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Lets discuss the nullifiers


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Just my take on it so here goes. The way I see it is that every enemy in the game has a way around it's difficulty whether it's armor types, shield, Slow auras or whatever.

and if I have a problem with those enemies I can do something to adjust accordingly whether it's switching to corrosive or getting on loki or Ivara and attacking from a distance.

The problem with Nullifiers from my point of view is that there is basically no real way around their Bubble, for example.

-You can't use Punchthrough

-You can't Use abilities to counter it

-Melee doesn't pierce the bubble

-Glaives can't pierce it

-As far as I have seen Explosive weapons can't get past the bubble

-Focus abilities don't work on them

-You have to use auto weapons with huge fire rate. nothing else. (otherwise the bubble will not go down especially with more than one)


All i'm saying is that most of the enemies that actually cause problems like Eximus or Combas are well designed, they pose a problem but you can counter that problem.

even with full auto weapons the bubble will only shrink so fast, and anything else is basically ineffective. Nullifiers to me seem like a really boring unfair and badly designed obstacle put in the game, if you want be able to even slightly counter them effectively you cannot use Bows,Snipers, or Explosives. (Basically anything that doesn't hit fast.) and have to change your loadout, which really removes a lot of the freedom of play and seeing how common they are in a lot of missions you really have to do this otherwise it's going to be really rough.

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Why people prefer Combas instead of Nullifiers? I just don't get it

Nullifiers don't screw up your abilities by simple presence.

Nullifiers don't come too close.

Nullifiers are squishy.

Nullifiers affect certain area, instead of giant LOS,

Nullifiers don't have bunch of annoying weapons (including Ansgtrum-like homing fast rockets).

Yeah, you can shoot down this helmet, but when you realise, that there is Comba already - your invisibility/channeling ability/whatever you have is already screwed up. So yeah. Nullifiers are fine. And Combas are fine just because they are as rare as supposed to be.


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Power cancel when touching/inside the bubble should be a temporary disable instead of a full dispell and more importantly the hit  and damage caps need to be revised to allow hard hitting weapons to pop the bubble in a few shots.

I run with both a hard hitter and a high RoF weapon anyway so nullies really are not that big of a problem for me.

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1 hour ago, Alma_Elma said:

I mean I've yet to see people make threads against them, despite them being a bigger problem.

No worries, each baby will get its turn, 1 step at a time :)

Yes i know most of my post sounds cheeky as Hek, no need to point that out! 

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I just want those tweaks :

ancient aura should not affect them, spawns decreased a bit, less shots needed for bow / sniper, no more Artic Eximus Nullifiers.

(and make speed holster innate so we could finally switch weapons and have better strategies against them )

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3 hours ago, Nesit1 said:

Why people prefer Combas instead of Nullifiers? I just don't get it

Nullifiers don't screw up your abilities by simple presence.

Nullifiers don't come too close.

Nullifiers are squishy.

Nullifiers affect certain area, instead of giant LOS,

Nullifiers don't have bunch of annoying weapons (including Ansgtrum-like homing fast rockets).

Yeah, you can shoot down this helmet, but when you realise, that there is Comba already - your invisibility/channeling ability/whatever you have is already screwed up. So yeah. Nullifiers are fine. And Combas are fine just because they are as rare as supposed to be.


5 words-"counter with low Rof weapon". I can shoot combas helmet with sniper or shotty from distance and il be fine, can i pop up nulli buble from distance with sniper? No, i cant. That's my main issue, i simply can't use shotguns or snipers coz of it and THAT'S a huge issue, when enemy simple disable huge part of our arsenal by it simple existing.

Combas doesn't block ALL our skills, just some of them, they don't defend nearby allies from gunfire with their helmets, they just block 1 or 2 of our skills and able to deal nice damage. Nillifiers in other hand block ALL our skills with that shield, also block our gunfire, their shield can regenerate, they defend nearby allies from BOTH gunfire and our skills and have a sniper rifle that will OHKO you from distance...hmmmm really why players prefer combas, i wonder

Edited by -CM-Hekovashi
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I simply hate the fact they invalidate snipers, bows, shotguns and well basically any low rate of fire weapon, I've got a 6 forma'd paris prime just lying around gathering dust because nullifiers shield have a max damage threshhold or w/e it is.

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19 minutes ago, Fionntan said:

That's due Nullies being much worse than Bombards; at least in my book.

Well, from a perspective, let's take a look:

The Fun-nuller's bubble is impervious to powers, but that's his only real defense (not counting sortie shield augments). Even at high levels, his shields go down easy and he has no armor and mediocre health. And while his Lanka is deadly, you can reliably dodge it by rolling from time to time while doing hit-and-run tactics against him to wear down his bubble.

