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Dislike the 18.13 changes


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1 minute ago, The66Monkey said:

Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

This is good advice, for practically EVERYTHING in life.

Yea. I've just realized I am one of those people who like to cheese missions, but it's usually things are different or new to me. I like to try and introduce myself and understand it until I put actual effort into playing it. I'm pretty good when it comes to Survival missions. I just end up running out of life support despite me still killing crowds of them when I thought I wouldn't be able to. I say I'm not an end-gamer when it's just that I can't recruit decent enough people who can support one another, so I don't play the void that much because I don't want a group where people aren't really cooperative.

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3 minutes ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

Yea. I've just realized I am one of those people who like to cheese missions

The problem is this... you like to cheese to feel powerful and OP, but for that there are plenty of low level missions. There's no reason for high levels to be easy and "cheesable", that's the reason for the "nerfs" (which BTW is balance, for me)

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1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

Might as well call it CryFrame, because that is all some of you do.

Learn to adapt.

Learn to express your ideas when you disagree with something instead of "adapting"

This guy learnt how to do it

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1 hour ago, SilvaDreams said:

Might as well call it CryFrame, because that is all some of you do.

Learn to adapt.

It's easier to move onto other games than to adapt. There's no shortage of games out there. Warframe is grindy as it is, anything that makes the grind harder and diminish player enjoyment will cause them to play other games.

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I wouldn't sweat losing people over nerfs.  People who knee jerk react like that tend to not stick around to any one thing anyway.  These changes wether or not people want to admit it are better for the overall health of the game.  I didn't touch saryn till she was "nerfed" and now I think she's a very fun frame to play with and pretty top tier.  DE seems to be systematically taking down lazy play or situational things.  Largely making players have to interact with the environment and their frame more.  DE said they would look into scaling.  and the star chart change is supposed to help with loot tables.

I say we should wait and see if DE delivers and fixes end game before screaming doom over a few changes.  This still is a beta after all.  Things are always in a constant state of change.

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3 minutes ago, Drufo said:

The problem is this... you like to cheese to feel powerful and OP, but for that there are plenty of low level missions. There's no reason for high levels to be easy and "cheesable", that's the reason for the "nerfs" (which BTW is balance, for me)

Haha! You wanna know something weird? I don't play Draco. Well, then, how do I level up my weapons? Oh, I just play some missions on Mercury to get a few mods on then I play a few hours of Apollodorus. This is my end-game. I don't know why. It's just when I first started I didn't know how to progress to MR1 so I ended up just playing that to pass the 24 hours I had to wait(ended up bugging on me 2 days in a row).

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IMO there's too many player treat this game as a braindead TPS with almost-flawless invincible and something overpowered that can be acquired at low MR. DE did a bad choice on keeping burnout players because it's too easy to get as long as you have "LITTLE" plat. I agree recent changes has more nerfs than buffs (and more nerfs incoming) because this game is grind-based that people will always find the easiest way to farm.

Edited by VCaptiion
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I'm willing to bet a majority of the people complaining are Draco sitters and Meta huggers anyway. 

Players who actually play the actual game on a regular basis would immediately find new combos, loadouts following a rework within 6 hours. 

Same was when with Saryn's Rework, Forums was a waterfall of salty tears for 2 weeks then it all dried up in a flash. 

This will be no different. 

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While I see why DE nerfed excalibur EB I believe that nerfs should go hand with hand with buffs, for example: excalibur is now more melee range like valkyr but compared to valkyr it lacks survivability(its squishy), especially against enemies like high level bombard, the nerf to mini blind makes situation worse since you can end up in sitation where you mini blind bombard but you use up rest of energy and loses ability to kill it quickly(EB gets cancelled because of lack of energy).

So after EB nerf excalibur should get buff to survivability since now excalibur demands more risky style of play.

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1 hour ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

I can guess 1 reason why Warframe is hardly talked about despite its rankings on steam's lists and how widely played this game is.

NERFS. Simple as that.

I don't know much but I heard that people only come back to the game when an Update comes out. They play all the new content then jump off to play something else.

Let's look at the most recent Update: 18.13. Most of the time when DE makes a really good thing that has little or no drawback when used and the majority of players use it they end up "fixing" it when they end up nerfing it. Excalibur's Exalted blade damage drop-off range seems like every 10m it drops by I'm guessing 50%, which is a lot of damage falloff if you know how damage you used to do with the ability.

People don't like the new Mag changes. Right? I never liked Mag when I first got her anyways. (Especially since I figured out that Radial Javelin at the time was more effective at killing than Crush.)

I'm not an End-gamer. I like to play up to like Level 70-80 at most and that's my end-game. I like to enjoy just blasting enemies in their faces and feel OP. Also, when I'm faced with an actual challenge that can stand that level of OP, I want still be able to do have a decent time-to-kill on the enemy whether or not that have multiple stages.

Can someone tell how long [DE]Rebecca and/or [DE]Megan have gone in a T4 Void Key? I just to want to say if DE is going to change something in the current game, they should probably try doing as much testing as most top players do in the Simulacrum. There have been some good things DE has put out, but I must say most of the nerfs affect the game a lot more than the new stuff they added or things changed that is/was good.

Please stop the nerfs. Just be creative and just add something new that changes the gameplay a bit that won't drastically fault players for being good at the game.

