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Volt Rework Feedback [Post Update 18.13]


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3 minutes ago, Wolfnrun said:

YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Something diffrent is aproaching!!! I better not just be getting excited now...

Don't be naive. It's one of 2 generic responses which was posted in the different Warframe rework feedback threads. It probably just means that they are gonna lock this thread up and ignore our feedback as per usual now when the main complaints have settled down.

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33 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

Don't be naive. It's one of 2 generic responses which was posted in the different Warframe rework feedback threads. It probably just means that they are gonna lock this thread up and ignore our feedback as per usual now when the main complaints have settled down.

I'm not naive! ...I just got excited... This thread has more feedback than complaints, (There was a bit of non-constructive stuff from some, very little)  if were ignored, that's a problem

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1 hour ago, Azamagon said:

It probably just means that they are gonna lock this thread up and ignore our feedback as per usual now when the main complaints have settled down.

That was my thought too. Really hope i'm wrong.

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2 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Volt's changes have been generally well received! Thank you for all of your feedback, we appreciate you testing Volt and sharing your thoughts with the devs. 

That doesn't... fit...

Look, SOME of the changes aren't terrible, but that doesn't mean we're in a good spot.  There are some real QoL issues and a SEVERE build clunkiness that are plaguing Volt right now.  Also, this doesn't address the supremacy of the Speed build for anything higher-level.  Volt is still left with little alternative to this one build when enemies get serious.

Can the current changes work?  Well, yes they could, but there is a need for some SERIOUS clean-up of this rework:

     -Base Volt's stats do NOT work.  His power of 150 goes FAR too fast, and his 15 armor is a joke.

     -Both Volts' base speed is a bit too low, forcing Volt to rely on Speed-spamming.

     -Speed starts so weak that I cannot tell if I'm being SLOWED or not.  The nature of the move REQUIRES Volt get (at absolute minimum) 170% Strength in order to get a useful Speed.  Were Speed to grow more slowly to the same point BUT start off more powerful, it'd mean you're not punished for trying to do ANYTHING ELSE.  Without that kind of Strength, it feels like I'd be better off without Speed altogether.

     -Riot Shield is a great thought with a trash bin of hate dumped on it.  Too many limitations for a different way to make use of what we already have, so much so that I will never even try.  It's almost exponentially less expensive of energy just to spam-cast Electric Shields as needed.

     -Discharge and the damage cap that kills it...

     -Does Shock actually have interactions of any meaningful sort with any other skill he has?  No, no it doesn't.  This could see some looking into as well, if it's to be some kind of a thing.

     -The grandaddy of (my) gripes:  Volt has 2 mutually exclusive builds, rather than the option of anything that GENERALLY builds all of his abilities into working order.  You shouldn't ever have to start off asking "what moves am I going to be okay with never having?".


So, yeah.  The rewerk isn't hated, but it's caused some real problems to come to light.  Problems we've mentioned with Volt for YEARS.  I'd love to see those issues fixed, and a better 'Frame emerge from the ashes.  I say "emerge from the ashes" because you are gonna need a flamethrower to get through the cobwebs on some of those old problems.

Edited by Cytobel
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My very short feedback:

Shock needs a real stun put on it not just the proc, ideally you could mod for it. The stun is too unreliable to use on anything that can actually kill you quickly.

Speed could use a base duration buff but otherwise is fine.

Shield damage boost should scale with power strength. Riot shield has too much going on with it, pause the timer when carrying it. The lowered run speed seems unnecessary when we have frames with actual god mode that have less restrictions on it.

Discharge is for the most part fine, damage cap hurts it against non armored enemies. You could do one of the following and not really change the skill much

  • Remove the Health Cap entirely
  • Have the skill simply continue holding the target for its entire duration regardless of whether or not the health cap is reached. If the cap is reached it does no damage.
  • Have a mechanic that increases the health cap based on how much damage is being dealt over a short period of time. Kind of like how Iron Skin works with incoming damage.

I think doing one of those things would resolve most of the consistency issues when it comes to the hold on discharge.

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10 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

That doesn't... fit...

