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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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  1. Remove the MB1 melee. The checking method seems sufficient enough and will break the stunlock that happens in a pile.
  2. Leave penalties. A 5 minute cooldown should suffice to prevent people from leaving a game when the enemy team scores only 1 goal.
  3. AFK checks or vote kicks. It's rare, but I occasionally get a person that just AFKs during a game.
  4. Matchmade groups or ability to change teams before the match starts. I play with a friend and we're always battling each other. It would be nice to actually play on his team from time to time.
  5. Some method to alert teammates that they are open.
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So the lunaro is set to use our current keybindings. which probably work best with the stock setup. I am sure there is a large portion of the player base that have custimized our controls for our reg PVE game play. Because of this some things do not work when trying to play lunaro.

In my case, I use mouse button 1 for primary fire/melee attack and mouse button 2 for  aim/melee block   depending on which weapon I have equiped. Because of this I am unable to pass/shoot when I pick up the ball. All I am able to do it seems is to check and if unlucky enough to get the ball, have it explode in my hands.

So will there be custom keybinds just for Lunaros or some sort of keybind system that will switch button assignments depending on game mode. As it is now, lunaro is totaly unplayable because of this without having to write down my current keybinds and then the ones I need to use for lunaro and manually switch them everytime, wasting even more time having to do so.


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1) The biggest problem I had are people can solo the entire match and carry their team. As they can just throw the ball further then they can pass it and less likely to lose it in seconds. So teamwork is least effective way of winning.

2) Secondly, the reward is terrible. If you win, you get about 1k rep, but if you lose; you can get less then 500 rep.

3) Thirdly, people would just leave the match when they are losing badly. So they should be some sort of penalization in doing so. You can't join any other matches while the one you have left has finished,then you can join others. So this would discourage "rage quitters" from leaving team in a disadvantage.

4) Fourthly, they're needs to be some sort of mercy rule in play. So if a team is creates a large enough gap within a short period of time. Then the leading team would be considered winners by Teshin saying "You where to great for the Sun/Moon Team".

Here's one my matches today as an example:



5) Fifthly, everytime I pick up the ball. I would lose it less then two second (that's if am lucky). So it would be nice to be immune for a very short duration to tackles. Or make tackles valuable to use then rather cheap spam moves.

6) By allowing no one to join half way though the match was bad idea. Alot of time when I was losing, I was either all alone or had to leave myself as it was incredible unfair to play.

7) Finally, when one of my teammates get in front of me when am about to throw the ball. They would catch it. So it would be great if the throw and pass were two different actions.

Edited by Ibro156
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For me Lunaro is a lot of fun, and I will continue to play it. Some things I've noticed.

Backwards passes when trying to shoot the ball. I've seen it on my team and the opponents where you get clumped up near the goal and try to throw it in, only to pass it to the team mate behind you.

Passing the ball to a team mate and the icon appears above their head like they received it but it was intercepted and the other team has it. I've only had this happen to me once while playing, but a team mate also had it happen and said something so I know it's more than just me. It will still show the arrow icon on the edge of the screen showing the ball over there but the person I tried throwing it to also has an icon saying they have it.

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It seems that they bound the ball throw not to left mouse button, not to fire weapon, and not to melee strike. But to melee channel.

If you bound melee channel to anything else but the default left mouse button, then use that key and it will work.

Or rebind the melee channel to LMB again.

Not that it's OK for the developers to do it this way, or to place another inescapable tutorial (you have to abandon Lunaro practice, as there is no escape zone).

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Hey! Haven't played a live match with the latest update, but something happened in the training/practice mode:

I got up to 50 points (you know, practicing and stuff), and so it ended the 'match' with my win-- no rewards, cool, 50 pt max for the practice, got it.

But it then dropped me into a 'real' match-- no tutorial stuff, start off in the middle, right, and as the only player I succeeded in scoring goals and stuff-- and then the game ended, and having won (against no opponents) I won conclave rep, along with the affinity bonus from scoring 4 goals. Tried it again, game ended in same amount of time on its own, didn't get 4 goals (yeah, sure, I suck) and got conclave rep again..? 

