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Star Chart 3.0 Feedback [Megathread]


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4 hours ago, CrisFenix said:

I dont like this star chart!

Why did you change the main missions? Why did you rip Draco and Triton? This doesn't make any sense!

Before the update Draco was a mess, too much enemies spawning too fast, but now we got nothing!   

Where we will level up? Where we will drop t3 Keys?  

And the zoom its not good for use with gamepads, sometimes fails


There is new excavation mission on Neptune that drops T3s... I think. Don't quote me. 

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The main problem that I have with the star chart rework is the nerfing of credits gained. I don't see any good reason to nerf the credit gain that we had before. Surely high tier nodes like Sechura and Hieracon might need to be toned down, but really? You guys nerfed the credit gained too much on almost everything, from void to dark sectors. I'll take Sechura as an example. It used to be around 20k mission reward run before SOTR. Now, it's only 10k mission reward per run. If you guys nerfed it to like, 70% of the previous ones, it's not a big deal. But now we have around than 50% of the credits before the update.

I think this won't be much of a problem if we have cheaper items in the game, but no. It still takes millions of credits to max a rare or legendary mod. It still takes one million credits to trade a primed mod. And I bet that Baro will bring more of his overpriced items.

If this is intended to make people play alerts (since I don't notice the reduced credit rewards from alerts), then the rewards from credit alerts should be toned up. We should have alerts with high credit rewards like the treasury ships.

And I hope that this is bugged, but the sorties that I did didn't give credit rewards. I only got the credits dropped by the enemies. I hope that this isn't intentional.

Other than the credits, I mostly like the star chart rework since it adds immersion to the game. I hope that the nodes in the map will be made bigger since selecting small nodes is a bit annoying at the moment.

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Problem that occurred to me today: Jupiter is still the only place that drops neural sensors, but it's jumped up a few places in the planet progression hierarchy. This means that new players looking to craft a warframe are out of luck for quite a while.

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Now that you mentioned during TennoCon that the junction requirements are easily customizable I'd like to remind you that during the Natah quest Teshin suddenly appears and calls you "my pupil" and the new player who never visited the conclave is gonna be like "Uh? Who's that?", so maybe have the player at least participate in the conclave once, not necessarily winning, so they know who Teshin is?

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Issue 1:

MAJOR issue for me - on alert, invasion, syndicate mission, it's not possible to do normal mission on any node
with StarChart2 I could  choose one but with StarChart3 I cannot.
IDEA: when howevering with mouse over a node with multiple missions let it "expand" into 2+ more paths with "subnodes", each subnode would be specific to each mission, ie. one subnode for normal mission, one for alert, one for invasion, one for syndicate etc - this way it looks cool, doesn't clutter the map, only seen when expanded and offers access to all. When move mouse to other node, it hides existing subnodes from previously hovered node.

Issue 2

The toolbar on navigation takes to a planet and does not highlight or start the mission in question, I think it should start it

Issue 3

On connecting to new VOID mission, it's difficult to get a team straight away (at least for now for me) however each time I re-start attempt (sometimes automatically) I have to select the relic again, why it cannot take the same one I previously selected (especially when it restarts automatically)

Issue 4

Junction missions offer "Repeat" button at the end (when back at the ship) but one cannot repeat it.
Wouldn't mind be allowed to repeat it (even without drops), as the animation is cool etc, otherwise you should remove the button there

Issue 5

More of idea, new extractor  button is very neat, UI-wise. However it still opens new window to select extractor.
Why don't you allow selecting extractor from the very same button, when howevering over it and pressing "Deploy Extractor", another small menu will slide out of the button like it does when I press Extractor button, it would allow to choose extractors there, no need to open new window completely.
Especially from design point of view, I have to move mouse across whole screen from that button to my first extractor with 100% health. Bit annoying.
Plus the button to re-deploy extractors when collecting from all same time would be nice feature.

Issue 6

"Hitboxes" to select each node are too small, require too much precision, especially on larger resolution, why not increase each node "hitbox" to be more than just it's name/icon but a bit of area around it

added more issues/ideas
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Overall, I like the new star chart.
It lacks the usability of the original, but we'll get to that.

