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Archwing is close to being excellent.


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7 minutes ago, taiiat said:

i cannot shoot my Velocitus while Boosting. because it won't Charge.

*snaps fingers* Inertial Dampeners, i forgot that too.

I'm on a roll.
I think there is one more thing actually.

Sometimes when you load into Archwing, you spawn with your normal PvE weapons for on-land combat. My Nikana and Soma Prime were both in my hands while I was leveling the new burst-fire Arch-gun... (forgot its name already.) I think that is a known bug though. Looks super funny to me.

Um... let's see. This may be related to Inertia and whatnot, but when trying to activate Itzal's Penumbra ability, back in normal Archwing you could press 2 and you would stop completely upon casting it to stay cloaked. With this new system, you cloak for just a second, but your inertia continues to pull on you and uncloaks you for a few seconds... until you lose all of it, then it reactivates.

You can add that to your list if you want. That's all I got for now.

Edited by AEP8FlyBoy
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29 minutes ago, taiiat said:

i cannot shoot my Velocitus while Boosting. because it won't Charge.

Every other weapon works, including the Corvas (which has the same charge mechanic as the Velocitus) so it looks like you're just hitting a glitch

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3 hours ago, taiiat said:
  • the Camera is much too close to your Character. the distance it was previously would be usable but it would be nice if it waas just a little bit further. or customizable, that's always ideal.


Until this is fixed I can't play AW. I got space-sick last time from the too close camera view. Thanks.

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1 hour ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

Um... let's see. This may be related to Inertia and whatnot, but when trying to activate Itzal's Penumbra ability, back in normal Archwing you could press 2 and you would stop completely upon casting it to stay cloaked. With this new system, you cloak for just a second, but your inertia continues to pull on you and uncloaks you for a few seconds... until you lose all of it, then it reactivates.

i had that problem (a lot) previously as well. primarily if i didn't sit around and wait for a couple seconds after letting go of movement before activating it (so yno, trying to play with some level of Skill). letting go of movement and casting immediately after caused that to happen a lot, even though i did do it in the right order for it to work.

somewhat worse now, ofcourse.

1 hour ago, TARINunit9 said:

Every other weapon works, including the Corvas (which has the same charge mechanic as the Velocitus) so it looks like you're just hitting a glitch

maybe. i wouldn't know because Velocitus is the Weapon i use.
i'll take your word for it since i'd rather cut a toe off than use Corvas. thing still hasn't been fixed.

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I've been thinking about archwing and what I think it really needs to rethinking is its melee combat system.  The melee button feels like this auto mated whack a mole where you just look in the general direction.  That's pretty boring honestly and no matter how much you improve the movement the whack a mole no thought melee button animation gets tiring.  So what I was thinking what if there was a semi lock on system for melee where you booster melee in with well for me L1 circle like a slide kill and they redesigned the melee to be limited to booster fuel.  I know I'm throwing a huge mechanic in our face and your like who the hell are you.  Come on mashing melee button is boring and will never make a archwing a good gamemode.  

Really though what if we simply moved a little faster but booster for melee attack and sprinting were a time limited resource that auto replenished itself?  I think it would drastically improve the general gameplay for people who get stuck in a repetitive motion playing archwing bashing melee.  Second suggestion in relation to such a change is make all enemies  larger to help those finding themselves entering shooting gallery mode. Also seriously how are we intended to kill the grineer shielded ships without killing ourselves meleeing into them I haven't figured this one yet..

Edited by (PS4)Del-ProdigyT
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So this is what I was able to do, and by no means I believed I was a good archwing player, in the first 30 seconds I evade a couple of laser barriers, and I really like that, but now I can´t do it, and that was really cool for me. OP mentions that now we can look cool, but I have yet to see that, the new mission types have been fairly frustrating and have not been able to complete one, I expect to get better in the following days, for now I ask if someone knows or has a video where they actually do cool stuff, maneuvering and such.

I apologise for the quality of the video. thanks for reading.


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yeah, i definitely can't use my Weapon while doing much of anything while Boosting. because you can't shoot while performing maneuvers as previously stated, and moving any direction but forwards while Boosting performs a maneuver.

the super easy solution is to allow shooting while performing maneuvers because that is the style of Warframe. it's also what i want, because being able to move around and shoot at the same time feels good.

14 hours ago, (PS4)Del-ProdigyT said:


i don't see how adding Stamina back to the game does anything positive. just have self control and don't constantly use Melee if you don't want to and you find it boring to.

it's also for the best that the standard Archwing movement speed is how it is, so you can adjust your location without slamming into walls and aim without ending up outside of the map. for here, like with ground Combat, a 'problem' with Sprinting or performing maneuvers of some sort isn't really a problem, because that's a core leg of Warframe in the first place. Warframe is not a Tactical game, nor does it try to be one.

13 hours ago, Pavelord said:

for now I ask if someone knows or has a video where they actually do cool stuff, maneuvering and such.




Edited by taiiat
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At this point I think DE are better off admitting mistakes and just scrapping Archwing entirely. Its been nothing but a drain on resources for a mode so very few people enjoy, and even after all this time, it does nothing that other dedicated space games do not do better. 


Besides, to fix it - and I mean fix it, not half &#! bandaid it - you need:

-Real 6-DoF movement (which this isnt)

-Better FOV

-A radar that can convey altitude of objects and enemies 

-Missions that actually focus on flying, NOT sitting still in space (pursuit was a good start, but its basically yet again Defense in space at the end. Not fun).

