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Fan Article on Kotaku (and DE Thanks)


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1 hour ago, Mordad said:

A great new article on Kotaku about Warframe's evolution and current state.


Also, I've seen DE appreciation threads here and there, but I'd like to bump that count up by one.

Thanks for pouring passion into your game DE!  Hope to be playing it and enjoying it for several years yet to come!





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45 minutes ago, Mordad said:

Yes, yes, its Kotaku... big woop. 

Poeple hissing like its acid in their eyes lmao.

Fact is it still reaches people, (10 million per month)


And if the messege is that Warframe is good, than hey, I'm for it.

(worthless internet/site politics aside)

Please, Kotaku is to online gaming journalism what Fox is to news channels, having acid splash in your eyes wouldn't be as bad as some of the :poop: they get away with, and tell me, honestly, do you really want some of the people that frequent that site coming here? Region chat is already bad enough as it is!

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)X1155752X said:

Please, Kotaku is to online gaming journalism what Fox is to news channels, having acid splash in your eyes wouldn't be as bad as some of the :poop: they get away with, and tell me, honestly, do you really want some of the people that frequent that site coming here? Region chat is already bad enough as it is!

Gawker is evil, don't click it.

at least it's positive, the @OP post I mean.

Now I'm a go' chain-snipe me some stuffz.

There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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3 hours ago, Shafilp said:

Warframe doesn’t care about balance. You’re a badass space ninja, after all! ... What’s great about being overpowered is that, since everyone is overpowered


tell that to this guy kotaku, i dare you



Edited by Toppien
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2 hours ago, Mordad said:

Yes, yes, its Kotaku... big woop. 

Poeple hissing like its acid in their eyes lmao.

Fact is it still reaches people, (10 million per month)


And if the messege is that Warframe is good, than hey, I'm for it.

(worthless internet/site politics aside)

Damn that is old as hell.  Joystiq has been gone almost two years.

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8 hours ago, Lokime said:

We can be OP as long as the core problems are not eased. 

If they manage to solve:


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*the bullet sponge thingie at endgame - endless scaling is not a good thing in my opinion, there should be a cap on enemies Shield/health/armor. I would rather fight against faster/stronger(OHKO it's ok, i mean, endgame is suppose to be hard after all) enemies with more tactics/abilities, like... idk, throwing 2 grenades instead of one, melee fighters making combos... stuff like that, anything is better than bulletsponge-enemies. 

 *Easing the pain of RNG... there's A LOT of unused potential on nodes/missions around warframe. Instead of vaulting stuff I would rather have them on "T5" void missions -heck, there's so many mission types unused, interception T1,T2,T3; Deception, Hijack, Excavation, Rescue, Spy, Crossfire, ASSASSINATION - why is this not a thing? each tier with a different boss? THAT WOULD BE AMAZING.

*Balance all warframes to be top-tier without been press 4 to win - This is on progress, so yay for us. 


I got a little excited. 


Pretty much. We'll always be super super strong- that's the point of us, we're super soldiers- but we shouldn't be properly OP. OP makes things boring. DE is making good progress with that. Everything from the frost rework after has been helping this point. Excalibur woulda been spot on too had they not made the decision to make his exalted blade the most OP thing in the entire game that kills everything in a 50m range like a giant stepping on ants.

I like how you're saying "easing the pain of RNG" as in spreading stuff out evenly and taking advantage of nodes rather than just making everything not hard to get like most people do. RNG is important- shame most people start getting this sense of entitlement and start demanding things on a silver platter. Good on you for not doing that.

As for end game and enemy scaling.... I don't think the issue is with how they scale. I think the issue is how the damage systems work in combination with it. We know DE is working on damage 2.5/3.0 and I think that'll fix most if not all of the issues. The whole point of scaling is to make it impossible for us to win at some point- yet everyone keeps saying we should scale up with them. If we scale up too- there's not even a point to enemies scaling up then, and at that point the whole game becomes bland boring and overly easy. The issue isn't enemies becoming impossible to kill or eventually killing us- that's good, that's intentional, that's the point. The issue is that certain damage types/mods/auras are blatantly useless later game, and other certain ones are blatantly near-required to make it the furthest you can possible go, so everyone ends up using the same stuff. Everything should be equally viable. I have some ideas bouncing around in my head for that but I haven't made a thread because I wanna make sure to flesh it out before posting anything. TL;DR the issue isn't scaling- it's how damage works. Enemies not dying eventually is the whole point- but due to the way they do so certain things are always going to be better for killing them longer and that's where the issue comes into play.

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Regardless of who wrote the article or even how subjective (or just plain wrong) it is on several topics, it does reach a lot of potential new players. 

Several of my ps friends started playing warframe after reading that article yesterday where my telling them how fun it actually is for a month or so didn't push them over (it's a sad day when your so called friends trust kotaku more than your personal opinion)

Whether they'll remain playing it after they get introduced to some of the bad things that warframe has to offer such as lack of ingame explanation about progress after the first introductory missions and such remains to be seen but it should give some boost to the player ase. 

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