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Which Warframe to buy?





I've been playing this game for about a week and have come to a decision to get a new Warframe. But the big question is which one? I am currently level 4 and I got as far as Jupiter/Saturn/Europa, but on these planets I already struggle sometimes. And when Cephalon Suda dumped a ton of drones with level 30 at me, that I couldn't kill with all 500 rounds in my Boltor, it kinda stops being fun. I also couldn't even do a relic fissure at levels 10-15.


I saw some videos, suggesting that I should find my playstyle and such, but I am not really sure what kind of playstyle I have... What I would like is not to die instantly like I seem to. It always feels like I get overrun with the NPCs in the end. Also, I play solo, so that should be taken into consideration as well. I was looking at Oberon, because of his heal, which seems like a helpful thing, but I would like to hear some advice from more experienced players.


Edit: Loki seems interesting too, like you can avoid a lot of tricky situations with his abilities, but I don't even have the option to get parts for him. Would that be a good choice?


Thank you.

Edited by Eiuf
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i'd say rather than buying the warframes you should attempt to farm for them first. save you money and all.

but my reccomendations are

all of these are pretty unique warframes, each one in my opinion is extremely fun... all be it none of them are exactly what you call easy to farm without a group of people helping you.

like i said, try farming first, if it is too much of a grind for you go ahead and buy one.

if you don't know where to get the parts to farm them then i'd suggest the wiki.

note: vauban, ash, and ivaria are a bit of a pain to get... but they are a bit more about patience than anything.

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If you have to have the frame right now I recommend buying Inaros, Chroma, or Nezha, but if you can wait and build the parts I recommend you go into trade and try to buy a prime version of a warframe. What prime depends on what type of missions you do must often I suppose. 

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Oh, sorry guys! I didn't realize that it came off that way. I do not plan on buying them with platinum. I want to build them.


Right now I can build Frost and Oberon, but I wanted to get some advice if I should get a Warframe now, or wait until I get to a boss that drops blueprints to a different one (suggested by You).

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The problem is not in your frame or weapon but in lack of mods and experience. Instead of buying new frame hold on and play a bit more. I know it sounds harsh, but just play a bit more. Read the wiki, especially Damage 2.0 page to learn what elements are strong versus enemies you struggle with and mod your weapons accordingly. Read where you can get the mods you need and play there the most. Some mods like Serration or Hornet Strike are essential because they buff damage of other mods - if you don't have any of those (undamaged!) you may ask in your clan - there is good chance someone will give you one for free. Rank it then as high as you can (R6-7 should be enough early and not too expensive).

And don't worry about Cuda's death squad - they are nasty :)

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3 minutes ago, Eiuf said:

Oh, sorry guys! I didn't realize that it came off that way. I do not plan on buying them with platinum. I want to build them.


Right now I can build Frost and Oberon, but I wanted to get some advice if I should get a Warframe now, or wait until I get to a boss that drops blueprints to a different one (suggested by You).

Frost is good, or you can go Rhino

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I was in the same boat not too long ago.  IMHO, I would recommend Rhino wholeheartedly, with a few cautions. Caution #1, do NOT let Rhino's Iron Skin become something you get addicted to/rely on.  It adds a lot of survivability, but can make you quite ignorant of the situation around you and what your squad mates are doing.  Caution #2, see Caution #1.  Seriously.  Rhino's other abilities, such as buffing squad damage with his Roar, and his amazing 4th power, Stomp, are very good as well.

Rhino can be a lot of fun while learning the ropes of the game, and helping you get through some tough situations, but he should never become your all-encompassing safety net.  His component blueprints can be farmed in short order (unless they changed it in the recent patch) from Jackal, the Mercury boss.

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I would get a Prime one, but I don't know how to get these.


Okay, well I do have a Frost on the way (I asked a bit late >.<), so I will try him I guess, but I'll continue playing and try to get more mods. Though I think I do have leveled up Hornet strike and Serration :C


Edit: Okay, I might try Rhino instead. Do completed items in Foundry stay there?

Edited by Eiuf
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10 minutes ago, Eiuf said:

Oh, sorry guys! I didn't realize that it came off that way. I do not plan on buying them with platinum. I want to build them.


Right now I can build Frost and Oberon, but I wanted to get some advice if I should get a Warframe now, or wait until I get to a boss that drops blueprints to a different one (suggested by You).

If you already have the parts for Frost, then I suggest you go ahead and build him. Make sure you put on a Redirection mod that is ranked up as high as you can get it to be, because Frost has high shields meaning you're likely to die a lot less as a result.

Edited by Scarletite
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Go Rhino. He is easy to farm and really tanky. Frost is a tank too. Either one would be great for where you are at. Check the wiki to see how their abilities kinda work and which appeals to you more.

good luck and have fun Tenno!