The advantage of the initial star chart was that your direction of travel was obvious. It was a tree - if you know where the start is (bottom left), you know which direction is forward/back.
While we're back to 'map' as opposed to SC 2.0's 'nodes', the intuitive 'at a glance' planet sequence that SC 1.0 had is still lost. I mean, the order is correct, so I hope everyone knows their astronomy.
Also, nit: You'd think 'okay, the outer planets are farther, so probably harder. So you start on Mercury. right?' Nope. Probably a non-issue for new players, but I haven't rerun the NPE in around 5 months so idk.

The node icons need to be clearer. If that means larger, if that means more distinct, idk. The issue is that they  rotate. When they're facing the screen directly, they're discernible.

SC 2.0 gained the 'multiple choice' mission select. SC 3.0 lost it. Is that intentional?

The Extractor mouseover-popout is too sensitive, it re-hides the 'deply/claim Extractor' button too easily.

I hope that when/if the Orbiter is added, it'll replace the Liset (which currently orbits your current location).
(And wow, did I have a major Star Control flashback when I realized that.)

(Depending on what it actually is,) I feel that the Void needs more separation from Europa. Either higher up-left, as parallel to Derelict - but that might conflict with the player/squad portraits etc., or bottom right - but that's less comfortable. Eh. :/
Perhaps at the same X as it is now, but Y between Europa and Jupiter? That's open realestate by default.

That's all, off the top of my head.


Edited by Chroia
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New star chart is great! Only gripes I have are:

-Ambient background sound not tied to the music volume slider. I have my music turned up higher than the other sliders, and would be nice if the ambient sound was effected by that. And I know some people would like to have the ability to mute the sound as well.

-This might be a bug, but currently I have all the excavation missions available from the Limbo Theorem quest (I completed the quest long before the update). The problem is that these excavation missions override normal nodes on the star map. I am entirely unable to run the spy mission on Earth at the moment, and the only work around that I know of is to have someone else in my squad select the spy mission, assuming they have access to it. PLEASE have quest specific missions create their own nodes. this would be more intuitive and would allow for the nodes to stay (if appropriate) without overriding other missions.

-Some off the junction rewards seem a little unfitting to me. Why does completing a junction reward the Second Dream, for example? Shouldn't that be tied to the player completing the Natah question directly? Most of the credit rewards are very pitiful, as well. I think it would be more rewarding to players, new ones especially, if unlocking junctions rewarded them only with meaningful rewards. 1,000 credits can be obtained from nearly any mission in the game, and it seems strange that junctions reward such small and easy-to-obtain items. I suppose the weapon blueprints offset this somewhat, but why throw in minor rewards with good ones?

-The map icons seem rather small, and the Archwing ones are a little dark and sometimes hard to notice against the background.

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I haven't read all the topic so some things might be similar to mentioned before.

First look:

The starchart looks amazing, junctions are way better than getting navigation segments... After my first junction (I had every planet unlocked, still I did it for fun) I had a feeling that I've acomplished something.

Issue 1:

Now it takes longer to find specific sector. It's not really a big deal for me and I see no solution to that but I saw so many people complaining about that and the only argument against them was "you'll get used to that". I can't just ignore the fact.

Issue 2:

Bugs. I know it's only beta and bugs tend too happen but bug's aren't a good thing and should be mentioned. It isn't clear anymore how to get access to sending extractors. I have some planets with every sector available and I can't send extractors on them and also a few planets that aren't 100% completed, yet I can send an extractor.

There is also a bug that has already been reported hundreds of times: I cannot do the Jordas Golem assasination

Issue 3:

That was definetly mentioned before: No "play now" button.

Issue 4:

Junction rewards are let's just say crappy. Everyone will do just a Mars Junction to get the segment and that's all. Every newbie will just get frustrated by killing 300 specific enemies in order to unlock a new planet... and doing 3 cicero sabotages isn't unique, it's just a stupid achievement in order to fill a gap and unlock another planet. I love junctions but I hate requirements for them.


