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Reason why Excalibur Prime should be obtainable for all players.


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Could someone list everything founders obtained?

I feel like Excalibur Prime should be founders-only. I'd rather not go into detail since I'm not completely sure about how I feel about this, but I respect your opinion. You make some very good points.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

OP, this thread was just a bad idea, plain and simple. there are some Jimmies you shouldn't rustle, and the Founders is one of them.

and to everyone saying "we'll give them new exclusive stuff", what's that gonna do? eventually you're going to want THAT as well, or someone else is, and then there will be threads about that and so on.

this topic is dead, just let it rest in peace, for the sake of everybody's sanity.

I don't think anyone wants founder sigils, or instant access to the design council, nor have their names in the starchart. Its always been about one thing, the gear that has better stats which in turn alters gameplay. It is like primed chamber, to which I am just waiting for DE to release primed charged chamber since it basically gets the job done.

It be nice to have those kinds of things be on even ground, but as many say, umbra Excalibur is going to be here soon, and that will be everyone's alternate to having a regular Excalibur,  a version of Excalibur that is better than regular Excalibur and Excalibur prime.

I just don't get why some founders want to somehow force the umbra into their primes.

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7 minutes ago, mael9740 said:

Founder gear have to be exclusive and better.

They supported a new game that was buggy, had not alot of content. They paid devs, with the only wish that the game would be good.

You all are saying founder are salty,but look a bit. You guys are salty. You didnt paid anything at the start, they do. You want them to have equal gear to you? BullS#&$.

Close this thread fast please mods.... And permaban these trolls that didnt seen that DE LEGALLY cannot do this.

you are right .. they cannot do this legally .. even if 99,9% of the founders would agree ..that 0,01% could make use of his rights..

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)skullblits69 said:

Was PS4 ever able to buy a founders pack?

No, same with xbox one. Neither builds have any founders gear in their communities at all. Which is that other thing. Only PC has anything related to founder gear. Consoles don't even have a single Excalibur prime, lato prime, or skana prime anywhere, even from founders that migrated from PC to console.

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It's not like you are missing out a lot just using regular Excalibur. Seriously, why do you care so much for the word "Prime" in there? Just accept it. It's not DE's fault that you didn't have money to spare on games back then, and they shouldn't turn back from the commitment they made because of it.

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Just as a reminder, do keep in mind that DE said that excalibur umbra will be visually identical to  excalibur umbra prime. They have not stated anything about the stats. As for the stats, we won't be receiving excalibur umbra prime but a (by the simplest of logic that someone who has a need to be reminded over and over again) downgraded most likely equal in stats as excalibur prime, excalibur umbra. I am fine with the chinese version to have their frame since they were founding their game.




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9 minutes ago, Plushy said:

:facepalm: This is why we need a place near the top of the forums for things people should stop making topics about. Excalibur prime, first person/VR, and so many other topics nobody wants to see anymore. 

aww... not really .. on that Topics , i can Show you and other People that there is a way to make it possible to obtain exclusive stuff ... but only with your Support..

Maybe you want that gear , then Support:


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2 hours ago, TeaBegging said:

Yes this is a controversial topic, and yes this has been posted many times before. I respect all the founders and their opinions and I also appreciate them for supporting the game that needed this head start.

This should have been reason enough not to start this topic at all.  It has been done to death.  Dozens of various requests, differently voice opinions and long thought out reasons why Excal Prime should return all resulting in two things that should be pretty obvious by now.

1) Its going to get locked eventually, the moderators and DE already stated their position on this matter.

2) DE knows people want it, yet another or two or 200 more threads with whatever logical reasoning thread starter X comes up with isn't going to suddenly change their minds.

If they want to do it, they will.  It they don't, they won't.  Accept this and move on.  It just becomes a rant thread no matter how good the intentions are from the initial post.  Then it turns into fighting and toxic comments that eventually evolve into being locked with nothing resolved.

Excalibur is OP whether it be vanilla or Prime, adding in whatever extras Prime gives you isn't going to make your swishswishswish must kill everything first mentality any different  than it is now.  Not to mention Excalibur has literally THE most amount of skins and alt helmets available to any other frame.  That should be enough.

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As a founder I'm gonna say this... If DE releases founders' items I want compensation for it I spent the money for the frame and to support DE. This is not entitlement. I payed for something they said I would get it and I have it. They go and start giving away something that I PAID for freely I want compensation for MY MONEY.


I am all for every one getting Excal prime...BUT give me something like a prime Liset and prime Cosmetics no one will ever be able to get or something...



