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[Rant] Thoughts about U18.13, Did the community forget how to play?


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I've been reading a lot of comments here on the forum, in game or videos on YouTube.
It seems like the community (not everyone of course) have forgot how to play.

Note: This thread is full of sarcasm and wasn't ment to hurt anyone. If you do so sorry.


I'll cover the changes to the frames in U18.13 and tell what I think about it.
You can find the full topics with the changes here:



Slight of Hand: Increased damage and detonation range of trapped objects.
Prism: Increased damage and blinds only enemies in the line of sight.

Community's reaction (as I've seen so far): "Mirage is now useless".

What I think about it: Is it really that big of a nerf as people say? Both before this update and after, people were spamming Prism non stop to lock down intire rooms or even maps. How is that different? You still get the same thing if you spam it. If your problem is that now you can't support the people who run away alone, learn to cooperate and it will solve your problem. I'll get to cheesing later.
BTW, Slight of Hands got a buff, but it still been shadowed by the rest of her powers...



Exalted Blade: Damage is reduced with distance and punctured enemies. Spin attack now cost 1/2 of Radial Blind's energy cost.

Community's reaction: "Excalibur is useless and weak".

My reaction: I will agree that the energy cost on spin attacks is not needed, but I can see and agree on the damage reduction of the energy waves: Excalibur is a swordman, not a turret. DE said that. Excalibur isn't useless and defenetly not weak, I hope I don't need to remind you that Excalibur have 3 other abilities that can do very well if you just learn how to play... If you can play with Valkyr, you can defenetly play with Excalibur. Is it that hard to just get a little closer to enemies or even move?
The One Thounsant Cuts event was made for a resone...



Hysteria: The longer you stay in Hysteria, more energy it will cost (capped). Valkyr emits an aura with a radius of 20 meters around her while Hysteria is active, and 30% of the total damage she ignores is stored. If any enemies within this aura have line-of-sight of Valkyr when Hysteria is deactivated, Valkyr will be dealt 25% of all stored damage as impact damage.

Community's reaction: "I can't surviva long enough now", "The energy Drain is too much".

My reaction: I didn't play with her in this update yet so I can't tell exactly what I think.
If you're having trouble with the energy cost, I have bad news for you... I know, I'll agree that it might be too much, but still: I don't know what with you, but I can keep up Hysteria for a very long time because I simply find enough energy or use Hysteria only in spesific situations. Seems like the community have forgot that Valkyr have 600 armor without any mods, she will stand for a long time if you will just learn how to play... Do I also need to mention that she have two more abilitie exept Warcry and Hysteria? I know, they're not that good, but still: did you know that Paralize can give you just enough time to run away if you need? Rip Line can help you escape from crowded places if you will just aim up...
About the damage thing at the end of Hysteria: wasn't it always like that? I wasn't sure what the indicator was, now I know...



Blessing:  Now heals only those in Trinity's affinity range (50 meters). Damage resistancenow calculated differently (giving less resistance if in team if I understood correctly).

Community's reation: "RIP Trinity".

My reaction: For real, guys? You can't run alone anymore? Your problem, Trinity's job is support. "Broke raid builds": Raids were ments to be played while all of you stick together, didn't it? Thank god I learned how to stick with the team...
About the damage resistance: Isn't that what Link was made for? Ohh, I forgot you kind of forgot it exists, hope you make a good use out of it. Simply cast Link can save your life and others if you will just use it, 75% damage resistance is a lot...
Forget for a moment that Trinity needed a rework even before this update.



Pull remains mostly the same as before. If an enemy is magnetized, bonus damage is dealt. Kills have a bonus chance of dropping energy, while cause enemies to experience almost physics-defying deaths.
Magnetize (previously Bullet Attractor) will root the target in place. Damage over time is dealt to all enemies within a set radius, with the amount of damage based on how far from the center of the Magnetized they are. A percentage of the damage of absorbed bullets/projectiles/shrapnel will be used to increase the DOT. Up to 4 targets can be Magnetized at this time.
Polarize now spreads like Nova’s Molecular Prime. Targets with shields will take shield damage, while targets with armour take health damage and a permanent armour debuff. Targets will emit a piece or two of shrapnel which can be used to create synergies with Mag's other abilities.
Crush will now deal bonus damage to magnetized enemies.

Community's reaction (didn't see a lot): "Like she wasn't useless before, she's now more useless".