General idea of Starchart 3.0 is amazing for me but need to be fixed, improved and updated asap. I'm really looking forward to see how the Devs will solve the problem.

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1) It's unpleasant that clicking on a planet means hitting a node, even if I am zoomed so far out I can distinguish the nodes. I want this to zoom consistently. Maybe have like 2 levels of zoom instead of a nonfunctioning, granular number.

2) ON that note, if I zoom out after clicking on a planet, but zoom out afterwards and then click on the same planet, it doesn't zoom back to node level.

3) The nodes are too small. Blocks were better to click than a dot and a line of texts.

4) IT"S NOT A STAR CHART. There is like literally one star!

In short, it needs a rework and a renaming. When Sol System Map 1.0 coming out?

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The nodes (missions) need sub-nodes. Make a fork coming out of a node if it has an alert/fissure/sortie/invasion/etc... add multiple forks if there are more than one thing. Maybe even paint the fork and the sub-node in a different color (like red for alerts for example), so they'd be easier to spot.

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I think the one thing we can all agree is the new star chart is beautiful, but also like everyone else there are practical problems as a player that I see. Mainly I miss the previous node functionality where you can select and be able to wait for someone to join, right now that is not happening very efficiently as it did with the old star chart. That is my main complaint about the new star chart. 

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     I really really love the new map so far, but I'd like if it were easier to navigate around the thing. I'd love to see WASD used to allow you to pan around the map without having to click and drag constantly, as a supplement to what we already have. I feel like especially for a third person shooter, WASD integration with the map would really come more naturally to Warframe players then the current system.

EDIT: Also! It's be great if the zoom focused on the mouse's current position. That way I could zoom out from one planet and simply by mousing over the planet I want to zoom in on and zooming I'll be able to easily swap planets quickly and without input clutter.

Edited by KittyDarkling
1- better ingrish 2- extra idea
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 It isn't all bad, but seriously, there are multiple "features" of the star chart change that we have been annoyed by on previous versions.  Literally one step forward two steps back again.

 We like having the info at our fingertips.  We like knowing what mission we are looking at.  We like being able to avoid inconvenient alerts and syndicate missions.  We like seeing the resources we need for things we are building.  All things that were on forums sometimes for months before you took care of the problem and made it more useful.  Now star chart 3.0 is here and you don't include all those useful features.  It seems pretty silly.


 As for my most disliked part of the new star chart, well it's the same most disliked feature of the previous star chart, and yes it was on the forums before.  When I finish a mission, I do something, make a plan, then come back to star chart navigation to pick a new mission.  If my plan is not do the exact same mission again, then I certainly do not need you to play for me and zoom in as close as possible on the mission I just finished.  I do not need you to return me to the same mission.

 There are better ways to get back to that node.  Automatically returning someone to their last mission is slightly convenient for a few players, but for most players, it is a horrible feature.  The previous suggestion was put a button on the side or in the corner that is quite simply "return to latest node".  This return to node feature should not be the default at any time.  You should make it a choice just like so many other features where the player gets to chose what they do.  You have said multiple times that you wanted the new star chart to be accessible to players and to be easy for players to find where they last did something.  Meaning you already planned for people to be able to navigate the star chart to where they need to be.  Why does the game navigate for them if it is supposed to be so easy?

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God damnit where are my extractors? I have to zoom into every planet to find them? It was an icon on the map, and now it's... gone? Yeah, claim all, and then zoom into every damn planet again to see which resources are available there? It was a mouseover before! How is the new system better? How to redeploy extractors on the same planet?

Where is the legend? How to tell things apart? How to tell locked from unlocked from yet-to-play? There are some missions locked or something? I had all of them in the old map system. Now I haven't. And I don't know why. Old system had a counter - planet X missions done y/z. Fine.

You got the zoom feature all messed up. It does not zoom to the mouse pointer, it zooms to the screen center. Have you ever used google maps?

How to get into non-alert missions on alerted nodes? Are they locked out on purpose? This game never gave me a feeling of lore and consistency, why set up consistency now?

