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Specters of the Rail General Feedback [Megathread]


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so the new map, it looks nice, but simple navigation is a pain in the hind end. it wasn't until this map interface i discovered i need a new scroll wheel as without it working perfectly this is the most enormous pain to navigate, click drag doesn't work in a linear fashion depending on where on the map either so control speeds are weird at times.


as to the market when i first opened the new one up to try to find some weapon blueprints i was lost. found the home button unfolds by checking the thread on it(not intuitive, possibly due to size of indicator on home button and or color scheme), then proceeded to almost ragequit when the first weapon i opened only had two tabs, neither of which was where to find/blueprint. if i hadn't tried a handful more that could have been it right there. 


may i suggest making the blueprint the default listing and the buy it now for plat the mid button based on your stated design intent with this?

also could thee pretty please be a sort choice between plat prices AND credit prices for the bp, as right now you have to manually open and click over on every single entry to find the price for the bps if you are just trying to find a next item to level/try in your credit budget at the instant. obviously this becomes very very annoying.

next up, i find myself wondering what it would have been like to try to get out of earth to farm up rhino etc bits given the apparent need to kill a frost frame to exit earth the one path. danged thing effectively one shot me a few tries through and it felt like the only reason i got it done was thanks to having farmed beyond that point in the map prior to update.

also and i'm not sure why this would be, but there is no fallback reward for quests that were buyable before the update but now come from junctions.

like i had patient zero and hidden messages etc before by buying the plans from the market before the update, and now they are rewards.

further on that point i was in progress on new strange, needing one more elite arid lancer scan for the current step in progress. now the quest tab takes me to a place on mars(hellas specifically) where no elite lancers spawn, and the scanner has no trails to follow. i checked the wiki and it pointed to phobos for the quests, but those zones are now corpus. so i have no idea how to actually complete the quest now.


similarly its massively hard to find the dark sectors one is looking for readily anymore, and the point icons for different mission types are WAY too small for clarity and ease of navigation, to say nothing of i have no idea what happened to nightmare missions or how to identify them.


oh one more thing, occasionally i am finding myself getting mildly nauseous now, and it wasn't until i was in an outdoors area  a few times i figured out why. i think theres some bugs in your new positional audio causing sounds to be reversed when they shouldn't, on he stereo channels causing some neural conflict between visual sense and auditory sense leading to the momentary stomach twisting(vision is dominant).


as a newer player i was impressed by the patch process you guys do, and a lot was very very neat like the login changing to your equipped frame from excal, all the smoothed transitions mission to ship and back etc.


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There has been a huge problem with matchmaking for some time now where the game finds you a match and then dissolves it making you have to click on the "ACCEPT" button again. This has been a commonly reported issue in every major event, alert or really any node where there was a great concentration of players at the same time.

The problem now occurs in the Void Tear missions where you have to select the projection and click OK every time that happens resulting in an extremely frustrating and tedious process. I'm talking about this: (sorry about the poor quality)


The ideal solution would be to fix the underlying matchmaking problem, but right about now, I'd settle for not having to select the projection every times Matchmaking craps out on me.


Edited by Daemonicvs
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My feedback for the specters of the rail update is mixed

The starchart 

I like the design, I think the overall level modification and the change is better than the previous one. HOWEVER, I do find it very hard to read the small font especially on higher resolutions, and sometimes the lensflares do seem a little of a hindrance for legibility. The pathing between nodes however is my main issue, since now I have no idea what I have and haven't unlocked when roaming the map. I can't seem to make out any difference

The Junctions

Of the two that I've managed to do I found the change extremely underwhelming. There was literally no challenge in the two that I finished, literally a walk in, shoot once then finish.  The rewards were terrible, and we were lead to believe there would be some point for veterans to actually do them. A boltor blueprint, or a lecta blueprint etc are NOT things that make me feel rewarded after doing a bunch of missions to unlock it only to receive crap I could get easily in the market. 

The Void

Hate to say this but the new void missions feel almost like a ripoff to me. The couple that I did gave me nothing. Literally. I get better credits, exp, mods, whatever in any other factions higher level content. At least in the old void you felt rewarded at the end, even with forma

Void tears

A little explanation would have been nice. I almost failed closing the one I did because the void energy wouldn't actually get put into the tear until I spammed the button while jumping at it. 


