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Console & PC Controller / Gamepad Suggestions


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I believe I've found some kind of problem that I think might need a bit of fixing...

Allow me to start with this Screenshot.


This is my Preferred Controller Map for Warframe under the "General" section.

As you can see, I prefer to have my Roll integrated with my Sprint, instead of my Crouch/Slide, & alongside that, I also prefer to have to TOGGLE that Crouch.

So I can transition from a Sprint to a Slide to a Bullet-Jump WITHOUT having to HOLD DOWN my Crouch.

That way, I can both keep moving as quickly as I possibly can AND Bullet-Jump to vantage points without having to like do some kind of Finger-Yoga to keep my Ranged & Melee controls on the Bumpers & Triggers at the ready.

At least, that's how this Controller Map of mine is SUPPOSE to function...

"What do you mean?" you ask? well...

The "Toggle Crouch" & the "Sprint/Roll" functions on my Controller Map above don't seem to be functioning the way they said they should...

When I tested this Controller Map, the "Toggle Crouch" was acting more like the "Crouch, Slide, & Roll" function, & the "Sprint/Roll" was just acting like the same-old "Sprint" function.

That's pretty much how I am currently able to describe this PC Controller problem that I've found right now...

(If someone else actually managed to find this Problem BEFORE me, I want them to at least Up-Vote this Post So I can be sure that I'm not the ONLY one who found this particular issue with this game...)

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On 2016-06-09 at 6:06 AM, (PS4)Crackle2012 said:

Ayyyoooo Tenno!!!

This thread is mainly for players that play on console, or for PC players that happen to use a game pad / controller!

If by chance some suggestions are thrown in by PC players, they are more than welcome!  I'd love to see some controller QoL for KB and Mouse / Steam Controllers as well!

This thread is the result of me playing a LOT of Warframe on both Console (PS4) -- and PC over the past two years or so.  There are, and always will be some disparity between the controls for any given game on a Controller vs a Keyboard and Mouse, however my goal is to collect as much feedback as possible, with the help of everyone, and hopefully close the gap in controller functionality on Warframe for PC vs Warframe on Consoles! (or at the very least, get controllers some QoL upgrades!)

With that said, I'll just hop right to it!


The following Layout is what I like to call "All Thumbs" - Thank you to (PS4)Sreza for this picture!.  He is also the one who turned me on to this entire way of thinking when playing Warframe on console.

Please note:  There are two main goals with this layout

1. To have all the abilities on the D - Pad (which helps greatly with the "hold to charge / use and tap to swap abilities) such as Ivara's Quiver or Inaros' Scarab Swarm & Devour.

2. To have everything in a place, so that you have to take your thumbs off of the controller as LITTLE as possible at any given time to perform any sort of parkour maneuver / jump / roll etc.... because it just simply "doesn't feel 100% like Warframe" unless you have full control of your Slide, Crouch, and Jump buttons readily available while maintaining control over both your movement (left joystick), and your aim / look (Right Joystick)

  Reveal hidden contents


For the above lay out, there are several things to note:

  • Jump is on R3, and yes it is insanely hard to get used to, but I promise you, if you force yourself to try it this way or, alternatively, putting jump on R1 for a week or two, you will not go back.
  • I would prefer to have R1 as my jump key, but then that forces me to put Melee/ quick melee on R3 - as I cannot deal with melee being on Triangle, Square, Circle, or X.  The absolute best way to melee in Warframe, is to have attacks alligned to camera turned "ON" (also a toggle in the options)  This makes it so that, you aim your melee with your right joystick, just as you would a gun.  

    In regards to the above two bullet points:
    The reason that we do this, is there are some combo's on certain stances that require you to hold "back" while pressing the melee button.  & Unless allign attacks to camera is toggled "On", your character is most likely always going to turn backwards and whiff whatever you are wanting to hit for that particular swing.
  • All abilities are readily available on the D pad for "tapping to switch, or Hold to use"   -- 
  • Note that Context action is also the Reload Button via the options menu toggle for that
  • Crouch is set to "toggle" - but that's purely preference with this load out, however it does allow you to do a "super roll" of sorts.  (See below later in the thread, as I plan on demonstrating this with a video on PC and then again on Console.)  - but a quick explanation of how to do this, would be to sprint forward, hold crouch to slide and then VERY quickly tap to roll while you still have momentum going from the slide.  (This is not possible currently unless crouch is set to toggle, and even when performed with precise timing, it is "not" the same as hitting Roll + Crouch at the same time on PC) -- which sends you "very far" and it is extremely useful in almost all situations
  • Last but not least, one MAJOR inconsistency is fixed when using the above layout by simply swapping Melee Channel and Block to L2 and R2, respectively.  This allows you to use L2 for aim gliding whether you are using a Gun, or going all out Melee.

Other small up-sides of this lay out:

  • Using Archwing Super boost by pressing R3 -- allowing you full control while boosting.  (It is normally X)
  • Having Gear slots Hotkeyed
  • No need for a power menu button at all with this layout, or the "use ability" button.
  • Also please note that Power E = Focus ability, and is bound to swipe "up" on the D pad.


