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Vauban's building requirements are too high [Reply from DE]


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6 minutes ago, TheBrsrkr said:

You can't expect NOT to farm for it and to be able to build it! That isn't a reasonable expectation to have. 

I guess since DE wants to push resource farming more for freeplay it's not a reasonable expectation to have anymore...


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1 hour ago, (PS4)Arkel-99 said:

When new things came out I also had enough resources to build it most of the time. But as new gear gets more and more expensive I can't build most of it anymore by ''just playing the game'' like I normally do.

This is a very important thing for me as well, I'm MR21, I've been playing since Dec 2012. The way I have always played just doesn't cut it anymore. My regular effort has devalued. It feels as if the game is saying "We don't take kindly to your kind anymore, old man, we want players who are happy grinding now, go away." The precise reason I liked this game and put so many hours and money into it was precisely because it was a "soft" grindfest, not MMO levels of torture.

I like DE, I like WF's gameplay, customization, universe, etc., and even though I'm often critical of stuff I believe can be improved I've always felt they really do want to make players happy, but the Sibear felt wrong ... and now this just plain hurts. I am deeply disappointed and really afraid of what's to come.

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19 hours ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

I honestly think the 5 nitan extract is fine. I don't know what your complaining about.

I think it depends on how much youve got stockpiled. Me, ive got none, and i get about a couple of hours every few days to play.

That said, i P2P and bought the prime access so it doesnt bother me, but i can see how it could be a pain for some.

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No its not, its an alert with a guaranteed reward that shows up 4 times a day at random times, you can do them whenever you're playing if they happen to show up, or you can wait to do them from a week down the line. However you choose to do an alert and when you choose to do an alert, is up to you. 

As a side note, if you don't happen to see one on one of you play sessions, then there is always the next day, try not to focus on one thing and you'll be much happier. 



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28 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

If you're too busy to play WF, then maybe you just need to accept the fact that Vauban isnt for you.

-or maybe now you'll stop ignoring those nitian alerts.

"If you can't drop everything and play the moment Warframe wants you to your time is 9 times less rewarding that someone with no commitments, even if you're playing the same amount"??

IMHO an hour playing is an hour playing regardless whether it's spread over the week or on a Saturday evening.


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17 minutes ago, Nova-Gamer said:

The problem is its not FUN to farm all the c*** that's required for Vauban Prime. If I have to work for something and its not fun what so ever then there is a horrible problem with that. I shouldn't be forced to farm unreasonable amounts of a resources for a lackluster frame. I can get a better deal by going out to farm for someone like Nyx or Nyx prime and have better CC than Vauban Prime. 

But that frame isn't required to even have to play (and if it's lackluster why even get it???).

It's not like that intellect shield that took 17 freaking weeks to even see in raids to drop, yet the very piece of gear needed to even raid (especially with a form of MR [Gearscore] that kept players FROM doing end-game content). Vauban is another frame in a warehouse full of them for variety.

I didn't start Warframe 3 years ago, and the mats I've acquired simply came in playing the game. With one good hand/arm and poor vision even. I had like 130 Oxium when I came back recently, and got the parts for another landing craft (again from playing) and got the 1000+ by spending some time just lollygating at some hot spots solo (as groups rarely stop TO collect mats). 100,000+ Cryoic doing nothing but trying to get R5 cores and having fun blasting Infested (never intentionally sought it out even). I literally had zip and build a collection by finding something fun to do so NOT to be bored.

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16 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey Tenno!

We are adjusting Vauban Prime’s Chassis Oxium requirement from 14,000 to 7,000. We’re hoping that in halving the requirements you’ll have an easier time crafting our friendly neighborhood engineer.

As always thank you for voicing your concerns!

so...about the insane Nitain requirements...

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13 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

"If you can't drop everything and play the moment Warframe wants you to your time is 9 times less rewarding that someone with no commitments, even if you're playing the same amount"??

IMHO an hour playing is an hour playing regardless whether it's spread over the week or on a Saturday evening.


