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Update 18.13.0: TennoGen, Passives, & Reworks 


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1 minute ago, Korion said:

Well, that doesn't mean Excalibur should suffer for that. He was in a great spot. One of the fun things about him were those energy waves. Anyone can melee, but only excalibur can melee with cool energy waves. It just sucks to see that nerfed since I see no reason for it to be.

I only see a reason to nerf stuff if it's breaking the game. I find the Mirage Prism nerf to be a good thing, since it broke the game.

But Excalibur was in a great spot. He was fun to play and was not the cause of any cheese stragedy breaking the game.

If anything they should've buffed Ivara.

YEAAH!!! You are nerfing a co up game. Its not even pvp like cmon. 

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Trinity's nerf is insane. Bless builds were used  to deal with insane enemy damage output and armor scaling. You can still have a fully functional bless Trin... If you play solo. Not bad for a support frame. 

Edited by ---Usu---
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15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Targets with shields will take a fixed shield damage (no longer a %), while targets with armour take health damage and a permanent armour debuff

and THIS pisses me off to no end.....MAKE ABILITY DAMAGE (FOR ALL WARFRAMES) SCALE :|

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Prism’s damage has been buffed slightly to compensate for this change

With my mods in the stats i had 500 damages before the patch and after the patch i still have 500 damages. Is that visual or ?

And can't you make that multiple lazers can hit the same target and the nulifier bubble ? Like when mirage first came out, because it was cool :/


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3 minutes ago, VladIV said:

Are you serious???

Mag is DEAD. It deals FIXED damage now. Useful on high-levels. It's one of the weakest frames dealing no damage to 60+.

Guys above are right: what's the purpose of BALANCING in PvE game which primary target is GRINDING???

That I did not know, as it isn't something stated in the patch notes. And with that in mind, and having read some other comments, many of the changes done to Mag have taken her already broken legs and amputated them, while also removing both of her arms. Wonder when they'll give her some potency back, then.

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I love how the p42w (press 4 to win) players cry an ocean of salt and venom at DE for making their "me kill all things" frames require more of a tactical and thought out approach, from just "stand in the middle, press 4 (3 in case of Mag) and watch things die". Guys, did you actually play this game after the patch?

Face it, Excalibur for example is supposed to be a swordsman, not portable turret slaying everything it can and can't see. It's not DE's fault that you use a frame only because of one of its abilities, absolutelly forgetting about the others, "bicuz dey so stronk". I can understand the complaining about spin attack taking energy - in my opinion it's not a good move either (still have very tiny range, making it bigger - or cost no energy - would be a better move, but that's my opinion!), but complaining about a swordsman actually becoming a swordsman...

The only two things I could complain about are Volt's speed "packages left for team", as the PUGs rarely make use of them (maybe it's the case of time to get used to it) and Mag's old Polarize working dangerously similar to Nova's Molecular Prime right now.

If you don't know how to play against the high level enemies without some serious overpower, then just think. Or ask somebody to help you with it.

Now hate me.

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This update is shocking. So much hype about these reworks and this update like it would be U19, and it's a total nerf package, really guys you should really think outside of the box...

You are working against your player base, like somebody who has no clear self reflection, because no limits and no restrcitions caused by a one side in power relation backed up by a contract where one side can do anything without any consequence, the other side only can bear the consequences.

It's hard work to max a frame = 4-5 formas, a reactor, arcanes, mods, cosmetics. If somebody doesn't spend money, still spends a lot of time, time is money. By such massive nerfs you take a lot from ppl, and it may fire back. Fanatics will support you in whatever you do, and possibly will write me nice, but most players are not that kind, just normal, and their tenno carrier will be broken.

Virtual property should be respected like physical property. Our frames are our virtual property and they are not respected by taking away their essence, its like I buy a ferrari, but laters the seller comes and takes out the engine. But if I use your content without your permission you punish me, because I must respect your virtual property, can you see the injust difference?

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5 minutes ago, VelarozDosun said:

The changes to Valkyr, while mortifying to me as a Valkyr main, are somewhat understandable.

The changes to Excalibur are also understandable, as he's meant to be a sword user, but the waves were just as potent at the usual engagement ranges.