Look, SOME of the changes aren't terrible, but that doesn't mean we're in a good spot.  There are some real QoL issues and a SEVERE build clunkiness that are plaguing Volt right now.  Also, this doesn't address the supremacy of the Speed build for anything higher-level.  Volt is still left with little alternative to this one build when enemies get serious.

Can the current changes work?  Well, yes they could, but there is a need for some SERIOUS clean-up of this rework:

     -Base Volt's stats do NOT work.  His power of 150 goes FAR too fast, and his 15 armor is a joke.

     -Both Volts' base speed is a bit too low, forcing Volt to rely on Speed-spamming.

     -Speed starts so weak that I cannot tell if I'm being SLOWED or not.  The nature of the move REQUIRES Volt get (at absolute minimum) 170% Strength in order to get a useful Speed.  Were Speed to grow more slowly to the same point BUT start off more powerful, it'd mean you're not punished for trying to do ANYTHING ELSE.  Without that kind of Strength, it feels like I'd be better off without Speed altogether.

     -Riot Shield is a great thought with a trash bin of hate dumped on it.  Too many limitations for a different way to make use of what we already have, so much so that I will never even try.  It's almost exponentially less expensive of energy just to spam-cast Electric Shields as needed.

     -Discharge and the damage cap that kills it...

     -Does Shock actually have interactions of any meaningful sort with any other skill he has?  No, no it doesn't.  This could see some looking into as well, if it's to be some kind of a thing.

     -The grandaddy of (my) gripes:  Volt has 2 mutually exclusive builds, rather than the option of anything that GENERALLY builds all of his abilities into working order.  You shouldn't ever have to start off asking "what moves am I going to be okay with never having?".


So, yeah.  The rewerk isn't hated, but it's caused some real problems to come to light.  Problems we've mentioned with Volt for YEARS.  I'd love to see those issues fixed, and a better 'Frame emerge from the ashes.  I say "emerge from the ashes" because you are gonna need a flamethrower to get through the cobwebs on some of those old problems.

Probably your best post ever, C.  I'll be pm'ing you about a special fan project I just started.

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*Puts on unconvincing smile and waves hello to Devs passing over the volt forums* yes, everything's fine here.

I really love warframe, and think the devs do amazing things, just not so amazingly sometimes....


I really think that part about volt changes being "generally well received" is a polite way of saying our feed back is not going to matter.

But, if it was not that way, and I am being ridiculous, then I shall say my piece one final time:

Please stop the jump animation on discharge if nothing else. If a volt can't air cast the ability, then the entire animation should be on the ground. 

But why can't I jump into the air? Can that at least be a thing that is explained?

I essentially thought you were just changing overload so it would effect enemies instead of lights. That sounded awesome.


You can no longer mod for power strength, which is actually needed for speed. You get one or the other, you don't get both, but non power strength volt barely runs any faster, and his base speed is already super duper slow, so you really just have an electric version of Toxic lash if you use the shocking something augment. What speed? 

This is not Slova/Speedva(?). This is not some game breaking frame. And Volt never will be a game breaking frame unless you make him that way (discharge on high level grineer maps), especially as long as electricity damage is where it's at. So why all the limitations?

And why did you nerf mirage and then turn around and allow volt to do pretty much the same thing? The damage cap will never ever be met on high level grineer missions, because terrible electricity damage is even worse against them.

That's why the damage cap is silly, was there no better solution? Like scaling damage and diminishing returns?

And maybe if zenurik was the suggested passive to choose for any player crafting volt, and affinity gains were better, the sheild would be ok. Both the timer and drain is the same problem saryns spores have, but instead of choosing one or the other, a knock back effect was added (and energy regen for saryns spores) both of which are not very noticeable at best, completely ignoring actually trying do make the ability better at its truest, and just asinine at its worst. (some) Warframe(s) are so restricted and limited it's really not funny anymore. 

And Ash recieves what passive?


It all bothers me for no real reason...*Turns into sobbing mess.

Must uninstall primed whine mod soon.

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35 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

*Puts on unconvincing smile and waves hello to Devs passing over the volt forums* yes, everything's fine here.

I really love warframe, and think the devs do amazing things, just not so amazingly sometimes....


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3 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

*Puts on unconvincing smile and waves hello to Devs passing over the volt forums* yes, everything's fine here.