Except that it still listed my points in the match final screen as '50', and maybe it was just showing me the same rep as before, I don't know, but either way it kept dropping me into that same 'solo' match.

If it's the case that I was gaining rep from each very short solo match, that seems like an exploit that should be addressed.

FWIW when I exited the game mode, my daily login timer had reset, so it's also possible it was a bug from that? I have no idea how that works.

TL;DR: Score 50 pts in Practice mode --> Auto-start new 'real' game, Solo player, ends in 15-30 seconds, but gain rep from scoring goals? Possible exploit or just bug, dunno.

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19 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

It seems that they bound the ball throw not to left mouse button, not to fire weapon, and not to melee strike. But to melee channel.

If you bound melee channel to anything else but the default left mouse button, then use that key and it will work.

Or rebind the melee channel to LMB again.

Not that it's OK for the developers to do it this way, or to place another inescapable tutorial (you have to abandon Lunaro practice, as there is no escape zone).

melee channel is not even in use on any key. i've tried different buttons on my mouse n keyboard for it, but none work for my playstyle.

and rebinding it back to LMB brings up the problem I already have because then I need to chage a bunch of other keybinds back and forth every single time I want to switch between the two.

heck tried this with a game controller. while I can shoot/pass, movement/aiming takes a dive to the point it is again useless.  esp seeing how the sensitivity adjustments kinda suck (move 1 click in either dir and either things slow way down or spd out of control).   on a PC unless it is a flight sim I am KB/M    hell even on consoles if a game supports kb/m i use it. sadly WF is not one of those for the PS4 and I am stuck with a controller for it.


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Despite the constant barrage of "designed to focus on teamwork" phrases coming from DE and Teshin, nothing actually gets done unless I immediately throw the ball down the field or at the goal. I haven't played a single game where either my team or the other team actually had an effective method of passing to increase scoring. The cause has been stated numerous times throughout this thread and I am only reiterating because there have been patches and it still hasn't been fixed: melee spamming. The stun mechanic is by far the most frustrating mechanic in the game, and now it's been given to every player with no limits. It's like playing tag with 2 people...not exactly riveting. There are other issues I have with the game and many of them have been stated already, but I feel with the others I can at least improve and learn the game mechanics of.

TL;DR Stun locking/instant ball stealing is not fun/removes teamwork.

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After playing a few actual games of Lunaro, I think the most fundamental problem with it is that it's PVP with PVE style matchmaking. Matchmaking should:

  • Wait until both teams have equal numbers to begin a game, to prevent unbalancing
  • Suspend the game if someone leaves and makes the teams unbalanced, until another player joins, to prevent unbalancing
  • Block you from rejoining a game (or joining a battle-Conclave match) if you leave one, until the game you left has ended, to discourage leaving

Other suggestions:

  • Declare the game "won" if one team leads by at least 10 points and at least 5x the opponents' score (this will not end game-leavers' timers early), to prevent score farming against outmatched opponents
  • Give players a few more seconds to chat before the game and at halftime, for strategy discussion
  • Give all players bright blue or gold names to show their team, unlike in battle-Conclave we should be able to see all the players
  • Remove the "you have the lunaro" glow in favor of a prominent HUD indicator
  • Remove the slash attack, it's a superior form of movement to all the others and also can deal checks
  • Give players with the ball the ability to defend with the "aim" key, attempting to check a defending player will result in the attacker being stunned, to prevent stunlock on ball carriers
  • Make checks against non-carrying players less effective

Overall though, I do think it's an excellent idea that will be great after revision.

Edited by Akavakaku
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On 6/15/2016 at 10:43 PM, taiiat said:

previous stuff

i know that 'dedicated' Servers will appear eventually, but for the time being, Hosts might as well have 'fakelag' in the meantime. since the Host will tend to be ~250ms ahead of everyone else. so everyone else is trying to randomly predict the future.

even aside from that, just again, Latency is the primary problem. causes most of the strange stuff tbh.


the priority of passing can be quite problematic when Players are close to one another.

it's much too easy for the scoring team to re-enter the goal area after the ball respawns. infact if the Host is on the opposing team, they can be at the ball before anyone else is even allowed to move.
opposing team should probably be teleported outside of the goal area and have their movement disabled for up to one extra second over the team that's trying to get the ball onto the field.


i'll just re-iterate that childish kneejerk adjustments like adding cooldowns to tools instead of making the receiving Player briefly invulnerable to CC after being CC'ed - would just vaporize Skilled gameplay.

