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Is playing Trinity not very rewarding, or am I missing something?


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Trinity is very much a support frame, she gives up individual impact in return for boosting teammates effectiveness. 

I disagree with your logic behind evamp and blessing. Keeping your squad topped up with energy helps keep them fighting at max effectiveness, and the self recovery means you can get away with not running efficiency on her. Blessing excels at keeping squishy teammates alive, and makes your tanks tankier. 

However you can ignore her supportive nature and run a high power strength, tanky, abative link trinity like I do. 

Link provides massive damage reduction making you stupidly tanky, as well as removing knockdown and status effects while active. Evamp lets you clear mod space in your build, and deals %hp finisher damage. Combine with good timing on Well of Life and a bunch of power strength and you can pretty much instantly shred enemies, regardless of how tanky they are. Blessing is the icing on the cake that lets you keep your hp up at all times. 

The build also has the advantage of being interesting to play. You need to manage your casts and energy pretty tightly to keep godmode up, but once you get the hang of it, it feels amazing to play. 

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2 hours ago, KBurn85 said:

The main issue I'm trying to say is the redundancies of her abilities. Whether she can tank or not is a side issue, but nevertheless, and issue when I play with EV builds. She is best at energy restore, and she can make the whole team tank, but there is always an acceptable, and much more readily available substitute, which people will already pre-build for, given the rarity of Trinity in games.

Zenurik+Energy siphon is an obvious one. Its far from good compared to EV, but much more readily available in all situations, and can be applied solo. Its cool to have EV, but you can easily do without it too.

If you want some sort of ultimate damage team of 3 mirages/equinox plus trinity, fair enough, but almost all the other frames have some way to deal with damage. I earlier said frost, chroma, valkyr and wukong, some of who are literally invulnerable. In addition there are frames like Loki, Ash, Atlas, Inaros, Ivara, Rhino, Oberon, etc. who can either become untargetable or have some sort of powerful damage mitigation, but have superior CC.

Also, a major point is prevention is better than cure. I'd take a massive avalanche or irradiating disarm anyday over blessing. CC is much more needed then DR. There is nothing to resist if its not there. Its much better for objectives too.

Playing with a Trinity is like, yeah, its cool you have energy, DR and heal, but we'll be fine without it too. Its helping, but not by much.

Well I mean, if you keep staying in Mercury I guess the DR is okay at best.

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You play ev trin and expect it to be rewarding.LOL. Go play valkyr if you are getting killed by lvl 40 mobs.

She is easily one of the best frames in game without irritating other player *looking at ash and valkyr.

Try goin for a link bless hybrid build with vazarin with retaliation max(at max rank it gives 10% damage reduction) thus allowing you to hit 85% damage reduction. And now just do a 50-60% bless you get 99% bless , Thus eliminating the use of self damage for max bless.

You want reward, one of the few frames that can go 1 hr solo T4 survival like a stroll in the park w/o spamming abilities like those stupid frames(imo) ash and valkyr.

Only one advice I will give you :Stop playin ev slave and start playin her.

These kind of topics piss me of sorry for the rudeness.

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borderline 99% godmode not rewarding?  On top of link 75% reduction? wat

energy for everyone not rewarding? wat


how are you modding?  0 duration EV ?  people need to stop following other peoples' builds and think for their got damn self


I can see how she would get boring, if that is what you meant by "not rewarding"

Edited by hukurokuju5
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I thought I'd hate Trinity, and honestly, I even wanted to hate her, because the whole 'healer' thingy never was my thing in games, preferring to just wreck sh.. & purely grabbed her for the collection & aesthetics. Turned out that I ended up enjoying her, because she can be tanky and support my friends at the same time, whenever they run some frames made of squish, which in itself is rewarding for me.