I really love warframe, and think the devs do amazing things, just not so amazingly sometimes....

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I really think that part about volt changes being "generally well received" is a polite way of saying our feed back is not going to matter.

But, if it was not that way, and I am being ridiculous, then I shall say my piece one final time:

Please stop the jump animation on discharge if nothing else. If a volt can't air cast the ability, then the entire animation should be on the ground. 

But why can't I jump into the air? Can that at least be a thing that is explained?

I essentially thought you were just changing overload so it would effect enemies instead of lights. That sounded awesome.


You can no longer mod for power strength, which is actually needed for speed. You get one or the other, you don't get both, but non power strength volt barely runs any faster, and his base speed is already super duper slow, so you really just have an electric version of Toxic lash if you use the shocking something augment. What speed? 

This is not Slova/Speedva(?). This is not some game breaking frame. And Volt never will be a game breaking frame unless you make him that way (discharge on high level grineer maps), especially as long as electricity damage is where it's at. So why all the limitations?

And why did you nerf mirage and then turn around and allow volt to do pretty much the same thing? The damage cap will never ever be met on high level grineer missions, because terrible electricity damage is even worse against them.

That's why the damage cap is silly, was there no better solution? Like scaling damage and diminishing returns?

And maybe if zenurik was the suggested passive to choose for any player crafting volt, and affinity gains were better, the sheild would be ok. Both the timer and drain is the same problem saryns spores have, but instead of choosing one or the other, a knock back effect was added (and energy regen for saryns spores) both of which are not very noticeable at best, completely ignoring actually trying do make the ability better at its truest, and just asinine at its worst. (some) Warframe(s) are so restricted and limited it's really not funny anymore. 

And Ash recieves what passive?


It all bothers me for no real reason...*Turns into sobbing mess.

Must uninstall primed whine mod soon.

Look, there is another issue here that I hate to keep mentioning: as a starter choice, Volt has the most ridiculous build requirement list I've yet seen.  I loathe every "it's okay to suck because it's just a starter 'Frame" argument, so I'm just going to assume that ALL 'Frames were meant to be useful with the right build.

WARNING: High salt content



Even so, how can an all Rare/Primed mod build (Auras are rare, screw the "uncommon" listing) requirement be considered palatable for a player just starting out?  I KNOW we all get to that point eventually, but can anybody say they've honestly run a "no rares" build for base Volt?  Anything like a "day 5" build?

The Devs certainly haven't.

Heck, I know I haven't either.  The thought is nightmarish.  Level 30 mobs with a 'Frame that doesn't have a decent build?  Certainly this shouldn't be feasible for a STARTER 'Frame, right?

Yeah, talk to Excalibur about that.  Hell, he doesn't even need GUNS to ruin Grineer (or what have you) butt.  He just begins pounding away, loving the blood and screams.

I don't recall the other starter.  Is it Loki, the invisible a$$hole?  Mag, the bubble princess?  Anything else in game that can usually prove more effective than Volt, just because the moveset that 'Frame has WORKS???

Look, I get the idea that a "generalist" can be nifty, but the whole "jack-of-all-trades" thing comes to mind again.  Doesn't the idea of being able to SHOOT FRIKKIN LIGHTNING sound like somebody mastered at least the idea of directionalized amperage flow and resistance mitigation?

What's with this terminal need to always have at least 1 'Frame as total dumpster fodder?  I say "terminal" because always having a character in the timeout closet tends to discourage players, and a discouraged player base finds games that "don't suck".  This means they find games that don't punish them for choosing something that developers have MADE.


TL;DR:  It put my nose a bit out of joint to hear a "most of the feedback has been positive" response when THIS IS DEMONSTRABLY INCORRECT.  Most of the feedback has been that we need a series of restrictions removed from the abilities of Volt (and a few stat buffs) before he wil be in a decent place.  The thought seems to be there, but not the substance

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Also they forgot about Synergy and an underwhelming passive.

The passive takes too long to charge and doesn't fit Automatic weapons.
To stack it a player shouldn't shoot or attack and just run around for a mere 1000 damage on the next skill/attack.
It should discharge just when reaching the higher cap, this way a player can use it in a proper and mindful manner.
Another idea would be Speed should make it stack faster, not just related to the meters traveled.

