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Restore Logic to the Void


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So, in the new Void fissure system we are collecting bits and pieces of Void energy whenever the Void, which is basically another dimension, is leaking its corrupting power into our regular dimension. So far, so good. But then, we also have Void fissures in the Void, which would mean the Void is leaking into itself? That clearly makes no sense at all.

To address this problem, and to improve the mechanics of Void reactant/trace farming, I propose the following changes:

1. Void fissures will not occur in the Void any more.

2. Instead, the Void reactants/traces will become regular drops on Void missions. Whether they'll drop from mobs or will be awarded as mission rewards is up to discussion, but I'd suggest that traces (which enhance relics) are to become mission rewards, while reactants (which open relics) should drop from enemies, just like in the fissure missions now or like the Argon Crystals in the Void always used to, but with a lower drop chance. So you'll be able to either a) bring a relic and kill enough mobs to open it, or b) come without a relic and just farm traces on endless missions. Traces should have a chance to drop every 5 minutes/waves, with the drop chance slowly increasing as the mission progresses. Drop chance for traces should of course also depend on mission tier. The chance of getting traces for non-endless missions like Capture or Exterminate should be low.

>>This will of course effectively turn every Void mission into a permanently active fissure mission.<<

3. To prevent farming reactants and traces from becoming too easy, the missions will become locked to certain relic eras. Lith relics will be able to be opened in the T1 line (from Phobos), Meso relics in the T2 line (from Europa), Neo relics in the T3 line (from Neptune) and Axi relics in the T4 line (from Sedna).

4. Also, Void missions will require keys again, just like the Orokin Derelict missions. It simply makes no sense that any low-level Tenno can access another dimension just like that, while you need special keys to go to the Derelict. Lore-wise, the Derelict Towers and the regular Orokin Towers are in the same dimension anyway, the only difference being that some were overrun by the Infestation and some were not. The new Void keys should be more easy to acquire than the old ones. New special junctions that lead into the Void should be introduced to the Starchart. Crafting the keys should require some rare resource, like some special fuel that allows your Orbiter to make the jump across the dimensional barrier.

All in all, these changes will bring about a combination of the the best elements of the old and the new Void system (at least I hope so).

- The Void will become a special place again, not just some ordinary part of the Starchart like all the others.

- Endless, high-level Void missions will again bring special rewards with them: enhanced drop chances of Void reactants and traces. The old endgame content with its challenges for high-level players will return.

- At the same time, the variety of the mission types from the new system will be preserved. If you want to go on some high challenge, high reward farming, you'll be able to do that in the Void, and once you become tired of it (or are a new player that lacks the high-level gear), you can go hunt Void fissures on the regular planets. This gives players the freedom of choice. Void missions will give you better rewards, fissure missions on the regular planets will be easier to access, because you won't need special keys for those.

- And of course, the completely illogical element of having Void fissures in the Void itself would be gone.



Edited by tomrair
eyecandy added
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So by your own idea you pretty much want the old void system to come back, because that is exactly what you would make here. The only change is you make it dumber by doubling the farming required. People would just farm the void again, requiring not only relics now however, but also keys again because heavens forbid that people who work their way to the void can now access it.

Who is to say that the void is all one place? With how it is displayed in the game now it suggests that the void is in fact different pockets within the void, unconnected from each other. What if one pocket within the void is leaking into another? You may notice that we have never found whatever it is that is causing this corruption, so who is to say that it doesn't exist in another pocket and these pockets can in fact sometimes link together through tears? Its only illogical if you stare at one side of the cube.

Edited by NeithanDiniem
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12 minutes ago, tomrair said:

Lore-wise, the Derelict Towers and the regular Orokin Towers are in the same dimension anyway, the only difference being that some were overrun by the Infestation and some were not.

No, they are not in the same dimension. Void Towers are in the Void, Derelicts are in normal space. "an unknown cataclysmic event propelled them from the Void".

Also, what @PoisonHD said.

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So according to your proposition, we would have Relics + Void Keys + Farming rare resources to make a void key, while you say in the same sentence that the acquisition should be easier than before?

I'll let you in on something, your proposition would make the system overly complicated. Why should a new player not be able to visit parts of the void? I know that the void now has lost its sacred value because you just went there to get your rare parts before, but those days are gone, I have to accept that. It is just a location now. But in light of that, before void 2.0 I was running around in the void 80% of the time. Now I get to see every planet and its environments again, thanks to the new changes and I am very happy not only about that.

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2 hours ago, Proxykon said:

So according to your proposition, we would have Relics + Void Keys + Farming rare resources to make a void key, while you say in the same sentence that the acquisition should be easier than before?

I'll let you in on something, your proposition would make the system overly complicated. Why should a new player not be able to visit parts of the void? I know that the void now has lost its sacred value because you just went there to get your rare parts before, but those days are gone, I have to accept that. It is just a location now. But in light of that, before void 2.0 I was running around in the void 80% of the time. Now I get to see every planet and its environments again, thanks to the new changes and I am very happy not only about that.

