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The War Within: Less wait, more update!


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i want to be honest here, I have not played warframe in months, i even stopped loginning in for daily rewards , lunaro is not gonna change that, the new star chart might be interesting down the line, but i just don't have content to consume, it has been so long till u got something interesting for us to do, and i'm worried it will just be like this from now on:

 major update and then half a year of nothing... i mean, i love warframe, i had a lot of fun in the thousands of hours i played it, but the progression is just not there, there is really no endgame, raids are boring, arcanes are either useless or op and force me to only use one piece of clothing, focus is lame and makes the game more boring, forcing you to use only some specific loadouts with lenses and grind the S#&$ out em, using focus feels just bad, it's a get out of jail card where you look at people and do nothing for around 10 seconds and gives u overpowered passives that makes the game even easier then how it was prior to using it, my only way to help new players is to either spend the whole day in a hub or answering posts in the forum, the hubs still feels to odetached from the game itself, the mod system has been stale for a while now, the last big change came with corrupted mods, that made a lot of new and fun builds possible, but there has not been anything like that for years now... idk DE, i think i like that u are exploring new ways to give us content and lore, but if that contet takes you 6 months to prepare and is consumed in a couple of hours, i wonder if that is the right direction for the game at this point.

I'm sorry for the rant, i really care about warframe, but i'm just worried that DE started to dig his own grave after the second dream... last night i stayed up to see what warframe announcement at e3 was about, i expected hype, i got space ninjas sports that i really don't care about, i don't want to play sports, if i want to play a pvp experience i either play Dota or Overwatch, what i want from warframe is quality time, fun gun play and hordes of enemies, but also some actually challenging missions or enemies that make you tingle when they spawn, i want loot ofcs, but just not piles of materials that i will never consume and miningless mods, i don't want to grind focus, i don't want to go into the void anymore, where the most exciting thing is looking for hidden caches, i just don't want to build a weapon to just sell it the moment right after it reaches max rank. What i want is game that feels more alive, more connected, easaly accessable, a good match making and lobby system, i want to be able to find random people to play with without scrolling for half an hour in the recruit channel, i want to be able to help new players, play with new players without killing every single enemy in 1 shot or linking a page fromt he wiki in the chat, i don't want a focus system that revolves around a maniquine shooting lasors from his chest, i don't care about it, i like the tennos, they are interesting, but warframes are just more fun, they can jump, they can roll they can shoot, they can slash they can dash they can wall run, tennos do nothing, literally nothing, i activate focus and instantly deactivate it right after just to get the passives, cause using the active ability is just not fun, i even removed all the abilities that revolve around the active to get less cooldown so i can get my passives earlier in any mission, it feels bad... i want tennos to be more alive, more connected with the universe, nut just screaming floating ghosts or dolls sitting in a chair, is it that hard to make the focus system a good system? do we really need lenses? why are lenses even a thing? do i really have to run around the map in search of a blinking yellow thingy to get focus? why can't i get focus passively by enjoying the game rather then forcing myself to play the same things over and over just to get a miningless 5% statistics to something?

idk i tought i was over ranting, but it seems i was wrong, sorry again, i just miss playing warframe... best of luck

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14 hours ago, unknow99 said:

Yeahhh sounds like a plan man.

Got an additional seat in your Liset ? I think I might follow this...

"No problem. Have a seat and get comfortable.
We'll both be Hollow before you know it.
Hah hah hah hah…"


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7 hours ago, NightBlitz said:

i think you're main issue is that you've spent TOO much time playing warframe. even with updates, nearly 3000 hrs is more than most games will give you these days. playing one game that much even over the course of a few years will burn most people out and make them take breaks, and it only gets worse from there unless the game changes completely

It’s not.

I am used to MMOs and competitive shooters (that basically stay the same for decades, not just years). And Warframe is generally a mix of those (minus the competitive part, Conclave is atrocious).

So less than 1000 hours a year is not that big a number for me.

Secondly I am the clan architect and drawer. So throw in at least 100+ hours on building. And about the same (probably more) for making screenshots and other stuff for drawings.

Throw in another hundred on breeding 5 tall athletic lotus Kubrows with rare eye colors.

Yes I can do a T3S in my sleep, but that is ok for me.

Teleporting enemies in Conclave are not. Lag spikes counted in second are not. Not to mention Conclave gameplay being so terribly slow (thanks to the lock on all the movement mods). After lightning fast Unreal Tournament I fell like moving underwater in there.

Having metallic parts color in different slots on all the cosmetics is not (so you are forced to color half your frame gold to color metal parts on a mix of different armors, syandanas and helmets). Floating feet away cosmetics are not. Clipping is not. More there:

One of the Fang Prime blades runs straight through Excaliburs butt (Proto skin) for more than 2 years now. Not fixed. Opticor breaks your Warframes left arm. A year plus bug. Not fixed. You can’t switch off the Zariman hood on operator. 6 months. Not fixed. That’s just from the top of my head.

Rarer smaller and messier updates are not ok.

And so on and so forth (read the original post its there).