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31 minutes ago, Eiuf said:

And when Cephalon Suda dumped a ton of drones with level 30 at me, that I couldn't kill with all 500 rounds in my Boltor, it kinda stops being fun. I also couldn't even do a relic fissure at levels 10-15.

Sounds like you don't need a new Warframe so much as you need Orokin Catalysts and better mods

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It is better to try to earn new frames from planet bosses. It just fits better when you kill something and get new suit from their dead corpses.

Excalibur is one of most new player friendly frames.

Rhino, Loki and Frost have some uses for specific quests so good to have them.

If you join the Clan, clan tenno lab offer 3 frames to buy there.

Starting plat or small amounts is better to use weapon, frame slots. As well as some catalyst /reactor to pimp your favorite gear. Not to mention delux skins to kill enemies with style.

One frame which is most frustrating to farm is Ivara. But she is also a very specific frame, so not good purhase to start with.

If you are new maybe just play, unlock junctions and planets.


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8 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

Sounds like you don't need a new Warframe so much as you need Orokin Catalysts and better mods

Totally agree, if you get platinum, I suggest buying an Orokin Catalysts and equip it to the weapon you use most.

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27 minutes ago, Eiuf said:

Edit: Okay, I might try Rhino instead. Do completed items in Foundry stay there?

Completed items in the Foundry stay there until they are picked up. They do not use inventory slots while they sit there, so you can literally build one of everything in the game and leave it there until you have space in your inventory to grab them.

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A warframe that is fun and not too easy to get at your current level would be Ash. He is one of my favorites and it a real beast. 

he can go invisible, cause bleed procs, teleport and his 4th ability (BladeStorm) is extremely useful with mobs like the one that downed you. His base stats are well balanced so he isn't as squishy as some like Loki.

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Personally, I like Valkyr for survivability. She has damage, minor crowd control, additional mobility with Ripline, and some invulnerability/health regen with Hysteria. You'll still need some rare mods for your build (especially Rage) but once you get a decent build it's kinda hard to die. She can be obtained on Jupiter which you have unlocked.

My average mission build (not really min/maxed) ...




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53 minutes ago, Eiuf said:

Also, I play solo,

Use the recruiting channel. People will help you.
Maybe find a clan.

And if you absolutely have to play solo, don't complain the game is hard.

I know, harsh, but this game isn't balanced for solo play.
Especially not to a new player with no mods.

Anyway, like others said already, farm the frames instead.
Plat can be used better for slots and orokin reactors/catalysts ("potatoes")
Use the wikia to figure out what drops where and stuff.
Which frame? The end goal is to catch 'em all, so just go for whatever's available.

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The "fear of dying" thing is evident in all Warframe at the beginning. What keeps frames in the game are mods, specifically shield and health mods. Some frames benefit more from only one, some require both to have that edge in survival. Getting some Orokin Reactors will double your mod capacity from the market place and make it easier to accommodate those mods.

As you've stated you're having trouble with Jupiter, Saturn and Europa. I can pin point two distinct problems with the information you've provided. Corpus enemies are not weak to puncture damage, which is the primary force for Boltor, which does help against Grineer on Saturn, but not Europa or Jupiter. Getting a weapon that is based on Impact damage helps against Corpus troops. Buying a scanner from the market place with credits and  using it to scan enemies into the codex (Typically 20 scans for normal enemies and fewer for tougher ones) you'll be given information regarding their weaknesses, which helps you decide which weapons to bring in order to better handle the situation.

Some basic mods to look into finding/Leveling are Redirection and Vitality for Warframe. Serration and Split chamber for primary weapons. These are your bread and butter for nearly all frames and primary weapons, with the exception of shotguns, which have their own versions of them. I've linked the wiki at the bottom to follow up on what they do as I do not want to overload you with info. Just know if you have any of these mods, start pouring your points into them and you will see a noticeable change in time.

To explain a little more about Syndicates, they are essentially factions like the Grineer and Corpus that you can interact with. By wearing a sigil, you gain standing with some and lose it with others that are enemies with them. As you've allied with someone Suda dislikes, they will send death squads from time to time. They are meant to be a tough force, so if these are the only real enemies you struggle with, I wouldn't put too much thought into it. You will over come them with time as you progress and create more suited weapons/obtain mods. Something to note is that most are easily outrun so as long as you are moving, you should be okay.

I will agree with most saying that Rhino is your best choice. His protection from damage, CC and buffing ability are very helpful in keeping you alive in bad situations both in the early and late game.

While I do highly recommend filling in the blanks yourself to help you better learn, here is a link to the wiki if you want to get more instantaneous thoughts on things like mod drops, and enemy weaknesses as scanning can get tiresome before you are able to get the Sentinel Helios, who has an ability to scan things as you go.


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