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Devstream #75 Overview


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7 minutes ago, Airwolfen said:

Fairy warframe named Titania... I get the likely reference. But I do not get the combination...

I don't think the reference is up for debate, it's not "likely", it's "definitly" Shakespear's character Titania. 

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2 minutes ago, Roboplus said:

I was definitely not expecting a Star Wars raider-style spear gun.

Pleasantly surprised, though!

Yeah, especially as a primary weapon - thought it would be a Redeemer-styled melee at best. 

I'm still sore that Staticor has such cheap, ill-fitting animations when they would make such a highly specific new grip type.

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2 minutes ago, OvAeons said:

also RIP dark sword and dagger that has been sitting in foundry, ready to be claimed since that teaser.

I think one of the better parts of the stream was Geoff's face when Rebecca brought it up. He had absolutely no idea what she was talking about and hardly any recollection that it was ever mentioned. Poor Dual Dark Sword.

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8 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

I'm still sore that Staticor has such cheap, ill-fitting animations when they would make such a highly specific new grip type.

I thought that was pretty clever visually, though I would have liked some sort of extra melee-only punch effect like double damage or a multi-proc chance. The discharge is kind of lame.

I'm more upset with Sonicor clipping through Agile Nezha's head.

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Just now, Roboplus said:

I thought that was pretty clever visually, though I would have liked some sort of extra melee-only punch effect like double damage or a multi-proc chance. The discharge is kind of lame.

I'm more upset with Sonicor clipping through Agile Nezha's head.

Ehh... the regular firing always jumped out at me as very cheap and tacky, mostly because it still looks like you're throwing something. Really missed opportunity in my book.


Just now, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Didn't they also say something about a Trinity blessing range nerf? Or is that not listed because it's live on PC or somethin?

It's discussed at the end of Reb's post here.


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Thanks for being quick as always, AM-Bunny! I am psyched for this content, but it did feel like there was less in this dev stream than previous ones. No complaint, of course. Just an observation. STARCHART 3.0 LESS GOOOO (pl0x?)!

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11 minutes ago, AM-Bunny said:

Poor Dual Dark Sword

Indeed so. Something was rather looking forward to seeing but, alas...too soon.

On the other hand...that new Tileset looks pretty darn special. Very deep sort of blue though which is sort of puzzling (What a weirdly spelt word...) as to how that comes into place when it looks to be relatively open to the aether. Oh well. At least it's a nice colour all the same.

Past that...wonder if they'll demo Titania first or do her profile video instead. Pronunciation bloopers will be fun to see though.

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28 minutes ago, Roboplus said:

I was definitely not expecting a Star Wars raider-style spear gun.

Pleasantly surprised, though!


Gaderffii are not ranged/melee, only melee. Tuskan Raiders have rifles that are completely different weapons from the Gaderffii. 

You probably meant Star Gate, staff/ranged energy weapons are used prominently by the forces of the Goa'uld, Jaffa, and Ori. 

I am hype though. 

Edited by KinetosImpetus
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2 minutes ago, Blakrana said:

On the other hand...that new Tileset looks pretty darn special. Very deep sort of blue though which is sort of puzzling (What a weirdly spelt word...) as to how that comes into place when it looks to be relatively open to the aether. Oh well. At least it's a nice colour all the same.

That's a pretty interesting observation.

Historically, Grineer have used a palette that's yellows, reds, and browns. This sort of accentuates their primal but vicious nature. The use of blue has been reserved for Corpus, since it has stronger implications of calm and control.

Since this tileset has to do with the Twin Queens, it's probably relevant to how they're portrayed, and how they're on a whole separate plane than the Grineer we're used to.

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1 minute ago, AM-Bunny said:

That's a pretty interesting observation.

Historically, Grineer have used a palette that's yellows, reds, and browns. This sort of accentuates their primal but vicious nature. The use of blue has been reserved for Corpus, since it has stronger implications of calm and control.

Since this tileset has to do with the Twin Queens, it's probably relevant to how they're portrayed, and how they're on a whole separate plane than the Grineer we're used to.

Possibly. Please do bear in mind I am Red/Green colourblind however so I may be misreading the sky-box colour. All the same...if it is a deep blue, I know that it is a colour often associated with Royalty and opulence; Royal Blue after all...or Royal Purple. (Yeah I mix those up...)

Conversely, Yellow and Red are typically your natural 'DON'T MESS WITH ME' colours in nature (yes the caps are necessary). We know not to get involved with things like the Poison Dart frog from its vivid colourations. So there might be something there to the Grineer on that, intimidating colours you can't mistake on their items and armour. Not too sure on the use of brown, but then again I'm willing to bet Grineer don't have necessarily perfect colour vision in the first place considering their genetic degradation.

Something to think about though. Very distinct architecture compared to the typically bulbous and 'brute' approach normally in Grineer structures though. Even what appears to be sensor towers to look for intruders.

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Just now, DarthMelchom said:

My body is ready for update 19

I'm honestly kind of disappointed at what they said about releasing it piecemeal. At this rate, U19 will be the only major update we see in 2016. My only reassurance was that it would really knock my socks off with how good it was, but I'm not optimistic knowing that half of the content has been slashed off.

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