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If DE Made A Frame Obtainable Through PvP. Would That Stir A Problem?


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Everything DE does pisses someone off.


Personally, I don't care for Warframe's PVP and I would prefer that this would not happen. But in the off-chance it does happen, I probably would try to PVP in attempt to farm it, but would most likely end up buying it for platinum after copious amounts of trading (unless it's a frame that can ONLY used in PVP in which case I wouldn't bother at all).

Edited by DaftMeat
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33 minutes ago, giantconch said:




Many items in the game take "a bit of effort" to obtain. The difference between those items and a potentially PvP locked frame is that none of those other items require you to fight AGAINST other users to obtain them (certain cosmetic and PvP specific mods but the point remains) You can work together with other users, or go solo to obtain them.


Nobody is acting as if "their entire world has collapsed" by saying they would walk away from the game if it required you to fight other users in order to obtain an item in game. Your statement is a massive exaggeration. Finding a new game to play is hardly "the entire world collapsing"


As far as the game is concerned,  if you would quit over a hypothetical WF being difficult to get-  then yes your world (in game) has collapsed. You completely stop playing a game you enjoy over a simple WF.

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i would be all for it i mean im maxing pvp now just to get 100% in all factions and would like to see something more rewarding for those that took the time to max pvp rank out like a new weapon or warframe as the mods arent really good and skins are okay but on weapons i don't really like using.

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I see no conceptual difference between making a frame obtainable through PvP and making a frame obtainable through archwing like Atlas.

Whether it's a good or a bad thing, earning frames through side games is already happening.

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I'll got with no. I don't want to be forced to play a game mode I want nothing to do with so I can get MR fodder. Pvp is not why I have invested money in this game and forcing me to compete in pvp will make me even less likely to invest future money into the game.

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Just now, Hypernaut1 said:

As far as the game is concerned,  if you would quit over a hypothetical WF being difficult to get-  then yes your world (in game) has collapsed. You completely stop playing a game you enjoy over a simple WF.


"Difficult to get" isnt the issue. Nearly 70 T1MD runs to get Saryn helmet. Hundreds of hours spent farming Jupiter interception for T4ext keys, and running those missions to get the Vectis reciever. Numerous t4 survival runs for Odonata Prime wings. I have no issue with something being "difficult to get". The issue is that the only way to obtain it is to fight AGAINST other players in order to get it, instead of working together with users or going solo in order to obtain the item. Do you understand yet?


And your statement that "my world" has collapsed (in WF) is laughable. I would stop playing this game if a decision made by the developers is something I totally disagree with. A decision like locking a warframe behind a PvP wall is such a decision.

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9 minutes ago, Slakem said:

I see no conceptual difference between making a frame obtainable through PvP and making a frame obtainable through archwing like Atlas.

Whether it's a good or a bad thing, earning frames through side games is already happening.

Archwing is part of the main game, whether you want to believe it or not. PvP however is not. Side games are like happy zephyr or wyrmius and pvp. 

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1 minute ago, LordOfScrugging said:

Archwing is part of the main game, whether you want to believe it or not. PvP however is not. Side games are like happy zephyr or wyrmius and pvp. 

I don't see how archwing is any more part of the main game than PvP.

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Just now, Slakem said:

I don't see how archwing is any more part of the main game than PvP.


It is. The quest to unlock the Archwing is in the main game. Planets have mission nodes that are archwing. Uranus underwater missions involve archwing. Archwing verymuch is a part of the main game.

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I would have a problem with this because I can't play PvP.

Every single time I have tried I have lost connection very early into the match and have yet to complete a single match (or even half of one) because of that.

I can play PvE just fine and can play with friends in long term void endless missions, or pug on most nodes on the starchart without problems.  As soon as I attempt PvP I just get booted out near instantly.

So a frame locked solely behind PvP presents me with two options:
-Pay stupidly high amounts of platinum for a hope of getting the frame (and if its not the market, meaning you could only get it from other players, it would be even stupidly higher)
-Never get the frame at all.

Neither of those options are good in any way.
And I seriously doubt that I am the only one to have bad connection problems with any and all PvP.

In short this would be a horrible idea.

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11 minutes ago, Slakem said:

I don't see how archwing is any more part of the main game than PvP.

we have quests, tile sets, even a boss for archwing. there is nothing anywhere that says "go PvP." it was literally a game mode tacked on to appease the very small minority of players that wanted it. honestly they should just go play destiny or COD if they wanna fight other players.

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Yes, it should have some warframe PVP only.

Realize, the people whining about this probably don't have all of the warframes maxed up.

But the drop should be to all participants in the match, so it would be less frustrating, and more encouraging to players to get into PvP, which, let me tell you, is way BETTER than it was before.

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If De really wants to anger it's player base, that would be one of those pretty big nerves that would do so. PVP needs to stop with the cosmetics, sigils, special PVP mods, and they need to start thinking about casual PVP game modes that would entice PVE player to try out PVP. 

That means Rocket League if you need a good example of a PVP game that is actually fun for players who might never want to set foot into Competitive shooter match. 


