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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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after that:

I think Lunaro could be really much fun, but there are a lot of changes needed

1. Please make the frames run at least 20% faster - it feels really slow

2. add a cooldown on "E"

3. Show what team you are ^^ I have no idea who is in my team while no one has the ball... or lunaro - or whatever this thing is called

4. if not 2 - give the players who are getting the ball at least 1-2 seconds invulnerability

go on DE - great ideas :)

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6 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Please read the whole post, rather than just the small portion that you seem to have read.

If a player hates Lunaro because of a bad experience, they aren't going to be paying for Lunaro exclusive content, are they? No. Completely valid argument.

They may or not lose some revenue but definitely not customer(since this is F2P)? There 30k + player so 1k+ of hate doesn't automatically represent that the whole community dislike the current experience? 

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Can we be allowed one bullet jump when carrying the ball? As you might guess, you're the most vulnerable immediately after catching it, and having the ability to quickly vacate the spot you were at would help a lot. Especially when you can't immediately notice that you have the ball.

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14 minutes ago, Teridax68 said:

I don't really see why bringing up edge cases in a made-up situation relates in any way to the problems of Lunaro now, and even in the situation you bring up I seriously doubt the possibility of forming this wall you keep bringing up, if only because currently the melee attacks used for checking can pass through multiple players. By that same logic, 11-player, highly coordinated, professional soccer teams would be huddling around whoever's dribbling for an impenetrable turtle maneuver, yet that has never happened.

Because no one wants to see that kind of play, I meant would you watch and bet on it if they play like that? 

Edited by Nijyumensou
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A few key points:

  • It's annoying how you can make a pass to someone who is behind you. So instead of throwing Lunaro into the goal, you throw it to a guy behind you.
  • There needs to be a better indication that you currently have Lunaro on you.
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1 hour ago, Nijyumensou said:

But you can't ignore the possibility of what I mentioned just to prove that your point is right? The thing is no one is walking which means you can dodge and bullet jump and throw the ball, there is no need to stay around unless you plan to play it like soccer defender on a rugby field 

Who said I'm standing still? Who said anyone is standing still? In all the matches I played no one stood still. How is that even related to the problem? Bullet Jump won't get you out of tackling in this game, nither rolling, sliding or whatever. Anyone I saw was moving all the time which is amazing, I had some good games when anyone was playing fair and some that play dirty and tackle you all the time like it's just another PVP match and not a sport.

Edited by CommanderSpawn
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It's decently fun, but it's extremely difficult to tell what's going on with the ball at any given time, especially with all the checking. There's also the fact that the host usually dominates the goal-scoring, but that's more an issue with not having dedicated servers than it is with the game itself.

I'd also like a little more reward from it in terms of Conclave standing; the Devstreams hyped it up as a great way to get standing, but it's arguably worse than normal Conclave for that.

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There are already some good ideas going on and some opinions that line up with mine so I won't say much on those.  I do have a couple things to add that I didn't see.  Sorry if I missed someone saying the same.  I played quite a few games last night with 4v4 and then tried it again with 3v3 after the fix. Here are some things I noticed

1. About 90% of the time (roughly) I was joining a game that was already in progress where the team I joined was already losing.  This is my first experience with conclave so I'm not sure if this is the same for all game modes.  I left one of the missions (where I got placed on the side that was losing terribly) to go do something else and noticed that I didn't get a debuff or timer preventing me from joining another game immediately.  I guess I'm used to BGs in WoW where you get the "Coward" mark preventing you from joining another game for 15 minutes.  Shouldn't there be something to make it less desirable to leave a game in progress?  Right now it seems like people just game hop until they find one where the game is just starting and then leave if they start losing.  Anyway just a thought.

2. The pickup range for the ball seems to be really small.  Even holding right mouse button to bring it in I had to pretty much be right on top of the thing.  Seems like they could increase that a bit. 

