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Lunaro Bugs [Megathread]


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Incoming players placed on wrong team.

(Duplication and possible fix contained within post.)


  • Sun team has more players than Moon. But, when another new player joins, he's placed on Sun.
    • Observed Cases: (Sun Players : Moon Players)
      • 2:1 -> 3:1 -> 3:2 -> 4:2 (capped)
      • 1:1 -> 2:1 -> 3:1 (match ended)
      • 3:1 -> 3:2 (match ended)
      • 2:0 (match auto-ended)
    • Occurs only in squads that are continuing from a previous game.
    • It repairs itself if the match ends.
    • Theory: Occurs when the squad undergoes a host migration between games, in which the new host was previously on Moon Team.
    • (It's as if the Host is still being counted on Moon team according to the matchmaker.)
    • Quick/ Hacky Fix: Set the matchmaker to fill to Moon if it thinks teams are equal. (So long as how you do this doesn't change the Host = Sun guarantee.)


  • Duplication:
    • First match:
      • Sun: player.A (Host) + player.x
      • Moon: player.B + player.x
    • Finish match, player.A (Host) leaves the lobby
    • player.B selected as new Host
    • Second match begins:
      • Sun: player.B (Host) + player.x
      • Moon: player.x
    • New player.x joins the game
    • Result:
      • Sun: player.B (Host) + player.x + player.x
      • Moon: player.x
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Lunaro timer stops at 1:08 first half time, it happened twice, and only moves one when sun scores. 


PS: Information to everyone, "Sun" is always ahead because the host will be always in sun team., notice that sun will always have the 4 players bug.

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36 minutes ago, The_Snowflake_from_Hell said:

Daily missions are not being completed no matter how many intercepts or goals you achieve. I have scored well over 4 goals in a single match on 3 different matches with 3 different hosts and the daily missions did not complete at all.


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3 hours ago, oldversions said:


I completed the dailies last night with no issues. Keep in mind that the "Focused" daily must be inside of a single match. If you don't complete it, your progress resets to zero. 


Also, be aware by the time you posted, the dailies would have recycled. I don't know if this was already the case when you were trying. 

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I'm having the same problem with controls... but at the moment the only problem I have is that my LMB (fire) doesn't do anything at all, it simply won't let me pass or throw the ball and somehow Melee Channel is throwing... As for the shoulder charge / melee attacks it works fine with my MMB (quick melee for me) as well as RMB (aim / block) for pulling the ball towards me or blocking... I really hope that this is gonna be fixed as I was really looking forward to play more of Lunaro, right now having to press melee channel to either pass or throw the ball doesn't feel natural at all for me! 

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when i sometimes press LMB to throw the ball even in practice my character simply swings the arcata and nothing happens and it's even worse when sliding cause the ball sometimes just gets thrown softly on the ground it's not even working properly 

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On this image you see 4 members of team Sun and two members of team Moon. I didn't shoot the reward screen (I thought the chat was enough, but I see now that it's only my team), one of the Sun members didn't appear on the list, so the game thought it was 3v2. I joined together with another person who appeared on my loading screen, so I think it was 2v2, then the game assigned me to one team and assigned the person who joined with me to the same team. And since him and I use the same spot he isn't on the reward screen? (btw thought I could get some points for participation and stayed aside and for the entire duration nobody wanted to switch places so I could play a little :( )

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14 hours ago, The_Snowflake_from_Hell said:

Daily missions are not being completed no matter how many intercepts or goals you achieve. I have scored well over 4 goals in a single match on 3 different matches with 3 different hosts and the daily missions did not complete at all.


10 hours ago, Aurentus said:

I completed the dailies last night with no issues. Keep in mind that the "Focused" daily must be inside of a single match. If you don't complete it, your progress resets to zero. 


Also, be aware by the time you posted, the dailies would have recycled. I don't know if this was already the case when you were trying. 


1 hour ago, Dhiib said:

daily challenges for lunaro wont update. f.ex focused goal (4 goals in one match) wont finish even if i score 10+ goals


28 minutes ago, BKreborn said:

i tried finishing a challenge that asks me to do 4 goals in a match. i did 5 and got zero rewards.url]

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Would it be possible to confirm whether or not any of you were the host of the game? The information and testing regarding this issue seems to be pointed at only hosts are getting progress/completing their daily challenges. If any one can confirm they are not the host and are still completing challenges or the reverse, that would help.

Greatly appreciate it.

