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Next Prime Frame Confirmed! Vauban Prime!


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There's still a bounce one, and I'm quite looking forward to the new ability kit since bounce isn't exactly useful since bullet jump was implemented into the game. A trapper's instincts engineered for domination or however the line goes, grenades are a good alternative and change to Vauban's second ability. Implemented right it'll make Vauban's abilities more varied.

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I disagree about bounce not being useful. If you know where enemies spawn in from, you can bounce them before their AI puts their first encounter with you into seeking cover. So right before it would seek cover, it's bounced into vortex range.


Try it on defenses o3o

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I would like to know a little more about Vauban's lore.  He seems to have a connection with corpus (or I'm wrong?).


So can we consider his powers are like he can "craft" artifacts from the void energy or.... does he carry many of these balls and he imbues them "on the flight"?.


Thx in advance.

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Well since some of the Corpus units can spit out mines and damage pulse orbs endlessly, Vauban probably manifests them using similar methods.  Or they may be mostly energy - I'll admit I never looked closely.  It might not take much material to make them.  If you want to get super technical, the material they are made of might return to him once the gadgets wear out.

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One possible idea could be 'hypertechnology', aka tech so high, it might as well be magic.

The best way to do this, is like it was done for the Technocracy of the Mage: Ascension game series from White Wolf (shameless plug, I know). In it, there was normal technology that every day people could use and 'supertechnology' that only technomages could use. Of course, they denied it was magic (such a thing would be preposterous), instead claiming it was simply incredibly complicated, but that never explained how a Mage could pick up one of their gadgets and use it (provided of course they had knowledge of or were themselves technomages), while the best non-technocrat scinentist in the world couldn't make them so much as beep.

In other words; Vauban uses technology to guide and direct his Void energies. Each 'pokeball' is a meticulously crafted wonder of technology, mixing arcane with scientific. The Void-filled battery only lasts so long before it starts breaking down the very molecules that make up the grenade in order to further power it. Think nuclear fusion reactor-in-a-ball that isn't limited to radioactive material. The encoding and various alloys and meta-technological adjustments he has made further focus the Void energy into it doing specifically what he wants it to do, even without direct control (as evidenced by their fire-and-forget-they-will-ruin-someone's-day-sometime nature of them). He is even capable enough to encode ally-enemy differentiation protocols and the ability to direct raw electrical discharges to enemies.

TL;DR: Clarke's third law in action, powered by metaphysical energies.

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4 hours ago, ArionLightning said:

I would like to know a little more about Vauban's lore.  He seems to have a connection with corpus (or I'm wrong?).


So can we consider his powers are like he can "craft" artifacts from the void energy or.... does he carry many of these balls and he imbues them "on the flight"?.


Thx in advance.

There is no Lore on the subject.

The trailer voiceover appears to be Executor Ballas, we don't know when that commentary was supposed to have happened but it seems odd that he would talk about what is obviously the Corpus, given they only really came into existence well after the fall of the Orokin.

Maybe this is suggesting that the Corpus evolved not from mostly Orokin survivors but the non-Orokin "smugglers" mentioned in the Mara Detron blurb and the comments by Ballas were referring to those. But it certainly sounds like Ballas is talking about the post-Tenno-cryo Corpus. Even though Ballas isn't supposed to be alive during this period and noone is supposed to be able to design new primes.

Maybe Ballas is alive today, he's talking about the modern Corpus and presenting an old-but-lost-to-us design that only he has access to? That may also explain the Saryn trailer.

But it's far from clear right now.

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I would not give my rotating field discovery for a thousand inventions, however valuable... A thousand years hence, the telephone and the motion picture camera may be obsolete, but the principle of the rotating magnetic field will remain a vital, living thing for all time to come.
— Nikola Tesla


A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times, may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes of nature.
— Nikola Tesla

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47 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

Even though Ballas isn't supposed to be alive during this period and noone is supposed to be able to design new primes.

If he's alive...why would he be making primes?

I mean, let's be honest; Ballas from what we understand of him through Second Dream and the like, never seemed to have a particular fondness toward the Tenno. And even after Transference and the 'Warframe project' seems to be under way (I know we're desperate Executor, but these aren't Dax soldiers...these are flesh golems, possessed by devil minds) he's still seemingly antagonistic.

I mean, if he's alive, he's aware that the empire is destroyed and the Tenno are not aligned with the Orokin by any stretch anymore, which begs the question why he'd essentially be making equipment for...well...arguably his enemies. Which just doesn't seem like the Ballas we've had glimpses of in Crewman, Second Dream and the Prime trailers; a devious, scheming individual who's likely far sharper than he lets on. (Least, as I understand that material, interpretations vary).

Short of a really inordinately complicated revenge method (namely, the Prime frames are traps of some kind)...I cannot see how Ballas would benefit making primes in the modern day, supposing he is still alive. If there's one thing I am willing to bet on, he makes decisions based on how much it'll benefit him directly in some form...again, the impression I've gotten so far.

As you say, we know too little to say...but logically speaking it does beg a lot of questions if it is meant to be contemporary.

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23 minutes ago, Blakrana said:

If he's alive...why would he be making primes?

Indeed. And given that we will most likely get Vauban Prime the Same way we got Saryn Prime, it's not as if Ballas was in any way involved, we are still just raiding ancient, empty (Other than Corrupted) Orokin Towers in the Void.

As you say, why would Ballas help us after what the Tenno did to the Orokin? You'd have to make-up things from whole-cloth that we have no reason to suspect currenlty, like: what if Ballas has some Tenno with him who are still loyal to the Orokin, or at least to him?

Either way, what we have now doesn't make a lot of sense and, honestly, I've worried that the preview voiceover is actually "Out of game" representing what a theoretical "Ghost of Ballas" might say.

Really we need context for these little trailers or they just give us more confusion.

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The manner in which the dialogue was said in the trailer indicates that it was a narration of a letter/message that Ballas sent to Vauban. A mission briefing if you will. He's telling Vauban about the corruptness of the Corpus, and how they must purge them. He give Vauban this information, "For your/his Consideration."


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