Bombards, on the other hand: have unrealistically high armor scaling and his Orgis is pure cheese. Not only does it follow you; he can launch it from where ever he damn pleases the moment he spots you, it never runs out of fuel, can make unrealistically sharp turns that would make the Nikita missile system from MGS eats its heart out, can launch several missiles at you, and is nearly impossible to dodge because of the large AoE that ignores LoS. Not to mention; his Orokin counterpart is worse, because he blends in with lancers and his rockets are nearly impossible to see or hear. He's basically a heavy-armored sniper that won't die and can't miss.

Edited by Alma_Elma
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5 minutes ago, Alma_Elma said:

Well, from a perspective, let's take a look:

The Fun-nuller's bubble is impervious to powers, but that's his only real defense (not counting sortie shield augments). Even at high levels, his shields go down easy and he has no armor and mediocre health. And while his Lanka is deadly, you can reliably dodge it by rolling from time to time while doing hit-and-run tactics against him to wear down his bubble.

Bombards, on the other hand: have unrealistically high armor scaling and his Orgis is pure cheese. Not only does it follow you; he can launch it from where ever he damn pleases, it never runs out of fuel, can make unrealistically sharp turns that would make the Nikita missile system from MGS eats its heart out, can launch several missiles at you, and is nearly impossible to dodge because of the large AoE that ignores LoS. Not to mention; his Orokin counterpart is worse, because he blends in with lancers and his rockets are nearly impossible to see or hear. He's basically a heavy-armored sniper that won't die and can't miss.

Here let me put better prespective:

Nullifiers at distance

  • cannot be CC'd,
  • needs weapon to dump ammo to the pop bubble; if they stack needs more ammo dumping. Bonus points if Artic Eximus Nulli spawns
  • quickest way kill is sweep melee

Bombards at distance

  • can be CC'd
  • shot with sniper or pistol to the head for quick kill
  • kicked down 
  • out run missle once dispose of bombard


Not denying that bombards are tedious and rockets needs tone down but Nullies take the cake when comes to being force at close quarters or bring high RoF weapon/Ammo pads. Bombards can be taken care of at safe distance or CC'd immediately on the other hand. 

Edited by Fionntan
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I'd be perfectly fine with Nullifiers if they only disabled the abilities, rather than dispelled them. For example, a Loki with 10 seconds left on Invisibility walks into the bubble. Invisibility is disabled, and the countdown is paused. Leaving the bubble or killing the Nullifier turns the ability back on and continues to duration timer.

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Nullifiers definitely need a change, but what that change is, I'll leave for others to fight over. Plenty of good ideas, but too many hotheads.


9 hours ago, GreyEnneract said:

Though looking at your post count I'm not even sure you've been around long enough to see how this game has been balanced over the years.

Post count amounts to an oversized ZERO. I have fewer posts than the person you were arguing with, but I've been here since U8. Food for thought.

Edited by DeltaPhantom
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9 hours ago, Nesit1 said:

Nullifiers don't come too close.

Totally not true.

4 hours ago, Fionntan said:

That's due Nullies being much worse than Bombards; at least in my book.

Then we're probably having the same book.

Edited by IceColdHawk
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I like Nullifiers, they are one of the few foes in the game that forces you to react instead of mindlessly slaughtering foes with your powers or guns. They also have a easy tell with there giant bubble so it is not like it is unfair.

What i do dislike if anything there are stuff that have strong capability's to shut us down without a visual tell. Such as Scrambus and Combas, nothing is more fun that running around a corner only to be one shot by a dude that dispelled your ability.

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I never understood why people have so many problems with nulifers.  Throwing mellee weapons make quick work of them, it's extremely fun to bullet jump into a bubble landed a sliding cut them in half before they have a chance to move.  ....


If you want to complain about something complain about bursas ?

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As a Frost user I am against removing Nullifiers.

Them and Ancients are the only reason I move away from Globe on Defense missions.

Everyone is too busy spamming abilities hoping Nullifiers die of boredom.

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8 hours ago, DeltaPhantom said:

Nullifiers definitely need a change, but what that change is, I'll leave for others to fight over. Plenty of good ideas, but too many hotheads.


Post count amounts to an oversized ZERO. I have fewer posts than the person you were arguing with, but I've been here since U8. Food for thought.

Opinion noted.

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if they had a poll if nullifiers should remain or removed from the game what do you think would be an overwhelming choice picked? not that many players finds these units as a fun additive to the game when there are better nullifying enemies  ( coombas scrambus)

should DE put up a poll on this enemy's existence today, by tomorrow it will be removed because you can count on 1 hand the few tryhards that would want it remain.

Edited by ranks21
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I don't want them to be removed but I want them to not get rid of my active abilities such as iron skin or invisibility. Only if I hit them without getting rid of the bubble should they remove my powers. Also if not, maybe give them a smaller bubble where other enemies can't hide and blast me with bombs.

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