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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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43 minutes ago, kiteohatto said:

Are you serious...? What missions have you been playing all this time ? Have you been to cerberus on pluto ?

I've had 50 something thousand oxium and that was back before the 5x drop boost. Now it's easier than ever to get oxium.

The question is over the count of how many missions though. How often have you run Cerberus to get that much Oxium?

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8 minutes ago, achromos said:



Tl;Dr:  people expect things fast and instant

This statement that people keep making for some reason really doesn't work. Do you not understand that people want to be able to WORK for something? What exactly does disliking the fact that the game doesn't want you to play it and actively works against people who have jobs have to do with 'expecting things fast and instant'?

I really wish people would stop implying entitlement, because it's an untouchable non-argument that people use to shut down those they disagree with, purely because it ignores any points made and throws a pile of unnecessary ad hominem around the place.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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2 hours ago, Nesit1 said:

I agree. Nitain is best recource in world, because you, honeslty, can't grind it. No grind = good. And you obtain it from various (mostly easy) missions.

Yep, it means, you can't get it in few hours or smth. It'll require days, but hey. Why you should haste at first place?

Nope. Its not the best. Imma stop ya right there. Yeah it cant be grind & its always dropping from easy alerts. But I dont play Warframe all day so im lucky if one pops up when im on. I can only catch about 2 each day if im lucky. I honestly dont see how you'll rather farm a resource in days rather than in hours. Makes absolutely no sense to me. Nitain isnt the best resource but its also not the worst. Its the resource thats just right. Imma start gettiing them as soon as they pop up as alerts. I dont always do. (Thank god they dont decay. lol)

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Nitain is a problem because it effectively screws over anyone who is working and misses the 5 or 6 alerts yu chums at home manage to get every time. 

Guess who are the ones buying Prime Access? The ones with jobs. 

Oh I see where we're going with this now.... time to stop buying Prime Access then. 

Edited by YasaiTsume
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3 hours ago, (PS4)HERMAN_JELMET said:

Don't see what the problem is, if you want it farm for it, why is everyone whinging because they can't get it instantly? Just play the game,  it'll feel a lot more rewarding. 

you took the words right out of my mouth


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3 hours ago, crimsonspartan1 said:

I do really enjoy this game but i feel like DE are making the grindwall larger with every new ipad.

Let me give a few examples:The sibear requires 30k cryotic which means that you have to do either 30 excavators (1k cryotic and repeat), 15 excavators (2k cryotic and repeat) or go further for more cryotic each run. It'll take a really long time to farm for 30k cryotic for a hammer

I have over 100,000 Cryotic and I simply do the excavators for fun of blowing Infested into orbit. Doesn't take that long considering.

It's about adopting a mindset and seeking fun out of the usual grind aspect of it, like thinking if the glass is half empty or full.

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6 hours ago, DarkOvion said:

2-3 hours isn't an issue.

5-6 hours isn't an issue.

That's realistically going to run you 1-3 days of play for most people (1-3 hours of play a day, 3-5 days a week, likely resulting in 3-15 hours a week).

12-36+ hours, the equivalent of 2 to 5 working days, is an issue.

And that's after 7-14 hours has been knocked off by reducing the Oxium. requirement.

I'm almost 2,000 hours in, and I don't want to put that much time into pointless, identical repetitive grind.

It is not fun to do.

It comes to a point, where it is pointless, repetitive tedium.

It is not a challenge, it is not even difficult, it's work..

I play games to take a break from work.

If my day has been spent focusing on pages of numbers and lines, renders, printing, of charts and prices, postage info and the mundane nature of being self-employed, I want something to distract and revitalise me, to challenge me and provide something exciting.

I find myself wanting to go back to work as a break from Warframes grind.

I want to open Solidworks and do more design work or Excel and do paperwork over how mundane Warframe becomes at this point, where Grind is mistaken for content.

That is not right.

Not right at all.

Vauban Prime, a frame I've been looking forward to for months, a source of optimism and making me look forward to getting and using, comes out, and the sheer grind it requires just makes me feel... tired.

The mundane hard grind needed to get it, saps my will to bother.

I personally, after the recent need of around 23,000 Cryotic, have no Cryotic, I barely have that much Oxium now its been halved... honestly
Vauban Prime:
Farm: T2Sab, T3Sab, T3S:C, T4D:C
45,000 Credits, 1 Orokin Cell, 7,000 Oxium, 16,000 Salvage, 8,000 Rubedo, 21,000 Alloy Plates, 5,000 Circuits.
7/20 Nitain, 43/9,000 Cryotic, 2 Argon Crystal
13 Alerts, 8967 Cryotic (Minimum 90 Extractors, 9,000 seconds + loading and travel time. That's a a minimum of 3 hours standing around, stopping things killing a thing. I was bored out of my skull having to get 5,000 for bloody Trinity Primes part)
And that's on top of the long winded Tedium of farming the parts in the first place.