Not to mention that it was stupidly easy to get to the void before, you could get a void key after just 30 minutes of playing the game. Now you are forced to unlock the void by playing the game.

Illogical OP complaint is illogical.

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Personaly I would like to see a prime vault key. That works like the dragon keys, but gives you a a random debuff. 
In all void missions there is a chance to find a safe when you open this safe you get an old era relic(that has some of vaulted content)

this key need to has a very higth thing to build (like +500 shards+1 relic of each era+some old thing)
They can made the safe only open to 4 keys


I gess this made the void and the public chat a thing again...

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I don't complete disagree with you OP. I would like Void Traces to be farmable like regular resources in the Void, but not reactant, because, let's be honest, going to the Void is kinda pointless now, also, I would like endless missions to return so we can farm prime parts. Hear me out for a second. Right now, we run fissures, colect 10 reactants and that's it, so far so good, I think that works for like, Exterminate missions or Sabotage, but if I ran a Survival Fissure mission, I think it would be nice that after colecting 10 reactants and close a fissure, another one would open so we could then colect more reactant and close it, that way, we could make the most out of our relics. I think it's going back to what the Void was before SoTR, but I kinda enjoyed getting a lot of prime parts. Just imagine that you ran an endless mission with a Radiant relic, you have an increased chance to get that rare part you want and if after the first fissure closes you end up getting a common drop (even tough your relic is upgraded to radiant) then you can try again, still with your increased drop chance, and without wasting your radiant relic that cost you 100 void traces.

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28 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

It's a game about space ninjas doing absolutely ridiculous things, and you're looking for logic?

There's a difference between real-world logic and the internal logic of a fictional setting.

All the same, though, the Void is a place where many of the laws of the universe as we know it go out the window. Having a Void fissure inside the Void seems like exactly the sort of paradoxical occurrence I'd expect to see there.

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I don't think is illogical, we must remember first that Void and Void Towers are two different things, Void towers are buildings or ships inside the Void but they are made to keep the corruption  bizarre effects of void energy at bay, that means there is no Void inside the Void towers, so it makes sense that the Void breaks fissures inside a space with no Void presence inside.

And derelict ships are the ships that failed to go into the void when the Orokin release the technocyte virus.

Edited by Pavelord
adjusted sentence
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2 hours ago, Fantom7000 said:

Personaly I would like to see a prime vault key. That works like the dragon keys, but gives you a a random debuff. 
In all void missions there is a chance to find a safe when you open this safe you get an old era relic(that has some of vaulted content)

this key need to has a very higth thing to build (like +500 shards+1 relic of each era+some old thing)
They can made the safe only open to 4 keys


I gess this made the void and the public chat a thing again...

Vaulted content shouldnt be guaranteed farmable.

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33 minutes ago, Camelslayer said:

It's a game about space ninjas doing absolutely ridiculous things, and you're looking for logic?

Within the own game's lore, which follows its own set of space ninja logic, yes. OP is suggesting that the game follows its own rules. What's the problem?

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2 hours ago, NinthAria said:

There's a difference between real-world logic and the internal logic of a fictional setting.

All the same, though, the Void is a place where many of the laws of the universe as we know it go out the window. Having a Void fissure inside the Void seems like exactly the sort of paradoxical occurrence I'd expect to see there.

It isnt a paradox... The void isnt one single place, it is pockets of space held stable between the energies of the void. Each tower exists in its own pocket, just like how Lua was in its own pocket. the fissures can easily just be leaks between these pockets of space.

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2 hours ago, Pavelord said:

I don't think is illogical, we must remember first that Void and Void Towers are two different things, Void towers are buildings or ships inside the Void but they are made to keep the corruption of the Void at bay, that means there is no Void inside the Void towers, so it makes sense that the corruption breaks fissures inside a space with no Void presence inside.

And derelict ships are the ships that failed to go into the void when the Orokin release the technocyte virus.

The thing that makes the corrupted units is not the energies of the void, it is a weapon of the Orokin to defend their towers from attackers.

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Just now, NeithanDiniem said:

The thing that makes the corrupted units is not the energies of the void, it is a weapon of the Orokin to defend their towers from attackers.

yes, I meant the bizarre effects from the void energy, not the actual corruption of units, thank you.

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25 minutes ago, Pavelord said:

I don't think is illogical, we must remember first that Void and Void Towers are two different things, Void towers are buildings or ships inside the Void but they are made to keep the corruption of the Void at bay, that means there is no Void inside the Void towers, so it makes sense that the corruption breaks fissures inside a space with no Void presence inside.

And derelict ships are the ships that failed to go into the void when the Orokin release the technocyte virus.

Slightly on this topic, does anyone remember the event leading up to finding phobos, where regular corpus ships were hiding in the void? They clearly had no void shielding, and there were crazy particle effects going on in all the maps. I always felt kinda sorry for them, the corpus goons we didn't kill probably ended up with some sort of terrible void-cancer (probably not covered by corpus healthcare).

Edited by rapt0rman
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