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All jokes and salt aside: Does anyone actually LIKE the new Archwing 6DOF?


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Yes, I like the 6 degrees of movement, what I don't like is the camera angle and weird floatyness. The tightness of old Archiwng felt much better. However, in the Grineer asteroid fields (where you can't notice the drift as much) having 6dof feels and looks really cool.

Stuff just starts getting bad when you get to Corpus, but that is to be expected as they were designed with the locked y axis. (Big) Changes are still needed to what we have now of course.

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I honestly can't stand it.

Aside from the camera being way too close to the frame and the minimap being 100% incompatible with the new system and all that... our characters roll around in space, and we have no control over the rolling. I genuinely do not understand how anyone could have thought this was a good idea.

"Six degrees of control" my shiny metal behind.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Descent Freespace. The best space fighter game I've ever played. 

This isn't that. 

This is a guy on an office chair with a fire extinguisher slamming into a wall complete with shakey cam and camera flips to try make the action look better


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9 hours ago, Le_lutin_magique said:

IMO, great in open space and horrible in ship's tileset!

kinda this.

overall i think the new freedom is awesome and makes for much more authentic flying feel. but the ship tilesets do indeed highlight some of the problems:

- manoeuvrability feels worse in narrow spaces because of more sliding while turning.

- the lack of a "quck axis reset" button.

- camera's coming too close, making frames obstruct view

fix this, add barrel rolls and we're golden.

edit: i guess an option for legacy controls for people suffering motion sickness wouldn't hurt, too.

Edited by Kotsender_Quasimir
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There are 2 faces to the changes. The controls would be an improvement IF we get a roll control and the settings actually worked. As it is now it's horrible. The AW constantly turns on its own like a drunk and I can barely know where I am at that point. Also the mini-map is still 2D and doesn't orient correctly, which makes it utterly useless...

It's hilarious how they were so eager to show there are different setting in stream, only for those 'different' settings to be the same and overwrite each-other...

Edited by Demon.King
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I think we need a 'horizon reference plane' display like the hud of fighter jet so we can  tell what is 'up' and 'down' from UI. Double click 'ctrl' to rotate back to plane, or some other keys to do 'in screen' rotation. The auto orientating feature is causing me motion sickness.

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What I personally would like is possiblity of turning off auto orientation completelly on button and setting rotation on A and D on toggle too (it's now set to crouch button but seperatly from CTRL and can't be toggled). Also camera is too close for big archs like elytron, so little FoV change. Also radar map is pretty much pointless with how things are now if you fly "up" so that would have to be changed to similar standard of other sims.

Edited by Elurdin
another idea
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It's decent in open space, but a painful experience in closed spaces, the only thing this adds over the old one is turning upside down, other than that it is just a worse version of it, before you felt like you were driving something really responsive and fast and if you collided with something it was your fault because you couldn't handle that speed, now it's sluggish uncontrollable and if you don't collide at all it's because you are going as slow as possible. 

Reviving people has become hard as you can get and considering how many people rage quit if you let the die once and how hard it is to get full team willing to go to archwing, well let's just say AW has become worse than what it was and it wasn't all that popular before.

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It needs a wider FoV since the warframe blocks too much visually. Other than that, I prefer the new iteration. Like most new features in this game, it's not perfect and needs polishing, but conceptually it's a big improvement.

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I like it, and i'd give one reason for it being a positive change. Before, archwing felt like a less interesting version of standard gameplay. Now it feels more like a seperate entity in and of itself. Its more like a space combat sim and less like a slightly altered version of warframe where you cant use your frames, weapon or gear that you've spent so long gathering.

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19 hours ago, Echowing said:

People didn't play archwing because the controls were clunky (they were prefectly fine before IMO), they didn't play it because progression was slow and acquiring new weapons was worse than farming for prime parts.

At least they fixed that second issue (Elytron and Amesha come from dojos now, and the weapon parts from syndicates) and they've made baby steps on the XP grinding issue by adding in eximus units worth a healthy smidgen of XP

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I am personally not a fan of the new movement, I didnt see anything wrong with the movement prior to this update. I dont see how the new movement adds anything to Archwing at all. I would have preferred more missions, more mission types i.e. more content rather than just some eye candy.

