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Archwing is close to being excellent.


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overall, Archwing is so close to being incredible! movement that is actually intuitive with great maneuvers for dodging and 'looking cool', with a focus (in new Gamemodes) more towards larger singular objectives rather than mowing down a bunch of trash (because ground Combat is already that, having the same in 'Space' makes it boring).

some things that keep it from achieving that:

  •     there is no button to manually self right? doesn't seem to be one, there should be one. 'Reload' is unused in Archwing so there's an open button for sure. it should be quick, not super slow.
    • there should also be a 'horizon indicator', originating off of the 'default orientation' as the 'horizon'. so that way Players always know their rotation in context of the default.
      • having a Horizon indicator also helps those that are prone to motion sickness or confusion.
    • (see the zero-grav/space sections in Dead Space for a good example, you can move in any direction, but can always quickly return to default if you lose your bearings)
  • why don't we have any Inertial Dampeners? (Space Brakes)
  • the Camera is much too close to your Character. the distance it was previously would be usable but it would be nice if it waas just a little bit further. or customizable, that's always ideal.
  • too much AoE Spam - constant Explosions isn't fair, or fun. trying to identify where the Explosions are coming from when they're 'constant' is quite difficult.
  • Rolling in any direction doesn't do much, side is okay but forward/backward doesn't do anything. there's room here for better stuff.
  • i really, really, really want to be able to shoot while performing all of these new awesome maneuvers!
    • primarily that we can't Shoot while Boosting, when Boosting is important to some of the maneuvers that can be performed.
  • performing those maneuvers in Archwing also shouldn't make you holster and unholster your Weapons constanly. pls no.
  • the Aiming Reticule is better.... but still kind've meh. the look of it is good, but it should be scaled up larger so that it doesn't 'block' as much view of directly in front of you where you're aiming your Guns.
  • i'm sure this one is already known but the Corpus Trench Run Tiles aren't that well suited to the great movement we have now. i fully expect this already will be addressed in due time.
  • we still can't Boost AND move up/down relative to self. this is awful, we should always be able to move in any direction when combining with other movement in Archwing.
  • why can't we move up and down relative to self at all times? we always should be able to. no matter what speed we're traveling at, ideally even if we're in the middle of some crazy flip we should still be able to control vertical relative to self.
Edited by taiiat
adding more detail to notes. will be doing a lot of that.
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New archwing must be one of those love it or hate things.  I personally can barely get to extraction without needing a vomit pail.  It's so bad i haven't looked deeper into any part of the archwing changes.  I avoid that entire mode like the plague.

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Only played one mission in open space with it for the moment, but from what i saw it wasnt that bad, the fov is indeed a little too close sometimes but the new crosshair for example was a god send :O  

(at least for me, many times would i lost record of it since it blended in with the enviroment lol)

Edited by xxfiurionxx
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1 minute ago, xxfiurionxx said:

Only played one mission in open space with it for the moment, but from what i saw it wasnt that terrible as people claimed it sometimes :\ the fov is indeed a little too close sometimes but the new crosshair for example was a god send :O

the  grineer ones arent usually the ones that cause the problems, is the corpus ones that do..

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I find it hilarious we can boost backwards and shoot forwards at enemies chasing us... looks really funny. Something that needs fixed though is the fact you can't use your Afterburner/Boost (Space Bar in Archwing) to boost any other direction other than forward.

In the old system we used to be able to use boost in any direction. That needs to come back.

Pretty much everything else the OP said I can completely agree with. Being a pilot myself, a Artificial Horizon would be a godsend and a self-orientation button to reorient ourselves to the said horizon.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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1 minute ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

In the old system we used to be able to use boost in any direction. That needs to come back.

thanks for reminding me, i started writing the list at 0500 because i had things i wanted to write down, and then by the time i started writing them down i forgot half of them.

that was one of them!

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Just now, taiiat said:

thanks for reminding me, i started writing the list at 0500 because i had things i wanted to write down, and then by the time i started writing them down i forgot half of them.

that was one of them!


I would say you're welcome. But great minds seem to think alike. :)

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I suggest they bring the old movement back when playing trench run tileset, it's much more suited for that tileset. the current move system we have is open open space. also now, you can shoot while sprinting, which is a good breakthrough. now I can rain hell on Jordes even while he's moving 

I think there's still a lot more to be done with AW, but all in all, it was good before, and it's still good now (fun too) 

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Just now, jjpdn said:

Agreed FOV too close. Is there a separate option for Archwing that I can edit?