Then choose how to play that 1 hour wisely, if you want to get the latest stuff quicker and not pay. Instead of mucking around in relay or dojo, go run some voids for parts and then just try and selling them for plat when you have the time to play longer. Buying blueprints with plat down the line is better than losing your mind trying to farm them and the resources to build them at the same time.

Just think about it, the longer you wait, the cheaper it will get, you will also have more nitain by then, even if you are casually playing.

Get an alert app, everyone has a smartphone these days. DE shouldn't be holding players' hands just because those players choose to spend their time inefficiently.

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Let's do a little math here

When zepher came out, she needed a total of 600 oxium, at one per drop. That's 600 drone kills.

Vauban prime needs 7,000 at ~10 per drop. That's 700 drone kills baring loot boosters after they halved it.

You know what happened when people realized they needed 600 kills on this one enemy from one faction that can only be reliably found on 1-2 nodes for one frame? DE buffed the drops 10 TIMES OVER.


Alertium makes plenty sense, though I think 5 for every single part is a bit much, as thats 5 days worth of it.

Then there's 9k cryotic. Did you spend your reserves (and maybe a bunch of farm time) on the Sibear? good job! Now do it again

On top of all that the "standard" resource costs are far above what anyone would consider normal. 

Now what justifies needing all of this? well the base frame is only obtainable via alerts or the market. Well gee, that means I need to be on at X time to play 5 min of a mission a few times. Sure it'll take time, but not grind time. Vauban prime has MORE play time to get his blueprints, MORE resource cost than he has any right to have, and people still defend him with weak arguments of "It's about time the cost matched my farming skill", "this is still easier than normal vauban, make it cost even more", and "Well i have 10 billion of every resource, wtf have you been doing?"

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1 hour ago, SenorClipClop said:

First of all, nobody should be buying crafting resources for platinum. That's just sillly.

Second, I had more than enough Cryotic when Sibear came out, and I don't play Excavations more than other missions.

Finally, things are going to cost more now. That's just a fact of Warframe. The Stradavar requires Argon and 8k Polymer Bundles. The Infested weapons of U18.5 have all kinds of lofty building requirements. Every Warframe released since the advent of Nitain extract has required it as an ingredient. Which, by the way @Arkel-99, you can now farm from Reactor Sabotage.

This cost creep is not only useful, but necessary in a game like Warframe. Since veteran players can acquire credits and resources at an incredibly high rate (much higher than new players) and already have heaps of crafting stuff, new items need to have requirements that aren't insignificant to these veterans. If VauPrime cost as much to build as any regular frame, crafting him has no impact on these players and they could just blaze right through all the new content. By making stuff more expensive, it forces players to think more carefully about how they allocate resources. These crafting requirements also limit newer (and often more technical) content to players who have been with the game for a while, while new players learn the basics with cheaper-to-craft weapons and Warframes.

And hey, DE's reducing the Oxium requirements after realizing the amount was a little silly, so we don't have to worry about that.

1) Yes, I agree - buying (in bulk) resources for crafting is absurd. I was just using it for reference
2) Yes, you had more than enough Cryotic. But you do not represent all of the players of Warframe. This strategy works for you (and me as well) since we've been around for a while.
3) I agree. The resource creep is a temporary solution to an ever growing problem. It is useful for veterans and it hinders newer players. A cap should have been put into place a long time ago on resources. I actually feel that they'll need to do this going forward. Weapons should be locked by MR, not by crafting costs. There will need to be hundreds of new weapons and frames generated in the future to allow someone to hit the MR cap of 30. All of them can't have a ridiculous craft curve.

So again, I agree with your point from a veteran perspective, but from a new player prospective? It absolutely sucks that content is theoretically being locked out solely because DE wants the veterans to farm for once (as if 2-3 years and 850+ hours of game time wasn't enough of a farm).