The new map is fancy and - sorry to say - feels like we are beta-testers. The old system was far away from beatiful, and it did lack features (no way to tell which node unlocked what). The new system is beautiful and lacks even more features. Bravo. Now I have to alt-tab out of the game (and out of the immersion) even more often than before, checking some guides / maps / whatever in my browser. Bravo again.

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On 7/9/2016 at 10:20 AM, PureIcarus said:

The Junctions serve no more purpose than the block the progression of new players... and they do not provide any adequate rewards to veteran players. I don't see why they were added in the first place...

they need to be repeatable, scale with the player and ultimately provide good rewards (maybe shadow debt mods?)

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20 minutes ago, Aquasurge said:

they need to be repeatable, scale with the player and ultimately provide good rewards (maybe shadow debt mods?)

     I think they exist purely for new players, the only reason we're doing them is due to the fact that vets have a layer of insight DE values. For new players I imagine the junctions give them pretty decent rewards and encourages them to learn more about the game rather then taxi-ing the game away. That being said I have no idea if players can just taxi anyway, but still I don't think the junctions are for vets, and they're fine as is.

    With that in mind I don't know how easy it will be for a fresh out of the pod player to get three eximus to even spawn on earth. As an old vet I don't exactly play many earth missions, but off the top of my head the only way I figured I could get them to spawn at all was endless missions. For the record  It took me 500-600 Cryotic to get three confirmed eximus kills. (Not that it was detected by the junction, but that's a matter for a bug report.)

    I used a Vauben for that mission in an attempt to have some fun with it. I was surprised how quickly the mission scaled and how much of a fight the enemies put up by the time eximus finally spawned. For me it was fun but I honestly can't imagine a barely modded Excal/Mag/Volt having an good time with it alone.

     I do think that the kill three eximus objective should be replaced, and they should be focused on ensuring the new player has a basic understanding of the fundamental skills they're going to need.

Scan Earth flora:  I like the idea of getting new players into scanning from the beginning, as it's something they can then complete little by little as they're introduced to new enemies.
Get a weapon to rank 10-20:  If they're moving onto the new planet and they haven't done this yet, they're gonna have a hard time getting through it, so this may also double as a way to ensure difficulty isn't too high.

Do a specific mission, Kill some kubrows, hack in a certain amount of time, basically anything that sets a challenge while also still being achievable.

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I put this in the General Megathread, but this might be a more appropriate place for it

Unfortunately, Junction tasks seem to have been rushed and are poorly thought out in a number of places.

 Earth -> Mars and Mars -> Phobos Junctions have the issue that they require Alerts or Lith Fissures to spawn on the early planets, which can take quite a while and can frustrate new players by making it impossible for them to progress

The one Major problem I saw however was this: Once you get to Jupiter, progression seems impossible (unless I'm missing something). Why is it impossible you ask? consider that to unlock Saturn, you need to finish "The New Strange" quest. Well, how does one get that quest? one of the tasks require you to craft a "Warframe Specter". No big deal you say, just craft one. The problem arises when you realize the low tier (the ones you get in the early planets) Specters require Nano Spores to craft. Where can you get Nano Spores? the earliest location to get Nano Spores is on Saturn.

So you need Nano Spores to unlock Saturn, but you can't access a supply of Nano Spores until you unlock Saturn.

I might have overlooked something, but this seems like a case of Catch-22 unless you get lucky and catch the rare alert that rewards nano spores

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I dont think I can add anything else that wasnt already been said, but I will say what I find wrong in it:

Transition from the Orbiter to the Starmap: Or the lack of it, the screen change is very abrupt and feels disconnected from the ship. Thats is the same problem I have with the Market.

Its hard to see when there's something going on, adding a few colors or effects to warn us that there's something happening there: Yellow for Alert, Red for Invasion, Green for Outbreak... I remember inStarchart 1.5 we had effects around the nodes: mini-explosions for Invasions, green gas for Outbreak. We could those back and have a flashing white for Fissures.