Shock with Electric Shield and Discharge doesn't really make any difference.
Maybe let Shock: (many ideas not everyone of them together)
► Increase the damage cap on Tesla Coils hit? (To allow a better focusfire during stunlock on heavy targets)
► Increase the damage inflicted by Tesla Coils hit?
► Diffuse Discharge from Tesla Coils to unaffected enemies around them?

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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8 hours ago, Azamagon said:

Don't be naive. It's one of 2 generic responses which was posted in the different Warframe rework feedback threads. It probably just means that they are gonna lock this thread up and ignore our feedback as per usual now when the main complaints have settled down.

You sir, have said fact, fact is the best kind of good,I have not tested him MYSELF, but with plenty of players and friends, feel that hes in a good spot, His Ult deals high damage and is a great CC, I was able to see good players master it.

However his Speed chuold do with removing as it is just uncanny and to easy to spam, and annoying to hear, and his shock needs to be changed and buffed and his shield needs editing.

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17 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

Good point. I can lock down maps with Volt right now, against Orokin and Grineer. It's not Old Mirage or Vauban...but it's not far off, and these dudes take damage while CC us active, to boot.

Ironically, now, with the nerf of Electric procs, DIscharge is once again the undisputed king of damage in Volt's arsenal regardless of how grouped enemies are.  

13 hours ago, Dante123pl said:

yea not a single volt can use movable electric shield due to its ridiculous energy drain

but fk u volt players i guess.

I used it fine during my testing, though reducing the drain/distance would be appropriate IMO.  I think that if DE removes invuln/invis cheese from other frames, people would appreciate riot shield a little more.  I also think that teammates should be able to pick it up too, and that it shouldn't count toward the shield cap (disappearing once dropped if there are already 6 static shields in place.)

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Volt still need some work:

Discharge range should be based on duration

Discharge/Shock stun should open enemies to melee finishers

Remove energy drain per meters moved from Riot Shield

Using Shock on Electric Shield should cause electric proc and stun enemies that are trying to go through it


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Just now, Dante123pl said:

Volt still need some work:

Discharge range should be based on duration

Discharge/Shock stun should open enemies to melee finishers

Remove energy drain per meters moved from Riot Shield

Using Shock on Electric Shield should cause electric proc and stun enemies that are trying to go through it



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My biggest issue with Volt is not that his rework is bad per se -- I feel the abilities that were touched are better than what they were in everyway.

My issue is that he's always been described as a powerful alternative to gunplay, yet he's one of the few to benefit less from Power Strength if I'm not mistaken. In other words: To me a good alternative to gunplay is Saryn: Good DoT, good synergy in abilities, one invites you to melee. You don't really need guns for anything, you can do it all with your abilities.

With Volt that's not the case. Ah well.

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12 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

You sir, have said fact, fact is the best kind of good,I have not tested him MYSELF, but with plenty of players and friends, feel that hes in a good spot, His Ult deals high damage and is a great CC, I was able to see good players master it.

However his Speed chuold do with removing as it is just uncanny and to easy to spam, and annoying to hear, and his shock needs to be changed and buffed and his shield needs editing.

High damage...there goes that word again. (This is aimed more at DE than you, i think this is where I might be overreacting)



You want "high" damage? I'll show you "high" damage.




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59 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

High damage...there goes that word again. (This is aimed more at DE than you, i think this is where I might be overreacting)



You want "high" damage? I'll show you "high" damage.




HAHAHA! That sums it up PERFECTLY!!! :laugh: 

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lul dem high dmg i bet enemies are feared of those 50-200s dmg numbers!

on other hand mesa is just ciritng for 40-50k +

but dem volt dmg 2high2handle

but dont get me wrong i dont want Volt to be p4towin frame i just want fun ulti to play with, current discharge is boooooooooooooooooooring and makes no sense at all

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The echo chamber in this thread is becoming obnoxious.  Try to post something besides blanket complaints, memes, and original content.

If your post does not include feedback that is well-sourced, identifies a particular issue, breaks it down, and proposes solutions that are precedented and feasible in today's Warframe, it probably shouldn't be posted, as it will only be obstructive noise to the devs that are actually reading through the thread.