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So it's been day two which is pretty early to be making this thread I guess but there were some things that me and my friends ran into when playing Lunaro and also I just wanna know if any of you guys have had any of these experiences either.

So the first one was getting on the same team, this really annoyed me and my friends because we want to be on the same team so we would squad up and hope to be on the same teams well we thought wrong we would be split up which really let us down. So I think there should be a way to choose what team you are on before the match starts.

Second. So this was something I mostly have been experiencing.  So this mostly has to do with the passing mechanic, so here's an example I would have a teammate behind me right and I am aiming at the goal, I throw it and it goes directly to my teammate and there goes a loss of a possible point.  I found this very very annoying and wanted to know if anyone else has had this issue because I am pretty sure me throwing it forwards doesn't mean that I throw it backwards to a teammate.

Third. So this is something my friends mostly want, there should be like a hotkey or something to aim the camera at the ball that way we know where it is going because there has been a lot of trouble of trying to find where the ball is.

Fourth.  An indicator of when you have the ball because having something pop up above your head isn't really well alerting...(again my friends have been saying they want something that like really indicates that you have the ball) maybe like words pop on the screen or your Warframe like glows or something idk just an idea.

That's all I have to say as I asked earlier have any of you guys had any of these problems or any other problems? 

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The melee spam is ruining this for me 

I was enjoying this yesterday but now that people have figured out you can just press E/LMB to win, I don't even want to play it anymore. 

Edited by Luneth
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1. Yeah being able to be on the same team as your friend would be great.

2. The passing in Lunaro is really annoying. Seems like my teammates are intentionally getting in my way.

3. Theres an indicator already.

4. I don't know what to think about this. I usually just know when I have the ball because my warframe would be holding it :c.


5. A barrier that blocks the opposite team from entering the inner zone for 5 seconds. Every single opponent must leave before the barrier could disappear in 5 seconds.

6. There must be a longer cool-down for checking and LMB spams.

7. There must be a barrier next to the goal. Unless I've been playing wrong, ive always been a goalie. I let my other two teammates do the shooting, while I defend :c. ( I get knockdown by the opponent many times because they are salty)

8.FIX the bugs with the teams being 4 vs 3 or 4 vs 2. Or worse. 4 vs 1. :c

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Remove the stun for people without the ball, in some matches people are just stun locking you and pay no attention to the ball whatsoever while you dont even have the ball

You should be a target when you have the ball, but not when you don't have it

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Skill brackets that prefers even teams and players of the same brackets. Skill can be inferred from experience and how often you win, could be as simple as the one in rocket league (novice, semi-pro, pro, master, etc). Since it's preference it wouldn't interfere with you finding a group but if it can it should try to even out the teams.

Edited by Mastikator2
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We need a group chat option where everybody can talk to one another. At the very least i should be able to ask people to stop being annoying with the stun-locking. If they continue to abuse the system then i can legitimately step out of the match, and be done with it.

I can see the merits of the current system, when used at the right time, it can clear the way for a team-mate, american football style, but when someone can just spam it over and over...

For instance, i don't like it when people leave matches, no matter how one-sided, so out of courtesy i don't leave matches either. But what is the need for this?

Something needs to be done. Lunaro is fun, but this ruins the experience.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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How to goal rush:

1) After scoring position yourself just outside the other team's zone.

2) Right after instant replay ends the camera will begin reorienting itself to your position. During this time you can still move although you'll be moving blindly you will still be able to get close enough to the ball drop location to grab the ball or at least contest any enemy player getting the initial ball drop.

3) Score, repeat step 1 until the other team catches on, if they catch on instead of giving up.

This should probably be changed at some point.