My reaction: Are you for real? Mag is now better than ever. Yeah, I know Magnetize have a problem that it hurts allies (and with my experiance - terminals in MD missions), I thought it was listed as a bug already. I don't know how about you, but now I feel like she actually can do something in grineer missions. Magnetize is a life savior and finelly have a use. I know she isn't perfect, but you probably got my point.


I don't think I need to talk a lot about Mesa and Volt as I head mostly good things about them.
I now love Volt a lot, I have no idea what the exuse people have that he's bad now... Haters gonna hate...


A little about cheesing:
I know it simple and effective to play like that... Spamming the same ability over and over again without leaving your squere meter. How do you not get bored, I have no idea...
"But how I will survive??". Well... Jump? Roll? Use the rest of your abilities? Have I mentioned that parkour exists and the best I've seen in a video game so far? Move from your squere meter already? BTW, I've seen this thing in a T1D a few months ago...
To all of you who use Blind Mirage: I bet you're also running with a Tonkor or a Synoid Simulor. Yeah, 10/10 for gameplay skills. I don't even think that you need to use Prism if thats how you play, you just kill anything with one click on the keyboard.
Cheesing is easy, but it was never ment to be like that. You guys play this game wrong and than complain that something changes. You are a god damn space ninja, you can do much more than sit in a corner and press 4 as fast as you can. Act like a space ninja and not like a heavy machine gun turret and it's supporting equipment.


Hope you guys will learn something. Of course, not everyone are like that and I'm only talking about parts of the community.
I'm MR 21 and play for two years now. In this much time I bet you will learn how to play.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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I do agree about most of the changes that DE made from a logic stand point though even if I don't like them . They where all broken without a doubt.
Mag is trash rn though for me and i don't find her fun. Volt is mehh but he's always been mehh. Maybe i'm just salty about his shield  cap

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1 minute ago, (PS4)SupeBoss said:

sounds like you're overreacting to the the reactions of the people that overreacted.

I have an issue with some of the changes, some of the others were fine. That seems to be the general consensus

might be, It mostly comes from the fact the now people don't like when I take these frames to missions and leave because of it... Ir get realy mad and I feel uncomfterable...

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So, this post is complaining about those saying they didn't like the change and most if not all of you argument was "people don't know how to play" and "stick together" while quoting the patch notes.

Alright. To me it seems you either have barely played them before / after the change or that your playstyle does not involve much the WarFrames per se, but the guns instead.

Just to note, I agree on some of the changes and I believe some skills have to be toned down. But not the way they did. In particular Mag. Her role was totally changed to be a caster-support yet she was barely given the tools to do so. To begin with, her energy pool is still incredibly low.

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Doesn't this qualify as a 'meta complaint'?


Also, the beef with Trin's nerf is that 50m is simply not enough. Look at any mission type that encourages splitting up (Interception, Excavation, Sabotage, Spy), and you'll see that they're punishing us for doing what they actively encourage us to do.

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WHile I feel that the changes aren't as bad as they first appear (although some are pretty big nerfs) I also don't think, as an MR 21 player the response from veterans should be "Lurn2Play" or "Git Gud" as the OP seems to imply. There will be a learning curve on the changes, but the OP's assuptions and attacks on players who feel differently are uncalled for and unnecessary, especially when this is all part of a feedback cycle initiated by the devs (i.e. DE ASKED for players' feedback). 

While I do feel that some of the feedback is kneejerk reactionary and overly vitrolic. The OP is not a mod, should not be taking the attitude of one, or condemning others for sharing their opinon with the devs when the devs asked for them to do so.  In conclusion, let me add in before lock.

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About Mag... Yes you are right, Magnetize is a great addition,once polished enough.

But the re-worked Mag, just became your average frame. A good all rounder ,a winner with the right strategy. But it has nothing special. I used to grin with malice when I saw a sortie with "Augmented Enemy Shields" ...Call me whatever you may want,but I had lots of fun...pulling almost 20k focus points with every beacon,was something to look forward to.

I just played the sortie today : MD with Augmented Enemy Shields ...Sure ,Magnetize comes handy in creating choke points...but that's about it. It didn't perform better than any other frame I main. I bet that I could've get more focus points by using Ash or Nehza. And I could have still done a decent CC even with Ember with WOF augment.

So,yea now Mag is a very balanced frame.And a forgettable one . There is simply nothing special left on her.

Edited by _Je_Suis_Charlie_
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29 minutes ago, HellEnforcer said:

So, this post is complaining about those saying they didn't like the change and most if not all of you argument was "people don't know how to play" and "stick together" while quoting the patch notes.

Alright. To me it seems you either have barely played them before / after the change or that your playstyle does not involve much the WarFrames per se, but the guns instead.