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17 hours ago, Aurentus said:

I completed the dailies last night with no issues. Keep in mind that the "Focused" daily must be inside of a single match. If you don't complete it, your progress resets to zero. 


Also, be aware by the time you posted, the dailies would have recycled. I don't know if this was already the case when you were trying. 

I know what "Focused" means. I got 5 goals in a single match, with no host migrations or lag, and didn't get it. I went and got 4 in another match, still didn't get it. I posted this a while after these attempts, so yes, those challenges were still active at the time. It's a bug, perhaps not for you, but some of us are having the issue.

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More bugs: With the Lunaro 3 update, while stagger locking was eliminated it seems it's even easier than before to stunlock as I have been knocked down multiple times during the get up animation giving me even less time than before to react.

The Arcata seems to hit players more than once per swing I was lagging pretty bad in a game earlier so I decided to just try to be an annoyance for the enemy team since I coulden't coordinate properly. While hitting a Chroma I seemed to hit ~3 times per swing and was seeing numbers between 20-30, however when I was swinging at an atlas I would only hit 1-2 times per swing and was doing between 7-15 damage. I don't know what could cause that but additionally I could hit players while they were on the floor from being knocked over so they would be able to be knocked over again before even getting up. (When I did this I was using LMB rather than "E")

Just experienced an extremely laggy game so I'm not sure to what extent these bugs can be adressed but they're all associated with lag past this:

-Lunaro dissapears. game was pretty laggy but 1 second it would be there the next second gone, I even went so far as to check other player's Arcatas and it simply wasn't there.

-No indicators appearing over players heads, this applies both to the indicator for who has the Lunaro as well as the passing indicator.

-When hitting the Lunaro to cause it to go unstable it would move at angles contrary to where I hit it from causing it to hit me and the process and end up closer to our goal.

-Thrown Lunaros bouncing off of me while holding RMB with the Arcata (Should attract) and nullifying it.

-Lunaro spontaniously changes diraction mid-air with no external influence. I would be following it one second only to see it make a sharp right for no reason, nobody was anywhere near it.

-Lunaro leaves my arcata when running with it randomly. Could be seen in the replay from the score I had the Lunaro it flew up (Nobody hit me, I didn't aim glide) and another player had no problem grabbing it and scoring.

-(not sure about this one but I'm going to associate it with lag)Hit the Lunaro to make it unstable and a player on the enemy team was capable of catching it with their Arcata and scoring while it was still clearly purple. Again could still be seen in the replay.

Again all the hyphenated bugs I experienced were in a game with really poor connection quality so I'm not sure to what extent they would effect most standard gameplay but I'd hope the experience could at least be made a little better for those who don't want to completely abandon their team just because of lag.

Edited by -Amaterasu-
More bugs - Clarification
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first problem is the constant checking i can't have the ball for 2 seconds and when i try to throw it it just gets taken from me or my character doesn't throw it at all some people are doing bullet jumps faster than me even though there's nothing different i am doing and some people are lightning fast or what? i was at the opposing team goal my friend threw me the lunaro and i was alone suddenly after pressing the LMB someone just checked me even when i check it doesn't work for me i mean FFS this mode is simply not enjoyable at all 

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I keep having this bug were for the rest of the match I can't throw the Lunaro, shoulder dash, or basically do anything but grab and throw. Then I noticed when I did grab the ball I could hold it for longer then 5 seconds. Only way to drop it was bullet jumping, it's very annoying. 

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I spawned alone in a game when the host left during countdown; It was just him and me, and instead of migrating and staying in the lobby to wait for players to join, I was put - alone - into an empty field. Game started, I ended up scoring 50 times, game ended.

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There is a something in Lunaro that seems wrong that I have experienced lately. In a game with friends I was able to be knocked down after a single check, each check knocked me down instantly, is this intentional? I am not sure if it should be, I was rendered unable to move by a few checks in a row, as each one knocked me down without any checks before hand

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I was playing Lunaro and my team was losing, so as usual somebody ragequited during the first halftime. He apparently was the host so we migrated to somebody else which took longer than usual, so much so that the matchmaking had found somebody to fill the gap before we were back in the game...

...except he was put on the winning team, turning the game into a 4v2. I'm not kidding, there were 4 players on Sun team against 2 Moon team players. All players were able to see and touch the ball and other players (which turned the game into a high-school bully scene as 2 Suns were beating up the only 2 Moon players while the 2 remaining Sun players were free to score at their leisure). The 4th sun played didn't show up on the scoreboard both at half time and at the end.

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