And the Junction challenges based on Alerts, Oubreaks and Fissures is not a very good idea, unless there are those types of things happening at all times in the planets that come before that junction, it will be better to take that freature off.

Nightmare missions and being able to chose which kind of mission you want are gone, there are times I dont want to do an Alert but I want to do the mission node, but I have to do the Alert first.

15 hours ago, Chroia said:

SC 2.0 gained the 'multiple choice' mission select. SC 3.0 lost it. Is that intentional?

It was intentional, there were a lot of Nodes that were "ghost towns" and they said they would reduce the number in this new one.

Edited by Venom-Snake
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I can see how the new starchart is an improvement for the new player expirience. And I am kinda sad that i did not have those kind of map as I started.

I also think as soon as I am getting used to the map navigating will be as fast as with map2.0.

But it feels a bit rushed. Nodes could be bigger so that I can click on them a little faster since now I hardly hit them.

Also more information without the need to click onto something. Resources the planet drops. Type of mission of the node. Multi node selection. So many things could be improved.

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On 08/07/2016 at 9:59 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 1



  • Adjusted the position of the Tenno in the background of the Star Chart.
  • Completed nodes will now connection lines to Solar System shortcuts.
  • Removed the Natah and The Jordas Percept quests from Junctions as these are given out through server rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with the Vor’s Prize Junction task not being properly completed if the player elected to skip it.
  • Fixed aspect ratio of credits icon in junction rewards.
  • Fixed a display issue that would cause the Star Chart to appear incorrectly when playing with a 21:9 resolution.
  • Fixed an issue with players being able to load into Junctions after meeting the requirements but not having completed the previous node.


  • Fixed progression blocker due to ramp refusing to budge in Second Dream quest mission.

Hotfix: Specters of the Rail 2

  • Potential fix for a couple of progression stoppers related to the Chroma quest: 

I'm sorry about the delay in updating this thread. It's been an insane weekend filled with amazing fans and an incredible amount of feedback. To everyone who commented: thank you! We're working hard on another hotfix as we speak(type?).

Quoting this newly added hotfix info for visibilty.  

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  • My warframe hasn't sigil in his chest in new star chart in background



  • I heard translators can't change fonts in game, so i decided to write it in English forum. New font in new star chart is awesome, but in Polish version of the game there is ugly (maybe arial?) font. I'll be very pleased if you'll change it.

Question for English and other players - It looks ugly, isn't it? :/ 



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@[DE]Taylor  That solves only a tiny bit of problems that community is talking about but I'm not trying to be rude. Keep up the good work!

I have found what's the thing with the issue I was talking about earlier:

15 hours ago, Nerfoxbylozajete said:

Issue 2:

It isn't clear anymore how to get access to sending extractors. I have some planets with every sector available and I can't send extractors on them and also a few planets that aren't 100% completed, yet I can send an extractor.

Here are two screenshots that should explain what I'm talking about:


(sector names are universal, other text is unfortunately in Polish)

Situation 1:

Here is Jupiter, as you can see I have 2 dark sectors that I have never been to and I can launch an extractor.


Situation 2:

Here is Europa and I have one regular sector that isn't yet unlocked and because of that I cannot deploy an extractor.


So what's the problem?

The problem is that dark sectors have the same icon as regular ones, there is even more - there isn't any information about which sector is dark and which isn't without selecting it and there is no information about how many sectors you need to unlock/how many you have unlocked to be able to deploy an extractor.

I'm terribly sorry for saying that is a bug - it isn't, it's just inconvinience.

6 minutes ago, ReZZo said:

Question for English and other players - It looks ugly, isn't it? :/ 

Lol I have never thought that font could be different in other languages. I have no problems with that although I admit it looks better in English. I would like to see no overlapping text before better font. :)

Edited by Nerfoxbylozajete
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Please bring back mission confirmations. I feel like the new design is streamlined for console/gamepad controls, but being dropped in a mission every time the cursor drifted over a node when I click the mouse to drag across the map, is soooo frustrating as a keyboard/mouse player.




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