Point is – Warframe has some major problems these days and they are not in me.

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Tenno, have you forgotten about the growing infestation on your ship ?
Is it, maybe something related to a wild Kavat, that sneaked on your ship while you were on Phobos, while searching for Baro's treasure ?
Or is it something related to the Twin Queens ?

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1 minute ago, DamienDaredevil said:

Tenno, have you forgotten about the growing infestation on your ship ?
Is it, maybe something related to a wild Kavat, that sneaked on your ship while you were on Phobos, while searching for Baro's treasure ?
Or is it something related to the Twin Queens ?

Kavats clearly 

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i posted my joy about the update allready, i can also understand and accept that it will be in 2 parts and that the last part is at your personal warframe festival ... as well as i have to give a clear warning to DE if we get this fairy-frame with the quest ^^)

their should be excal umbra ... others and i was allready more then pleased and im longing and waiting for umbra since a very long time, i will not accept a umbraless U 19, just for making it clear the most lovely way i am able to ... ^^)

PS: steve, OR please, extend your expression and say that the umbra excal will not be in update U 19, as well as please do it NOW ! ^^)

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So just to clarify. will the Lunaro update contain anything at all that will keep PvE-only players occupied until the remaining sections drop? Even just a new weapon, or a (non PvP) event?

I ask because I'm not touching PvP with a bargepole regardless of the skin wrapped around it. so I'm wondering if I can just skip everything outside of login rewards for a few weeks.

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I think maybe that the War Within should be episodic (fragmented) too. At least then it would stretch out the content for those who run through it immediately and then start complaining about not having anything to do.

In the meantime whilst we are waiting on the next episode of the War Within DE could work on the next piece of content in peace. The players will have something to look forward to before the next major update. I think that the transition between major updates would be more seamless that way. 

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43 minutes ago, SilentMobius said:

So just to clarify. will the Lunaro update contain anything at all that will keep PvE-only players occupied until the remaining sections drop? Even just a new weapon, or a (non PvP) event?

I ask because I'm not touching PvP with a bargepole regardless of the skin wrapped around it. so I'm wondering if I can just skip everything outside of login rewards for a few weeks.

This ^

I have to agree with this

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7 hours ago, SquireAngel said:

maybe it isn't for you any longer.

I will decide for myself when and if to leave, if you don’t mind (and if you do – you know the drill). And if I do, trust me it will not be a good thing for the game. Money will go away with me (I bought every prime access this far and have every cosmetic item there is in the game) and a clan. Not a loss on it’s own (I get it), but I am usually not alone (at least I was not in Nosgoth, GRO/GRP and few others).

To the point. It’s not ok. Core gameplay is near perfect (bar enemy progression system). And I am all good with DE expanding it, as long as those expansions do not break it.

Conclave is broken. Slow, clunky and general balance is aimed at every frame to be equally useless and impotent (and of all people Blizzard  showed that you can balance characters with being completely OP in their own way by Overwatch). And it takes huge amounts of time and energy from the development team (and the designers of all the Conclave only cosmetics) that literally goes to waste.

DE if you somehow hear me: Conclave did not fly. It is broken technically and in the core.

Remove it, or really change it, do not try to repaint it the 10th time over. Fun thing - the original conclave was more fun (and technically stable) than the new one.

Fixing is the hard way and IMO not worth it, but if DE goes this way any competitive PVP should be rock solid technically and have ping less than 50 (new "share your PC for a sec" will not cut this). It would be really great if PVP Warframes would feel close to the PVE ones. Now without the movement (efficiency, range etc) mods they feel like the crippled versions of themselves.

Archwing is broken. They can fix it by new maps (IMO closer to planets in atmosphere or the big ocean ones) new wings and lots of tweaking.

That is 2 parts of Warframe out of 3 that are not OK for you.

If balancing frames (into ashes), they should give players who invested a lot in those frames some cores and something like instant polarity shifts to compensate.

About Volt : DE actually did change him right before (close enough) they roll those “new and astounding game changes”. And it was not necessary and it went badly. So as I said before – do things right or don’t touch them. That way you can stay focused on the “new system”, and keep hours of working on filling the trash bin minimal and not piss people off. Win-win.

Umbra was a Grand DE F-up. They just never considered a possibility of the storm that hit them with the Chinese Excalibur Prime. Everything after that was a “damage control”. Done not that good I might add.


7 hours ago, SquireAngel said:

You may have the most valid input in the world, but if DE wants to do something with their game and you don't like it, tough luck. 


For both I might add. Because even companies can be wrong. And DE has history of being wrong enough times to get on a brink of closure before Warframe became a hit.

So the more “valid input” is disregarded the closer they are to being wrong again.

And if somehow you missed it, I do enjoy Warframe. Or I would not spend 3000 hours on it, would I? And I do appreciate all the hard work DE is doing. That work just does not always save them mistakes, so I am here to tell them about those mistakes (to bring awareness about them), to help them see and fix at least something.

Because my appreciation they see in the bills and people I bring to this game. Not in trying to shut up everyone criticizing it.


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