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Lunaro Feedback [Megathread]


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42 minutes ago, Ax0r said:

I agree with you and like the idea. As long as there is a way to harm opponents some people will always abuse that and spoil the game for everyone else. Intercepting passes is actually not that hard. At the moment checking is not only annoying when spammed but it disrupts the whole concept of teamwork in general since whenever you hold the lunaro you are forced to just throw it away quickly before somebody completely rams you down making passing impossible, or just all your teammates get locked down in pointless fights.

I don't know why DE is so obsessed with checking that even after 20 pages and several youtube videos of negative feedback couldn't convince them to remove it, just make tiny irrelevant changes to it, but please finally spare us from this horrible feature because at the moment Lunaro is nearly unenjoyable .

Especially since all players but the host play on lag right now, it is impossible to react to tackles and dodge them in any way...

Edit: Just played another round, got stunlocked from halfime on because i carried our team, couldnt move for the rest of the game. How fun.

Edited by CrudShuzKong
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To promote teamplay, it'd be great to add some small arrows for our teammates as well. Because when in doubt, I'll always try to pass myself to score a goal. If it were easier to see where exactly my teammates are, I'd probably try passing them more often.

Got a very useful tip from a mate, too: Turn on names in Options > Hud > Show Teammate Names. That actually helps a lot.

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First few hours of playing. Here's my impressions:

  • Passing doesn't seem to be working as described. The way I understood it is that when you pass to a teammate with a chevron, it acts as sort of a lock-on. As it is, I'm just throwing as usual.
  • Sometimes the other team can interact with the ball without clearing. Can't really figure out how it happens, it just does.
  • Stunlocking problems are big. Especially if you're playing goalie. Tackling in general needs some serious work. I love the idea of being able to steal, but it's so easy that between the boom-timer and the risk of getting tackled, it makes more sense to just lob it once you've got it.
  • Visibility is rough. Many times I don't know if the ball is loose, but was last handled by the opposing team, or if it's in the hands of the opposing team. The three pillars make sense, but if you're playing defense, they cause some serious blindness (maybe just make players and the ball always show through them?). As many others have said, the fov is in too close.
  • If there are an even number of players, the teams should automatically balance. Nothing's worse than 3v1. Well, maybe 3v1 and being stunlocked.
  • Can we just have our team colors as an aura for all players? Including us? Sort of a holographic team uniform.
  • Right now, speed is...well, it's weird. Sprinting is super slow. Catching up with the ball, running to the other side of the field, trying to get to a teammate, it's all very difficult without the shoulder charge attack as a quick boost, but it being linked to an attack can make it a little unsportsmanlike. 
  • Is it me, or does the block attractor need a little more magnetism? Right now it barely feels like it works, if it works at all.
  • Could we get a mercy rule, or a concede option that your team has to approve? If there's going to be a punishment system, it'd be really helpful, especially when the teams are unbalanced.

I gotta say, when Lunaro works, it's incredible. It makes me shout, and hoot, and holler so much I feel bad for my neighbors. When it doesn't work, it's really unpleasant. I'm not expecting you to fix people, but tweaks and safeguards could make this mad hermit play well with others. Oh, and I'd be so in for a little Folding@Warframe server action. Sorry, SETI, fictional sports are happening!

Edited by TheMalachai
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1 hour ago, TheMalachai said:

Sometimes the other team can interact with the ball without clearing. Can't really figure out how it happens, it just does.

The times you pass throught the ball, and the enemy behind you gets it. even with 150 ping limit, its not reliable at all.

Cant even go lower than that or I find no matches.

1 hour ago, TheMalachai said:
  • Is it me, or does the block attractor need a little more magnetism? Right now it barely feels like it works, if it works at all.

It works based on the host, the host has the best magnetism.

Otherwise, the magnetism is VERY weak, trying to get the ball from the air? Its much better to jump into it instead, even then, depending on the ping, you wont even get it. Magnetism has no use at all.

... well, it can make the ball do an odd curve in the air to avoid you.