3. The scrum is better now with only 3 people and reduced check speed however I'm thinking putting on something similar to an "overheat" mechanic on checking might make things more strategic.  The concept is that you would tire out after X number of checks if you do them right in a row and then would be subject to cooldown.  You could still block and all that just not check.  I was followed around in one game by a valkyr who didn't stop attacking me the entire game.  Followed me from one end of the field to the other just checking the entire time.  It gets old when you're trying to actually play and get the ball.

Anyway. I think it's pretty decent so far just needs some additional tweaks.  Hope my suggestions help.

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5 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

Who said I'm standing still? Who said anyone is standing still? In all the matches I played no one stood still. How is that even related to the problem? Bullet Jump won't get you out of tackling in this game, nither rolling, sliding or whatever. Anyone I saw was moving all the time which is amazing, I had some good games when anyone was playing fair and some that play dirty and tackle you all the time like it's just another PVP match and not a sport.

Is it not in conclave? Do you not earn conclave rep? What kind of match are included in conclave? 

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IMO, there needs to be a minimap that tells you exactly where your teammates and opponents are. Or add some indicators or arrows on the HUD where our teammates and enemies are like how there is one for the ball. That should help in increasing the awareness of the players on where their teammates are at and make decisions on passing.

Also, maybe whenever a player gets the ball, he should emit a short range shockwave that staggers opponents. That should should resolve some of the issues concerning losing the ball as soon as the carrier gets it.

Edited by Knightmare047
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My personal opinions on the subject, can't bother scrolling 12 pages of feedback just in case my points have been said 

- Passing behind u when u're trying to score or clear the ball is annoying. My suggested fix is to have a separate pass button as the right click and left click is regular shoot. Regular shoot throws the ball further and the right click pass either passes to the ally u're trying to pass with the pass icon on his/her head or throws the ball slower than the shoot button to the direction u're aiming. 

- Better indication that u have the ball and better indication of team members and opponents. When things get hectic just nameplates and energy color isn't enough to differentiate ur team members and opponents. 

Overall Lunas is very fun, I've enjoyed it thoroughly, gj DE and ty :)! 

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DE, you promised PvP not to affect PvE, you break that again and again.

I don't like Lunaro related movement nerf and this makes recent game changes direction appear even worse.

You focus on too many things instead improving core of Warframe which is PvE.

Since Lunaro is here to stay you may as well make it less emabrrasingly awful, so:


- Add overhead beacons + color aura + minimap showing my squad. I have no idea who is on my team 95% of the time.

- Do not allow uneven player to join match in progress! This applies to ALL PvP modes, 1 vs 2, 1 vs 3 etc. are no fun at all.

- Make ball always spawn in the middle of field after scoring!

- Bullet jump should not make us drop the ball. It could instantly charge it to explosive level instead.

- Extra attacks after shoulder ram (kick, slash) are unnecessary and confusing. I can melee-slam by aiming down and pressing 'attack' - was that even intended? Take another deep look at that.

- Player not holding the ball should be immune to attacks. The less confusing and chaotic Lunaro is, the better.

- Add 2 vs 2 mode to choose from, disabling 4 vs 4 at default was a good decision.

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Add bulletjump. We're warframes, we're supposed to have all these amazing parkour skills, and when there's a sport where we could put those abilities to use, you force everyone to be on the ground, running really slow, spamming E and trying to shoot but not really because the auto-pass blocks most shots.

I want to be able to jump high and throw the ball from mid-air, it would open the game a lot more and allow for crazy passing shots and goals, instead we're all forced to stay glued to the ground because you can only really jump before catching the ball, it makes everything super slow.

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I think it's pretty easy to tell teammates from (in lack of better words) 'enemies', and that the only thing that is hard to tell is when you have the ball or not. And that stadium will get booring quickly. What happened to the dojo-arena from the teaser?

Anyways, It's a really fun gamemode!

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5 minutes ago, Nijyumensou said:

Because no one wants to see that kind of play, I meant would you watch and bet on it if they play like that? 