This has been long and rambling, but I enjoy the game, I want things to do in it... but I want those things to be fun, not boring grind.

It's not exciting.

It doesn't make me, or anyone in our group want to do the things required to get it.

It's not worth it.

It honestly sounds like you should probably just stop playing WF. If the game has become work, then why play?

12-36 hours farming is how youve managed to play a game like this for 2000 hours. Trust me, there is NOT 2000 hours worth of content in this game 90% has always been setting goals and farming.

These complaints happen with almost EVERY WF released- then 1000s of players prove that it's not "impossible" to craft and business carries on an usual. 

DE sets big goals like this to give players (and vets) something to do. Remeber the last time you grabbed 500 oxium and didnt care? Well now you do. Remember when alerts stop being something you looked out for? Well now you will. No one says you have to hyper focus on it and burn yourself out, but it gives importance to resources. 

If all you care about is testing out the latest shiny for 5 minutes then moving on, maybe WF just isnt the game for you anymore. The main point of this game is to farm to acquire more gear to use to farm for more gear. If you have 2000 hours in this game 1900hrs have been doing exactly that. 

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46 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

Well, i generally got no problem with the ressource requiment. usually if i do some corpus missions for cryotic or keys, i tend to get witin an hour around 100-300 oxium at least. without any booster or nekros or hydroid.

So i personally see no problem, and i dont think some people know how slow the ressource gaining was bevore they increased it...

assuming you start with 0 oxium and go by your 300 oxium per hour, in order to get to the current amount needed it would take(total amount of oxium need)/(amount of oxium gained=time needed which would equal spending 23.33 hours just to get to the current resource needed as 7000/300=23.33. But assuming that you aren't as lucky and only get on average 200 oxium per run, it would take you 35 hours or 1 day and 11 hours to get the amount of oxium for 1 frame. 

Edit:This is assuming the person just plays warframe non stop without breaks

Edit 2: this is a $&*&*#(%& amount of grinding needed for one part.

Edited by Ankoku_no_Hime
math and grammar might be off, its too early in the morning
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Well, at the end of the day if you find you still need more Oxium then I recommend going to Triton on Neptune to farm it as there is Oxium Ospreys there for days. And since it's an Excavation mission you can farm up some Cryotic, keys and cores as well while you're there. 

Edited by Gravalite
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2 hours ago, XRosenkreuz said:

I mean, that sucks and I feel for you, but sh*t happens. Trust me, I know; I ran over 200 mid-tier spy missions before I finally got Ivara's chassis. That's just the risk you run with rng.

I've personally gotten 6 out of somewhere between 20 and 30 runs, so I wouldn't really say 'abysmal.' Low, sure, but what worth getting isn't?

Oh the old "I've been really lucky so there's no problem with the drop rates" argument.

The droprate for nitain is 0.67%, 1.01% and 2% depending on the mission level. 2% is pretty darn low.

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5 minutes ago, Gravalite said:

Well, at the end of the day if you find you still need more Oxium then I recommend going to Triton on Neptune to farm it as there is Oxium Ospreys there for days. And since it's an Excavation mission you can farm up some Cryotic, keys and cores as well while you're there. 

Wow, did the devs just give players a reason to play something other than draco and void?

Yes they did.

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3 hours ago, Melos-mevim said:

see you say that but been farming all bloody night with some others at some of these "oxium hotspots"


lets all point out that this single chassis costs more oxium than an entire, zephyr, an itzal, or a gratler, a single part requires more of one annoying stupid resource than several other things with already high costs

Want it for free, instead? Is that the sum of it? Zero grind and just race through all content, then say to DE, "I'm bored. No new items this month?"

If nothing is earned how can it even be appreciated? It's simply just more mastery fodder for consumption. -_-

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4 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

you should probably just stop playing WF. If the game has become work, then why play?

If the game offers little else *aside* from work grind, it's a signal that there's a shortage of meaningful content, not that you should shut up and grind more. 

Tactical alerts, events, bosses, quests - that's good.

More of "let's stand in one spot, pressing 1-2 keys all day long" is NOT good. 

I'd rather see a quest line for Vauban Prime (vanilla Vauban being rather unique in acquisition and all) or a special, level 100+ Sortie - anything, really, than just having to engage in grind that offers no challenge whatsoever (aside from being time-consuming as hell). 

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2 minutes ago, Reifnir said:

I'd rather see a quest line for Vauban Prime (vanilla Vauban being rather unique in acquisition and all) or a special, level 100+ Sortie - anything, really, than just having to engage in grind that offers no challenge whatsoever (aside from being time-consuming as hell). 

