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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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Just now, Prinny13 said:

I bet its after the Mag unvault ends we will get it but i hope am wrong, please DE drop the update next week!

Mag's unvaulted for a month. That's an awfully long wait for Specters of the Rail...

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33 minutes ago, r0ckwolf said:

...if there is any offical information about the release date of specters of the rail...

Greetings, r0ckwolf!  Agree, it's been long enough since we heard anything regarding estimated release dates that it would be nice to see DE make some kind of comment.  

But that said, the reason they broke the update apart was that some things were working while others weren't, and perhaps the next scheduled portion of the update was one of the parts that wasn't (and maybe still isn't) working well enough to release.

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8 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

Mag's unvaulted for a month. That's an awfully long wait for Specters of the Rail...

True but i think this delay is more of business-wise related, DE could make more money from Mag unvault than release her in a better "loot table" than the current RNG.

I hope i'm wrong since i don't like to talk ill of others therefor i do hope DE would release something today or tomorrow!

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1 minute ago, Prinny13 said:

True but i think this delay is more of business-wise related, DE could make more money from Mag unvault than release her in a better "loot table" than the current RNG.

I hope i'm wrong since i don't like to talk ill of others therefor i do hope DE would release something today or tomorrow!

See the comment above yours. Couple = more than 1.

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31 minutes ago, FierceRadiance said:

Thought I read (somewhere...) that the final part of the update has now been delayed until after TennoCon.  Which makes a certain amount of sense; I'm guessing a number of DE folk involved in the one are prolly also involved in the other, and there are only so many hours in the day...

They didn't delay it till then that's the time they set it for so they can prob talk bout it at tennocon

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2 hours ago, Duduminador said:

A needed thread... ruined by an incomprehensible title...

That said, Second update was supposed to come on June, this was stated around twice, one of them being in the last Devstream.
It's just frustrating that every single update, ever since Sayyn Prime, was something that either doesn't cut it or wasn't the update that was expected to come, by the time it did.

What's gonna happen next: 2nd part will come around mid July, it's gonna have less content in it than what people expected (might very well be just Archwing, Kavats and Starchart), people will not be pleased, and the apologists are gona still gonna make it sound like it's our fault for not appreaciating all the work [DE] puts into it.

Specters of the rail is most likely next week before Tennocon which is July 9th. As they have stated.

Edited by KJRenz
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2 hours ago, Mutt2679 said:

It'll come when it comes. I'd rather have DE take their time and get us an update that doesn't need a hot fix within a half hour. 

It's why DE doesn't give ETA's. Too many people would be upset about a delayed update.

Except DE DID give ETA's. Two or three ETA's, if I'm not mistaken. Each one later than the last.

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57 minutes ago, ShiraHagane said:

no, because without splitting it up, we wouldn't be getting spectres of the rail at all for another month or more

This. We'd get nothing, until we get a huge buggy mess all at once, probably later than we'll be getting part 3.

Since we have part 1 now, we are already providing feedback and bug reports and getting changes and bug fixes. Now when part 2 is released, they don't have as many Lunaro threads mixed in, and not as many Lunaro bugs to fix, so we'll get bug fixes related to part 2 faster. 

Same deal when we've had part 2 for a bit, part 3 bugs can be focused down because many part 2 and part 1 bugs are already dealt with. 

Or, they could hold back parts 1 and 2 even though they are finished and ready for mass testing and we go even longer with no update at all and then when it's out there are 3 parts worth of new bugs and feedback, and it will take longer to address them all. 

Personally I want part 2 ASAP, not held back for when part 3 is done. New starchart and void blowing up and new Archwing and updated sound occlusion can't get here fast enough. Part 3 can wait a bit, but holding back part 2 won't make part 3 get here sooner. 

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2 hours ago, r0ckwolf said:


I got the impression it will come out today, am i totally off


I thought it would be today (then pushed back to tomorrow, and pushed back again til Friday) as well.
Mainly because of the last Devstream, where Rebecca said that the Specters of the Rail update would be coming in June.

Devstream 76 clip inside.



Release dates change all of the time, though this is the last thing I have heard from anyone. Does anyone have any info more up to date? This was from June 17th.

We got a hotfix today, so I'm not looking for it this week.

Edited by Keyse
Spelling and clarity.
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