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On 7/19/2016 at 8:39 PM, Cytobel said:

So, yeah.  The rewerk isn't hated, but it's caused some real problems to come to light.  Problems we've mentioned with Volt for YEARS.  I'd love to see those issues fixed, and a better 'Frame emerge from the ashes.  I say "emerge from the ashes" because you are gonna need a flamethrower to get through the cobwebs on some of those old problems.

Yup! let's see if we hear anything this friday on the devstream! Ive always been looking at the bright side (Yes, I'm very positive) No matter what others say! No need for negativity. So with that said...let's look forward to volt this friday! :smile: 

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Ok. Fair enough.

It was all in good fun, a way to vent frustrations about issues that have not been adressed, and the use of the term "high" damage/alternative to gunplay really doesn't fit in volt, not even in relation to warframe. Ember does it better in that case. Ember is a real alternative to gunplay. I will dedicate my time to learning every in depth detail of why volt is the way he is, seeing as how it wasn't explained here, but let me sum some things up in my simpletons speak. It'll be hard with out memes.

To my knowledge, the initial hype before Volts rework went something like this...it was leaked that overload was going to affect enemies and they would conduct the electricity, that shock would interact with electric sheild and overload, electric sheild would be getting a visual overhaul, and speed was going to be changed in the way it affected allies.

If i missed anything, please let me know.

DE pretty much released a negative aspect to every positive thing they changed. They are holding him back, but I thought it was "limit, meet sky!". It seems more like "volt meet limits"

Overload (discharge) affects enemies/it has a damage cap. Its called discharge. And it has//had spotty targeting, but that's getting better. Its basically electrical prism for Lor.

Shock adds damage to Electric sheild - riot shield was added/damage is pitiful and enemies still walk in and out of it like it's not there - riot shield with a 170 efficiency primed flow volt is tolerable. Electric sheild is not going to do anything nearly important enough to merit draining at all, especially since its still on a timer. Its not indefinitely up, it's on a timer.

Shock deals Aoe damage to enemies affected by overload (discharge)/what Aoe? Its just wasted energy, your better off shooting them.

Speed has no fov and can be recast at any time and is actually a nice ability with slight downsides/speed has no fov and  needs to be recast instead of being toggle drain and those down sides ruin it for me

Feels sort of familiar (saryn spores and toxic lash).

My opinions



This is where the meme would be

"If I had one!"

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6 hours ago, Wolfnrun said:

HAHAHA! That sums it up PERFECTLY!!! :laugh: 

I got a little carried away though:P but that's the beauty of being a console scrub, specifically the play station variant. 

I actually love volt, because he reminded me of Cole (who I can no longer play as because I sold my ps3 long ago...I sold out, for money:/  ).

Electricity is THE coolest thing on the planet, and if I could have a super power, thatd be it, right up there with super speed, because flash is my favorite super hero.

De, do you realize you created the perfect being in existence in my eyes?

If I am overly dramatic, even borderline innapropriate in my posting, I apologize, but it's just that these changes hurt my heart. Really all it was that made me salty was the visual effects of his ult being taken away, which was the reason for my very existence.

Warframe is not infamous. Warframe will never be infamous. And I love that! But when people started advocating for warframe to be like darksouls, and it actually started to feel.like it was happening, all that "I want warframe to be just warframe" nonsense had to fly out the window. 

The last of us.


Shadow of mordor. Id mix all of that in a stirring pot and label it space ninjas before id play dark souls in space. (nothing against that game)

Warframe is most definitely not a power trip compared to other games. For everyone who crusades about everything being overpowered, you don't know what overpowered is, or what it really feels like. Iv played that game in that video, honestly I feel super restricted sometimes.

I'm just upset, Volt was left with a few negative drawbacks, and some cool stuff, pretty much the same as he was before, the pain of my dreams being crushed still hurts, the wounds havnt healed yet.



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6 hours ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

High damage...there goes that word again. (This is aimed more at DE than you, i think this is where I might be overreacting)

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You want "high" damage? I'll show you "high" damage.

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I'm starting to think I should just give up and go play some Infamous 2.  That guy seems to be a high-damage alternative to Volt.

What frustrates me here is that DE gave up on Warframes being the masters of anything.  We're wallpaper paste in suits.  No character, no badass, NO SPACE NINJA INVOLVED.