-A movement and control scheme that are entirely separate from the main game

-Less grind

-More mission nodes

-STRONG incentives for people to go back and try yet another revamp of a mode few of them liked in the first place, at a strong risk of having wasted another six months to a year of dev time on a mostly dead mode.


Can all of this happen? Possibly? Should it? In my opinion...No. Warframe has enormous, glaring issues in the parts of  the game the bulk of the community does enjoy. Issues ignored for far too long. Until those are squared, I think that is where DE's focus needs to lie. Not on some mode they haven't managed to make either relevant or enjoyable in two years of dev time, in the eyes of the bulk of their community.


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9 minutes ago, SaucyTuckermax said:

The Devs themselves have often described it as 'space ninjas' what is the game about then?

from Day one, Warframe was built and intended to be a 'Space Mercenaries' game. and it is exactly that. 'Space Ninjas' is Community coined, adopted Marketing because it sounds fancy and hip.
but that's another Thread.

3 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:


it does not detract from development of the primary aspect of the game anywhere near as much as you suggest. there's more than enough Staff to do more than one thing at a time.

most of the things on your list are small time anyways. things that are <= a week of time.

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Just now, taiiat said:

from Day one, Warframe was built and intended to be a 'Space Mercenaries' game. and it is exactly that. 'Space Ninjas' is Community coined, adopted Marketing because it sounds fancy and hip.
but that's another Thread.

it does not detract from development of the primary aspect of the game anywhere near as much as you suggest. there's more than enough Staff to do more than one thing at a time.

most of the things on your list are small time anyways. things that are <= a week of time.

I understand where you are coming from. But the fact is, it DOES detract from the game's primary focus. Or from the resources used for that. It might or might not be a large takeaway, but it is a takeaway. And right now, that matters more than ever, as is obvious from the state of the game...

All of which is to say: The budget for those working on archwing, and their resources, comes from the same budget used for the rest of the game. So yes, ultimately, Archwing is detracting from development of the main game. And however small a drain it is, right now, Warframe itself sure could use those extra hands...

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The FOV and the auto-orient are the two worst parts of Archwing in my opinion. The FOV is so close that I can't go one mission without having to stop playing for an hour to rest my eyes. And if DE wants us to fly with 6 degrees of freedom, then give us 6 degrees of freedom. Don't go halfway and think that that is enough. I've never played a flight simulator with controls this bad. Either lock the perspective so that we are flying on a 2D plane or get rid of the auto-orient, provide us with roll controls, and and redesign the corpus levels to fit the new playstyle. At the moment, Archwing is more unplayable then when we were locked to a 2D plane.

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16 hours ago, (PS4)Del-ProdigyT said:

I've been thinking about archwing and what I think it really needs to rethinking is its melee combat system.  The melee button feels like this auto mated whack a mole where you just look in the general direction.  That's pretty boring honestly and no matter how much you improve the movement the whack a mole no thought melee button animation gets tiring.  So what I was thinking what if there was a semi lock on system for melee where you booster melee in with well for me L1 circle like a slide kill and they redesigned the melee to be limited to booster fuel.  I know I'm throwing a huge mechanic in our face and your like who the hell are you.  Come on mashing melee button is boring and will never make a archwing a good gamemode.

Two issues with archwing for me are the melee (as described above), and the fixed FOV (would like this to be variable).

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after having played with Rotating relative to self for a while... something feels wrong about it.

i don't know what, maybe it's the delay between pressing the buttons for it, and it actually starting to move. maybe not. all i know is that it doesn't feel how a Rotate should be feeling.

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I haven't seen anyone talking about this, everyone is currently focused on the other archwing changes, but from looking at the Wiki, certain archwing weapon parts now seem to be from factions only? Is that correct, or did they just not update the wiki to the new locations yet?

IE: if I want a centaur I have two of the reps for two of the parts, but the third piece requires a rep I can't have while having the other two. If factions are really the only way to get these items now... does that mean DE is essentially forcing us to trade to acquire certain items now? 

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29 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

but from looking at the Wiki, certain archwing weapon parts now seem to be from factions only? Is that correct

for much of the Archwing Equipment(not all but most), i believe that is infact the case.
since they weren't really replaced with anything meaningful in the Missions they were removed from, i don't see why they were in the first place.

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On 7/12/2016 at 8:12 PM, Dumfing said:

if people really want 'q' and 'e' to control roll, r would probably need to become melee

On 7/12/2016 at 8:16 PM, Stoner74 said:

Why not Q and R for roll? Both are unused and are not super awkward.

Custom key bindings...

On 7/12/2016 at 8:26 PM, taiiat said:


absolutely. a button to 'fix' manually rather than 'auto fixing' is much preferable.

it doesn't matter what keys (note i don't identify things by button but Function.... just like telling someone there's an Enemy to their left is useless, only Cardinal/Degrees is useful), because buttons can be Rebound.

Thank you for being the first person ever to understand this. 



I would really like the main game / Archwing / Lunaro separated controls to... 

1. Have the bugs fixed

2. Be customized to game mode, ie, jump in Archwing? Why is there a binding with that name in Archwing? And why isn't boost a separate binding? 

3. Have separate options, especially Sprint Toggle 

4. Per-Weapon (including Exalted) melee auto targeting settings. 

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