Mirage's change to her blind, while frustrating, shouldn't prove too cumbersome as it is the highest-range blind in the game. Mildly irritating, maybe, but not hard to deal with.

As to the changes to Trinity's blessing? The damage dealt by enemies in raids is going to need a bit of a look-at, as Hek's rockets [from his Hek] can easily wipe a team, and the only recourse was to be under the effects of a near-max Blessing DR buff. The affinity-share-range is a massive hit, since it sounds like it will be fixed to that person's affinity-share-range, but not with power range. [So Trinity will always want to have the Vazarin school to increase this range] The pain will also be felt in Jordas Verdict, by those in Archwing dealing with pushing more spores into the Golem. Then we have the point of the DR buff being based not on the lowest-health individual, but the average healed percentage amount for everyone who was in range. Basically, if you want everyone to get a 99% DR buff, everyone has to be down to 1% HP when blessing is cast, while also being in range of the Trinity. While this balances out Trinity for trivializing survivals, defenses and similar missions, it massively damages the ability of players as a whole to run raids.

With this nerf, you can foresee even more of those who do raids now only recruiting those who have done them, as it will now be more challenging to guide & teach a person new to the raids the ropes.

The reworks to Volt and Mag sound amazing, and based on what I saw a few DevStreams back, looked good.

The changes to Mesa are much appreciated, though I hope to see more eventually come--as an example, allowing her to move around at a much-reduced drain, but forcing her to manually aim and shoot. Could be either a change or an augment. Would also love to see her be able to recast her other abilities while in peacemaker.

Isn't the goal of Warframe to empower the players to feel like they can take on any challenge? Why are the frames all being nerfed? Unless...

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The operators will learn how to walk on their own and start using their powers directly?! =D [/joke]


In excalibur that movement is used almost by accident (at least I think that, it's very easy to use that when you are sorrounded and have to move) So I dont thinks thats good

Valkyr maybe should have the consume reducted a little every time she kill an enemy, that way you recompensate killing enemies with more time to kill enemies

The thing I hate is that almost all of this is caused by the "Nerf sickness": People who are ALWAYS asking a nerf here and here for almost no reason than "I hate this" or searching false sensation of challenge, instead of nerf thing DE maybe should resolve some problems like the buggy drops in void towers (Vasto prime receiver every time I go in T3 ext, ALWAYS), the void fatigue, the leveling up fatigue (Every time you put a forma in something you have to level it up to 30... And if you put 4 formas, it takes forever...)

Also, this is a cooperative game based on grinding and farming, if you keep nerfing it will get boring and people will stop playing because that "challengue" is just a lot of repetition that becomes harder because the nerfs and that they cant use the warframe they like, if they are going to balance it should be on PvP where the superiority of a warframe over another is really a problem, in PvE players should be able to play in a team that they like and not like now that you cant do some missions without a "fixed" team (Nova, trinity, ash and something more (Loki?)).

I hope DE thinks about this, its not nerfing what makes this game challenge, its when they make a spy mission with a interesting mechanic (The moon for example), it's when they make a awesome mission that gave you goosebumps... But it's not when you stop playing the way you like because they nerf that warframe because of the "nerf symptom"


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Ok so let's TL;DR this patch.

Let's start with passives:

  1. Ember: basically I need to get debuffed purposely for this passive to work.
  2. Oberon: time to play Earth tiles only.
  3. Hydroid: slam the ground for more useless tentacles.
  4. Loki: very useful......... for like 1 mission in the entire game, Orokin Spy.
  5. Volt: so I need to run like 200 metres for 1k damage on my next shot.
  6. Mag: basically a reverse queef while you bullet jump.


So, pretty good passives. There are probably a few more. Some pretty good, such as Ash. Guess Ash is getting "reworked" *cough Mag size nerfed* next.


Now the "balances" (nerfs)

  • Excalibur: so now I need to use 9 energy for a melee range blind while I spin attack with EB active? I understand the damage nerf, not the energy cost and utility nerf.
  • Bless: adding range to bless is a move in the right direction. Changing the bless to be an average of highest and lowest is a few light years in the wrong direction.
  • Valkyr: doesn't seem to actually affect my build that much. Need to check it out more.
  • Blind: decent nerf I guess. Stunlocking the map might have been to strong.


and now Mag.

