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Next Prime Frame Confirmed! Vauban Prime!


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8 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

The tile/ floor look like it belongs to Corpus tiles so it's a frame that goes against Corpus!!

I say we should wait for DE to come out (or get drunk after a party) to confirm, also remember how Sheldon trolled dataminers with primed streamline? ya we don't that to happen again, so lets hold off and wait for them to tell us what the next prime frame is!

@ AM-Bunny, Will you summarize the stream after it finishes like you do with normal Devstream?

wait what? when did Steve troll the dataminers? I must see this. 

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We'll be getting more details tomorrow, but among others, it seems that we will be getting:

-New CineQuest

-Booben Prime

-[?] Fragor Prime

-NEW GAMEMODE??? (Please make sure that it's not as bad as Archwing)


What do you think of this? I mean, new gamemode holds huge stuff for U19. Umbra?

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

hopefully they're not trolling but, if they are, oh well. im still just psyched for new prime anything. think of the gilded vauban orbs haha

In the last Devstream Steve looked salty about someone pulling a better joke than him "Umbrassed" sooo he might be getting back at us for that XD

I could be wrong XD

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my personal guess on umbra + vauban prime is that they may... maybe... maybe not... arrive in the same update... my guess is that they will release umbra when they have a cinematic quest explaining the umbra warframes importance. (my personal guess is that the umbra warframes are the orignal ones and all the other warframes are copies made from technocyte flesh)

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2 minutes ago, lightdragon64 said:

my personal guess on umbra + vauban prime is that they may... maybe... maybe not... arrive in the same update... my guess is that they will release umbra when they have a cinematic quest explaining the umbra warframes importance. (my personal guess is that the umbra warframes are the orignal ones and all the other warframes are copies made from technocyte flesh)

Weren't the Primes the originals? 

Also, we have little idea on what the CineQuest is on. We'll be getting details tomorrow. Which means we may just be surprised.

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There's no doubt that we're getting some sort of long-range melee Prime weapon along with what's pretty much confirmed as Vauban Prime, so I started thinking about the weapon.
We already have a Prime Polearm, Staff, Scythe, and Heavy Blade type weapon. But we don't have a Hammer type Prime yet. And what is the first thing you think when you hear "Tenno Hammer" ? Fragor!

There's even some resemblance to the Fragor at the end of the hilt we see in the teased image:



There's also a chunky piece we see at the bottom that further signifies that it's a Hammer. Furthermore, the Fragor is the only Hammer that's shaped like an actual hammer. Magistar and Sibear are both maces, and they're much newer than the Fragor.

So, I think this pretty much confirms it. If anyone else thinks otherwise, feel free to discuss in the comments.

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