Just to note, I agree on some of the changes and I believe some skills have to be toned down. But not the way they did. In particular Mag. Her role was totally changed to be a caster-support yet she was barely given the tools to do so. To begin with, her energy pool is still incredibly low.

I played with Volt, Mag and trying the thing with Valkyr now (there is a difference but it dosn't bother me). I barely play with Mirage but I played with people who did ( and they got the same result as before the changes). Excalibur is not in my playstyle to keep Exalted Blade up but I mainly use Radial Blind. The thing with Excalibur is that now you just need to melee as normal.


19 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

Yes. Yes they did. Because being left to sit on Draco has made them complacent. DE shoulda nuked it a long time ago. It's too late now. The damage has been done and they're going to suffer through the pains of surgery now.

Start Chat 3.0 should solve it, as they said. Hope they keep their word on that.

21 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

Doesn't this qualify as a 'meta complaint'?


Also, the beef with Trin's nerf is that 50m is simply not enough. Look at any mission type that encourages splitting up (Interception, Excavation, Sabotage, Spy), and you'll see that they're punishing us for doing what they actively encourage us to do.

You can say it's a meta complain...

About Trinity, I did mention that she need a rework, but this is another topic to talk about and when I opened a thread like this, people hated it (people hate changes). The distance need a buff or at least be affected by mods. The thing is that when I play Trinity I usually keep close to the team exacly for this support so I'm not used to get far,

18 minutes ago, GrimKonstantin said:

WHile I feel that the changes aren't as bad as they first appear (although some are pretty big nerfs) I also don't think, as an MR 21 player the response from veterans should be "Lurn2Play" or "Git Gud" as the OP seems to imply. There will be a learning curve on the changes, but the OP's assuptions and attacks on players who feel differently are uncalled for and unnecessary, especially when this is all part of a feedback cycle initiated by the devs (i.e. DE ASKED for players' feedback). 

While I do feel that some of the feedback is kneejerk reactionary and overly vitrolic. The OP is not a mod, should not be taking the attitude of one, or condemning others for sharing their opinon with the devs when the devs asked for them to do so.  In conclusion, let me add in before lock.

I came from the fact that now people hate that I use these "bad" frames and leave. I want to play with people, it's more fun.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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40 minutes ago, (PS4)SupeBoss said:

sounds like you're overreacting to the the reactions of the people that overreacted.

I have an issue with some of the changes, some of the others were fine. That seems to be the general consensus

lotsa people are taking issue with people taking issue. its ironic too when they create a thread just to complain about ppl complaining.

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1 hour ago, CommanderSpawn said:


My reaction: Are you for real? Mag is now better than ever. Yeah, I know Magnetize have a problem that it hurts allies (and with my experiance - terminals in MD missions), I thought it was listed as a bug already. I don't know how about you, but now I feel like she actually can do something in grineer missions. Magnetize is a life savior and finelly have a use. I know she isn't perfect, but you probably got my point.

Hope you guys will learn something. Of course, not everyone are like that and I'm only talking about parts of the community.
I'm MR 21 and play for two years now. In this much time I bet you will learn how to play.

I am MR21 as well(not that this means anything) and probably have far more hours on mag than most people that complain about it, including soloing most corpus sortis with the frame(outside of extra eximus or elemental resists, where the frame was same as now complete garbage).

How exactly is mag better then ever before? BA did just exactly the same than magnetize now, and DE fixed non of the real issues and it still not jumps targets in range(what always was the main problem with the skill that forces you to AOE weapons if you run a BA build). The opposite actually since it will block all gun fire so we can look at the new gore animation. Big whoop. Anti armor they say? How funny since mag has a augment for that that is absolute crap since it's very introduction and did not get a fix.

SP? Absolute crap now against every single faction including corpus. Mag now is basically like the old BA mag outside shielded targets, mostly a 5. wheel on the wagon and should always replaced with a better dps or support frame.

They fixed not a single issue beside giving BA scaling damage(that should have been done years ago, since you already lose a crap ton of damage since it prevents head shots), BA is still bugged at the edges where you can get shot by targets in the same bubble, crush is still bugged so under lag all but the last CC tick gets ignored, what just means you stand there and get one hit by stuff that should be CCed.

I also don't see how anybody could learn something from your post, since it is just a useless post.

But go ahead tell me how to play mag:





Edited by Djego27
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41 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

[Rant] Thoughts about U18.13, Did the community forgot how to play?


...Did the community forget how to spell too?



Wow seriously?

