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War Within Hype Thread (You Must Prepare)


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6 minutes ago, Avalgilda said:

from my personal point of view. Tenshin maybe try to lure a Tenno and make us fight each other(Conclave)

The Twin Queen is an Orokin and Tenshin is an Orokin too but Our player are a Tenno. Who destroy the Okorin Era 

if u're an Orokin what's u have to do? 


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Leaving aside the inevitable gutting of Teshin, and the completely pillockery of bringing a Prova to a Nikana fight......I am super happy to see an Operator up and about, walking.


Also, it shows us what Transference actually looks like, showing us that the Operator does control all the movements of the Warframe.

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14 minutes ago, Bouldershoulder said:

I agree with that. There definitely brews something twisted.

But after seeing the trailer, teshing saying "you have ruined us both" and since the update is called "the war within"..............

Hard to not say "teshin is a traitor indeed"

But well, we'll see.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

fighting Teshin, huh? I hope that means I get to take those Dual Katanas from him.

he won't die though, because somebody has to run Conclave and referee Lunaro matches, and ain't nobody else got time for that.

Maybe Lotus could do it. Give her a Mom T-shirt and whistle and your set!

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This is just my opinion, but the update is called "The War Within", which could mean there's a severe internal conflict with something, but with what? The Tenno? Teshin and the Lotus? Teshin and the Tenno? It does look like he's willing to stop us from reaching our goal, but why? We have to wait and find out.

Also, was that a new Sayandana the Nyx was wearing? And the Operator was speaking through her, something kind of unexpected since someone at DE said they didn't want our 'Frames to have voices, but I guess it doesn't count since it's not the 'Frame's voice? I'm probably only speaking for myself here, but I'd kind of prefer an option to hear my Operator through my Warframe instead of seeing a separate transmission. After all, why would you send a transmission to yourself when you're speaking?

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2 minutes ago, Ibro156 said:

Maybe Lotus could do it. Give her a Mom T-shirt and whistle and your set!

nah, like any busy mother she's cleaning the house all the time. Teshin will stay, but we'll just get to smack him around a bit. let's see how he feels when the Student defeats the Teacher.. this reminds me of the final fight in the first Assassin's Creed.

Inb4 Teshin pulls out a Tonkor and one hits us, before saying "git gud skrub!"

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Can we please cover our Operator's human faces?

We have the option to remove ingame Operator's messages for a reason.

On this teaser there are even direct speeches.

It's not I don't approve how lore developed after The Second Dream, but since then I'm pretending the Operator doesn't exhist.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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1 minute ago, Lanieu said:

Well with the direction of the lore, I'm not confident. At least the end of the trailer was neat consider I loathe our Avatars.

Dude. You dislike the Operators, but you approved of the end of the video....showing an Operator up and about, more active than ever?

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Well.. well... looks like Teshin will betray us..

Just like most of tenno in Orokin Era :l

He really seeks revange for what tenno did that day.

i really dont know, We'll see when The War within  will be released. Untill then my Hype must be strong!

The winter is coming.


Edited by -AizZer-
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