Although - As I've been lurking these forums and ingame chat, some people however seem to have 'expectations' as to how to play it. My suggestion is; play the way you enjoy it. It can still be quite powerful and enjoyable, without it becoming a chore. For example - Most "mainstream" Trinity users would probably bleed their eyes on my setup, as I basically go melee w/ her and tank, while having the whole support role as a side-thing, focusing more on Blessing than EV. But, I'd rather do that, than follow the whole 'cookie-cutter' build mentality. Because, I believe that trying things your way & experimenting with what you like, can teach you more about the frame you play, than if you simply just copy someone else's setup. /shrug

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Well, EV Trinity is supposed to be squishy. Her only role to play is to give the entire team energy and maybe cast a very fast Blessing if things start to go sour fast. EV Trinity is not a tank. Keep in mind that not everyone is using Zenurik, some people prefer other schools, and new players starting out, some of them don't even know about the schools and I sometimes get asked "What is that floating person coming out of your body, what is that?" She plays a very nice role. In higher tier Void mission, it can be very nice for your team to be able to spam as much CC and DPS as they want, and sometimes when the enemies start scaling to lv. 70+ you can't immediately get the kills and energy you need. Then there's the issue of Draco and Raids, EV is very muchly needed. In fact, neither can really be done without her, and if they can, definitely not as efficiently at all.

Now about the Blessing, I will say that I've been killed right after it ended while trying to cast off another one, it does happen from time to time, and it is indeed a lot of work. But let me just also say: it does have it's uses. In the recent protect the hostage missions in Sorties, did you know the prisoner gets the 99% Blessing, so you don't have to baby sit him? That's right, he can be smacked around by lv. 80 mobs all day and nothing bad will happen to him. Sortie Interception? No problem, Blessing. Raids? Blessing is almost never not requested. There are tons more scenarios where a Blessing Trinity could shine, and I just named a small handful. I think you're missing the entire point of Blessing. There are times in the game where you maybe can't opt for a fully invincible team such as on mission where you need to guard stuff where a CC frame would come more in handy than an invincible one, you can keep your entire team immortal AND have proper CC too. Trinity is far from useless.

As for Link, I use it as a supplement: I don't expect Link to be killing off enemies by itself, but rather aid me in a swifter kill. This is especially useful against Corrupted Heavy Gunners and Bombards. Now, I've told you why I personally like to use her, but it appears she's just not your cup of tea, and that's perfectly okay.


Edited by DuskLegendary
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Trinity is my first frame (I ditched my mag) and she is so wonderful! She doesn't deal damage true, but in survival missions she is a blessing ;-) 


I use her as a general Trinity with leaning towards blessing. The best part about her is that you can use pretty much any melee or really any weapon and still survive. I notice in a lot of the higher levels it is hit and run but with Trinity I just move and hit. Plus her link is pretty useful for aesthetics.

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5 hours ago, taiiat said:


This is the killer word. See, the mod may be nigh-useless, but it does actually have some real uses.

Enemies will eventually scale to the point that Shattering Impact is better on them than another mod.

Perhaps more to the point, Shattering Impact works perfectly on Vay Hek. This turns your otherwise-useless melee into an armor-stripping tool.


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tl;dr just gonna respond to the title. 

Blessing Trinity build is the most rewarding build imo. 
You can still EV for your team and self, sure its not a battery, but its not hard to kill the enemy you EV...
but then youve got that 30second blessing of 99% damage reduction mode. and 35second link. 
you become a god in your own wonderland. 
All you need is your weapons, because no enemy can scratch you.

P.S. EV builds are trash in high level play unless you're shielded by your team. Blessing Trin is a team + soloist build

Edited by Vesiga
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Eh thats up to the individual I guess. I think Trinity is still rewarding to play as, despite the bs changes she received so far. I like the role of support/healer in games. I also don't mind medic in TF2 where normally no one wants his role.

I usually play Trin with decent duration/range/strength and quik thinking/rage combo. This way you can have good play with allies that are nearby in endless missions such as survival, excavation or interception. 