  • No room for the "reverse camera" or "shoulder swap bind" 
  • Hard to get used to because of Jump being on R3


Take layout one, then switch jump and Secondary-fire. 

Jump with A, like a regular human being instead of some sort of goddamn mutant crab-person, and click the right stick in to use your secondary. 


The only problem I have with this is that I use a controller without a touchpad, and the game refuses to let me set it unless I set a Focus/Transference button, and there simply aren't enough buttons on the standard gamepad for that. Not without getting rid of my ability to place a marker with Back/Select. 

Since I do play on PC, even if i have a gamepad, I just had that on Num-5. Frankly, slapping a button on a completely different input device feels thematically appropriate for that particular ability, but with the most recent update, I no-longer have that option. I HAVE to set it, or it won't let me save my controller layout. 

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a follow up from my earlier post: i used up on the D-pad as my transference button, but it will only ever recognize up on the D-pad as "place marker". binding transference to another button does work normally. im sorry, but holding down a button and then pressing another to transfer to operator is very awkward to do when everything is fast paced such as eidolon caps. also, alt fire didnt work for me in operator mode. and finally, why can i no longer toggle crouch? it makes it harder for me to use zenurik dash. and the fact that roll is now bound with crouch/slide, movement is sluggish and awkward

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OK, first a quick question, what happened to my Xbox 360 icon set? I liked those a lot, may I have them back please?

Now the big issue that has plagued me since I started playing. Inverting the Y axis is still not separate between controller and mouse. It's only separate between standard play and archwing controls. I was hoping that the controller QoL improvement might have caught this, but alas no.

Please add separate options for Y-axis mouselook and controller, I'm sure I'm not the only player who wishes to use both M&K and controller like this.

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My main issue with the new system is... uh... here, let me give an example.

I want to claim my extractors. If I want to claim them, normally I'd go to the bottom with my mouse, select collect all, then hit the B button on my controller to go back to the main. When I do that now, I have to hit B (which changes the format to controller) then hit B again to ACTUALLY back out to the navigation menu.

Every time I switch from K&M to Controller, there's this requirement that causes it to hand off that's a delay. It's not SEAMLESS. That's the problem. If I hit one button, I don't want it to be all "Hey, you seem to want to use controller now. Here, let me set up that for you. Now what did you need?" I just wanted to go back one menu and switch right back to selecting the next planet with K&M. Why is this seamless hand-off not seamless?

So yeah, that's my main issue. The old system, yes, it didn't give you the proper labels since it was always K&M, but at least it was seamless.

Edit: This may just be a Navigation window thing, but it's annoying as all :clem:

Edited by Salenstormwing
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using a virtual mouse to to precise things like say leave a group is near impossible i try to set sensitivity up higher so i can get to the option quicker and that makes it worse in every way,

i need the old layout to do anything quickly having to drag my virtual mouse across the screen to select a option is terrible,

make a hybrid if you must so i can toggle the mouse on and off to look at mods or find hidden audio messages in fragments and toggle back to the old way to select things.

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Bring back old layout and system this new one is bad and is basicly making controller players have a mouse were now having to use the right stick as a mouse to go to every single part of the game just to click on something. before i could navigate with the D Pad on the menus which made it fast and quick i could also use the A X Y B (xbox controller) to open up equip upgrade and so on fast i now have to move with the right stick to each one of them just to open them

there are many problems with this mostly due to the fact that for some reason were being forced to have a mouse inside are controllers when were using a controller to get away from havcing to use a mouse.

in the equipment section where you add mods you now have to hover over and hold A (xbox) and drag the mod then let go this gets rather anoeying after awhile before they changed it we was able to use the D Pad click A then move to the mod slot we wanted and drop it there not having to hold a button down

this whole change is how pc games used to be on consoles which was terrible and soon got changed to where there isnt a cursor used at all thats the whole point of a controller

please give us the option to have it back or change it back altogether even make a poll to see how many like it

i know one thing for sure if this new update hits the consoles they will soon be on the forums making post after post complianing as im a console player and can tell you this sucks

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I am very disappointed with the new controller binding restrictions. This is a topic I feel requires immediate action on. It looks like I am now unable to remove the "consumables" menu from the controller and the "marking/spot" feature from the controller.


for more information about my issues- see this thread




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Now that Steam has added support for the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, could DE please look into adding it to Warframe's controller layouts? I'm having to use Generic Steam Controller layouts, which is annoying due to it messing with the Power Selection menu.

Also, I tried rebinding my controls, and while it says that the bindings have been changed, everything was still the same in-mission. I rebound Sprint to 'B', attack to 'Y', Context/Reload to 'A', and weapon swap to 'X', along with a few other changes, but all buttons were still doing their default actions in-game.

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DE, please revert/remove the "virtual cursor" concept entirely. If we wanted to use a mouse, we'd just use a mouse. I don't want my controller to now be a mouse, that's missing the entire point.

You made the entire UI functional with a controller on consoles--you can do it on a PC without emulating a mouse. 

