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How to nerf melee weapons for a bit


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we know naramon+ crit weapons are way too overpowered and it will be interesting to see for example when you hit an red crit on ancient healer you will get toxin debuff if nullifer then your abilities are locked for some amount of time or you get energy reduce. My examples are not great but idea is kinda normal . Feel free to suggest more and also i want to know your ideas tenno

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Using Melee Weapon doesn't mean the user is always bringing Naramon Tenno, why nerf Melee? It needs love instead :D


So, I believe you are talking about Shadow Step, which grants you invisibility every time you deal crit right? Honestly, the whole Invisibility Mechanics needs revision, but it isn't Melee that needs nerf.

Edited by Coo_DA
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And what would be the point of this?
To make melee even less attractive than it is currently?
To make nullifiers even more annoying than they are currently?
And what would be gained by this?

Currently in 90% of cases melee is stupidly underpowered compared to guns (in both damage to groups and survivability) so why should we punish melee players even more?

Shadow Step is one of the few things that helps close the gap in power between gunplay and melee so why should it become actively harmful to use?

Edited by Tsukinoki
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2 hours ago, --NyxMaster-- said:

we know naramon+ crit weapons are way too overpowered and it will be interesting to see for example when you hit an red crit on ancient healer you will get toxin debuff if nullifer then your abilities are locked for some amount of time or you get energy reduce. My examples are not great but idea is kinda normal . Feel free to suggest more and also i want to know your ideas tenno

2 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Melee doesn't need a nerf. Naramon needs a nerf.

Melees or naramon do not need a nerf. Finally for once, Melee has closed the gap between guns in terms of damage and survivability and you want that nerfed back to uselessness?

Naramon is balanced off by the fact it locks you into melee to reap its benefits. Loki has had perma invis since the beginning of this game and he isnt limited in the use of his weapons to maintain the invis.

Invisibility does not mean invincibility anymore,  especially when playing with team mates. You are still just as vulnerable to AoE damage like before from bombards, napalms. Invis does not make you immune to stray bullets, plasma grenades, sapping ospreys, and toxic or arson eximi, all of which can easily kill people even when invisible. More so with shadowstep, forcing you into melee only to maintain the invis putting you closer to these dangers.

In regards to melee damage, guns don't need any sort of buildup to reach their level of power. Also they do not not require constantly hitting enemies to retain their power. While melee with blood rush requires you to constantly attack to keep the power.

This heavy downside becomes apparent in missions such as defense or interception where you are guaranteed to lose your combo counter in between waves or in survival missions where you have bad spawns, a teammate needs reviving or you need to activate life support.

Plus why should Naramon be nerfed? The other schools need to be buffed up to Naramon's level. Why? Because focus is supposed to be an endgame system for veterans to grind out for amazing abilities. With focus gain having been previously nerfed I don't want to put in countless hours farming for something to be worthless.

Which is why I'm fine with Naramon the power is justified for the massive amount of work you put into it. This isn't just something easily accessible to new players. The other schools have to change not those 2. 

Why should I use melee and naramon and potentially leave my defense pod/terminal unprotected while I go about meleeing enemies one at a time potentially putting myself at risk of death where my teammates will have trouble reviving me, when I can just bring a gun, deal way more damage, to way more enemies in a group, from a distance meaning I can protect the pod with my team mates.   




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Just now, PrVonTuckIII said:

Melee doesn't need a nerf. Naramon needs a nerf.

This. Permanent invisibility for any frame is way too strong.

Shadow Step should be actual Shadow Step that allows you to move unseen between enemies but not spam E unseen.

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LOL. Are we all in nerf mode or something?

Seriously, could you at least wait until U19 before trying to plunge WF into the abyss... Seems like people are just arbitrarily selecting pieces here and there to sustain their own gratification.

Also, if Naramon + Melee is OP like you say, what kind of logical mind would go about the fix by what you have stated? It would be much more considerate to those who don't use the aforementioned, if you just relinquished the combo itself.

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I agree on changing shadow step, yo can quick melee something every 8 seconds to be invisible and nullfiers don't dispel it. (You can crit every time with Blood rush and body count)

It's almost imposible to get damaged while invisible.

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Why not make Naramon's passives only applicable to Equiped Melee? That way you will have a drawback (no gun use). Because that invisibility is what makes melee viable in high level content to begin with, if you love your Simulor and Tonkor fine, but don't force other players just because you don't like that melee FINALLY has survivability in high level content.

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8 minutes ago, Heliopata said:

It's almost imposible to get damaged while invisible.


31 minutes ago, Dragazer said:

Invisibility does not mean invincibility anymore,  especially when playing with team mates. You are still just as vulnerable to AoE damage like before from bombards, napalms. Invis does not make you immune to stray bullets, plasma grenades, sapping ospreys, and toxic or arson eximi, all of which can easily kill people even when invisible. More so with shadowstep, forcing you into melee only to maintain the invis putting you closer to these dangers.


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8 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

Why not make Naramon's passives only applicable to Equiped Melee? That way you will have a drawback (no gun use). Because that invisibility is what makes melee viable in high level content to begin with, if you love your Simulor and Tonkor fine, but don't force other players just because you don't like that melee FINALLY has survivability in high level content.

True, we have bull$hit like the Tonkor and Simulor running around, that deal way more damage than melee right away, and can safely do so at range, and don't need to worry about constantly hitting enemies to maintain their power, and has always been powerful without a focus tree, but its melees and naramon that needs a nerf? 

Edited by Dragazer
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Naramon Shadow Step needs a mechanically more interesting alternative to plain ol' invisibol. (Nerf hue)

My take on Shadow Step is to give it a few effects :

1. Movement speed boost

2. Attacking enemies will turn the Naramon user invisible for a split second, therefore, higher attack speed, more invisibility

3. Naramon user is invisible during Parkour moves

4. Killing an enemy will grant a very short window of invisibility 

It should be less oppressive than plain perma invisibility because in between kills the enemy still has chance to sight the player if they are not actively parkouring about the place as they should, because Ninjas need to be fast and stealthy. 

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Melee doesn't need a nerf - if anything, it could use a buff. Also, focus trees were said to be abilities that the player unlocks that will take them right into the late game. Naramon and Zenurik does this well. The other trees could use a buff to also bring the player into the late game.

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43 minutes ago, Dragazer said:



Keyword: Almost.

Since the Enemy doesn't agro on you, you can position yourself outside of the line of fire. I'm particularly talking of naramon working with quick melee.

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33 minutes ago, Heliopata said:

Keyword: Almost.

Since the Enemy doesn't agro on you, you can position yourself outside of the line of fire. I'm particularly talking of naramon working with quickened.

You're gonna be doing alot of positioning if you wanna stay alive with bombards and napalms ridiculous AoE that goes through walls or with sapping ospreys clogging the room with their damage fields that mean instant death at high levels and don't forget those lovely infested with their toxic clouds and corrosive damage puddles

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