Horizon indicator will save my life. 

There is no separate option for FOV in Archwing, it is a default value set forth by the DEvs.
And yeah, a Horizon will. :)

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3 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

I find it hilarious we can boost backwards and shoot forwards at enemies chasing us... looks really funny.

They should fix this. Make new animations or sth... it's not nice


Something that needs fixed though is the fact you can't use your Afterburner/Boost (Space Bar in Archwing) to boost any other direction other than forward.

Didn't notice that. Well spotted


Corpus Rush is reaaaally hard, but it's manageable once you get the hang of it. Maybe a new tile exclusive for rush?

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Just now, Jeffrey94 said:

I agree that the camera is a bot too close as-is, however I don't see the need for an artificial horizon. This is space; up and down are supposed to be irrelevant.

But a button that re-orients you in space with the default or invisible horizon would be nice, regardless.

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New AW bites. Offers little to nothing better, while making me throw up while I shoot behind me while I have my gun pointed forward XD. The new movements are all over the place, the camera is at an awkward place, etc etc... I have NO clue how you can say its even close to being excellent. I must be playing some other game lol.

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1 minute ago, Ace_Kayo said:

New AW bites. Offers little to nothing better, while making me throw up while I shoot behind me while I have my gun pointed forward XD. The new movements are all over the place, the camera is at an awkward place, etc etc... I have NO clue how you can say its even close to being excellent. I must be playing some other game lol.

It does have problems, but it deserves to be so much more. :)

That's what we're here for, to help the DEvs make it better for everyone.

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It's getting better, agree with the problems you've identified. Another issue I think is the archwing environment design is a bit at odds with the new flight model.

I think Freelancer's (anyone play that old gem) flight model would be perfect for AW; you can move your cursor across the screen, in order to shoot at anything, the direction and amount it is relative to screen centre is where you move to.

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6 minutes ago, Ace_Kayo said:

I must be playing some other game lol.

the new movements let you go all over the place, which is the style Warframe has set for itself.
and i'm not normally susceptible to Motion Sickness(but i still do everything i can to keep people that are in mind). have only had it happen once in Vidjya Games, and it wasn't in Warframe.

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Just now, AEP8FlyBoy said:

It does have problems, but it deserves to be so much more. :)

That's what we're here for, to help the DEvs make it better for everyone.

Not saying it can't be, but they really just need to start over with the system. The new changes are so horribly rushed just like the rest of this update. I'm saying its horrible as it is now, and that is feedback last I checked...


Also... what a wweeeird response to give somebody that has backed the devs since the old days. I guess you missed the Master badge there...lol. I kinda know how things work already lol.

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I will dare to add my own thoughts:

- Melee seems to slow now and seems to have lost its flow. I don't know if it is a bug, but it is more difficult to hit things with melee now andI think it is slightly slower. Also the camera position makes it inconvenient

- The mini-map is next to useless right now; since there is no up, markers on the mini-map don't reflect where objectives are almost at all.

- I don't like the auto-reorientation. If we can fly upside down now, let us do it to our heart's content, I don't wan to be forced to return to default. I agree there should be a button for that.

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The new system is good for open maps like the grineer asteroid one.

But Corpus levels, full of tiny corridors, doorways and curves is a nightmare. The new rush mode is impossible, the time limit is REALLY small, so you need to go fast, but the archwing feels like a bathtub, moviment takes a second or so happen, so you will crash into every corner of the map.

The camera will spin EVERYWHERE and leave you disorientated, the minimap doesnt helps because it wasnt updated to this kind of moviment, so you wont know where to go.

I've played Ace Combat for almost 10 years, and this new moviment actually made me feel dizzy, and that never happened before.

Honestly, I liked the old system more. It was WAY more responsive, it was fast and looked cool. Now you barely can see what is happening or where you are going sicne the camera doesnt stays put.

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49 minutes ago, taiiat said:
  •     there is no button to manually self right? doesn't seem to be one, there should be one. 'Reload' is unused in Archwing so there's an open button for sure. it should be quick, not super slow.
    • there should also be a 'horizon indicator', originating off of the 'default orientation' as the 'horizon'. so that way Players always know their rotation in context of the default.
      • having a Horizon indicator also helps those that are prone to motion sickness or confusion.

if people really want 'q' and 'e' to control roll, r would probably need to become melee

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