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4 minutes ago, Phaecda said:

Yes, it should have some warframe PVP only.

Realize, the people whining about this probably don't have all of the warframes maxed up.

But the drop should be to all participants in the match, so it would be less frustrating, and more encouraging to players to get into PvP, which, let me tell you, is way BETTER than it was before.


There is no whining. You are trying to label people who do not want a frame obtainable through PvP only as whiners which shows you have no legitimate argument as to why there SHOULD be a PvP walled frame.


As for "probably don't have all the warframes maxed up" What is that supposed to mean even? If someone doesnt have all the frames maxed up then they SHOULDNT be "allowed to disagree" or something?


The only really helpful thing you actually posted is the suggestion that everyone who simply participates can get the drops, but that opens up a new can of worms. So, I can now just go into the match, press forward every 85 seconds, become a stationary target, and get the frame? Cool. 0 actual effort for the reward. GREAT IDEA!

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Just now, giantconch said:


There is no whining. You are trying to label people who do not want a frame obtainable through PvP only as whiners which shows you have no legitimate argument as to why there SHOULD be a PvP walled frame.


As for "probably don't have all the warframes maxed up" What is that supposed to mean even? If someone doesnt have all the frames maxed up then they SHOULDNT be "allowed to disagree" or something?


The only really helpful thing you actually posted is the suggestion that everyone who simply participates can get the drops, but that opens up a new can of worms. So, I can now just go into the match, press forward every 85 seconds, become a stationary target, and get the frame? Cool. 0 actual effort for the reward. GREAT IDEA!

1: Yes, read the whole post and you will see whining.

2: That means from a collector POV. if it's to have all warframes, farming them all would not be a problem. the thing is the ppl who want to jacket they opnion into everything and can't even do jordas.

3: It's not much different from oberon, is it? Go to draco, wait the group to fill up, then just run around collecting the pieces while the group plays for you?Same thing with valkyr, just get a friend who one shot alad-v and you can have it in less than 15 mins. pretty much the same to almost every warframe which the bosses aren't great stuff, so yeah, no problem at all.

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Obtainable through PvP like Volt, Excalibur, and Mag which all have non-PvP ways to earn them? I'd shrug and move on.

Obtainable exclusively through PvP? I'd just find a decent macro and bot combo and more or less just afk until I had what I needed to get it, assuming it was a frame I was interested in to begin with.

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45 minutes ago, Slakem said:

I see no conceptual difference between making a frame obtainable through PvP and making a frame obtainable through archwing like Atlas.

Whether it's a good or a bad thing, earning frames through side games is already happening.

Archwing is a game mode.

PVP is a different game entirely.

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45 minutes ago, Madho said:

*grabs a friend*

*Get kills*

*Obtains frame*

Which is basically a soft exploit and degrades the experience of people who are actually legit trying to enjoy PVP.  Not cool. I don't enjoy PVP and don't want anything to do with it, but I'm not about to trample on somebody else's tulips.

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I'm a PVP player myself going back to the DS Conflicts and even though I personally enjoy all forms of PVP from Rails, to Conclave to Dojo duals (every once in awhile) I can honestly say this won't happen any time soon. The main reason being as of right now in it's current state, there isn't enough players who PVP. If DE did something like this I can see all heck breaking loose. I don't believe they would put a frame behind PVP grind.

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As someone that is.... begrudgingly... grinding through PvP for skins and such I rather frames not be made through PvP only, I would however support more weapons or frames being obtained with PvP rep for those that rather focus on the PvP even though it is little more than something that was tacked on to appease a minority.

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52 minutes ago, Madho said:

*grabs a friend*

*Get kills*

*Obtains frame*


Wait. I don't have a friend.


Private matches won't work. Already in private matches your kills and deaths don't count towards your conclave KD. Also you get no rewards no matter how well you do in a private match and you don't get any dailies, so I can't imagine DE will let private match kills count towards the farming of a frame should it ever come to that (which I doubt, because they'll never put a frame behind a PVP grind wall....not in its current state where not too many people play).

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Just now, (XB1)Lorewalker1022 said:

Private matches won't work. Already in private matches your kills and deaths don't count towards your conclave KD. Also you get no rewards no matter how well you do in a private match and you don't get any dailies, so I can't imagine DE will let private match kills count towards the farming of a frame should it ever come to that (which I doubt, because they'll never put a frame behind a PVP grind wall....not in its current state where not too many people play).

Gather a couple of friends and flood conclave with them.

No one's playing cephalon capture anyway.

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Just now, Madho said:

Gather a couple of friends and flood conclave with them.

No one's playing cephalon capture anyway.

lol...I guess you can do that but if you run into some of the PVP vets than you guys are all fair game. And instead of farming each other you'll be feeding the other guy. Unless you can fully field both sides but I don't even think most people know that many people who pvp to do such a thing. 

Also it'll have to be an honor system. If you let the other guy kill you lets say 100 times to get the frame. You have to trust that he or whoever else will let you kill them 100 times too. I see people getting done dirty with this method already lol....unless it's someone who you can absolutely trust.

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