Simple solution:

Compensate, the so called "Nerf's", with your movement/fighting skills... i guess you will enjoy the new challenge ;)

That's what i do, whenever the "Nerf-Hammer" hits one of my WF's.


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My biggest problem is they removed the scaling from Mag despite Scott stating on the devstream that they were looking to add it to more abilities. They also turned her from press 2 to win vs corpus, to grab a lanka and press 2 to win vs everything, in a smaller area.

They added scaling to Volt though, made him a decent cc frame too which was nice.

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1 minute ago, Keltik0ne said:

My biggest problem is they removed the scaling from Mag despite Scott stating on the devstream that they were looking to add it to more abilities. They also turned her from press 2 to win vs corpus, to grab a lanka and press 2 to win vs everything, in a smaller area.

They added scaling to Volt though, made him a decent cc frame too which was nice.

sad thing is that they promised scaling for new volt ult from enemy health but after volt rework we see that it doesnt have prmoised scaling

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2 minutes ago, MrKage said:


but.. if they nerfed enemies first, the players could exploit the overpowered frames even more and will cry even louder when they get weaker....

so its a good way to start with frames when you cant do both at once.

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2 hours ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

I can guess 1 reason why Warframe is hardly talked about despite its rankings on steam's lists and how widely played this game is.

NERFS. Simple as that.

I don't know much but I heard that people only come back to the game when an Update comes out. They play all the new content then jump off to play something else.

Please stop the nerfs. Just be creative and just add something new that changes the gameplay a bit that won't drastically fault players for being good at the game.

I shall respond in the order of the quotes above:

I visit many places online alone, and I always see people talking about Warframe in places I never expected.

Nerfs will always be a thing for online gaming.  That encompasses all MMOs and the like.  Might as well get over it.  Warframe is no exception.  Does not determine game's popularity

The people that only come back to Warframe are (most likely) people that have played through much of its content, have other online games to play, or just bored or tired or both.  They have not given up on Warframe.  They just want more content.  Again, this is a thing with all MMOS. They are get old and boring and tiresome after a while.  People need breaks and a restart.

It makes little sense to tell DE to "Please stop the nerfs" for so many reasons.  We may not like it, but this is their game.  They are going to do what they sit fit.  Fortunately DE cares enough to be in contact with the player community, because there are plenty companies that care not to be in touch and care little about players' opinion of their game.  You might as well tell the entire Warframe community to "stop demanding nerfs" because some of the decisions come from the players' feedback.  I mean, you don't see DE putting up posts on the forum saying "please stop complaining about the nerfs" do you?


With all that said, some of the changes I do not like either.  However, I can live with them.  I adapt.  If Warframe ever changes in a way that I don't agree with, I'll just stop playing, but I won't get on the forum and tell DE how to manage their game.  Just seems pointless to me.

Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time these days.

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3 hours ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

I can guess 1 reason why Warframe is hardly talked about despite its rankings on steam's lists and how widely played this game is.

[...] won't drastically fault players for being good at the game.

1. people talk A LOT about warframe, especially considering the lack of marketing DE is doing for their game (which I thank them for: it's great to see my cash go into the game and not into marketing bullS#&$). Just do a search for Warframe on youtube and see how many people talk about it.
The only place that does NOT talk about warframe is the games media. And guess what: this is a good thing. It means these vultures are getting NOTHING from DE and, again, DE isn't diverting a huge amount of funds towards marketing. 
Honestly? We should commend them for this more often!! Look at the marketing and hype build-up that was done for Destiny, which only resulted in a sea of disappointment from even their most enthusiast fans. Look at the hype surrounding Alien:Colonial Marines or Watchdogs.. People talked at length about these games. Both of which turned out to be mired in lies and deceit.
No, please let Warframe live under that radar. It's a better place to be by far.

2. EB jockeys being good at the game? Mag just spamming 4 being good at the game? Really? That is BEYOND insulting to those that actually developed skills. Being good at the game is going into T4 survival with just a bow and melee and STILL getting the most kills (my clan leader does that, it's infuriating). Being good at the game is hardly ever going down and consistently receiving the least damage, regardless of the frame you're running with. Being good at the game is being able to run any starchart mission and helping the team get to the finish without anyone actually dying or being left behind, regardless of your teams MR or gear.
These are the tenno that make this game great. This is what one should aspire to. These tenno shrug at these changes and adapt without a seconds pause. 
The last set of changes should not impact someone who's good at the game. It only impacts those that actually suck at the game and need their Uber-Meta to carry them through it.

Sorry for the tone of voice but I'm quite done with the constant barrage of whining.

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The changes made in U18.13 were aimed at removing mechanics that allowed abilities to be used in ways that were not intended or balanced for.

The only problem with said changes is that they came a year later than they should have. All of the stuff that was rebalanced has been broken for a long time, it needed fixing.

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3 hours ago, Dan-Glycerin said:

This is good advice, for practically EVERYTHING in life.

Yea. I've just realized I am one of those people who like to cheese missions, but it's usually things are different or new to me. I like to try and introduce myself and understand it until I put actual effort into playing it. I'm pretty good when it comes to Survival missions. I just end up running out of life support despite me still killing crowds of them when I thought I wouldn't be able to. I say I'm not an end-gamer when it's just that I can't recruit decent enough people who can support one another, so I don't play the void that much because I don't want a group where people aren't really cooperative.

This is why I play with my clan members, considering we have great synergy with each other.

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