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Poll: Do you agree with the nerfs? 1000 votes in


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12 minutes ago, flamingblueice said:


That is the whole problem here my friend. People haven't played the game as much as they blabber about how broken some frame or ability is and how some frame should be nerfed to the ground. You players who play endless missions, you have my empathy. Those why don't, play them, stay for 2 hours or so, you'll realize that a lancer can do more damage than your 5 forma'd tonkor.  

You should either stop playing these and with these frames, or entirely stop playing the game. 

yes thats the problem, but probably not for the reasons you're thinking of. just because you CAN go 2+ hours in endless, doesnt mean you're supposed to. on top of that, the problem is more with enemy scaling in that case, which im pretty sure DE is looking into, if not working on

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4 hours ago, izzatuw said:



The recent changes have split the community apart pretty well so do you agree or disagree with the nerfs? 

I'm not sure that poll can explain my position.

- Excalibur - ok

- Mirage - ok (why not? why Excalibur have LoS for 2, but Mirage have to blinding all map?)

- Trinity - NO GAD NO. this unique frame cant have limited distance for 4. are She (with her 4) important in short missions for 4 mates party? nope, I thinking. trials? yup. each  member of trial's team have to do its task, but not thinking about range to Trin. and if Trin have to controlling range, health af all party members, each member position then what She is begin to be? one-bottom frame with one task for 20-50 mins in line. sadistic. R.I.P. Blessing.

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Some of them

Mirage and Excal were literally P4TW before; the nerfs were sorely needed. Valkyr is now slightly less boring if technically slightly weaker

Trinity did not need both of her nerfs at once. Either of them individually would have been mostly fine, but both at once with no warning

Still on the fence if Volt is good or not, since his overall design still plays exactly the same

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4 hours ago, xRufus7x said:

Realistically, the community gets split apart by everything. Remember the Chroma helmet fiasco?

Actually, I view the end result of that very, I think it was called 'passionate' debate process; as I think a better standard helmet was made available while the Drak was made available to minority that liked its Seahorse/Anteater shape better. Also due to those more pointed critiques, Chroma's messier textures and details were sharpened and the warframe benefited from the experience. As I think DE Rebecca was trying to be diplomatic in her results summary recently; DE's fans are a polarized or 'Extreme' bunch by nature which at the very least, means its not going to be boring and they obviously care about the subject. The greatest sin of making games is not making a bad game or bad advertising, but making it not fun or boring. The game is grindy but at least if the forums are any indication, its not yet boring.

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26 minutes ago, kswong98 said:

In my opinion, as of now everything is fine.

Mag's Magnetize is awesome, Polarize is awesome too.
Volt! Nice!

Mesa! Nice!

Mirage? Erm...ok?
Trinity...nope no idea feels the same anyway.

Well I'll break down the difference.

In solo Blessing hardly changed however in co-op it's completely different in terms of how much DR you get.


Prior to this the DR% was based on who had the lowest health and most Trinity main tend to use a Glaive and QT to do enough damage to get 99% DR. 


It works quite differently now but personally haven't experience it enough to give a thorough explanation 

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Trinity nerf I agree with.  AGGP put it best.  "DE didn't want us doing this.  So we found a new way to do it.  Unsurprisingly DE took it away again."  She's still pretty tanky with life link+ blessing.  The heal from it is still the best group heal in the game.  And her energy vampire is still top tier.

Mirage changes are meh.  It makes sense since all other blind abilities are LoS.  I still think it needs a damage buff though.  Even more so then the one DE just gave.  I don't think anyone even uses slight of hand.

Excalibur nerf was expected.  And it doesn't seem too bad.  The only thing i'm questioning is the nerf to the blind you get from sliding.  I might as well just use my normal blind.

Valkyr nerf literally does nothing to people like me who have a build with good duration and efficiency.  And the improvement to her penalty is probably going to go un noticed.  Since the situations in which you would be tossed out of it were pretty much limited to corpus.  and high level corpus missions already insta gib her when she's out of it.  Frankly it seems like the community whined long enough about her and DE gave something to shut the complainers up.  And I hope nothing is done further after that.  Otherwise i'll just switch to maining Inaros since I can be practically invincible with him.