The challenge: find something fun in the grind, then you can have 100,000 mats and it never seemed a chore at all.

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9 minutes ago, DitsyPixie said:

Oh the old "I've been really lucky so there's no problem with the drop rates" argument.

The droprate for nitain is 0.67%, 1.01% and 2% depending on the mission level. 2% is pretty darn low.

You seem really hostile about this, hey? I mean, you seem to have completely glossed over the part where I said it took me over 200 runs to get Ivara's chassis. I'm not sure how that implies I'm particularly lucky. But, since you brought it up, no, I don't think there's a problem with the drop rate. Yes, it's low. What do you expect? It's a rare resource. If you honestly think you should be getting it to drop left and right, the problem is with you, not the game.

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20 minutes ago, Ankoku_no_Hime said:

assuming you start with 0 oxium and go by your 300 oxium per hour, in order to get to the current amount needed it would take(total amount of oxium need)/(amount of oxium gained=time needed which would equal spending 23.33 hours just to get to the current resource needed as 7000/300=23.33. But assuming that you aren't as lucky and only get on average 200 oxium per run, it would take you 35 hours or 1 day and 11 hours to get the amount of oxium for 1 frame. 

Edit:This is assuming the person just plays warframe non stop without breaks

Edit 2: this is a $&*&*#(%& amount of grinding needed for one part.

Well, lets assume you are a new player (why ever he needs vauban prime), Thats nothing, thats just a month long each day an hour playtime. i had more trouble with helios/zephyr as the spawnrate of oxiumdrones was way lower and i only got 1-5 oxium per kill.

and i personally think thats an acveptable time. 1hour each day for a month to get something shiny, the blueprints wont run away afterall. just the oxium drones..


And afterall thats calculated for solo play without any kind of booster addition.

Edited by DeFragMe
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because it's restrictive. with every other resource, you can farm it at your own leisure, but with Nitain, you only have 2 options:

the first is to farm Starchart Sabotages and find the Caches. who wants to keep doing that over and over when they aren't otherwise getting anything valuable, like Prime Parts? Void sabotage at least gives a reward, starchart just lets you keep whatever you can scrounge up, and RNG dictates whether or not the Caches even have Nitain.

the second is to wait for the alerts. this means you need to be on at certain times of the day or night, forget whatever else you're doing and go for the Alertium. yes we get multiple a day, but they are sequenced. if you are 1 Nitain off of a build, and you just missed an alert, you now HAVE to wait hours for another one.

furthermore, the fact that this silly resource was introduced in the SAME week DE said "we'll reduce the grind, makes me want to head-desk until I get a brain damage. you may be baffled by Nitain haters, but what Baffles me is how DE can say one thing, and then blatantly do the opposite and not expect anyone to speak out.

Nitain is one of the worst additions this game has ever had. it's just another annoyance in a game that already has more than it's fair share.


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3 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

It's not just RNG. It's RNG timegating.

And that's it's exact purpose. If there was no time gates players will race to finish everything, and then come to forums complaining they're bored, instead.

It's seen time and time again in the nth game. Public groups they never stop to even get the mats from lockers and crates even (probably why 14k worth of mats is such a chore!), just race to the boss/objective and out. With that type of consumption rate no company can get the content out fast enough without the gating.

Nitain alerts are so much it's becomes even an annoyance of the notices at times. About every night -- at prime time EST -- there's some alert for the stuff.

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Hey guys, I got a secret:


I dont farm, I just play the game. I dont have the Kavasa Prime Colar, I dont have a single part of the Spira Prime, and you know? I dont really care.

Farmers will be farmers, be carefull with the fire going out.

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1 hour ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

That logic. DE - made oxium drop only from 1 type of enemy (which sometimes even hard to kill in time). DE - made those enemies spawn in reasonable quantities to farm only in 2 nodes. 

You have the ability to farm Oxium on those nodes, which people do for hours and hours, at an incredibly high rate for it's usage. Since you CAN farm at such a high rate, and many HAVE farmed at such a high rate, you are now EXPECTED TO farm at such a high rate. The time to do something about this has long past. 


1 hour ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

. DE - made insane requirements like 14-7 k oxium when the average drop  rate is only 6-8 oxium per drone. But players are to blame if they didn't/don't want to farm Baal/Cerberus 24/7/365. Logic? Not found.

7 Oxium for 50 enemies per 40 minute match amounts to roughly 400 an hour. This amounts to roughly 17 hours of farming. If you only play 3 hours a day for a month, that's still more than enough time to farm it from scratch of you take just 40 minutes of that time, and no one here has 0 Oxium. If you do, you have better things to worry about than Vauban Prime. This is only a problem if you instantly want to build it right now, a DAY after launch. Somehow having 80% of the requirements by default many times over isn't enough for you post, is it? 

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