Edited by Venom-Snake
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Yes.... YES..yes... idk
I would like suggest the idea of setting roles or maybe at least just one role like goalie.
In my few games in pubs I've been the victim of teams where everyone goes to the ball no matter what. Everyone just seems to huddle around the ball checking each other and destabilizing the ball ( I can't remember what it's called so i just call it that) and when it finally comes to one of the teams getting a goal opportunity its always one team has a goalie and the other doesn't so once one of the teams score they almost instantly score again and again because everyone just thinks to run to the ball. I just feel that goalie being forced or at least shown as an option for role. I think that with this 4v4 might be able to come back but then again I dont know much right but even in 3v3 it would be good. This is just my two cents on the issue thank you for reading.

Edited by theswordsoslight
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Give us a quick filling life bar. If somebody is attacked until they get knocked out before they can recharge, then the offender gets penalized.

Also give us temporary immunity while getting back up from a knock-back. At least enough time to bullet jump away.

It's not good sportsmanship to stop somebody from being able to play.

Edited by sir_deadlock
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I can only concur with the previous points made.

So far, I really love the idea of Lunaro, and can be really fun when you don't have disruptive players (e.g. check spammers).

The problems I've encountered are the following:

  • Tutorial / Practice not clear enough: At the start, I couldn't launch the Lunaro. Teshin kept telling me to tap fire, which I assumed was the left-click. It was nowhere mentioned that your Channel button is used to fire the Lunaro.
  • Check spamming / Stunlocking: While not very common, I assign myself as a goalie once, and one particular prick would stick next to me, stunlocking me instead of going for the Lunaro which was on the other side of the field. It wouldn't be a problem, if there was a limit to being checked. We have no time to recover from checks, and this can be quickly taken advantage of by disruptive players.
  • Very odd hitboxes: I do not lag when playing warframe, but there are some instances where I clearly checked someone and they didn't stumble at all. Similarly when I smash the Lunaro to get it unstable, it doesn't register.
  • Crosshair visibility: A very minor problem, but the white crosshairs are not that visible when aiming at the goal rings, especially when aiming from the sides. Had a few missed shots because I couldn't see where my crosshair was. Would like an option to change the color of crosshairs.

Those are what I consider problematic in this otherwise great mode. I would also suggest a larger attraction mode radius, as it only seems to work when you're one foot away from the Lunaro.

Edited by SHIR0B0N
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Check spamming is gross. We need invulnerability when we aren't carrying the ball, and no knockdowns only staggers.

Saving doesn't seem to work - I've never gotten a save point when the ball is going directly into the goal.

Players should be locked out their opponent's box/zone after scoring a point until the ball has left the zone. Every game I've been in has players scoring goals, then instantly jumping out and back in the zone to steal the ball for another goal. It's unfair.

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4 hours ago, Patomalox said:

I really think there must be a "Non Stun" safe time after being stunned, this is kinda cheap and it get me very frustrated

Il leave a video of an example



This video nicely illustrates the most glaring problem with the game mode right now. Giving knocked-down players exactly zero time to recover and act to avoid being knocked down again encourages "lock down" tactics like the Sun team is using in the video. A very simple solution would be to make knocked-down players immune to immediately being knocked down again, perhaps for just a second or two after getting up, so they can either escape or retaliate. This would also make knockdowns more tactical, in that the knockdown instigator would have to weigh the benefit of knocking down his opponent against the short time of invulnerability he will gain afterwards. 

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11 minutes ago, IANOBW said:

Check spamming is gross. We need invulnerability when we aren't carrying the ball, and no knockdowns only staggers.

Saving doesn't seem to work - I've never gotten a save point when the ball is going directly into the goal.

Players should be locked out their opponent's box/zone after scoring a point until the ball has left the zone. Every game I've been in has players scoring goals, then instantly jumping out and back in the zone to steal the ball for another goal. It's unfair.

At least they should have kinda add knockdown resist (but able to be staggered) for players in the gold floor right in front of the goal, everytime i join random pub, as someone try to become a goalie, they been pinned down with stunlock/check spam and attacked mercilessly, and it could went for the whole match. Sometimes i had to pin them down with their own way to let my teammate free. We may need some penalty for people who keep on check spamming on one person, like, disarmed and unable to attack after knocking down same person for 3-5 times in a row and short time, and needs them to return to their defend zone to rearm their arcata.

the Saving score is probably when you catch the ball right in front of the goal, it scores for me when i do goalie thingy. Try catching opponent's throw right in front of the goal (the area with gold floor).

The last point i fully agreed, especially when you're in moon team, 2vs1, one of the opponents stunlocks you with check spam, the other keep on scoring to your goal. This irks me the most.