  1. Use all 425 of your energy pool to kill about 20 enemies. That are lv60.
  2. Now you have to build Mag for ALL 4 ability factors. Lemme just get out my 282/175/275/299 Mag build then. Should be pretty strong.


So you nerf Bless, probably because Trinity is too strong of a support frame, and then you focus her even more into the support role required in all squads.

Honestly, the biggest nerf in my opinion in this patch was the Bless nerf. 

Now it will be almost impossible to properly teach people how to raid. My usual raiding squad does all the raids pretty efficiently but even the most efficient squads out there will be shaken by the bless nerf. Staying outside to kick spores in to the golem will now be even harder for new raiders than before. Vay Hek will now one shot your entire team while you attempt to bomb his chimneys. The bombs in the first part of LoR will now have to detonate automatically after everyone has moved a safe distance away or the whole team gets killed instantly.


OK, enough about the cons, lets look at the pros!

  • Mesa buff? I think. damage seems to be slightly higher now? Eh, at least its one buff in a massive Pacific ocean sized pool of nerfs.
  • New shiny stuff for fashion frame! Fashion frame is end frame! Screw damage and stuff, lets change this game in to something catered more to 9 year old girls that dress things up.


Also, more of a personal thing, Volt Prime is my second most used frame after Loki Prime. I really enjoyed the FOV movement of his old ability cast (pre 18.13).

I understand that some people may have gotten nauseous from the big FOV change but at least make if something that we can change in Options instead. 

Edited by --RV--Yukino
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i just saying most of passive are just crap really some are good but Oberon is laughable tho and Trin blessing got nerfed, with the range stupidity many don't stay close to trinity at all, they rampage over the whole map alone so why bother to have range affinity when DE cant understand how people play and a 2nd reason is u killed healing in game for LOR or jordas runs now, because blessing will not be worknig if people are to far and 2nd is vazarin has same issue with range of healing. then i whonder why DE can't fix Trinityies 3rd ability to be like a channeler ability that eats energy while it redirect dmg to others. then Rhino and vauban could be switched tho to. this is my opinion to the game what could be done. i even found bugs i reported on forum to that De dont really care either like a huge hole on a ceiling on a certain room u can litteraly jump out and roam outside the map in a black room kinda or even fall down to. this was my saying hope they ever read this or they probably ignore it.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:



Valkyr Changes
•    Hysteria is Valkyr's Rage Mode - we teased and released her as a Berserker frame and we've iterated on Hysteria a couple of times since release. We are returning to this power to reign in its issues but still thematically invoke her ultimate rage. 

•    The relationship between time spent in Hysteria and energy & incoming damage has changed in two ways.

•    Firstly, the longer you stay in Hysteria, the more Energy it'll cost you. (but the energy drain ramp up is capped). 

•    Secondly, while in Hysteria you are still invulnerable - the current Hysteria indicator on the UI tells you how much incoming damage you've absorbed and mitigated. The longer you stay in Hysteria, the less effective the mitigation of incoming damage is on the 'End Hysteria' phase. Ending your Hysteria session should be done with care - ensuring no enemies are in the range of Valkyrs Hysteria Aura (20 meters max, they have to be able to see you), or you will take the damage. How you choose to dispose of these enemies is up to you - either kill them, or get a safe distance away to deactivate Hysteria. 

Excalibur Changes
Excalibur's rework made him an indisputable lethal force - a role he will continue to shine in, but now with more reasonable parameters on his Exalted Blade waves. 

•    Exalted Blade’s damage will now diminish according to distance travelled and enemies punctured, and Exalted Blade’s built-in Radial Blind on spin will now cost ½ the Energy of a regular Radial Blind. Although Exalted Blade is a lot of fun, we feel that it completely overshadows all of Excalibur’s other abilities at little cost. The powerful range on Exalted Blade turned Excalibur into more of a turret than a swordsman. This change means that Exalted Blade is more effective when used in close range and using Radial Blind is now a calculated choice. The ability will simply become more engaging in all encounters. 

Trinity Changes
•    Blessing: Blessing now heals Allies within the shared Tenno Affinity aura range. This Tenno Affinity aura range is a new UI feature available to all players beside the Shield Stat. This range is 50 meters from Trinity. 
•    Blessing still instantly heals all Allies (Tenno,Companions, etc) in range. 
•    Blessing's Damage Resistance is now calculated by the following formula: 
Damage Resistance % = 100 - Square (Average (Tenno Health %)). 


