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Does anyone actually like these missions?


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The missions I'm referring to are extermination, capture, sabotage (the run here, blow up core, and extract ones) deception, and mobile defense.

Capture, sabotage, and deception are pretty much the same mission. Run to location, destroy weak target, or install datamass, and extract.

The only reason I ever use "press 4 to win" is because slowly killing 150ish enemies is rather dull for a game like this, to say the least. 

The enemies on mobile defense are so weak compared to us that it feels like a chore guarding the defense "stations". A player should never sigh when they see that they have to guard more than two stations (I'm referring to before they all had three); they should be happy that they get to enjoy the mission longer. 

TL;DR: Enough of what this fool thinks. What I really want to know is, does anyone enjoy playing these missions and why?

Edit: This thread was never intended to be feedback, which is why I did not ask for or provide suggestions on how to improve what I perceived to be boring missions and placed it in general discussion.

Edited by (PS4)B0XMAN517
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god I've come to loathe exterminates. They are such a dull gamemode.

Love capture and deception. In and out, and you're done.


Problem with mobile defense is how long they take, and how nothing really progresses as you defend more terminals

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I enjoy New Sabotage a bit. If the coolant stations had more variety I'd like them a lot more

Deception is a relic of a bygone age, I would not be surprised if it gets an update soon

(also, Mob Def always has you guarding for a total of six minutes, unlike before. You're not guarding for longer if there are more stations. I do agree with @bowiespoon that there should be some sort of changeup in the later terminals though)

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Capture and Deception are both pretty terrible, i'll make no attempt to defend those.

Extermination missions I didn't use to enjoy but then it occurred to me that they are a great place for having fun with strange builds, because efficiency becomes less of a concern you can just do what you want (within reason).

The simple versions of the sabotage, which don't even have caches strike me as being legacy missions that should probably be removed.

Mobile Defence? well I find them far less tedious than normal defence missions at least.

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im not shure what you are talking about, sometimes all the missions are a bit easier as stated and sometimes harder as stated, i for myself dont need continously and everywhere a t4 or raidlevel for whatever move i do in a mission

im fine with as it is given, sometimes i can breath, sometimes i die, sometimes i fight harder ... etc.

i guess you like to play for yourself and feeling "good" or "special", warframe is 90 % teamwork for enjoying it, and farming things and more

there is a lot of possibillities in each mission and only rushers or people which are haunted play different

feeling like a good player by not seeing "the whole picture" is meaningless ^^)

Edited by Guest
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Before they made capture targets immunte to CC I liked everything in the list except Mobile Defense. But I still like Extermination, Sabotage and Deception (though I'm mostly neutral to the latter). Especially Sabotage - I like cache hunting.

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29 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

The missions I'm referring to are extermination, capture, sabotage (the run here, blow up core, and extract ones) deception, and mobile defense.

Capture, sabotage, and deception are pretty much the same mission. Run to location, destroy weak target, or install datamass, and extract.

The only reason I ever use "press 4 to win" is because slowly killing 150ish enemies is rather dull for a game like this, to say the least. 

The enemies on mobile defense are so weak compared to us that it feels like a chore guarding the defense "stations". A player should never sigh when they see that they have to guard more than two stations (I'm referring to before they all had three); they should be happy that they get to enjoy the mission longer. 

TL;DR: Enough of what this fool thinks. What I really want to know is, does anyone enjoy playing these missions and why?

Nope there worthless for affinity gain and should be removed.


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I'm fine with all these modes... Deception could be made more interesting I suppose. Killing enemies there is completely optional. I dislike exterminates though not because the mode is boring, but because most of the time you'll get something like a WoF build Ember or Maim build Equinox and the mode turns from an Exterminate to a Marathon.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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Simple question, since you dislike exterminates, capture, deception and rescue would you prefer if warframe where just survival, excavation and defense and nothing else. I mean, wouldn't it be better to make a thread about how to make these missions better as opposed to seeking community reinforcement on not liking the mission. Not liking them will never change them.

You know what, forget what i just said. DE made a game about ninjas(you know, strike from the shadows, catch your enemies off guard, methodically do a mission without the enemies ever knowing you where there) then added game modes that had nothing to do with being ninjas. They should just make us super powered mercenaries once and for all, we clearly don't act like ninjas.

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I don't mind them too much since they are different enough from one another.

However, exterminates need an overhaul or needs to go, because I am tired of killing everything that has spawned and leading me to the extraction, but needing to backtrack to make enemies spawn again.