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My main issue with the mode though has to do with matchmaking.

1 - 90% of the time, when I join a game, I get placed in an existing match where I join a team that already is losing by at least 8 points. Spending twenty minutes playing catch up sucks, especially since you usually join in a 2vs3 game and and you have to catch up with a missing player.

2 - For some reason, the teams are always imbalanced ... I've had more games of 3vs1 or 3vs2 than actual games of 3vs3... Lunaro is a game where having three players makes a whole lot of difference. I mean, the field is big, you need at least two people on attack and one playing more defensively... So having 3vs1 should litterally never happen. How is a single player supposed to protect his goal, avoid being tackled , manage both to get ball out of his zone and score on his own against three other people again ? I'm inclined think 4 vs 4 was more balanced overall... That gave you a better chance to at least get two players that didn't suck and to create proper team plays...

3 - The game doesn't keep track of your actual skill level, and doesn't shuffle teams to accomodate huge discrepancies in player skill. If there's three players with an average of 8 points on team sun, and three players with zero goals on team moon, perhaps a reshuffle needs to happen mid-game, like shooters have auto team balance... At the very least, make it so that teams are balanced based on on their previous game's score at the end of a match. If a guy keeps getting 5+ points each game, he should be matched with people of the same skill level as him.

4 - Two rounds is fine when teams are balanced, but most of the time it's a chore since one team usually wipes the floor with the other team, forcing another round where the gap only keeps widening. I guess it would be better to have a single round with the possibility for a rematch if players liked their first round.

5 - Likewise, the game needs a cap on the amount of goals you can score...When it's 26-0, it's no use letting the game drag on and the humilitation continue. Just add a rule that the first team that gets 10-12-15 points wins by default...

6 - Finally, there's a real need for some form of player ranking and matchmaking based on player skill. It sucks for both noobs to be pitted against pros, or for pros to be teamed up with noobs that can't play the game.


In the end, I think most of these issues could be fixed by some form of auto team balance.

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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39 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

5 - Likewise, the game needs a cap on the amount of goals you can score...When it's 26-0, it's no use letting the game drag on and the humilitation continue. Just add a rule that the first team that gets 10-12-15 points wins by default...

its capped on 50 ._.

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Played more matches. In fact, i'd say i spent 50% of this day by playing Lunaro.

On 17.06.2016 at 4:02 PM, Thundervision said:

Played about 15 matches. Really like the mode (though, i was sceptical), but even so, there are things that frustrate me:

  • Heavy Landing (HL). With Parkour 2.0 released i think Heavy Landing is something that Stamina and Coptering forgot to take with 'em. Now with Lunaro released it started to bother me again. I know you can slide/glide/roll to avoid this, but sometimes it still triggers ignoring movements for me which is really awkward in Lunaro when you intercept the ball/pass and then end up with HL. I think it should be: a) removed from both PvE and PvP, b) from Lunaro only, c) much faster to recover from. 
  • Carrying indication. I don't know how many times i got the ball and didn't even know about this. Right now i'm looking at points to be sure if i got the ball -- but it distracts me from the things happening on the screen/field. I think a louder sound indication or forced channeling on warframe when you get the ball would help a lot.
  • E - spamming. Well, this is very simple. It's annoying and it's just a mindless spamming most of the time. I think just a small cooldown would balance it -- you'd wait for a good moment to strike or stun instead of smashing [E] all the time.
  • Movements. Jumps and Bullet Jumps are OK, the running speed, though, isn't. Feels too slow, the mode demonstrates it pretty well when you carry the ball trying to run from the opponents to pass the bass/score. The first thing i do when i get the ball is panic search for nearby teammates to pass to before i get stunlocked/E-spammed.
  • "Get 4 goals in a match" challenge. Now this is something i was complaining about since the Capture the Cephalon mode. In a teamwork based mode having a challenge like this simply ruins your attempts at "teamwork", since the challenge is individual to each person and most of the people i was playing with simply tried to score no matter what: no passes, no help. They just get the ball and try to score, doesn't matter if they're surrounded by opponent team members or running on the other side of the field, they see you as a potential source of the ball to get from, and after that they most likely won't pass it back. So, speaking of teamwork, @N7-CommanderShepard gave a perfect idea of replacing "Get 4 (personal) goals in a match" with "Help your team to get 4 goals in a match" or simply "Get 4 team-goals in a match" (if someone's scoring, then every member get a challenge updated/completed).
  • Matchmaking/Team Balance. Sadly, isn't OK, too. Although, i haven't encountered a heavy laggin' hosts, the matchmaking with the team balance do weird things like re-balancing to 1vs3 or simply locking you in Solo after Host Migration (i'd list it, too. But unless we get  Dedicated Servers, there's nothing we can do with this, even if you're the host, Alt+F4 all the things). For team re-balance i thing it should restart the game and balance it if the teams are 0vs2 (yep, this is possible), 1vs3 etc.



