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What's so bad about this war?

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You can think of the Corpus and Grineer as Christians and Muslims - both locked in an endless war with no neutral parties involved. Which kind of ended in the 19th century. There doesn't have to be a third party. Both the Corpus and the Grineer want to mine the whole Solar System, just like both Christians and Muslims wanted Jerusalem. They just want it.

It's not really explained why they want to mine resources. I don't understand the desire to have everything spelled out. If there's a conflict I find myself in, I won't immediately find someone to explain me the backstory. I don't know if the Corpus or the Grineer can leave the Solar System. So it could be that both factions want resources so they can destroy the other. 

We visit civilian places - the relays. We, the Tenno, have no business fraternizing with civilians. We follow our own path. We only go where there is conflict.  

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19 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

Meridian protects neutral colonies and takes in grineer defectors.

Veil leads a partisan war against Grineer and Corpus.

Loka is looking for a way to restore Earth.

Sequence propagates fair trade to bring prosperity to the system.

Suda explores for the sake of it.

Arbiters are the only Tenno-centric syndicate.

All of that is literally written in their descriptions. Do you even lore?

So stare at us. Not even in their missions do they do anything. We do all of the heavy lifting.

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Technically the Grineer may be able to be considered to be a separate race from humanity at this point, and maybe always were as they were a clone race of humanity and looked down on by the Orokin.


With the Twin Queens being actual Orokin if you've tracked down all the Kuria.  Who were seen as lesser because they were twins and thus too much like clones.  Which I'm thinking the Queens themselves may have been cloned a few times by now, but as we've seen from Stalker and Tenshin some of the Orokin era people can live a freaking long time.


The Corpus seem to be from a lower trade class in  Orokin society.  We still do not exactly how they work other than there at least 5 major corporations, and their society is based on the pursuit of Profit.  With various factions that we know of being The Black Seed (all we know about them is they don't care about Profit and were willing to unleash the infestation) and the Perrin Sequence (whish is kind of the Corpus reformation church)

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2 minutes ago, OverlordMcGeek said:

So stare at us. Not even in their missions do they do anything. We do all of the heavy lifting.

We don't. We help out from time to time, but mostly they do their own business without us.

Anyway, if that does not fit your fancy, then what should a legit "neutral civilian faction" look and behave like in this game?

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I've always been perturbed that we never see any civilian cities. We say we "Protect the innocent," but how much do we really?

A perfect example of a story selling the need to protect the innocent is Neon Genesis: Evangelion - which is a story Warframe borrows heavily from which I have observed. In Evangelion, every battle is around a specific target for defense and almost always the same target - Tokyo 3. Tokyo 3 is powerless against the invading force, so NERV uses the Evas to protect it. Every time a battle takes place we know the stakes of failure. We know that if the Eva pilots fail then lots of people are going to die.

Now obviously Warframe's war is a lot more offensive than the war in Evangelion; however that does not hide the fact the Warframe tells the players that there are civilians, but it never shows it. Relays are confusing, as we are told civilians can live there yet are never shown it. In fact we are shown quite the opposite - Syndicates are people who have signed up to a cause knowing they could very well lose their lives. What Warframe needs most of all for its story is civilians - people who never signed up to fight and will die unless the Tenno or a Syndicate saves them.

Why does Warframe need civilians? Because without civilians the Tenno's line during the Second Dream, "We protected the innocent," is moot. How can we fulfill our vow of protecting the innocent if we are never given the opportunity to protect any innocents?

Now, I do remember during the tutorial quest the player is given the option to save a civilian ship from destruction by a Grineer Galleon. This is great and exactly what Warframe needs more of. However I do think the execution of it is far outdated and outclassed by the Second Dream, and we know that DE could spice up that one scene alone to be a very impactful one.

In all, Warframe is a story with lots and lots and lots of bones, but the meat is still growing. One missing piece of meat is not just viable, but vital -

-and that piece is civilians.

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7 minutes ago, QuietBiro said:

You can think of the Corpus and Grineer as Christians and Muslims - both locked in an endless war with no neutral parties involved. Which kind of ended in the 19th century. There doesn't have to be a third party. Both the Corpus and the Grineer want to mine the whole Solar System, just like both Christians and Muslims wanted Jerusalem. They just want it.