I wouldn't, but for those players it represents potentially millions of dollar's worth of money in the higher tiers. Soccer is already infamous for players constantly cheating by feigning injury, or rendering games boring through extremely defensive play and deliberate stalling once a lead is set, so this would not be beyond them. Every sport, real or electronic, has its rules exploited as much as possible by professional teams because they're paid to win, not entertain, and it's the job of the sports leagues to change the rules in order to fix these and generate entertaining gameplay.

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1 minute ago, -.A.-Grabbelmann said:

I dont know, but does the Conclave mods for bulletjump and movement apply to Lunaro? why is not everyone Having an excalibur or something. This varity makes it unfair....

It's been stated a few times that mods don't affect Lunaro, and warframes all have the same stats.

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Pretty good, I believe 3v3 is far less chaotic than 4v4.

One thing that needs to be addressed is feedback when you grab the ball. Sometimes when both teams fight for the ball I grab it and not even realize it so I end up bullet jumping away or just flat out losing the ball because I didn't even know I had it.


Another things is passes. Passes are great but sometimes it works against me. Like when I throw the ball at the opponents goal only for it to actually be grabbed by my teammate that was in my way or sometimes right behind me. I'm not sure if there is a way to fix it but its something I feel that needs to be looked into.

One suggestion I have is that instead of just clearing the zone to regain use of the Arkata, opposing player should return to their teams zone to regain control of the Arkata. Or only spawn the ball when all players have returned to their zones, similar to how it works in basketball. This way the opposing team doesn't just rush your zone the moment they step out of your zone.

That was my feedback/suggestions, whatever you guys go with, I'm sure it will be great :)

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At the moment when someone joins a 1v1 match, it will become a 2v1 match.

In Lunaro this is a huge advantage and will pretty much wreck the player who is solo.


Adding a que, untill another person joins could fix this.

When a 4th player joins, both the 3rd and 4th player get added to the match.


To not keep this 3rd player waiting all the time, he could be substituted on a goal scored for the other player on his team.


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- seperate control settings(same for archwing too), i cant throw the ball because i changed my controls....yea very funny

- no stuns

- not the same button for pass and throw

- better team colour, best would be everyone in the same team looks the same, fashionframe doesnt matter in PVP

- no player hosting server/game what ever. get your own server DE

Edited by PropiPanda
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Lunaro is a great addition to the game.Its a mode that every person can enjoy and is really a thrill yet these 3 problems are the biggest:

- The first one is the stun lock mechanic.Its painfully annoying to be knocked down continuously and it ruins momentum.An example is a player that i was with in a squad that kept stun locking me and i told him to stop the stun lock he laughed in my face and continued.

- The second one is the slow movement speed.The whole point of the lunaro is to be fast paced,but due to limit parkour skills and slow ball throwing and speed movement really damage the entire thing.

- The third and really the biggest issue is the server.The servers are soo laggy it renders the game impossible to play,i only the host wins from this because to be fair he is the only one able to see the ball while others cant even see it.Also for example i dashed into a player countless times and he didnt drop the ball only for me when i picked up the ball it was taken away in a split second by a person far away from me.So a dedicated server must be made.

All in all lunaro is the best pvp mode soo far,yet like all its other pvp modes is kinda a let down due to pretty much the server.Hopefully a dedicated server will be placed so that it will be enjoyable again.

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Wow first game, first toxic player. Some things don't change at all.

I really don't know what to say, very mixed feelings. It might be fun in the future. Current state is very unpolished.

 - I never know when I have the ball

- Allthough the arrow is a good idea, the camera is somehow not ideal. I am constantly searching the ball

- at times very hard to tell if enemy or not

- stun is destroying gameplay, there has to be something better


Maybe I have played to much rocket league, so I keep compairing it in my head with it. It is so simple yet deep when you play it and lunaro is quite the opposite.

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Tried searching through this thread and didn't see it;

I scored at least 5 goals in the Lunaro match I was in and did not get credit for the "Focused Goal!" challenge which requires you to score 4x goals in a match. I had joined a match already in progress. Trying to set up a group now to text the extent of this.

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