So, compared to my first day, today was a bad day:

#1: Matchmaking:

Had a Ping cap set at 150, had to lower it to 100 today, because no matter what 9 of 10 games had laggy hosts (was laggy not just for me, but for the other players, too) and all things related to it were there as well: the ball was either teleporting in «convulsions» or flying through me ignoring catches, attraction or kicks. One of my bitter moments: i catched the ball in front of the gates -- got points for this, BUT, the game still registered the goal. Or when i tried to catch the ball in mid-air -- no attraction effect.

Also the teams, about 5 times i joined the team with 3 players (=4 if we count me) while the other team had 2 players. Same thing happens if there is 1vs2 match -- players join a duo-team instead of yours, so, basically:

1vs2 -- the 4th player joins a duo-team

1vs3 or 2vs3 -- same here, the new player most likely will join the team with more members in. Happens pretty often if there was a Host Migration before.

I think there should be an auto-reset in case of imbalanced teams or the requirement when the match simply won't start unless there are 2 members in each team. Perhaps, adding a practice minute (or two) before the actual match would also help, so people wouldn't wait on the players list screen.

#2: E-spams/Knockdowns.

If previosly i was saying that adding a CD on E after hit would help a lot, now i think it needs a foul system, since CD won't prevent players from simple griefing.

Literally, as many of players said here and in the other topics, i had the same experience -- had a goalkeeper role, saved our gates a few times and then a guy comes in (in a goalkeeper zone) and starts knocking me down preventing me from recovery. Given the fact that the ball was on the other side of the field along with both teams, it was just stupid and clearly abusing. One time... two times... three times. Then i just started to PM those players with message like «Jesus Christ, dude, chill out» -- i get it, yes, you're disappointed that you can't score because of me, there is no need to show your anger this way.

Another example is when you constantly get knocked down after trying to help/catch the ball. Some players won't leave you alone and will try to hunt you down even if you're not a goalkeeper or carrying the ball.

I'd say, if you attack the opponent with no reason (if he doesn't carry the ball or stays within goalkeeper zone while the ball is on the other side) or keep attacking a knocked down one -- get a foul disabling your Arcata (not sure if Teshin would be proud of young Tenno demonstrating their violent tendencies in a competitive game) and melee button for 10s.

#3: Clear the zone/Replay.

Now this one, i'm not sure if this caused by ping or it's a bug... but sometimes the opposite team break in your safe zone before the replay is over -- you just watched a goal replay and then, just 0.5-1.5s later, you get another goal in your gates. In fact, sometimes their Arcata doesn't get disabled even if there's a message to leave safe zone. This one is really frustrating, and i don't think i had this issue in Lunaro 2 :S

#4: Camera position and teammates indication.

Not sure how the others feel about the cam position, but i would like to pull it a bit back, so i could see what's happening behind making me able to react (like jump, throw the ball or pass it) in time w/o needing to use mouse and losing the front view.

About teammates indication. Sadly, it still needs more visibility, since the field is big enough and warframes are really small on the other side, more than that the map is pretty dark making it very difficult to see and aim. What if your teammates get energy trail enabled if they use «Block» aka Arcata's attraction in additional to icons? Or at least adding a glowing aura would improve it a lot.

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2 hours ago, IANOBW said:

Saving doesn't seem to work - I've never gotten a save point when the ball is going directly into the goal.

It is working but not every time. Maybe the credit is given only when the Lunaro was going to enter the goal.
I only take credit for it when I am inside the gold small area just outside the goal.

