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Spectors of the Rail The Good the BAD and why I am Going to Stop Playing This game


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I want to start of by saying I have seen many rants about this so i am going to try and not rant but I may not be able to hold my self in.

First lets get the good stuff out of the way

1)The specters of the rail are intresting and an amazing idea

2)The Star map reminds me of the old one and is much better. The only thing i would  change about it is the text size is a bit small.

Idk a thing about archwings as I still think its an amazing idea just poor execution and its going to take alot for me to want to try it out agian

Now lets go to the intresting new market that needs a small tweek

The Market update is nice it looks fresh and pretty easy to find what your looking for. Well almost if its a cosmetic item real easy to find it if its a Blueprint your looking for to buy with credits its not. I was looking for a blueprint in the store and couldn't find it anywhere. hell almost thought they took them out and said no more got to farm them or buy the gun for plat. which are still inflated like crazy. Had to watch a youtube video to find out how to get the blueprint. so yeah please fix that new players may get the wrong impression. 


Now to the big Elephant in the room Void 2.0

Were do I start with this one. Its an intresting idea done wrong very very very ver........ very wrong. First of it kills the need for any late game builds as now the highest level enemies are level 60 I think and well there is no reason to face off with anything any higher then that. This killed all late game content right of the bat. No more Long def Runs or 2 hour survival as there is no real point or reward that would stimulate that community anymore to do that. Hell just take a tomkor and you can have a level zero frame and still run any of the Rift, void what ever they are calling it now. zero point at all noting to do at all idk what they were thinking here. 

Now to the RNG math This is were some of the comunity members are getting on my nerve.

The Old System

So in the old void system you had keys and one key meant at the very least 1 prime item, key or forma.

Now its 4 keys or fissures w.e. ever you want to call it for one item one item (sorry bit of a rant)

now lets get down to math 

So for a good example lets take the old T4Sab key it gave out the an average amount of rewards per key around 2 items of any value in the game.

It would take about 20 minutes to farm the key with a team and the team would get 4 keys. Each key would then take about 10 minutes with a good team, to run maybe more maybe less depending how good the cashes were hidden. So 10 minutes 4 keys is 40 min plus 20 to farm the keys and at an average of 2 items per run you would get  8 prime parts/BP keys or forma in 60 min that a prime part for about 7.5 minutes of work which was about average, with exterminate and capture being faster but less parts per key and survival and def being longer but giving more stuff per key so sab was the average and that is why I chose it.

that is 7.5 min per part and 2 items per key

The New System

Okay so the new system It increase the chance of getting better loot but that is just the sales pitch to get you to buy into there new system

The RNG math of this is well way way worse

So I have played around getting the new keys ... yes I am calling them keys its easier and as far as I can tell there is no different except a new name and picture so keys they are (sorry about that said I wasn't going to rant but something had to break) .... it seems to be no different then the old way so 20 min for 4 people to get a key each. Therefor, that stayed the same.

Now this is where the math goes down hill.  ALL FOUR PLAYERS MUST USE THEIR KEY TO GET ANY REWARD AT ALL. So with the best team it took us 10 min to complete the survival mission which was well 10 min. and then we had to go back to farming keys again.

So her is the break down for 4 KEYS YOU GET ONE Prime PART and now its ONE Part per Every 30 min no matter what you play. 

That is a 400% increase in the time to get anything. 400%!!!!!

And a 800% increase in items per key on just this one key type on survival and def key this number is so high that it would melt your computer. 

Now yes you can "choose" which one you want sorta. but many keys have the same thing twice and it still spawns junk prime parts all the time. Plus idk how anyone is going to farm for ducets now its going to take for ever plus the chance system with the void fragment can increase the chance of a rare sure but honestly not by much hell that little blue bar doesn't mean anything really not sure if a full bar means 30 % or 2%  so yeah that not really a thing I can count. 

Plus the community market is well out of wake sure it may bonce back but everything I mean everything is going to cost more now.