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Trying to test these new controls in-game I've found that I simply can't. The game retains my old configurations and remappings and there is no way to undo them since I no longer have control over that. 
I can use a clean profile in InputMapper to make sure my macros aren't active, but in-game settings are still there. Should I get rid of the config EE and let the game refresh it?

What troubles me about that is pretty straightforward: I may not have the option to go back unless the game accepts me restoring my old EE, and the new controls aren't exactly enjoying stellar reviews.

(One thing  that leaps out at me currently is that if I open a text tab to send a message to my squad, I have to grab a mouse [I'm used to that for a lot of UI elements], place the cursor in the annoyingly small text box and then type out the message. Half the time the cursor placement isn't accepted and I have to try again. 
Obviously this is a bug, but I'm not sure why it wasn't spotted in the dev build.) 

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please bring back toggle crouch and remove roll from the crouch/slide option. i assume that you are working on the bug that makes controller customization not work (like i mentioned in an earlier post, up on the D-pad wouldnt change and left bumper wouldnt either). that is all i ask. please and thank you

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1 hour ago, drokus1 said:

please bring back toggle crouch and remove roll from the crouch/slide option. i assume that you are working on the bug that makes controller customization not work (like i mentioned in an earlier post, up on the D-pad wouldnt change and left bumper wouldnt either). that is all i ask. please and thank you

I am 100% certain intention is to have 4 different options: Current "Crouch/Slide/Roll", "Sprint/Roll" "Sprint" (which can be toggled with a checkbox) and "Toggle Crouch" available to freely bind. Are you 100% sure one of these isn't available? Because I'd swear it was added not too long ago to the console build while we had those on PC for the longest time.

EDIT: Double checked and those are all available. You can use toggle crouch (which also lets you slide as a toggle) freely.

Edited by NightmareT12
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after some update- don't know exactly which, my controller (XBox 360 on PC) is broken...

1. if I move the sticks a little bit, the cursor doesn't stop when I release the stick but moves on- so WF is unable to play with controller 😞

2. if I use mouse/keyboard: If I start steam the usual way and play warframe everything works fine. But I'm streaming to my tv so I'd like to use Steam Big Picture. In this case WF doesn't allow me to click buttons with the mouse, only the controller even if there is no controller used/activated. I can enter the arsenal, but it's not able to select any of the buttons there...


is there any way to fix at least point 1 because I'd like to play with my controller again? 😞

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Please fix the Y-Axis. On my PS4 and Xbox One controllers, it seems like the X-Axis has a separately different sensitivity with the Y-Axis. When I move my right joystick in a full circle fast, it forms a rectangle movement on the screen instead of a circular movement. This makes it really hard to aim for headshots when enemies are jumping or different enemies are on different platforms, and espeically when I bullet jump across a mob of enemies, it’s really hard to track the enemies as I move across the room.

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On 2018-05-22 at 2:24 PM, NightmareT12 said:

I am 100% certain intention is to have 4 different options: Current "Crouch/Slide/Roll", "Sprint/Roll" "Sprint" (which can be toggled with a checkbox) and "Toggle Crouch" available to freely bind. Are you 100% sure one of these isn't available? Because I'd swear it was added not too long ago to the console build while we had those on PC for the longest time.

EDIT: Double checked and those are all available. You can use toggle crouch (which also lets you slide as a toggle) freely.

toggle crouch is no longer an option at all anymore so no I cant use it. and having roll bound with crouch/slide now is messing up my movement fluidity.

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10 hours ago, Dauragin said:

Please fix the Y-Axis. On my PS4 and Xbox One controllers, it seems like the X-Axis has a separately different sensitivity with the Y-Axis. When I move my right joystick in a full circle fast, it forms a rectangle movement on the screen instead of a circular movement. This makes it really hard to aim for headshots when enemies are jumping or different enemies are on different platforms, and espeically when I bullet jump across a mob of enemies, it’s really hard to track the enemies as I move across the room.

This. Something is completely off, as if though the controller had suddenly become uncalibrated. 
(It's not, tested several different controllers with several different tools.) 

Trying to cast aimed abilities (Saryn, Oberon, Valkyr, Khora, Nekros etc. etc. et friggin' cetera) has never been worse either. That needed much more forgiving hitboxes to begin with.
Let us use aim assist for that even if we don't want it otherwise, and let center mass be good enough. Spore doesn't need to be a headshot, for Pete's sake.
Half the frames in the roster are next to unplayable now.

Not to mention there's a noticeable input lag, which feels like it started with the latest hotfix. 

I understand from [DE]Steve's Twitter that work on this experiment is ongoing, but right now it's worse than ever. I do hope there's a seed of progress in there.   

Edited by Wiergate
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5 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

I can totally bind it though? 😕

didnt see that the option was in the bindings themselves. thought it would be with the other toggle options. i'll do that and see if my movement is better. thanks for the info and sticking with me on this

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I'm playing on PS4 and 20% deadzone on right stick is just ridiculous. Please add deadzone slider I want to disable it completely. Right now I'm forced to use CronusMax solely for negating deadzone so the smallest leaning of stick rotates me a bit. And I don't like the fact I need to use anything aside my gamepad.

Edited by (PS4)maratnugmanov
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