Edited by GreatThanos
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5 minutes ago, GreatThanos said:

It is working but not every time. Maybe the credit is given only when the Lunaro was going to enter the goal.
I only take credit for it when I am inside the gold small area just outside the goal.

you mean the gold floor'd area right in front of the goal right? i did intercepts some oponent's goal attempt in that area and the stats for Saving is counted in

Probably it's like how goalie guard their goal, scored for each goal attempt stopped

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8 hours ago, Patomalox said:

I really think there must be a "Non Stun" safe time after being stunned, this is kinda cheap and it get me very frustrated

Il leave a video of an example



"We focus, not violence, but harmony and friendship"


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I don't know if it's been suggested already, but how about a 0.01 Mobility penalty applied to each player on the winning team, multiplied by the number of goals by which they're winning?  Alternatively, add a 0.01 Mobility boost to each player on the losing team for each goal that they're losing.  It's a negligible difference in close games, but it would make blowouts more difficult to accomplish.  Because, as much as players enjoy winning games, they hate being on the losing side of blowouts even more.

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Couple of fixes need to be implemented.

  1. Matchmaking.  I've had teammates once so far.  that one time i joined as the fourth man against a single opponent.  The others were usually 3v1.  This shouldn't happen ever
  2. Melee-ing,  dear god everything is just stunlocking everything.  I don't want it gone, but something needs to be done.  I suggest a combo of faster recovery or invunerability in addition to some sort of penalty to the melee-er.  (punch on cooldown, half speed for 1 second, staggered themselves, etc)
  3. Connections.  I've managed to knock myself over by getting hit in the back by the ball that I punched.  Yeah, you have client side hosting.  I will still blame you and hold it against this game's quality.  Require hosts to have a minimum connection quality.

Other than these things. it has a lot of potential.  Reminds me a lot of rocket league which I find to be quite fun.

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In example Moon scores in Sun's hole and now must clear Sun's area before the ball drops. Once Moon clears the area the ball drops but almost immediately Moon is able to jump back into the area and check or grab the ball. I feel this is an unfair advantage to the Sun team as it gives them little to no time to react to a team of Moon who can and will be aggressive. This can happen from either side and it can end up trapping the team in a constant ball steal, checking, grabbing and scoring frenzy from the opposite team. I feel to fix that issue is simple by A: putting the scoring side on a 2-3 sec cooldown for checking or B: set up a barrier that drops only after the losing side grabs the ball first. Lastly this needs a ranking system to better match make players against similar skill levels.

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Just now, Feenx-sama said:

In example Moon scores in Sun's hole and now must clear Sun's area before the ball drops. Once Moon clears the area the ball drops but almost immediately Moon is able to jump back into the area and check or grab the ball. I feel this is an unfair advantage to the Sun team as it gives them little to no time to react to a team of Moon who can and will be aggressive. This can happen from either side and it can end up trapping the team in a constant ball steal, checking, grabbing and scoring frenzy from the opposite team. I feel to fix that issue is simple by A: putting the scoring side on a 2-3 sec cooldown for checking or B: set up a barrier that drops only after the losing side grabs the ball first. Lastly this needs a ranking system to better match make players against similar skill levels.

It's weird to me that being unable to enter the area until the enemy team has thrown wasn't something right from the start, it's a basic rule in almost every sport that involves scoring goals

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4 minutes ago, Monchopin said:

It's weird to me that being unable to enter the area until the enemy team has thrown wasn't something right from the start, it's a basic rule in almost every sport that involves scoring goals

Agreed, that should be a thing or rule.

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*note: I am not a pvp(conclave) player.

Here is my feedback:

- Knock down - opponent player can knock you down (without ball) whole game when you can't stand and react at all. Usually I'm getting moments when one of players just not came for playing but for hitting others, and like 20-30 sec just knocked down - Should be limit of hits (for example, every 3 seconds you can hit a player).

- Clearing zone after scoring - an opponent that standing outside 'zone' can just jump inside and score more (make ball invulnerable for 3-5 sec for opposite team, even when they clear zone).

- Movement - maybe movement is too fast - looks like player throwing a ball through whole map and catching first in mid air, and that is  why on every ball 2 or 3 players from the same team are fighting, I mean players (at least in public rooms) don't care where they will throw it , if they can catch it in every corner after this - players can pass in 3-4 seconds whole arena.

- I'm playing on low settings , for me this arena looks darkest than other pve, and it is very hard to see players of my/opponent team (a point for DE).

- Stealing ball when shoot on goal if a player attracts a ball in front of you.

Conclave modes/warframes getting advantage in this mod?

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