1) It goes against the new player experience, by making it even MORE confusing and frusting for them.
2) It also goes against the "we don't want people playing the same thing (THE VOID) over and over" by having almost every new frame and weapon needing Argon.
3) It goes against the grinding hotspot issue by requiring a ton of Oxium, basically turning Cerberus into a temporary Draco
In fact, I could make a case for this ONE CRAFT REQUIREMENT touching everything on the infamous "Bourbon List"

They should add a cap, then compensate with Legendary Cores or Gold Cores or something like that. That way, everyone ends up on a relatively even playing field.
You fill up your reserves, you lose some, you get some more over time - no biggie. Costs are lowered.
Right now, the trajectory is that you stockpile thousands, you blow it all on one blueprint, you farm up thousands again down the road.

Of course, this would require a massive (but not impossible) rework to crafting across the board. But it's better to do it now than to wait until it becomes nearly impossible to do so within a reasonable amount of time (looking at you Damage 3.0)

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6 hours ago, Ziegrif said:

Introducing the new iGrind!

Sister product to the iTimewall!

I started to get annoyed when they introduced Argon. Kind of made it pointless to grind and when things require it I just groan and bite the bullet and do some voids and sometimes it takes a run or 2 to get all the Argon I need and sometimes it takes 3 days. Thank you RNG.

Then Nitain happened. Basically screw that. I don't grind it. I don't like it. I barely have it as I don't play that much these days and new stuff usually requires it making me not want to play.

Then the Twin ballsack, which is a horrible weapon with a horrible augment with horrible crafting costs that actually requires a higher MR level weapon to craft than it actually is, happened. And that was just mindbogglingly unbelievable. I'm still speechless and absolutely boggled at that weapon. WHY?! HOW?! WHICH DEMON FROM HELL DESIGNED THIS THING?!

And then 30k Cryotic for an ice ball that's pretty much worthless as a weapon happened.

And now Clown Shoes prime costs it's weight in BS.

Call me lazy but I can't keep up with this ****.

Whoops XD

biggest fail of my forum lfie XD

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You should probably try regular Vauban out first. Or even just farm Vauban Prime if it's more viable. If you like it, you could buy it for the platinum and extra goodies.

But if you just want the frame and the weapons, it's probably more worth it to farm them, even if it's harder, since you don't really know what is it that you're buying.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)SupeBoss said:

You fill up your reserves, you lose some, you get some more over time - no biggie. Costs are lowered.

Not to mention it gives players a minor goal: refill those resources! It's pretty much how I feel about syndicate standing.

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Warframe is a game based on levelling weapons and warframes to get new rewards (more trades per day, more extractors, syndacates weapons). Stop saying "But you don't have to get it if you don't want to farm the resources" when the game is built on the MR concept. Seriously, at least find a better excuse. 

At least make the required resources based on the MR. You are a MR1? You need 400 oxium to build Vauban. You are a MR30? Then you'll need 7000 oxium. Veterans will be able to farm whatever they want while new players can still build things.

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IMHO, if you dont have time in your life to play a grindy online game...then maybe you shouldn't? 

There are tons of games out there for you poor souls that can only spare 15 minutes a day to play video games. 

This game has always been grindy.

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Just now, The_Doc said:

Not to mention it gives players a minor goal: refill those resources! It's pretty much how I feel about syndicate standing.

Exactly, if standing didn't have a cap, i'd imagine the new augment mods costing somewhere around 250,000 standing.
Add a cap, and the prices can actually remain consistent across the board for all players. No one is blindsided, and everyone knows what they need to do.

You can grind it, you can farm it, you will never need too much, and it won't burn you out.

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5 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

IMHO, if you dont have time in your life to play a grindy online game...then maybe you shouldn't? 

There are tons of games out there for you poor souls that can only spare 15 minutes a day to play video games. 

I agree with you, if you chose to play a game that rewards dedication with progress then you better be ready to dedicate your time to it.

It's like ....if you go swimming and you choose to jump into a fast lane with all the guys who've spent the time training and you end up a doggy paddle, you are in the wrong lane. You either try and keep up with the guys or pick a slower lane.(i've just been swimming and it's super infuriating to have people who can't swim in a fast lane)

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