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Mobile Defense is actually quite nice for levelling, I'd go Kappa all day a few updates before, it's just now you got interception which is more fun.

Exterminates is fine for me, nothing special but it's essential, how come there would be no exterminate missions when Tennos used to cleanse the infested ships.

I believe some quick missions like capture and sabotage are needed or it will be too painful to clear the maps.

However I think they should give deception a rework, this mission has been here even before I started playing in U8, and they make no sense at all caz if you see a bunch of Tennos stuffing anything into your system you would go recover it, then how do you make this a deception?

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Exterminate is boring. It should only be an extra or alternate condition. "Change of plans, eliminate everyone."

I understand the idea behind Capture, but no I don't like how it's executed. Warframe likes to borrow from other genres. Why not make this more like Assassin's Creed, where you enter a staged room filled with enemies and need to find a way to safely (or not) capture the target. If they catch on or you mess up, then they start running.

The oldest Sabotage missions will likely be replaced on the tilesets that still have them, same way all the old Spy missions eventually were.

Deception is boring. It's not inherently flawed as a primary objective like Exterminate is, it just needs more going on.

I like Mobile Defense. I think there should be some kind of stealth bonus, like shortening the time it takes to extract the data if no alarms have gone off before you reach the first computer. But I'd rather this than Defense. I hate Defense and Survival.

Edited by Roboplus
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40 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

The missions I'm referring to are extermination, capture, sabotage (the run here, blow up core, and extract ones) deception, and mobile defense.

Capture, sabotage, and deception are pretty much the same mission. Run to location, destroy weak target, or install datamass, and extract.

The only reason I ever use "press 4 to win" is because slowly killing 150ish enemies is rather dull for a game like this, to say the least. 

The enemies on mobile defense are so weak compared to us that it feels like a chore guarding the defense "stations". A player should never sigh when they see that they have to guard more than two stations (I'm referring to before they all had three); they should be happy that they get to enjoy the mission longer. 

TL;DR: Enough of what this fool thinks. What I really want to know is, does anyone enjoy playing these missions and why?

I like sabotage,exterminate,capture,and deceptiop.I however hate survival and defense missions because they become boring very fast.I like the missions you mentioned for soul  reason is that they're faster and u can get 2 prime parts in like 4mins if you're fast abd lucky.SUR,D,INTERCEPTION,EXCAVATION,AND MD are all boring to me because its nothing different.Just killing stuff for 20mins,or 20waves,or 4 tounds is boring.What De should do is change the enemies that spawn eevery 5waves,every 5 mins,every round,etc.Because overall I find those missions boring.

Edited by Pratigious
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None of those are as bad survival imo. The big problem with those is that you have to wait 20 minutes for a C rotation. Defense is also really bad imo.

The mission types you listed aren't very interesting, but I don't mind them in general, because you can just do them quickly. I actually only do syndicate missions if I can finish them quickly. The only one this isn't true for are mobile defenses and those are actually OK.

5 minutes ago, Roboplus said:

I like Mobile Defense. I think there should be some kind of stealth bonus, like shortening the time it takes to extract the data if no alarms have gone off before you reach the first computer.

I like this idea. Just give us a little more to do. The mobile defense on the moon is actually quite interesting because the sentients show up there.

In the end it doesn't really matter imo. The new missions are way more interesting, so sooner or later the old ones will be replaced and for the most part they do a really good job with the new ones (still think the new sabotage missions should have void keys in the caches).

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I like sabotage when there's caches. Good rewards, not too long, and there's more to do than just kill people.

Exterminate and capture are good for quick rewards if you're looking for something specific.

Deception actually has it's uses and can be used for stealth farming, along with sabotage.

Mobile defense is the scourge of the void and needs to be killed with fire.

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I don't really like exterminates *in general*, but syndicate exterminates are an exception, because of the ~8 items hidden on the map. Because of the limited nature of standing, hunting for these 8 items makes the mission interesting. Also when I'm fooling around and take my time with a mission, exterminate can be fun - trying to headshot people with the paris prime, trying to not get noticed, despite playing valkyr and not a stealth frame.

Deception is downright boring as there's no payoff to what you do. You don't get to notice any change from you uploading that thin on the enemy's computers. 

Sabotage is fine, it feels like there's a payoff. You blow up the reactor and everyone comes chasing you as you're trying to get to extraction. I like it. Corpus sabotage has a bunch of extra objectives to make it interesting and void sabotage has cache hunting which is great.

Mobile defense is meh. Mostly because defending the terminal is almost never an issue and the mission becomes a waiting fest.

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