It feels like I'm fighting this new system even more than the old one, especially in confined spaces which most of the corpus archwing is. I crash into walls every time I turn, and then the camera flips around by itself even when I'm moving relatively slowly. And sometimes when I turn hard one way, the frame and camera keep trying to turn back the other way during the turn. It makes you feel rather motion sick


I'm yet to get any DNA so I can't say whether or not I like them, however the DNA is way too hard to get given that you need 20+, as well as the Hyekka Masters seem to not be anywhere on the starchart now besides randomly appearing when I do ODE. But OMG please let me get a feral kavat as my pet. They look sooo much better than the tamed ones. 


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Was it really necessary to fill every level with explosive barrels making it impossible to use long reach weapons without blowing oneself up. Of course there is also an explosive barrel next to every loot crate so you can't use melee to break the crate, you have to shoot it.

Just a crappy negative QOL thing that adds nothing to the game.

Also, did you fiddle with the Z axis? Mods that are high above or below you often don't show on the minimap if you have the various radar mods equipped.

The new frame-related icons on the minimap are terrible, you can't see which frame it is without a magnifying glass and all it does it obscure other information such as mods, enemies and the direction to the next target. Revert please, negative QOL instead of benefit.

Edited by Zaniel_Aus
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1 hour ago, Raven_Face said:

Some of the Junction quests are very impossible under the current state of the game (full of bugs and uncoded features), and they need to be changed or reworked


1) Complete 3 Nightmare difficulty missions - This is currently impossible because the new starchart does NOT have the ability to let us choose default layered missions, like when a node had an Infestation Outbreak, Nightmare Mode and Alert happening at the same time. Since Sortie, Alert and Syndicate missions take priority, the default mission can NOT be selected, and for a new player, this means they cannot clear a node to advance to the next one. Currently, either the server doesn't put Nightmare status on certain missions nodes, or the current build of the game doesn't have Nightmare missions (but Nightmare Alerts instead).

Earlier, I had attempted to clear an Ice Storm alert, which counts as a Nightmare difficulty mission by all senses of the word. The Junction did NOT register it. If doing it doesn't register, and I have to repeat the same process 3 times without Nightmare missions, this is simply impossible.

2) Seal 3 <Insert Tier Name> Fissues - This one is bugged. I could get a single count to register in the Junctions, but consequent tries did not register. This has to be changed to something else or fixed with all due haste

3) Support either Grineer or Corpus in an Invasion - This one is impossible. I supported Corpus faction against Infestation yesterday and it did not register.

4) Obtain 3 Mods from Orokin Principles Challenges in Lua - This is forcing players to co-operate in something, and no one wants to go through the Lua missions when they don't offer incentives at the first place.

1. I agree. We need the ability to choose the default mission or any layer in the node freely.

2. It's "Seal 3 fissues on the planet it asks for". Too bad it don't say it.

3. They mean invations of Corpus vs Grineer. Infestation is an "Infestation Outbreak".

4. You can solo all the principles challenges.

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5 hours ago, Ocaz said:

I don't believe this was a necessary update. It didn't add anything it just changed stuff to be more complicated. Not in a good way either.

(TLDR below)


The only flaws fixed with this "Update" and the old ways was a new way to acquire prime parts. But essentially its the same exact thing. But at least i dont have to do strenuous missions over and over for a single part.


The remainder is not great. I enjoyed the previous star chart. It was simple and easy to memorize the game modes based on name. Navigating through the unnecessary adjustments to the map takes more time. While i still have the names memorized i have to find the itty bitty text that says the name of the mission im looking for. Navigation is now much more annoying. Star chart 2.0 had everything laid before you. Easy highlighting would give you all the information you need to prepare. Now i have all this extra stuff distracting my view of the mission nodes i want to find. 

The void segment for the ship is not necessary. Having to complete tasks just to get back into the void to earn rewards is completely ridiculous. I've played for nearly 3 years now. And im forced to fight level 1 enemies and do missions way beneath me to get some segment to continue finding parts i need for new primes. It may be a one and done, but as of writing this review, there are no earth alerts which is clearly what the mars junction wants because i took out a saturn alert and didnt progress on the mars junction. It literally says "Complete 1 alert" why do i have to wait for RNG to place an alert on earth? When an earth alert shows its head, will i have time to complete it? Why is the segment given there in the first place? Shouldnt it be in the market for credits? or a quest you can complete ANY TIME? Instead of forcing me to fight level 1 throwaway enemies couldnt there have been something different? Maybe lore as to why i need to use these things to make prime stuff? complete nuisance. utter nonsense.