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39 minutes ago, ChronoEclipse said:

Enemies will eventually scale to the point that Shattering Impact is better on them than another mod.

but your Squad is already using Corrosive Projections when Enemies are at that Level.
why? because you have to. otherwise you have to spend 30 seconds Killing every single Enemy, and you can't Kill Enemies that slow. it's mandatory to Kill them faster.

if you're alone, it could make an impact, but his alone example only works if the Base Armor will live update with Abating Link and Corrosive Status - if not, no matter how high Level the Enemy is, it's doing almost nothing, and the two other Armor Stripping sources are doing all the work.
because if you're stripping say, 95% of the Armor, but Shattering Impact still needs to hit for half a century to strip the base, then it's no bueno.

luckily, that's actually pretty easy to test, since removing most of the Armor should more than divide the hit count required to strip in half on Shattering Impact.


tbh though, even then, i'd see more benefit out of Blood Rush/Body Count, as once you're removing the vast, vast majority of the Armor, your Melee will Kill quickly.
for example - Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus [250] may laugh at ~20-40,000 DPS while it has all of it's Armor, but divide that by ten, and you should Kill such an Enemy in about ten hits or less, pending on if you're at the point where you have a good portion of Red Crits and the Crit Damage of the Melee.
or if those two are already on, Organ Shatter.

because in Solo Survival with no Armor stripping aside from half of 40% Status being Corrosive, Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus only became very time hefty to Kill somewhere around ~Lv160, on a 2.0 Multiplier with a sub 30% Chance for Red Crits - with Viral Status.

it swings back around again at very high Levels, where the remaining 1-10% is again a brick wall - but your Killing Rate will definitely be far too slow at that point, meaning any Objective will get destroyed or you will have no Life Support.
but is not a problem in a group, because you'll be stripping the Armor. it always comes back to that. the fastest way to reduce the Armor problem is to invite one Player so you can reduce Armor by 60%, and then strip percents off of the remaining, to move the problem to a higher Level. repeat until you have 4 Players, then you'll need to change your strategy to Script Kills.

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I know a person who hates Mirage, I know a few people who hates Excalibur, I know a group of people who hates Oberon.

You know what their similarities are? All of their reasons for finding these certain Frames boring, underwhelming, weak etc. are based on their opinions.

The OP and everyone else here who try to state their own opinions from personal experience, no matter how small, need to realize that this only achieve to create a circlejerk of people who don't enjoy Trinity and wants her reworked or buff, and people who do enjoy her and rather not have her nerfed or reworked.

Though ofcourse, this is just only my opinion about the topic and the ongoing comments in the thread.

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She's one of those frames that's a bit of an acquired taste.  It's always been the case in games that playing a support role isn't rewarding for many players, most players prefer high damage classes.  But she's tanky as hell and generally useful in teams, I think anyone who loves support is going to love playing her.

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She's only squishy until you throw on quick thinking...with EV you have enough time on your energy pool to toss in a blessing and bring yourself back to full health....I do solo runs with her all the time. Most of my damage is coming off my dex sybaris and EV as I run and gun alot, using her skills to resore energy, health and keep overshields up while I solo things other frames can't. I think most of the "trinity is boring" comes from standing on a box in a certain tile set pushing 2 for 15 minutes.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:


Well its time to get rid of her Well Of Life then. An ability that's never been used.

You just have to know how to use it. Use a little imagination.

Admittedly, it's an underwhelming power on par with Nyx' Pyschic Bolts, but it does have a few QoL perqs.

One is trapping scan targets. If you're been hanging out with Simaris, this helps a lot when running down his...errands. Makes it easy to scan them without fiddling around with the borderline useless traps he sells.

Two is a link anchor. This is a bit esoteric, but it can be useful. Freeze a nearby target with WoL (mainly to prevent your teammates from killing it unexpectedly) so link attaches. Then stand your ground and take on all comers--especially useful when running a sniper rifle.

So there you go. A bit of usefulness.


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