Edited by KnotOfMetal
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5 minutes ago, BlackVortex said:

Remove the stun for people without the ball, in some matches people are just stun locking you and pay no attention to the ball whatsoever while you dont even have the ball

You should be a target when you have the ball, but not when you don't have it

^this. i as goalkeeper in 1 match and i was being stunlock! please DE change this. add a cooldown(2min) or make the stun only for players with the ball.

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So recently I've been playing quite a lot of Lunaro and I really am having a blast and lots of fun. Of course it's still a new mode so it's not perfect and there are rooms for improvements so I'd like to pitch in too.

1. Checking

The way things work are great but there have been times where things really get out of hand. Lunaro started from a 4v4 to a 3v3 to reduce the chaos and this really helped but there's still a ton of chaos since players really seem to love checking players, at times over checking players to keep them on the ground. I personally feel that knocking down players shouldn't be an option(It really feels like something that shud be given a Red Card) and checking shouldn't stagger or stagger as hard.

2. Picking Up The Lunaro

As of now the Lunaro can be picked up by either running at it and touching it or using the Arcata to magnetise it towards you. This isn't really a problem unless times when going into the offensive. Countless times I've experienced having a clear shot at the goal but the Lunaro somehow ends up getting picked up by the teammate near me upon throwing. If players can only pick up the Lunaro by using their Arcata it would allow for better controls and running into the ball pushes it will probably discourage the entire team relentlessly running straight at it.

3. Passing

Honestly I didn't pay attention to passing in the practice room but from what I have heard people have been asking for this function to have a designated button. Perhaps allowing players to lock onto teammates by aiming at them and using the alt fire button will do a auto aimed pass where the throw will adjust itself to the target teammate's movement and direction. There will be a display on HUD similar to how there are markers on teammates during Archwing, only that these markers only appear on teammates that the system is currently locked onto for the pass.

4. HUD

Currently the HUD shows where the ball is through walls and has an arrow to show you where the Lunaro is when not in your field of view. This is pretty good as it is but trying to know whether you have the Lunaro during the chaos of having the entire team cooped up in one small area in an attempt to get the Lunaro is the problem. Numerous times I did not realise that the Lunaro ended up in my Arcata when all 6 of us were piled up in the corner until I heard the bleeping of the Lunaro's timer before it drops off me.

SoulEchelon:I suggest having the marker that shows who has the lunaro appear above your own head when you have it as well. That would definitely fix the problem with being unsure if you have it or not. And it'd be a quick fix as well.


  • Forcing people that never played Lunaro to go through all the practice.Enough newbies ruining games because they don't know how to shoot a ball.
  • Being able to choose the team you want to play with, and having the game not start until the teams are evened out. (this should've been in all other team-based conclave modes as well.)
  • Some cooldown/penality after checking, or completely remove it, because as it is now, people just seem to spam checking while other teammates do the work. It can't be anything but frustrating.
  • Along with the teammate marker, make the vortex stronger for the receiving teammates (for example if you're in team sun and the lunaro is orange, your vortex will be 25% stronger than a moon player's.)
  • Some bonuses that encourage teamplay, for example: a growing immunity to stagger the more you pass (capped of course), a "super throw" after 5 passes that staggers enemies only and can be received by teammates, passes shown in the end screen, and maybe more. 
  • A UI icon when you have the lunaro in your hands, with a timer to show how long until it becomes unstable. The sound effect it has is either very misleading, or bugged with a bad host.

If there are any further suggestions pls leave then in the reply section and I will try to add some of them here if they're reasonable enough.See you all on the arena, Tenno.

Edited by HunterFenrir
SoulEchelon's suggestion for the player to know he has the Lunaro. TheScytale's large wall of suggestion has been added.
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Hey first post here. First off, thank you so much DE for Lunaro, it is a blast of fun. Honestly I understand people like complaining, however I think you guys have always done a good job, thanks for letting us play your game. Second, I gave some thought to peoples complaints and figured why not offer two cents. Suggestions: It would be cool and helpful if players who catch successful passes gain immunity to checks for a short period, and if players who successfully pass the ball gain a slight speed boost, players who successfully catch a goal gain check immunity and further throwing distance, and lastly it might encourage more team play by making the ball fall faster. Regardless of any changes I will not stop playing Lunaro. So, thanks DE!

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