It's not really explained why they want to mine resources. I don't understand the desire to have everything spelled out. If there's a conflict I find myself in, I won't immediately find someone to explain me the backstory. I don't know if the Corpus or the Grineer can leave the Solar System. So it could be that both factions want resources so they can destroy the other. 

We visit civilian places - the relays. We, the Tenno, have no business fraternizing with civilians. We follow our own path. We only go where there is conflict.  

Well the Grineer are genocidal maniacs that believe they are the Master Race, and the Corpus are a cult bent on the acquisition of wealth (which you can't do as a slave). 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)ObjectedPit9506 said:

so in warframe I've only seen the corpus, grineer, and tenno thats it so who is this fight between the three, really hurting? besides each other of course. Like really I've never seen a civilian/ neutral planet or other intelligent life forms even officially mentioned by name or other means of acknowledgment, you only go to planets that are controlled by one faction or the other, and your only there to mess there world up, you never go to a civilian/ neutral planet to defend it form an attack.


there is more content in the pipeline, that what i heared from trustworthy sources

and steve said, if you watched carefully the event-stream from their homebase he wanna move out into space ... thats how i understood it

and im shure he was not mentioning "the war within"-update

im pleased for new content since a long time, cosmetics, real cool artwork in general beside the always same environment cant blind me or keep me seriously touched ^^)

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We aren't strong enough to beat either side or both, so we keep the balance of forces - trying to prevent either side from dominating overmuch.  It's very much like "balance" forces in D&D, like the Harpers, or sometimes Druids.  Also, we try to keep a lid on the Infestation, which is a danger to everyone, so we help any other forces that are doing so too.

Meanwhile, if you're so inclined, Steel Meridian defends the weak and defenceless, the civilians and colonists who are affected by the big players' shenanigans.  We know that people are being affected all over the solar system, it's just not that fleshed-out, but it's happening, and it's easy enough to rp-lite in your head if you ally with Steel Meridian.

Edited by Omnimorph
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1 hour ago, rapt0rman said:

Because there are no alien races (currently), just the remnants of humans and their colonies, We haven't even left the solar system.


Also mars was home to the "sky worshipers", so there's a neutral party for you.

That was Phobos.

Also, there are the Sentients.

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A lot of Civilians are probably stuffed in refugee camps. Those who are lucky and where not displaced by the raging war between basicly every major faction in the solar system are barely scraping by working 12 hour shifts 7days a week, only to see there wage being taken away by there respective governments to pay for the weapons they helped to build. Their food will be rationed, and anything that can be used by the armed forces (fuel, steel, whatever) is taken away or rationed to a pointlessly small amount. That is, if they didn't drag your &#! of to the front lines in the first place...


Edit: adding civilians in missions would make for some interesting moral choices though

Edited by Dragon_AV
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You have to think that we as Tenno are always on the battlefield, and on battlefields usually there aren't civilians or neutral parties, exept when they are directly involved like in rescue or syndicate missions. This doesn't mean they don't exist. Grineer enslave physically, Corpus economically, and we fight both alongside the infestation for the sake of common people. We simply act in shadows, secretly, like... ninjas (!). that's why they never see us and we never see them

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1 hour ago, cykardo said:

Conclave Lunaro. ;) 

best posting so faar ^^))))))))))))

i have seen the"conclave-syandana" once in some mission and asked the guy from where he have that, the answer was clear

i dont like conclave as well as im close to move all "emotions" beside and work hard focussing my "feelings" to get it (^^

DE and their "carrots before the mules nose" ... )8:[=]

i hope i didnt derail the thread now

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In the Vor's Prize quest, on mission Navigation Recovery: Pacific, Earth, at some point in the mission you encounter a challenge:

The Galleon is on a direct course for a convoy full of innocent colonists.

You choose:

 - either destroy the Galleon's reactor (thereby causing the Galleon to self-destruct, saving the colonists)

 - you extract immediately?

Source: Warframe Wikia  Vor's Prize quest

This confirms that there are civilians which are indirectly involved in this war.

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