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Geez not another another "let's give non founders excalibur prime and etc. cause (insert what you thought was a logical reason here)." but won't get cause its not really DE's choice to make. Due to how they worded the agreement when us founders bought the damn thing we'd actually have the capacity to take DE to court over it. There are some us that simply don't give a rats rosy &#! about it being "exclusive" either and wouldn't mind if DE did give non-founders a shot at it in some form but we are a very small minority, basically this entire topic needs to be left in the gutter where you found it and never to see daylight again cause quite simply it ain't gonna happen so get over it. 


I need to remember what I did with my obligatory beating a dead horse gif.....

Edited by Nurmetya
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6 minutes ago, LunchBoxKilla said:

As a founder I'm gonna say this... If DE releases founders' items I want compensation for it I spent the money for the frame and to support DE. This is not entitlement. I payed for something they said I would get it and I have it. They go and start giving away something that I PAID for freely I want compensation for MY MONEY.


I am all for every one getting Excal prime...BUT give me something like a prime Liset and prime Cosmetics no one will ever be able to get or something...



yes ...i would be okay with this too .. but  they arent able to do that (legally)

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hes never coming back and shouldn't. founders got it as a reward for funding the game when it could have tanked or flopped. we took a big risk with this and in the end we got rewarded for it. Because of founders the game is what it is today. you need to get over it. its been 3 years and de said hes never coming back. Ull get your equal umbra excal soon so quit whining people seriously. 3 years now.

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Hmm. I just want to clarify something. Not all Founders are embittered people with no will to discuss nor understanding. I see remarks that make me think that many people believe such thing.

I am a Founder. And I think too that Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime should return into the game at some point. Yeah, surprise. The main reason is that in my opinion, they are items beneficial to the identity and consistency of the game itself.

While I enjoy playing with these, I feel sad when I see people with no hope to get them, may they be nice or rude. Because yeah, it happens to encounter rude people just because you're a Founder. With stereotypes in mind (founder=creepy miser creature with elitist narrow mind or megalomaniac with claws) and misplaced envy. So playing or even posting on these forums with the holy gold crown is not always comfortable :/

For these reasons, I would be okay with their return in the game, against exclusive cosmetic accessories for the Founders.

But that kind of discussion, if it would ever happen, would begin under the impulse of DE, within the Design Council to consult the Founders on the arrangements prior to any decision. As of now, they never consulted us on such question. And as you can see, all Founders are not closed to the discussion about it. I'm not sure about the sentence "DE cannot do it because of legal reasons". We just have the official "We have no active plan to reintroduce the Founder Items into the game", which is not a categoric affirmation of legal strugle nor a permanent exclusion of the idea. There are also items called "exclusive" in the Prime Access, and they returned.

I suppose that as always, one of the ComMods will have to lock this for the sake of the forums, but it won't be me, given my petty intervention as a random founder in this thread. I just wanted to demystify the "unity of the founders" on that matter, and tell that as a founder/player, I regret that there is such a taboo on Founder Pack, which just are the first Prime Access, if we look at it. And that taboo is hurting me, as I play or as I browse the forums. Not all the time, but often.

That's all, folks.

May the Void be favorable to you, Tenno.

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Saying a founders' item is exclusive is a promise.  If a game developer went back on that they would never be able to sell exclusive founders' items again, in any of their products, because no-one could believe that they were being honest.

If you want founders' items in games then you should:

  1. Follow the gaming press to make yourself aware of upcoming / beta titles.
  2. Be willing to play games besides those that are completed, and widely popular.
  3. Be willing to take a risk in supporting an in-progress and unproven product.

Founder exclusives are a thank-you to the people who helped support a game that may or may not have become successful, and might have been shut down mere months after launch, leaving those founders with nothing.

You're not just asking to have something someone else has, you're asking someone to sacrifice their integrity, and go back on a promise to people who supported them.

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Personally think this is a bad idea of someone wanting shiny's they are priviledged to. Lets face it founders bought into this game to keep it going and in return got exclusive items, they are totally entitled to them since becouse of them we have a fantastic game to play...had they not bought in we may none of us be here discussing this right now.

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9 minutes ago, Sakatchi said:

I think I'm just going to start running around with my calibur prime/ skana prime/ vandal lato, and vandal branton. And see how much salt I can stir up.

Oh with a arcane pendragon too. Because why not right?

I'd have to dust off my excalibur prime its been sitting in the corner collecting dust along with most of my arcane helmets since most of the "buffs" generally aren't worth it. I didn't even pull it out for the excalibur "rework".

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