Market 2.0 is annoying to navigate. Half the screen is used on complete blackness. the other half is used for 3-4 items at a time. Category browsing is only good if i can see the entire category. So i know if my item falls under the category or not. I spent about 10 minutes looking for the void relic segment before i realized its some star chart reward. I tried to find it under gear and miscellaneous and due to the small size of the icons in the market i double checked about 6 times each time doing my searching slower. The reason being that i had found the void segment machine on my ship and figured it must be in the market and i could find it really quick. Until a few minutes passed and i had to google some reference notes.

Star Chart 3.0 is inferior to star chart 2.0. Ill explain with an analogy. Imagine trying to build a Red and Blue Lego house. Your brother, Star Chart 2.0 has his legos sorted in different boxes of which he color coded. Your brother isnt the most perfect person, so he has a few yellows in his red box and so on, but the majority of the box is one color. and now you. Star Chart 3.0 have just bought a new lego set and dumped it all into one box. Sifting through the yellow and green bricks could take a while. Especially near the end when there are only a couple of red bricks left.


Kavats? I'll let you know in 3 days cuz of required waiting. Just more waiting. Expected. I wouldnt say im used to it, id say im numb to it. It still hurts me but just lesser so.

Specter rail thing? well whats the point if the objective isnt done? I have to wait to get an alert for the earth one, that left me sour so why should i have to do all these other really easy things ive done a bazillion times to get the rewards for it. Ive collected over 10 thousand fusion cores. Now i gotta get more of them. Kill 150 of a specific enemy class. Ive done all these. Making it mandatory to do so is like being told to do something you already have done. Which is exactly what it is really.


Taking the Nintendo approach to something is not the best idea. Not for Nintendo and certainly not for an MMO game. Trying to make a game user friendly that is an ever living thing will certainly upset older players. Newer players are great. But give us options too. I dont want to kill 150 level 1 enemies because ive already killed thousands of them. Making it a pre-requisite to get something that helps me continue doing what im supposed to do as a veteran player is incredibly annoying. i have to go out of my way from enemies in my criteria to do this to be able to collect prime parts. Im trying to get Vauban Prime and now i have to do these super specific things before i can RESUME doing so. Im not quite sure whom would enjoy the new crazy star chart layout but kudos to them if they do. Its a crazy wild layout of nodes id honestly just rather have a list or a spreadsheet to select my mission in place of this. I could collect all the info without even having to mouse over anything.


I dont like to take the fun out of anything when its there, but the update changed mostly the UIs of the game and added space cats. Kind of feels like each menu was given an unnecessary extra layer or 2 to eat up my time. What with the other problems in the game such as collecting prime parts not being such a time vacuum or strange finicky matchmaking or all the strangely bad weapons or outdated warframe abilities needing work, im pretty sure i was selecting missions just fine, buying my items in the market pretty easily and having extra time afterwards to do some bobble-head admiration was a more simplistic feeling which in turn adds to the charm of the game. Rapidly going in-and-out is what warframe is at its core. Finding ways to optimize time spent or reduce time spent is what the game lives for. This game has what i like to call a simple complexity enigma. The modding system is a great example of this. Each mod card does one thing or sometimes 2. It exists for that single purpose. But its the combination of the other 7 to 10 cards that creates the complexity, when in reality those other cards only do 1 thing as well.


TLDR: Lately warframe has found ways of circumventing achieving a goal into spending more time doing something you dont really need to do. Thats pretty much this entire update does to the game.

every point you made is spot on, its too bad DE only cares about revenue otherwise they might do something right for a change

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Archwing Affinitygain from Partymembers: 150-200Meters is FAR from enough when there are Maps in which we fly over 1200Meters apart from each other(Caelus as Example).

Archwing Needs infinite Partyaffinity, otherwise this just makes everyone go solo on Syrtis to Level up their Stuff ..

Edit// Blade and Whip got no additional Holstering Style *insert insanely sad face here* How cool wouldve been a Lacera on the back like the Jat?

2) Maiming Strike and Slide now works properly with Ctrl+Left Click instead of Sliding 80cm and then pressing Left Click to activate

Edited by tischkanteVS
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i would like to reprot a bug where my emblem on right shoulder is showing on my lower arm of my warframe, and at E gate on earth there is a black part of the map wich is a bug i guess, also i did not received a reward upon completing a void fissure even thou i brought relic

Edited by CroFreeRunner
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it was easy to spot at the beginning all the flaws just with the new menus and layouts, but within one day theres been more issues that have arose than any "fixes" they might have made. now melee combat feels like theres a ball and chain at your ankle because now you cant move as you perform the attack animations, which makes u drop the combo youre doing just to position closer to an enemy and defeating the purpose of combos and hindering the potential of the combo multiplier and your dps. ppl were suggesting an alternative of just slide attacking when it came to getting to another target but why should i rely on a slide attack just to move a few feet in one direction when nothing should have been changed in the first place

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A large part of this game is about combat and pushing it to the extreme. Not just about acquiring components and looking pretty.