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4 hours ago, NeonNemesis said:

It's decent in open space, but a painful experience in closed spaces, the only thing this adds over the old one is turning upside down, other than that it is just a worse version of it, before you felt like you were driving something really responsive and fast and if you collided with something it was your fault because you couldn't handle that speed, now it's sluggish uncontrollable and if you don't collide at all it's because you are going as slow as possible. 


A big ole THIS ^


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In every game I mostly orient myself using the minimap, in the new arcwing it did not take 1 minute before I had a headache trying to figure out up and down so I could find the loot marked on the map. If this system stay, we will some kind of 3D map or height indicator or even better loot indicator around the cursor so you just move the cursor toward the arrow until the loot is in a straight line.

Also, I rarely get motion sick (only when I read in a car) and I can't play more a single mission without taking a 10-20 minutes break because of it...

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I like the new movement. What I don't like is:

  • The small field of vision.
  • The inability to quickly reorient yourself.
  • The mini-map not reflecting your current orientation. This would be excused if you could quickly reorient yourself.
  • The excessive drift when coming to a stop. Previously, casting Penumbra with no directional input would immediately stop you from drifting. Now, you continue to drift, and it will actually immediately cancel Penumbra because you moved too far.
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If the this new archwing system have the Star Wars Battlefront II Space Battle controls, it would be much better and much less of a headache, i tried playing the earth archwing mission but i ended up puking, I would really just want a way to help me orientate my archwing -_-

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I'll say as good as I can... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS &%$#@!!!!
Now serious: This is &%$#@.
The new controls, as some say, maybe are good for open space, but for ships, it's a complete chaos. I tried this new rush mission and it was IMPOSSIBLE. Non of my squad mates or me were able to even reach thos ships before they escaped... We just wasted the time crashing with every single wall in the ship and skidding everywhere... Also, the fact that the camera just rolls and need you to stop to reset it makes me ill (not kidding, it makes me go all dizzy after a while...).

What i suggest here? Leave these new controls and return the old ones so we can CHOOSE via options what we feel better. Or at least, return the old controls to ship nodes.

Edited by Caitsith567
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On 15.07.2016 at 6:05 AM, SortaRandom said:

I honestly can't stand it.

Aside from the camera being way too close to the frame and the minimap being 100% incompatible with the new system and all that... our characters roll around in space, and we have no control over the rolling. I genuinely do not understand how anyone could have thought this was a good idea.

"Six degrees of control" my shiny metal behind.

I think this has been said before but it bears repeating: you can actually control your roll using Hold to Crouch + A/D, makes it loads better; I use an AuyoHotKeys script to have it under one button. No idea why there wasn't any mention of the new Archwing controls in the patch notes (it'd say tutorial needed, but let's be real). Though you couldn't be more right about the rest.

On topic. I find the concept (not execution mind you) of the new system to be a vast improvement, but not because it's more realistic. The old Archwing was simply standard Warframe gameplay with "no gravity" modifier. You had your warframe archwing with 4 powers, with "unique" archwing weapons (that are no different than regular weapons), playing the exact same missions you play on ground. Yeah, the rewards were garbage, but that only amplified the issue of playing a carbon copy of the standard gameplay with worst grind. 

At least now that they are going for a space flight sim, it not only looks different, it actually plays different. Pursuit is a great example of that. After some polish and more mission types exclusive to it, Archwing can be a fully fledged-game mode that doesn't feel like a community mod.  

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I like the 6 way movement, and that's it, I find I die way to easy, reviving is horrible and does not work much of the time, my frames &#! is 50% of my screen, I can't even see what I'm doing most of the time...

I hate archwing missions now more than ever, it's not fun for me, I don't have enough mods even after 3 months, because I hate playing the mission type, and therefore I get no  mods, your warframe choice counts for nothing, the ability's feel useless.

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