Its amazing to see how DE seeks to find ways to make this game LESS fun. Build something, nerf it, Once again instead of improving or expanding, they retract and detract. Business model has to be better than this...

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1 minute ago, Fenicis said:

I love how the p42w (press 4 to win) players cry an ocean of salt and venom at DE for making their "me kill all things" frames require more of a tactical and thought out approach, from just "stand in the middle, press 4 (3 in case of Mag) and watch things die". Guys, did you actually play this game after the patch?

Face it, Excalibur for example is supposed to be a swordsman, not portable turret slaying everything it can and can't see. It's not DE's fault that you use a frame only because of one of its abilities, absolutelly forgetting about the others, "bicuz dey so stronk". I can understand the complaining about spin attack taking energy - in my opinion it's not a good move either (still have very tiny range, making it bigger - or cost no energy - would be a better move, but that's my opinion!), but complaining about a swordsman actually becoming a swordsman...

The only two things I could complain about are Volt's speed "packages left for team", as the PUGs rarely make use of them (maybe it's the case of time to get used to it) and Mag's old Polarize working dangerously similar to Nova's Molecular Prime right now.

If you don't know how to play against the high level enemies without some serious overpower, then just think. Or ask somebody to help you with it.

Now hate me.

Its a cooperative game, you dont have to kill more, live more, get more... You have to have fun playing with others and if you want to pay pressing E and 4 I think you should have the posibility

If people dont want to have "tactical" approach to a mission, then why force it with stupid nerfs (Mesa nerf to peacemaker that doesnt reduce consume, for example)? Now high level mission are almost impossible without fixed teams, are VERY boring to do like that and people like you only repeat "HAHA people is idiot because they want to play pressing 4!!"

And I have played the game after the patch


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So Magnetize seems really nice, but it came at the cost of almost all of Polarize's usefulness. Polarize does nothing beyond level 20. Please drop the flat values thing and bring back the percentages...It barely scratches shields and armor at high levels. Pull and Crush basically weren't changed, which is fine.


Volt's speed changes are great. It's not forced on allies anymore, and I imagine the FoV doesn't bother anyone anymore. Shield looks cool, being able to pick it up is nice. I was hoping we would see the return of its buffs to bullets and energy rays travel time/distance, but oh well. Discharge still has a long cast time, but the stun seems good, although kind of erratic (targets get stunned for differents amount of time ?).


Mesa's buffs are great, the damage on peacemaker scales a lot better now, and more shooting gallery can only be a good thing.


Mirage's changes seem only fair, if the LoS thing doesn't turn out to be too wonky. The problem here is more the enemy killing you in a split second after seeing you at high level. The ability won't work as a preventive measure now, and if enemies have line of sight, they'll probably kill you before you can blind them.


I am fine with Valkyr's changes since the radius on Hysteria's deactivation doesn't seem to go through walls and is quite manageable.


Excalibur's changes were needed in my opinion. Now he should be back to being a swordsman, not a turret. I don't like being punished by an energy cost when I perform slide attacks in EB though. I'd rather not have a mini-radial-blind on slide attacks at all. Or maybe make it take effect only when channeling ?


Blessing changes seem a bit much, especially since Trinity is supposed to be a team player, and now having allies with her makes her 4th ability weaker...And of course, raids will be harder now. Enemy scaling, same old problem.


Passives are cool, although some seem like a substancial boost while others are basically useless.

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Whatever happened to this being a buff update? Mag was arguably nerfed because they TOOK AWAY HER DAMAGE SCALING, and the overload (I mean, "discharge") rework was a bait-and-switch from the dev stream version, with a heavily nerfed duration that doesn't appear to be affected by power duration. Still better than the suicide button garbage that was overload, but so, so very disappointing.


Meanwhile, these "reworks" were used as cover to nerf ALL 4 OF THE TOP TIER FRAMES. We didn't even know about the nerfs until yesterday! Why? Why did you have to taint the joy of having my beautiful volt buffed by beheading the top of the warframe tier ladder.


It's... Just depressing, to be honest. 

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