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6 hours ago, Stratego89 said:

Dude. LITERALLY everything you just said there is wrong... Everything. Magnetize DOES do something once the target dies. It sticks around, continues pulling people in and damaging them, and eventually explodes dealing insane damage to everything in a massive range. The bubble lasts until the cast duration ends. Duration does not affect overload AT ALL- the lockdown/CC of enemies has a DAMAGE cap. Once that damage cap is reached they are released. Shock ALSO doesn't use range at all. AT ALL. it has an INFINITE range wherever you look and the distance between enemies on the chain lightning off first hit is not affected by range either. As far as I know mag's polarize STILL is based on range, not duration. Valkyr's energy drain has HARDLY increased and has a cap that makes even just streamline enough to stay in hysteria all game as long as you keep killing people and don't just sit there afk.

LITERALLY everything you said was incorrect- not by opinions but by facts. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. Either you didn't even try them out or you didn't pay enough attention to talk about it like you did...

That is what the description says, yes but I should ask you. Have you tried these abilities?

From experience I can tell you magnetize does this:

  • It doesn't pull in enemies after the initial cast, in fact enemies walk right through it.
  • Enemies only take damage if they are close to the center. Simply walking into the bubble does nothing.
  • Yes it explodes however between the time you kill the enemies pulled by the initial cast and the time it explodes, it does nothing during that period.

There is both damage cap and duration on overload. The effect has a damage cap but if that damage cap is not met it continues to damage for the duration of the effect; which is affected by your duration stat.

Shock has a large range to begin with however it's still based on range. Try going with a negative range build and you might see the difference.

If you're unsure then go play the game. If you can't play the game then at least get your facts straight. Polarizes distance is now based on duration just like Nova's MP.

Hysteria on base duration and efficiency. Takes roughly under 10 energy per sec at maximum (takes roughly 40sec to get to maximum) from what used to be 2.5per sec. Hysteria is in a bit of strange spot because it draws from both efficiency and duration. A large efficiency build with negative duration works fairly well. On the other hand a large duration build with negative efficiency fairs less so but better then the base drain. Using both however works twice as good and doesn't require heavy mods but still requires an extra slot.

*Out of the people I've seen go afk I've yet to see a Valkyr player do that. I've mostly seen basic frames like Rhino or Loki go afk. If you're thinking along the line of afk and immortality I could just point out Limbo for you.

Edited by Postal_pat
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24 minutes ago, Postal_pat said:

That is what the description says yes but I should ask you. Have you tried these abilities?

From experience I can tell you magnetize does this:

  • It doesn't pull in enemies after the initial cast, in fact enemies walk right through it.
  • Enemies only take damage if they are close to the center. Simply walking into the bubble does nothing.
  • Yes it explodes however between the time you kill the enemies pulled by the initial cast and the time it explodes, it does nothing during that period.


well I may not notice some stuff because of very specific build I'm using [when it comes to magnetise at least] but here is some though from me

I rarely seeing anything actually being pulled by magnetise, but also with my maxed power strength I just as well rarely see anything caught in the initial buble actually surviving till the end of its duration, the ones that have entered during it also ends with heavy damage sustained.


as for polarise, it has two stats - duration and range - range affected by a range [with negative duration I seem to have base range] and separate listed "duration" personally I'm not sure how to interpret those two, apart from duration affecting how fast the wave itself goes [aka being the time how long wave needs to travel to meet the range limit] would have to check if I am really at base range for this ability though


overally I'd rank the rework as a very good thing, one would be surprised how fast grineer can die when deprived their armor, and as far as I went untill now I don't really noticed much of a hit against corpus [heck I'm even usefull against infestation and thats something :D]


but then hey, I haven't yet went against lvl 100+ corpus so surely I cannot really know how badly she got "nerfed" right? :P


PS. also as for my testing goes magnetise does some damage to stuff wandering into buble after the itinial group gets vaporised although again - with my duration it does not last long enought to judge how viably it does said damage....

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5 hours ago, NightBlitz said:

yes thats the problem, but probably not for the reasons you're thinking of. just because you CAN go 2+ hours in endless, doesnt mean you're supposed to. on top of that, the problem is more with enemy scaling in that case, which im pretty sure DE is looking into, if not working on

Everywhere on the forums, i have been told that DE believes that the game exists only till about enemy level hundred. And you yourself believe that we are not supposed to go more than that. Then why have those levels? That is the issue here. If you cannot fix that content, you either remove it, or if you see people walk their way around it and enjoy the challenge, then don't destroy the way that they do things. Honestly it appears that using Trinity is nothing but a tabboo!