Spoiled so you can skip griping you've likely heard over and over, yet hasn't seen a fix.



What am I sick of in Warframe?  Always feeling that many 'Frames are completely interchangable spreadsheets, turning out numbers or changing the way things work with enemy numbers.  I'm also sick of feeling like I can't have a favorite Warframe because that's somehow wrong.

I appreciate the immense difficulty in trying to develop some form of character and power with 'Frames WHILE AT THE SAME TIME catering to those who just really want to be punched in the balls by every game they play.  I'm not arrogant enough to claim I UNDERSTAND how monumental that pain in the &#! is, but I kinda see what DE goes through there.  I just find it sad that we can't have a character that feels super-powered without being overpowered.

Weren't Eximus units supposed to somehow counter aspects of our skills?  Weren't the Grineer developing greater and more twisted weapons of war to fight the threat we represent?  Aren't the Corpus also upgrading their security to counter our capabilities, while maintaining a balance (ish) with the Grineer?  Don't the Infested continually evolve to face new threats and environments?

Shouldn't there be enough potential there to give us real challenge without someone somewhere just deciding that we need to have our abilities rendered less than relevant?

I know I'm jaded, but I call bull on this being a "sucessful rework".  We went round-and-around, stopping back where we started but without much to show for it.  I feel like we lost nearly as much as we gained, and what we gained has more asterisks attached than most legal contracts.  Hell, the last legal form I filled out was FAR more transparent than Volt's abilities.


TL;DR:  Honestly and totally seriously, what do I want?  I'm absolutely certain I want less skill-exclusive builds.  I'm still pretty sure I want a list of potential skills (think multiple choices for your 1,2,and 3 powers [Ults should be ults, and therefor standalone]), I've said time and again I wanted DAMAGE or EFFECTIVENESS, SYNERGY or UTILITY, but what do I really truely want?  I want to have fun.  I suspect DE has forgotten this.

EDIT:  I'm almost as sick of the repeated complaints as anyone can get.  I would LOVE to see some of the issues we've mentioned over and over addressed.  Over and out.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

I got a little carried away though:P but that's the beauty of being a console scrub, specifically the play station variant. 

I actually love volt, because he reminded me of Cole (who I can no longer play as because I sold my ps3 long ago...I sold out, for money:/  ).

Electricity is THE coolest thing on the planet, and if I could have a super power, thatd be it, right up there with super speed, because flash is my favorite super hero.

De, do you realize you created the perfect being in existence in my eyes?

If I am overly dramatic, even borderline innapropriate in my posting, I apologize, but it's just that these changes hurt my heart. Really all it was that made me salty was the visual effects of his ult being taken away, which was the reason for my very existence.

Warframe is not infamous. Warframe will never be infamous. And I love that! But when people started advocating for warframe to be like darksouls, and it actually started to feel.like it was happening, all that "I want warframe to be just warframe" nonsense had to fly out the window. 

The last of us.


Shadow of mordor. Id mix all of that in a stirring pot and label it space ninjas before id play dark souls in space. (nothing against that game)

Warframe is most definitely not a power trip compared to other games. For everyone who crud about everything being overpowered, you don't know what overpowered is, or what it really feels like. Iv played that game in that video, honestly I feel super restricted sometimes.

I'm just upset, Volt was left with a few negative drawbacks, and some cool stuff, pretty much the same as he was before, the pain of my dreams being crushed still hurts, the wounds havnt healed yet.

I love electricity to! ZAP ZAP ZAP! We excpected sooo much that didn't happen...It's very demotivating. How undervalued the power of lighting/ electricity is

10 minutes ago, Cytobel said:

TL;DR:  Honestly and totally seriously, what do I want?  I'm absolutely certain I want less skill-exclusive builds.  I'm still pretty sure I want a list of potential skills (think multiple choices for your 1,2,and 3 powers [Ults should be ults, and therefor standalone]), I've said time and again I wanted DAMAGE or EFFECTIVENESS, SYNERGY or UTILITY, but what do I really truely want?  I want to have fun.  I suspect DE has forgotten this.

Infamous did it better BY FAR!!! Cross our fingers and let's disect the devstream this friday

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