I'd like to see a combination of new and old. Sealing Fissures repeatedly in what are basically single objective mission is monotonous. There has to be a place for endless missions and a reward system that motivates players to push farther in them as well. Otherwise, there's little point any more in upgrading and maxing out our gear. The Sorties and Raids aren't enough for long term player retention.


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1) You used to be able to click a node, and start when you clicked start - now you just instantly join a mission. Give us back the option to start when we are ready to please.

2) We need layered mission selection back on nodes.. clearly.

3) Market - it's very pretty, and irritating to use. Everythings crammed down at the bottom when you open it and it's not really enjoyable to navigate.

4) Fissures need a marker. Shouldn't have to run around for 20 minutes after a capture is completed looking for it.

5) Junctions - if we already had everything open, we should not have to complete junctions. I understand it's so new people complete things in order, but that shouldn't impact on anyone who has already ground their way around the solar system. As far as I can see, only the Mars one has a point for long-term players and that in itself was irritating having to do. It's something I'd expect to do at MR 1, not "have" to do now.

6) Solo players are screwed heavily on drops, which now just makes it a different KIND of grind. I used to enjoy running around the void when my friends were offline, now it feels basically pointless.

7) I magically have very similar numbers of all relics, whereas my keys were not this way. I think the key to relic swap was done poorly and we've been screwed over by it. Not only are our keys gone, but now they are "kinda crap" unless you grind for traces to make them less crap, which drop ???? Not many drop when you're on your own I can tell you that much. Less grindy? I don't think so.

8) Nullifiers. Everywhere. I don't need to repeat everyone else.

To me it feels like anyone who has put actual time into the game, worked their way around the system and actually played properly has been put last. No we aren't "forced" to do any of this, but to have anything "complete" again we have to repeat ourselves, don't we? Was that not even a consideration?

9) ASSWING - can we say motion-sickness? I had to add this because jfc is my head swimming. I still have a headache an hour later lol Give us a.. play the crappy old way option, please? lol

P.S Guys - this is the general feedback thread, bug report thread link is on the first post.

Edited by Zanchak
Because I just tried archwing and just no.. really.
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I love this update. My only piece of complaint is that Mutalist Osprey Carriers seriously got aggressive. As in, they are WAY more dangerous than any other infested unit (which, think about it, makes little sense, considering it's just a transport unit). I love the fact that the infested are way more aggressive, makes them so much more fun to play, but, the Carrier seriously needs checking, cause it's kinda OP at the moment for what it is.

Thank you for this wonderful update, DE!

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With this void degradation you can call this patch "Specters of the FAIL" Why did u kill all challendge in game? Simple alerts with absolutley poor mechanics of rift closing... really?

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The Bad

1. Nullifiers. Too much, too often. 'Nough said.

2. Game locks up regularly after starting mission.

3. Junction tasks are bugged (complete spy mission with 3 extraction)

4. I suspect Simaris tasks are bugged too. My old task (corrupted bombards) are nowhere in void.


Star Maps rocks, GOOD WORK!

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The "Accept" option to start a mission doesn't display, it goes straight into the mission more times than not.

Zooming out manually to click zoom to another planet can result in you clicking a mission node you can't actually see and going straight into the mission because of above problem.

The star chart nolonger has visible resoruce drops, bad for new players. I can see them if I have the deploy extractor option but I don't know if that would display if I have no extractors.

Why is there Limbo Theorem mission nodes?

Cannot see multiple missions on nodes anymore.


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  • The new map is nice, I like it. Rail junction is all right.
  • Kind of sad that the void has no real function other than argon farming right now.
  • I'm baffled to see <<<Unexpected server delay>> in solo missions. Why can the enemy shoot at me while I can't move?
  • The warframe blocks view of the weapon stats when you're modding... (On 1280x720 resolution at least). Yes, this happened after the update.
  • I find the void tear to be aggravating. A horde of nullifiers is just not fun at all. Reactant drop is low as well. Not for solo players, I guess, which brings us to the next point.
  • Still can't join random public parties...
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