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It hasn't hit consoles yet, but I'm going with it could've been better, because in general that's the truth of the issue. These Nerfs and reactions are nothing new, I just don't like the environmental locks on power kits deemed cheese when they're not. Instead it's the only moment these powers have some purpose other than screwing another player, or getting ontop of a ledge..if you're wondering the answer is Switch Teleport and Cloudwalker in Spy Vaults. 

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11 hours ago, izzatuw said:



The recent changes have split the community apart pretty well so do you agree or disagree with the nerfs? 


 500 votes are surprisingly in and the results for now.


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Surprised by the results but these polls are not that accurate because not everyone participates in them.  Only the few people who see this thread will vote on that.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Quil_Nye said:

Surprised by the results but these polls are not that accurate because not everyone participates in them.  Only the few people who see this thread will vote on that.

Never claimed them to be nor  have I ever thought that however it does give players and the devs a rough idea as to what the community or communities think.

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1 minute ago, izzatuw said:

Never claimed them to be nor  have I ever thought that however it does give players and the devs a rough idea as to what the community or communities think.

it gives them a small sample group yes it is better than nothing I agree.

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Of course i do, theyre logical changes. I could see why people are flustered over Trinity, i would have done it some other way but its a start, 99% damage reduction had to/needs to go. EV still needs to be dealt with.

Mag is miles better now. Anyone with half a brain should realize instantly killing anything with shields was broken (and the fact that it ONLY worked on enemies with shields) . Could Polarize use some more tweaking? Absolutely and it needs to.

Magnetize is the real hero of her kit now. You can effectively lock down AI paths and do ridiculous damage, it might need some balance checks.

Edited by Misgenesis
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17 minutes ago, Misgenesis said:

Of course i do, theyre logical changes. I could see why people are flustered over Trinity, i would have done it some other way but its a start, 99% damage reduction had to/needs to go. EV still needs to be dealt with.

Mag is miles better now. Anyone with half a brain should realize instantly killing anything with shields was broken (and the fact that it ONLY worked on enemies with shields) . Could Polarize use some more tweaking? Absolutely and it needs to.

Magnetize is the real hero of her kit now. You can effectively lock down AI paths and do ridiculous damage, it might need some balance checks.

they could of made enemies more resistant to powers at higher levels though so the power wont instant kill them.   I am not against nerfs when things are too Op something needs to change. IF they nerf to hard it will make the frame worthless to play.  I chose my frame on what planet we go to and what type of mission we have and what type of frames we already have in the party.  I will continue to play this way even with nerfs but it definitely changes things up and maybe not in the best ways.   The whole point of Fomra's and maxing mods is to become powerful to be able to 1 shot low or mid level stuff but I do agree high end stuff shouldn't be able to be 1 shotted.   They just need to find the balance is all.

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30 minutes ago, (PS4)Quil_Nye said:

they could of made enemies more resistant to powers at higher levels 

Thats how Nullifiers, Modulars and Bursas came to be and see how that went, people generally hate them.

If powers are left alone then this growing cycle of pain doesnt stop.

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1 hour ago, Misgenesis said:

Thats how Nullifiers, Modulars and Bursas came to be and see how that went, people generally hate them.

If powers are left alone then this growing cycle of pain doesnt stop.

in the long run I am sure it will balance out.  I am Ps4 but seeing all this Anti nerf stuff makes me believe DE went over board but maybe not I will find out when it hits ps4.

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7 hours ago, Postal_pat said:

That is what the description says, yes but I should ask you. Have you tried these abilities?

From experience I can tell you magnetize does this:

  • It doesn't pull in enemies after the initial cast, in fact enemies walk right through it.
  • Enemies only take damage if they are close to the center. Simply walking into the bubble does nothing.


From experience I can tell you everything you just said there- AGAIN- is wrong. 

And yes- overload has a duration, but unless you're going with a very... unique build... that damage cap is more likely than not always going to be hit first.

Again... shock doesn't have a range. It does and it doesn't. The CAST RANGE is infinite. No matter how far away you're looking- it will hit. Even with maximum negative range. It doesn't matter. The ONLY thing range affects is the CHAIN LINK range- and that's defaulted at 15m. That's a LONG distance. After that point more range is effectively pointless in the situations it's best in- shutting down a small group of enemies in close range that are gonna stomp you while reloading or something.

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29 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

From experience I can tell you everything you just said there- AGAIN- is wrong.

Actually on what you quoted he is not wrong I've had that happen to myself and seen it happen to other Mag players. Enemies will sometimes just ignore it or rather not be effected by it like it's not there. I just assume that the ability is glitchy in it's infancey.

Edited by blackheartstar_pc
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