And of you think this is a good change then your smoking the DE g a n j a

*On a side not you cant tell if your teammates are taking the right key or not or no key at all and just want to farm some fragments. so that has to change ASAP


Now that that is over lets talk about how it all works

The Void  thing now spawns a ton of enemy mostly bombardiers Heavy Gunners and nulls which fine I guess new players may die but anyone with a bit of experience can finish them off. But why in the hell do we need to baby sit a Hostage that has no health or shields when the bombardiers can 1 shot most frames. In the several games I played we had to keep reviving him all the time. one or two guys just sat back reviving him the whole time. Why is that a thing that means one or two guys get to do noting but be bored holding E to pay there respects (if you didn't get that then I am so sorry). Then I had a few rounds where we spent 20 minutes looking for the dam void thing  and could not find it in a survival and there wasn't any ls so we all choked to death and one recuse took us 30 minutes to find the dam thing. Now this problem is rare and seems to only happen once every blue moon but often to point that it needs a fix. This could be fixed with lotus telling us where it is so we do not have to find it. If she can track down a single grineer she wants as a well you know what in a pack of a hundred she can track down a big energy flux ripping open a void portal. Plus whats the point of the void now like why is it still there, it service no purpose aside form MR. 

Honestly, I was so happy when they said they are going to do away with the void and I thought that we where going to see a big even destroying the void and there would be a lot of cool things that needed to be done and then the destroyed parts of the void would spawn into the world and crash land on planets that there would be areas where you can play the void mission but with a twist like if it lands on a grineer Planet we would face 4 waves of grineer then one wave of corrupted in a def or something like and in survival it would be some kind of mix between the two but ultimately keep the RNG more or less the same. 

This system is so poor (not bad) that it honestly made me create my first ever forums post on anything I really love this game and have spent hundred of hours in it and hundreds of dollars. However, now I just don't want to even play anymore. They make more and more RNG S#&$ and make more grind and more grind. The worst is they try to sell it to us as a good thing like this new void is "less grinding", and yeah in the short term it does but in the long term it is way way way way worse. And they never fix anything that is broken (not talking game breaking  they are good with that the game runs very well) like limbo why is limbo not getting a rework why did volt get a rework before limbo. Limbo has no role he can play, sure he can play in a def but a frost is better. he is really annoying and a very trolly frame he can banish players into the void for 1 minute and then the player can't do anything but beg for him to remove him form it. Then they have these cool new weapon release that well look cool but have zero synergy or power to even play in mid game even after heavy forma work looking at you duel dark swords.

Ty and sorry for this long and a bit ranty post 


Singing out 

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remove the "PSA"tag from the headline. that is reserved for DE staff


personally, i cant comment much on the new content as it is not out for consoles yet, but i can say that i am interested in the changes. visually it looks really good. on paper it everything sounded great. execution, from what im seeing could use some work.


im still really gunning for it though once it hits consoles and i really want this to be a great update

Edited by (PS4)Elctrcstel
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After reading this huge rant, I can really agree on the whole thing. After hundreds of hours of fighting in the Void, I'm sure we all have memorized the rooms, the traps and even the hidden rooms and possible cache locations. All this knowledge is now thrown in the trash can because now, the Void is just the Argon farm station. Tell you the truth, I loved endurance Survival and Defense runs and I saw almost nothing wrong (except the intense saturation of T4 Rotation C). It was fun, simple and easy. Get a squad, get a key, get going. I heard the new update came out! I opened Warframe and jumped right in to the Void Tear mission! After three tries, my squad was finally able to first bypass the bug and then find the tear. I was excited to maybe jump into the tear and get some loot and slay some Corrupted! I hit my X button and then this blue rock started floating around the tear. Instead of the cool exploration Void we were so used to (and loved a bit), now, we have to play hide and seek with this weird orange crack and once we're there, we just kill a few things and throw some oranges at the orange tear and then we get some trashy loot. I'm heavily disgusted by this new tear sealing thing and I'm really questioning the logic behind it. I know that you guys want to help kill some RNG and grind but remember to make the game fun! Heck, make some new gamemodes or some different action in our current modes, keep the loot selection through squad choice and we should be good. The new mode is just a confusing and boring Mobile Defense, Excavation and Exterminate mix. I love DE as a producer and constant updater but I seriously don't understand what they're trying to do. I'm sorry I had to write this rant about what used to be my favorite game. Although I won't quit, If War Within is as bad as this update, I will have to move on from the ashes of the once great game of Warframe.

