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Specters of the Rail: Hotfix 11


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1 minute ago, BigBlackCook said:

what does that mean? 

It's an expression. People who already qualify for X under the new system will be given X. In this case, people who already had more weapons than there are free slots are given enough slots for their weapons.

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Archwings Fov and cam is still Way to close causing a lot of people (My self incuded) servire motion sickness and headaches to the point that the mode is unplayable now This needs a fix ASAP. But other then that all the fixes done here were good and chanes were also great thanks DE

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Kubrow imprints are not able to be selected still. I want to combine two imprints for incubation, but I can't.


Also, where is the updated fusion mod packs? The patch notes said they would be included a hot fix coming soon.

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28 minutes ago, Orthelius said:



Evening! Ta for the newest update, but I would like to suggest a change to archwing - remove the automatic rotation that tries to rotate you to the 'normal' position (perhaps adding the auto orient to a button?) - and allow enemies to orient in any direction just like us. I imagine this will increase just how engaging it is and will alleviate the neck strain from rotating one's head to follow the archwing.

Also, please have a look at 'Europa Tileset' excavations - as quite often enemies will refuse to spawn near the active excavators, and in very small amounts. It makes it quite tedious when one comes across that sort of mission.

Finally, I am still of the opinion that a mod for kavats/ kubrows and sentinels to increase pickup range of items by 2-3 metres would allow all of them to see more play. Carrier is still the easiest to obtain and most convenient to use, which is still restrictive to variation in the same way the Tonkor is, or 99% Blessing used to be. 

Seconded, my sense of balance is based on sight, due to some mess with my inner ear,

The slow rotation makes my body think that *I* am in motion, and not just a character in a game.

This messes me up very fast in a way I will never be able to adapt to, and I actually LIKE archwing.(well, before this mess)

DE: please stop the rotation, that thing, no matter how "cool" it is, it's plain hell on people with motion sickness issues



Also, the item pickup range would really help, almost everyone I know ingame uses, and dislikes carrier.

They agree that the other sentinels and pets are way more fun... and use carrier anyway, because the loot assistance is just too convenient, and they would otherwise be spending time manually looting, which is quite boring.

Edited by enizer
I accidentally a word
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Telling us about Archwing Slots after the fact in these patch notes is not good enough.

This does not remove the actual impact of having snuck in these restrictions. We needed advance warning that would allow us to have prepared (crafted and acquired the existing weapons) instead of being artificially charged for platinum we should not have needed to pay if acting in accordance with the available information.


I will continue maintaining the thread until this is adequately addressed.

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3 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:

Telling us about Archwing Slots after the fact in these patch notes is not good enough.

This does not remove the actual impact of having snuck in these restrictions. We needed advance warning that would allow us to have prepared (crafted and acquired the existing weapons) instead of being artificially charged for platinum we should not have needed to pay if acting in accordance with the available information.


I will continue maintaining the thread until this is adequately addressed.

Agreed, the Archwing slot charging, especially unlisted, is a major **** move.

Archwing is already very unpopular, this will NOT help

Edited by enizer
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19 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Archwing Inventory system now utilizes our Inventory Slot mechanic. People are grandfathered in who had a large inventory, but future slots will need to be purchased with Platinum.

The inventory slot system you have is by far the worst and most outrages system you've ever had and has needed removel for ages, instead you spread it? I understand, that some time ago, when the game had a smaller playerbase you needed people to buy plat and the slots might have been a big part of that, but that time is long gone. Right now you should be making more than enough money with all the players buying cosmetics and your Prime Access'. The Slot system is the biggest hurdle to any new player. It should at least be tied to Mastery, giving you some slots while rising in the ranks and leaving you with the ability to buy some additional ones if you want to keep all weapons, but every player should be able to house every Warframe, when team compositions actually matters quite a lot in the game's endgame, and breed at least one of every type of Kubrow and Kavat. Slots are like peanuts to you, but mountains to those of us who are actually following the game's motto, being Ninjas and playing free. Stop forcing us to make use of the trade chat, which sometimes feels like the most horrible place on earth.

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In addition to that: We get different rewards from the same fissure with the same relics and so on...is that intended?!? Here are 2 screenshots from a clanmate and me after one run together:




31 minutes ago, Raniu said:

Still no fix for:


• J3 Jordas Golem being movable by the players on the JV trial.

• JV trial crashing the host when they enter the golem for the first nerve:

  Reveal hidden contents

• Players in same session getting different arcane rewards:

  Reveal hidden contents

• Players in the same session getting to choose from different relic reward set.

• Players in the same session receiving different sortie rewards.



Also, 1 min before the hotfix, my whole squad got logged out forcefully from the last stage of nightmare LoR trial. Thanks, DE :/


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18 minutes ago, SimpleYetcrazy said:

i noticed the Manic Bombard isnt firing there gun anymore but they are instead running towards you and hitting you with there gun then teleport away then repeat the process. They sort of act like normal Manics

Don't tell them! ;) It's hillarious.

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Wait, why make us spend plat for the now very unfun archwing. Normally I am not quick to judge but the fact that people are litterally getting motion sickness from playing the new archwing and now the additional cost for plat? come on. It's like they don't want us to play archwing.

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