The guys like you that have nothing special to say and don't accept what OP wrote, you just say about their grammar -_-.

If you don't understand what he wrote because of some not important grammar, then you need to learn english more sir.

I have no problem with reading even if someone make mistakes in grammar, and it doesn't affect comunication.



OP have right, people always complain about nerfs, even if they know this thing was OverPowered. But they just used to it, so NUUUUuuuu nerf! I can't play this game anymore, just wow and lol. What a shame. I can't win with one button, I can't be immortal, this have no sense anymore, I just quit xD. Looks fair to me.


Nerfs and bufs are needed. The more game is balancing the more choices you have, the more interesting is game.

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So is it wrong if I play like the ninja I wanna be by going full melee tard? Cause that's like a close range tonkor really... and I've noticed that the orthos P quick attack pretty much melts everything you run through while using it... still a ninja... but also a blender.

Haven't used the mag yet... had no issues with valkyr though, she still feels the same to me... Oddly enough, when I use hysteria... it feels like nothing wants to shoot at me.

Excal would probably take some getting used to, he was fun on eximus sorties... but now that slash turret is out of the picture, and blind spam just sucks your energy dry, I'll have to rethink my playstyle... still fun though.

To me trinity still feels exactly the same... maybe cause I never "mained" her... To me her link was never a 100% dmg redirect... and it was something on par to... let's say inaros and scarab armor.

I like laser mirage, and actually use sleight of hand... so I'm honestly liking how she turned out...


You know, as a gamer, you should pride yourself on adaptability... that is after all the supposed strong suit of us... but... lately, whining also became a strong suit it seems.

Regardless... man up, and deal with it. DE made CLEAR improvements to the longevity to the game... and I feel that quite a lot of us are happy with it.

Good job DE... and don't put up with the BS whining, you make the rules, we follow and enjoy the challenge.

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3 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

I came from the fact that now people hate that I use these "bad" frames and leave. I want to play with people, it's more fun.

Then maybe you should have stated your topic to be about this, and aimed it not as a complaint on how others feel but a an open dialog about how you should not be judged on your choice. And I agree BTW, I feel all the frames changed are still viable and useful. I want to make it clear my contention with you is not there.


44 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

How do you not get bored, I have no idea...

You don't need an idea, because it's not you, it's them, and if they play a certain way and enjoy it, who are you to say they are wrong in this?

45 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

To all of you who use Blind Mirage: I bet you're also running with a Tonkor or a Synoid Simulor. Yeah, 10/10 for gameplay skills. I don't even think that you need to use Prism if thats how you play, you just kill anything with one click on the keyboard.

First, a dismissively derogatory assumption, and then a sarcastic insult, on how they chose to play their game. This is the problem with your post, it brings nothing to the discussion except more bile, which I think the topic has enough of.

45 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

IHope you guys will learn something. Of course, not everyone are like that and I'm only talking about parts of the community.
I'm MR 21 and play for two years now. In this much time I bet you will learn how to play.

Finishing with a condescending attitude and a statement of false credentials. It's people like you that give high MR players a bad rep, you think that number next to your name a form of validation. It's not, it's just a representation of how many things you have leveled. Your time you have played is a better indication, but still, in the end, not the endorsement you think it is. 


If you want to help the issue, try using your time to right a post about the benefits of the changes in team play, about how while Mag's polarize isn't a strong ability like it was before, her magnatize is an amzingly versatile ability in both offensive and defensive situations, rr how Mirage's is still an incredibly strong damage dealer and that prism's blind is still useful, just not all powerful like it was. Maybe if more experienced players were using thier knowledge to help newer players with the changes and sharing ideas and staregies rather than just telling them they need to get better without actually showing them how they can be better. The forums would be ain a much more civil state.

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1 hour ago, CommanderSpawn said:

Hope you guys will learn something. Of course, not everyone are like that and I'm only talking about parts of the community.

I'm MR 21 and play for two years now. In this much time I bet you will learn how to play.

I am mr21 too and play for 2 years and 8 months and i am using synoid simulor almost always and i would spam blind if it wasnt useless now.. because it is efficient, warframe is getting kind of tedious and there is nothing to learn anymore except some glitches.. raid speedruns were the main thing that kept me playing but u18.13 pretty much killed that

Edited by -dicht.Amducias-
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The more like DOOM this game becomes, the more like Warframe we imagined and were promised it would be.


Though a great first step would be removing ray-scan from all enemy weapons with the only exceptions being exceptionally weak weapons.  They become a "shield regeneration denial" and "death by a 1000 paper cuts) enemy at that point.

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