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3 minutes ago, NotAnNSASpy said:

After reading this huge rant, I can really agree on the whole thing. After hundreds of hours of fighting in the Void, I'm sure we all have memorized the rooms, the traps and even the hidden rooms and possible cache locations. All this knowledge is now thrown in the trash can because now, the Void is just the Argon farm station. Tell you the truth, I loved endurance Survival and Defense runs and I saw almost nothing wrong (except the intense saturation of T4 Rotation C). It was fun, simple and easy. Get a squad, get a key, get going. I heard the new update came out! I opened Warframe and jumped right in to the Void Tear mission! After three tries, my squad was finally able to first bypass the bug and then find the tear. I was excited to maybe jump into the tear and get some loot and slay some Corrupted! I hit my X button and then this blue rock started floating around the tear. Instead of the cool exploration Void we were so used to (and loved a bit), now, we have to play hide and seek with this weird orange crack and once we're there, we just kill a few things and throw some oranges at the orange tear and then we get some trashy loot. I'm heavily disgusted by this new tear sealing thing and I'm really questioning the logic behind it. I know that you guys want to help kill some RNG and grind but remember to make the game fun! Heck, make some new gamemodes or some different action in our current modes, keep the loot selection through squad choice and we should be good. The new mode is just a confusing and boring Mobile Defense, Excavation and Exterminate mix. I love DE as a producer and constant updater but I seriously don't understand what they're trying to do. I'm sorry I had to write this rant about what used to be my favorite game. Although I won't quit, If War Within is as bad as this update, I will have to move on from the ashes of the once great game of Warframe.

Yeah I feel you and I said then something I really thought they were going to do something amazing with this update  and have these cool new game mods and actually lower the Grind and RNG but they  didnt =(

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)Elctrcstel said:

personally, i cant comment much on the new content as it is not out for consoles yet, but i can say that i am interested in the changes. visually it looks really good. on paper it everything sounded great. execution, from what im seeing could use some work.


im still really gunning for it though once it hits consoles and i really want this to be a great update

yeah hope they make the need changes by then maybe it will bring back some fun to the game


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29 minutes ago, SuperGameJunky said:


The Old System

So in the old void system you had keys and one key meant at the very least 1 prime item, key or forma.

Now its 4 keys or fissures w.e. ever you want to call it for one item one item (sorry bit of a rant)

now lets get down to math 

So for a good example lets take the old T4Sab key it gave out the an average amount of rewards per key around 2 items of any value in the game.

It would take about 20 minutes to farm the key with a team and the team would get 4 keys. Each key would then take about 10 minutes with a good team, to run maybe more maybe less depending how good the cashes were hidden. So 10 minutes 4 keys is 40 min plus 20 to farm the keys and at an average of 2 items per run you would get  8 prime parts/BP keys or forma in 60 min that a prime part for about 7.5 minutes of work which was about average, with exterminate and capture being faster but less parts per key and survival and def being longer but giving more stuff per key so sab was the average and that is why I chose it.

that is 7.5 min per part and 2 items per key


Wrong. For many... nay - most, the old system was this. Camp in recruitment chat until someone is hosting the void mission you want, get invited and get primes. No key farming necessary. Farming Draco for T4 def keys? Screw that. Three minutes in recruitment chat *tops* will give me an invite.

This is why they changed the system.

Also your saying "4 keys for one item" is patently false, if this analysis is true. 4 keys in the new system certainly result in 4 items. In the old system, one sabotage key resulted in 1-3 primes multiplied by the number of players. Now it is *one random item per key* multiplied by the number of players. It's basically like the old captures and exterminates.

I really can't take you seriously when you're saying you need 4 keys for one item. 

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Actually I'm fine with the new void system. Although you have to use 1 relic for every prime item rewarded, in other words you have 4x chance to get the item you want in a single run as you can pick any reward from your team. The real problem is, getting prime junk is much more difficult now due to the increase in cost, in old system you can do KS, getting 4 junk with 1 key (tho i never do KS), now you gotta use your relic every time doing a void run. I wonder how many of us will be able to afford Baro's item if the prices don't drop according to reduced supply of ducats.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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I can't comment on the new content as I don't have it yet, but I would like too add something on the limbo topic.

you can do something about being banished other than begging the limbo not too.

if you become banished you can just roll and you will become in banished. 

