshots.

So but then again it's all preference. Yes Tigris will drop enemies further on but really has drawbacks due to low clip size and nullifiers. Also S Tigris has problems long shotting enemies while V Hek is more short to mid range sometimes even sniper range kills

Edited by rawr1254
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Depends on your preferred combat approach. I prefer Sancti Tigris which relies on excessive base damage number, rush in and fire both barrels at once and keep moving. Vaykor Hek is more effective especially against armored target, aiming down the sight for headshots will hinder your mobility in exchange for stronger damage. (ultimately, the only thing Hek is better than Vaykor Hek is a fraction of reload time :|)

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Highest burst damage with 4x CP - Sancti Tigris

Highest burst damage with 0 - 3x CP - Vaykor Hek


And yes, it's because of enemy armor. Slash DoT does ignore armor, but your actual damage will still suck. And enemy armor scaling is ridiculous on high level, 10% armor is more than enough for high level enemies to reduce your damage considerably. Once you take those armor though, Sancti Tigris with viral will beat almost every weapon in the game.

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