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10 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:

Wrong. For many... nay - most, the old system was this. Camp in recruitment chat until someone is hosting the void mission you want, get invited and get primes. No key farming necessary. Farming Draco for T4 def keys? Screw that. Three minutes in recruitment chat *tops* will give me an invite.

This is why they changed the system.

Also your saying "4 keys for one item" is patently false, if this analysis is true. 4 keys in the new system certainly result in 4 items. In the old system, one sabotage key resulted in 1-3 primes multiplied by the number of players. Now it is *one random item per key* multiplied by the number of players. It's basically like the old captures and exterminates.

I really can't take you seriously when you're saying you need 4 keys for one item. 

well for the first part i played with clan and friends so never really had to do that 

its not false you use a key and the other 3 squad members use there keys and you end up at the end of the match and when is all said and done with only one item and 4 keys where used by the whole squad. now yes you can do  ityour self but then you lose out on the ability to "pick" and how the thing was meant to be played in DE mind.


And its just like them except they cost more keys if you have a full squad

Edited by SuperGameJunky
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Listed mia 510 said:

I can't comment on the new content as I don't have it yet, but I would like too add something on the limbo topic.

you can do something about being banished other than begging the limbo not too.

if you become banished you can just roll and you will become in banished. 

Okay didn't know that lol that was never said or show or anything ty for the information

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4 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

Actually I'm fine with the new void system. Although you have to use 1 relic for every prime item rewarded, in other words you have 4x chance to get the item you want in a single run as you can pick any reward from your team. The real problem is, getting prime junk is much more difficult now due to the increase in cost, in old system you can do KS, getting 4 junk with 1 key (tho i never do KS), now you gotta use your relic every time doing a void run. I wonder how many of us will be able to afford Baro's item if the prices don't drop according to reduced supply of ducats.

hey to each his own its just what I think am not forcing you to bend to my way of thinking just need to let out a bit of steam.

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Flaws in your calculations with prime part attainment:

1.The point of the Void rework was to reduce the quantity of void runs, but increase the quality of items obtained (no more Orokin Cells/Fusion Cores and other keys). Ducat Prices will be adjusted to accommodate this.

2. Learn all the tile sets, most of them are filled with secret rooms and areas, problem is nobody searches out for them, this Void rework will revitalize all the tiles which are long forgotten.

3. Fissures are public now, there is no need to keyshare or worry about the key economy as we now need less keys to get parts we want. 


Its only been a day, hotfixes and changes are bound to occur, like any major update before this. 

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25 minutes ago, BlazerEraser said:

People were actually happy to grind the same thing over and over...WoW.

It's a good thing, too. Because now, we have to grind a mini Excavation on EVERY prime part run. 

That won't get old quick or anything...

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6 minutes ago, SuperGameJunky said:

hey to each his own its just what I think am not forcing you to bend to my way of thinking just need to let out a bit of steam.

Well I do see your point, just IMO the change is not so big in point of getting rare prime items, who get affected the most are those players who want to farm for prime junk or formas. In old system you can do 4 runs for 4 rewards using 4 keys from each team member, while you have to use all 4 keys at the same time for only 1 reward in the new system now.

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I don't know about quitting. I always look for the good in things. Sure there are problems as the game has evolved, but I can't complain. Only thing I would complain about these days is it feels like leveling up things seems to take longer than usual. That's just how it seems to me. Anyway, this a fan-based game. We want it, DE gets to it eventually. I mean come on. We finally got the Kavat! :D 

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2 minutes ago, Marvelous_A said:

Well I do see your point, just IMO the change is not so big in point of getting rare prime items, who get affected the most are those players who want to farm for prime junk or formas. In old system you can do 4 runs for 4 reward using 4 keys from each team members, while you have to use all 4 keys at the same time for only 1 reward in the new system now.

In total honesty I wouldn't mind it so much if they made getting keys just a bit easier to get now. Not by much but easier so that its at least wort the grinding. and made some new system where late game content and long def run and survival runs were still a thing i had a reason to do them.

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